Home Categories historical fiction Fifty Years of Conspiracies and Small Plans Zhuge Liang's Biography 4

Chapter 26 frontispiece

In the deep night, as if digging into the bottom of a hundred-foot well, all the light fell in an instant. Under the moonlight, Buwei City is like a stroke in an inkstone, with chaotic water halos in the outline, and the city walls are tightly wrapped by the night.The dark sky is like an uncolored black scroll, which alone sets off a lonely waning moon. The moonlight is annihilated in the clouds, like hair cut and kneaded in the water. This city of criminals in the Qin Dynasty is like a doomed old man in self-exile. For hundreds of years, he has been quietly hiding in the ancient Ailao Kingdom with thousands of rocks and fast-flowing streams. It is mysterious and thick like a legend, carrying the eternal moonlight. .

Silence engulfed the ancient city like death, and the wind from the nearby mountains and fields blew in, causing the flags on the city to whirl and whirl, resembling the snoring of some reckless Nanzhong man who didn't know how to restrain himself.Suddenly, there was intermittent panting on the official road, like a young animal looking for food at night, and it was only after getting close that it was the sound of restless horseshoes. The rider had already rushed to the gate of the city, shouting: "Chengdu urgent report!" While shouting, he pulled a small bamboo bow from his back, pulled it hard with both hands, and heard a "swish", a golden light shot up the tower, But it was a Qiong bamboo arrow, the arrowhead was inlaid with gold.A soldier defending the city had already held a bow and arrow, and went to a place with light to examine it carefully, but saw the words "Marquis of the Han Army" engraved on the sword in ink, so they knew that it was the messenger who reported the message.

The dying city gate suddenly opened, and the rider rushed in on horseback. Someone was already waiting inside the gate, and shouted: "Follow me!" The messenger was brought into the Sheriff's Office in Buwei City. This office is a combination of barbarian and Chinese style, with blue four-a roof, tile beams and columns, bucket arches and rafters. There are also copper bells hanging down, and once the wind passes, the sound of "ding ding ding" is especially beautiful. The messenger climbed up the stairs along the bamboo ladder, and before he could stand firmly, two people rushed out of the lighted room. The one walking in front was Lv Kai, the meritorious Cao of Yongchang County, and the wife of the prefect of the county, walking behind.Both of them seemed to have not slept well for several years, their eyes turned purple from the heat, and they were tormented by insomnia all day long, so they didn't think about food and drink, and they became thin and out of shape.The face is sunken into a sharp triangle in the flesh, so the mouth looks very big, and the whole body is shrinking like a peach that has lost water, but the beard is growing wildly, hanging down to the chest and abdomen.

Lu Kai took the urgent report from the courier, and the thin bamboo slips were pressed with purple clay, and the white letters of "Prime Minister Zhuge Ling" were suddenly visible. After finally waiting for the reply from Chengdu, Lu Kai's hands trembled, and he hurriedly picked the ink pad. Because he was too anxious and his movements were not delicate, he almost lost the letter by mistake. "What do you say in Chengdu?" Mrs. Wang's eyes were not very good, and the sky was dark. He moved closer, but he still couldn't see clearly. Lu Kai handed the letter to him, and said blankly: "Chengdu said, thank you for our loyalty to the king..." The excitement jumped out of the red eyes and flowed down the thin cheeks into the beard.

Mrs. Wang also saw that sentence. He raised his head and looked at Lu Kai. The corners of their mouths were tugging at the corners of their mouths as if paralyzed by apoplexy. Weeping was not crying, and laughing was not laughing. It's not easy. In the past two years, they have been isolated in the remote and undeveloped Yongchang County. The roads are congested, and they have been cut off from the court. He bled, but he couldn't even see his master's face, let alone get support and praise.When the troops of Wu and Shu countries were facing each other, Eastern Wu sent Yongkai of Yizhou County as the prefect of Yongchang County. Yongkai moved several times to persuade him to surrender, or sent troops across the border to provoke. After mourning, he concentrated on stabilizing the overall situation and temporarily abandoned Yongchang County.Yongchang County, which lost a county magistrate, is like an orphan without a home, gritting its teeth in the bitter wind and rain. Lu Kai and Wang's wife, under the tremendous pressure of continuous support, led the army and the people to stop the border rebellion time after time within two years Going back, holding on, I thought that Yongchang County would be crushed by the iron hooves of the traitors, and my utter loyalty was destined to be swallowed by the raging Lancang River. After all, the heavens can learn from it, and finally I waited for the news from the court.

Lu Kai calmed down: "The Prime Minister ordered us to continue to hide from the enemy and wait for Chengdu to rush for help. This news will be enough to boost morale." With the support of Chengdu, Mrs. Wang also came alive: "Yes, we should let everyone know," he patted himself on the head, "Yes, we should write back to Chengdu. If the imperial court has the intention of going south, we can as a guide." Lu Kai nodded: "Yes, I'll start to do it right away." He became excited and grabbed Mrs. Wang's hand, "It's finally here!" Both of them were very excited. This urgent letter from Chengdu seemed like a potion to cure the dying, and it instantly lifted their wills that were depressed day by day.

The curved moon quietly drilled out of the lotus cloud, and the white brilliance tore apart a corner of the darkness, like a handful of bonfires burning in the sky.
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