Home Categories Internet fantasy Beastmaster 25·Dark Prophecy

Chapter 10 Chapter Ten Amazing Illusion

Beastmaster 25·Dark Prophecy 雨魔 6098Words 2018-03-11
I tried to run the power, but my body was empty and I couldn't feel any energy.I tried to summon Xiaohu, but there was no response. Gulina's illusion is really powerful, it can even isolate my brain waves, and make me unable to feel the body, only the consciousness ups and downs in its illusion. If consciousness dies here, I'll be a vegetable. A large number of bugs screamed and fell, and their tough bodies were punched with countless holes by the yellow sand like a broken bag. The gravity field with a radius of 100 meters is maintained by my side. With this, the slow-moving weakness of the yellow sand giant can be greatly weakened.All bugs approaching me will be greatly reduced in speed under the action of the gravity field.Like a tank, I pushed forward in the direction of the Skyfire battle, and I didn't know how many bugs I crushed along the way.

The yellow sand giant is definitely the nemesis of all bugs below the hero level. His huge yellow sand shell ensures that he will not be seriously injured. His heavy and powerful body can easily crush those bugs protected by a solid shell. I seem to be driving a self-healing mecha with heavy firepower in the swarm, crushing all the way, rushing to the edge of the battle between Skyfire and the two Zerg heroes. "Master Tianhuo, I will help you." I shouted loudly. I rushed into the battle ring, and was about to launch a fiery iron fist to blast the heroic golden beetle when Tianhuo suddenly turned around and stared at me with a stern look, full of strangeness.

The moment I was stunned, a sword light pierced towards me like misty mist. "Nine swords breaking the sky with cloud, light, haze and haze!" I almost shouted out. I have seen Tianhuo use this sword technique before. It is extremely powerful. Although it is not a lord-level combat skill, it has the power of a lord-level. This sword is like a cloud of smoke, floating in the air, but it seems to be slow, but it appears in front of me inadvertently.Feeling the astonishing murderous aura in the sword art, I could only bite the bullet and turned my fiery iron fist towards Jianguