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Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Quicksand Fortress

Beastmaster 24 Spider Queen 雨魔 6153Words 2018-03-11
I quickly shuttled through the swarm of bugs, and the bugs all over the sky would suddenly pounce on me from all directions anytime and anywhere. The sword light passed by like the wind, taking away the lives of bugs one after another.Wherever it passed, puffs of green blood flew up one after another, engulfed by the high air flow, like splashed green ink.And holding the Fengyu sword, I seem to be the author who is drawing a huge splash-ink painting, serious and serious, and I have exhausted my strength. Along the way, I kept urging the wind-type dark energy core and the ice-type dark energy core, arousing large swaths of wind blades and biting ice needles, and sprinkled them on the bugs all over the air.Although the wind blades and ice needles are not enough to kill these bugs, they will hurt them to some extent. If you are unlucky, there are quite a few bugs whose wings are directly cut off by the wind blades.

All in all, it's a fierce dogfight where everyone is fighting for survival and will have to use all means.But there are too many bugs, and I can't take care of all the spaceships. I try my best to save them, but as time goes by, the spaceships are constantly being attacked by bugs. I flew around like a huge eagle, taking away the lives of bugs one after another, and attracted enough hatred. A large number of bugs gave up attacking the spaceship and turned to chasing me. It didn't take long before my front, back, left, and right sides were crowded with bugs, and a large number of bugs crowded around me, which also made me lose my mobility.I stood in the center, let go of everything, and faced the fierce lights coming from all directions.When I shook the sword in my hand, the light of the sword rippled away from the blade like water waves.

"Kill!" At this moment, the anger value has exploded. Temporarily put aside the thoughts of benevolence in his heart, his murderous aura rushed straight to Xiaohan.The more bugs you kill, the safer everyone else is. The torrential sword light was like water waves, involving the bugs from the front and side.The sword light undulates like waves, its lethality is weaker, but it is endless, able to cover more bugs to the greatest extent, and the endless sword light wears down their defenses until a little bit of sword light penetrates into their core . Wave after wave of continuous sword light made it difficult for the bugs involved to break free.Occasionally, when there are higher-level bugs rushing out of the waves of sword light, I will focus on taking care of them and kill them at the expense of more power.

From the outside, this battlefield is like a huge three-dimensional ball. I stand in the middle, and there are layers of bugs outside.Insects were constantly being drawn into the ball, and carcasses of insects were constantly being thrown out of the ball. The fierce fighting and the blood that was sprinkled in the air made the bugs even more frantic, and their murderous aura was almost boiling like water.Insects came from all directions, layer upon layer, the small space and the huge pressure made it almost impossible to breathe. Worrying is meaningless at this moment, the only way to survive is to fight hard.There is a trace of coolness coming from the Fengyu Sword, which makes my emotions remain absolutely calm even in high-intensity battles.Even if the blood boils, even if the adrenaline is secreted rapidly, even if the person is unconscious due to the full murderous stimulation, the coolness of Feng Yujian still won't make me lose my mind.

This is the preciousness of the legendary sword weapon. For other people, in this kind of intense and intense battle, they have already become selfless and become machines that only know killing. With me as the center, the sword light swayed in all directions, one wave after another, endlessly beheading the bugs that rushed up. But gradually, there will still be fish that slip through the net, breaking through Jianguang's defensive circle and appearing behind or beside me. After merging, my body is covered with thick feathers that are not inferior to falcons. I can resist the sharp and sharp mouthparts and claws of the bugs once or twice, but it is difficult to resist after more times.

Xiaohu honestly calculated the injuries for me. One-third of the feathers on his body were torn off. This armor made of the most gorgeous feathers was already stained with blood. Half of it belonged to me, and the other half belonged to bugs. Yes, colorful like a tattered beggar's outfit. The dark energy is rapidly consumed, and my physical strength is close to being overdrawn. I really can't believe it, but some level 4 and level 5 bugs can push me to this extent.It can be seen that the truth of quantitative change into qualitative change is universal. The battle was so fierce that it aroused the desire to survive of all the strong human beings on the spaceship.They jumped out of the cabin one after another, clinging to the hull and the top of the ship, and joined forces with the elite fighters in the cabin to resist the attack of the bugs.

From time to time, there would be a scream, and some strong people couldn't hold back and were shot down from the spaceship by bugs.But the death of the companion inspires the living to resolutely resist. After killing for a long time, the insects in front of him were all empty, and it was a little surprised that I finally penetrated the encirclement of the insects. Breathing the free air again, he was immediately refreshed.The dark energy was almost dry, like a dehydrated fish desperately needing water, I took a deep breath and tried my best to attract the free energy particles in the air to replenish myself.The phantom of the guardian monument vibrated suddenly, and I felt like I had become a huge magnet in an instant.

The energy particles within a kilometer radius rushed towards me irresistibly, forming a huge energy vortex in an instant, as if to wipe out all the free energy particles within a kilometer radius. But this situation only lasted for a blink of an eye, and I felt full of being stretched. Xiaohu exclaimed in surprise in my mind: "Master, the dark energy has been replenished by a fifth, but it will take a little time to completely transform." I was a little surprised, so I spread my wings and flew away, avoiding the siege of the bugs again. "Xiaohu, what happened just now, can you deduce it?"

Immediately, a picture of Xiaohu's restoration appeared in his mind: the phantom of the guardian monument vibrated, and a faint golden light flowed, which seemed to swell a bit, and then returned to normal. I said: "Xiaohu, zoom in on the screen and slow down the playback speed." The details gradually appeared in my sight. The faint golden light was not real light, but the golden runes connected end to end were flowing and flickering, and then produced some kind of mysterious effect. "The power of the law." I suddenly realized that this was the effect of the law contained in the phantom of the guardian monument.No wonder it is so powerful, it absorbs all the free energy particles in a radius of one kilometer in one breath, if my body is not strong enough to replenish so much energy at once, maybe, my breath will consume all the dark energy The energy is fully replenished.

On my behalf, Xiaohu urges the nine-bend and eighteen-bend exercise to refine energy particles and convert them into dark energy suitable for me. Once again, I deeply felt that the nine-bend and eighteen-bend exercise is no longer enough, and the speed of refining is too slow. I need a more advanced exercise to replace it.If I can return to the Guardian Alliance, I must first get the Jiutian Xinghejue and the Bihaichaoshengjue. The swarm chased after me persistently, among which more than a dozen knife beetles were particularly prominent, rushing to the front of the swarm, they activated their natural abilities from time to time, and suddenly appeared behind me in a flash, or in front of you.

The knife mantis poses the greatest threat to the spaceship and the strong human beings. I saw with my own eyes that two strong human beings were killed by the knife mantis that suddenly appeared behind them.These knife mantis are like the top assassins, it is difficult for you to predict in advance when they will appear behind you.Therefore, in the process of avoiding, I also try to kill these knife beetles as much as possible. The loud sound of the battle between General Dragon Codman and the Spider Queen could not stop coming from the Scarlet Fortress.At this moment, the Scarlet Fortress was completely changed from ruins to nothing. In a battle of their level, no matter how strong the city was, it would not be able to withstand their toss. General Long Codman's yellow sand clone has expanded the entire domain to the entire Scarlet Fortress.On the ruins, elemental beasts poured out continuously to block the swarm of insects, and after being killed, they condensed out again in the field. Blocking the swarm of insects and the spider queen with the power of the yellow sand alone, although it is shocking, it can also imagine the huge energy consumption.If there is a continuous supply of energy for him to consume, I am afraid that he alone can consume the Spider Queen and all the Zerg heroes to death.From this we can see the power of the field. But energy cannot appear out of thin air after all, so the time that General Long Codman can support is limited. Fortunately, General Long Codman is too powerful, and the Spider Queen didn't send Zerg heroes to intercept us, otherwise none of our spaceships would be able to escape. But even so, the situation is critical.Thousands of bugs, even if you line up for you to kill, it is enough to kill for a while, not to mention that these bugs are very ferocious in attack. "help me!" An urgent cry for help sounded in front of me on the left, and a strong human fell from the spaceship.There were more than a dozen golden beetles attacking him. In normal times, even if these powerhouses of level eight or nine are not good at flying, the energy in their bodies is enough to fly in the air for a short period of time.But now, after a fierce battle, the energy consumption is very high, falling from a height of hundreds of meters, nine out of ten will fall to our death, not to mention that there are mad dog-like bugs crowded around us. He looked at me full of pleading, hoping that I could lend a helping hand at this time. I flew towards him without stopping, and Feng Yujian cut out several sword lights one after another, killing the golden beetles chasing him one by one. He showed gratitude towards me, and seeing that I could catch him, suddenly a figure appeared behind him like a phantom. My heart was shocked, and I shouted: "Don't." But I soon saw the body of the strong human being tremble, and a knife point pierced his body and appeared in my sight. The human-like knife mantis is fully revealed behind him. He looked down at the tip of the knife protruding from his chest in disbelief, with despair in his eyes.He didn't know where to get a burst of strength, and he grabbed the tip of the knife on his chest tightly with both hands, looked up at me, his throat trembled a few times and said: "Kill it, avenge me." The knife mantis twitched a few times, but failed to pull back its natural big knife. The mouthparts on its ugly face squirmed, and it was about to bite the strong human's neck. "Go to hell!" I shouted in grief, Feng Yujian turned into a flash of lightning and pierced through its head. The strong human breathed out his last breath, with a gratified smile on his face, and fell down together with the knife beetle that was attacking him. The fighting is still going on, and the killing is happening every moment. All people have exhausted all means in order to survive.In the heroic sacrifice, there is no lack of noise. After all, not everyone can maintain their bottom line in the face of life and death, and ugly behaviors also appear on the battlefield from time to time. In the face of life and death, someone pushes those who are in the same boat to block the knife for their own survival.When the spaceship was under siege, someone asked his teammates to stand in front, while he sneaked away. Here there is no law, no morality, only life and death.Whether you can uphold kindness or not depends entirely on your own choice. I don't know how long I have been fighting, but whenever the dark energy is exhausted, some new dark energy can always be squeezed out to support me in continuing to fight.After repeating this many times, his breath became chaotic, his muscles ached, and the feathers on his body were almost completely stained red with blood. At this time, a high-pitched and sharp whistling sound suddenly shot into the sky, and I also felt the pressure around me suddenly disappear. The pressure dropped suddenly, and I was a little uncomfortable.Reluctantly looking around, there are only three of the nearly ten spaceships left, but we have also slaughtered all the bugs in the sky, and only a few left here to return. I looked back in the direction of the Scarlet Fortress in a daze, and the yellow sand giant more than ten meters high slowly fell down like a wounded veteran.Even if he fell to the ground, General Long Codman's body was as magnificent as a hill. General Long Codman did not stand up for a long time. I was startled, could it be that General Dragon Codman has already..., I tried my best to look over, the spider queen Katharina was standing on the head of General Dragon Codman, and was holding her two big and ridiculous Slowly pulled out his double knives. My mind went blank. General Long Codman was almost the most powerful man I had ever seen. He was as majestic as a mountain and as majestic as a god of war. Such a man who seemed invincible in battle actually killed the spider queen's subordinates. Tianhuo's anxious voice came from next to his ear: "Come up quickly, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave. It's just a clone of Your Excellency General, so don't be so sad. As long as the main body is not destroyed, the clone will condense sooner or later." The spaceship stopped beside me, and Skyfire pulled me into the cabin from mid-air.The hatch closed slowly, the hull froze for a moment, and then rushed into the distance like a warhead. I gradually came back to my senses, and at the same time realized that even a strong man like General Long Codman may also fall.This reminded me that even if you can be promoted to a lord and become a guardian, you must learn to be in awe. There are too many strong people in the universe, and being promoted to a lord is nothing at all. Seeing that everyone was looking at me with concern, I smiled bitterly and said, "I'm fine, just a little shocked." Everyone greeted me enthusiastically. After all, everyone knows that I gave my best in the battle. Tianhuo said enviously: "The sword is not bad. After killing for so long, it is still as if it is unsheathed. If Hatu can refine such a sword weapon sometime, I won't have to come out and take this risk again." I looked down at the sword in my hand, there was light flowing like water waves on it, it looked very agile, after cutting for so long, not only was it clean as new, there was not even a grain of rice gap on the blade.The legendary sharp sword is indeed strong enough. Tianhuo was joking, I just smiled and didn't reply, I took Feng Yujian back into my body to warm it up.Then the fusion with Falcon was released, and there were bursts of weak feelings, which made people just want to fall asleep.The boulder helped me to sit down against the bulkhead. Even though the space in the spaceship is narrow, everyone actively gave up a space enough for me to lie down.As long as you pay, someone will always see and appreciate you. The little tree spirit jumped down, took out a bottle of emerald enchantress, and said, "Master, you should hurry up and become a lord, otherwise it's not a problem for me to take risks with you all the time. It's very hopeless. And it's so dangerous, I think I should go up." The salary is gone, I should take more shares of the Emerald Demon Fairy..." The little tree spirit was chattering in my ears, but I thought in my mind that there are only three spaceships left in the entire Scarlet Fortress, and they are not fully staffed. Our ship is the most fully staffed, because there is a sky fire guarding it. Any casualties, but the other two spaceships were scarred, it is not known how many people are left.General Long Codman exchanged a clone for such a few people, and he didn't know if it was worth it. Drinking a bottle of Emerald Demon Fairy is like drinking a bottle of strong and mellow fine wine, which is actually a bit smoky.A feeling of fatigue and drowsiness flooded his head, and he fell asleep without realizing it. When I woke up, the spaceship had almost arrived at another fortress—the quicksand fortress.It is said that there used to be a large expanse of quicksand here, like a huge lake, any person or animal standing on it would sink into it, and finally there would be no bones left.It is said that goose feathers are not floating, and I don't know how many birds and animals have been swallowed. But such a dangerous place is the breeding ground for desert catfish.There are hundreds of desert catfish here all the year round.And once it enters the hottest season, there can be as many as tens of thousands of desert catfish gathered from all directions.It is very lively and spectacular to mate and breed here and give birth to a new generation of desert catfish. When this season is over, the desert catfish will leave one after another. The Quicksand Fortress is next to this huge quicksand lake, but the spectacular scene of tens of thousands of desert catfish gathering in the past is no longer visible. Since the Zerg took root on the Dune Star, the desert catfish, a native species of the planet, has been hit hard. However, it is said that the desert catfish in the quicksand lake is now slowly increasing.It is said that the Catfish Cavalry was pioneered in the Quicksand Fortress, and the tamed desert catfish were raised in the Quicksand Lake.With the merit points, you can spend money to rent or even buy it. Although it sounds cruel to lose freedom, at least they are guaranteed not to be extinct. A tall energy light tower stands in the fortress. After the energy light tower flashed a few times, our three spaceships like bereaved dogs were notified to allow entry. Under the night, the three spaceships slowly entered and landed like a defeated army.The soldiers in the quicksand fortress came to help, helped the wounded to the designated place for treatment and rest, and the elite soldiers who fled from the bloody fortress were also led to rest and eat in a pre-marked house. The remaining powerhouses from the Scarlet Fortress were led into the energy light tower.The soldiers in the quicksand fortress were all silent, doing things in silence, and the whole fortress presented a solemn and tense atmosphere. Tianhuo walked in the front, and several of us followed behind, filing into the energy light tower. There is not much difference between this place and the energy light tower of the Scarlet Fortress, except that there are two more pillars, and the entire hall is empty, looking very spacious. The other avatar of General Long Codman was sitting at the top of the hall, with a solemn and majestic expression. It looked almost the same as the clone of the Scarlet Fortress, but this one seemed to have a slightly weaker aura. Feng Er was very excited: "Big, my lord..." almost broke down in tears. General Long Codman showed no expression, nor did he show any signs of grief or anger.He nodded gently toward Feng Er, then looked past him, looked at us and said, "I'm to blame for this, I will report to the Guardian Alliance for guilt. It's not easy for you to escape here alive, but you have to be mentally prepared Get ready, the tough battle is yet to come." Tianhuo said: "Thank you for sacrificing your life for righteousness, we survived the attack of the Zerg. Your Excellency, I will truthfully report this matter to the Guardian Alliance, and I dare not hide anything." General Long Codman nodded and said: "The quicksand fortress was also attacked by the Zerg army at the same time, but the scale was not as large as yours. That's why I didn't have time to rush there. The rise of the Spider Queen is already unstoppable, please see. " A picture appeared above the hall. The setting sun was like blood, shining on the ruined Scarlet Fortress. There is a murderous atmosphere in the world, countless dense black spots are arranged in front of the ruins, and the number of Zerg is shocking. A swarm of black ants, under the command of their own hero, is emptying a piece of the ruins.As time went by, another building that looked like a flat-topped pyramid was built on the ruins. At first I thought there was only one such building, but I was wrong, thousands of bugs built twelve such buildings in a short period of time. The miniature flat-topped pyramid is also nearly ten meters high, protruding from the ruins, looking majestic and tall. A huge pit was dug in the middle of the twelve tall buildings. Groups of bugs searched around the battlefield. Every bug and human being killed in battle was dragged over and thrown into the pit.In the end, nearly a hundred bugs also threw the fallen clone of General Codman into the pit. Seeing that the bugs have been busy, are they building graves to bury all the bugs and humans who died in battle?Zerg would be so kind? Tianhuo, who hadn't spoken for a while, was suddenly shocked and said, "Are they building a blood pool?" General Long Codman nodded and said: "That's right, with twelve towers, the scale of such a blood pool is already very large." Tianhuo said in horror: "Your Excellency, we should stop them immediately. You should know that once the blood pool is built, the spider queen will most likely complete her transformation and become a real queen. That will be the real disaster." General Long Codman said in a heavy tone: "It's too late." On the screen, the twelve towers of Tongtian suddenly emitted mysterious light, as if they were communicating with some kind of power deep in the universe, and then twelve beams of light passed through the void and landed on the towers of Tongtian. The screen suddenly became as bright as day, and twelve rays of light extended from the Tongtian Tower and converged in the deep pit. The bugs crawled on the ground around the twelve towers, and the scene was mysterious and solemn.
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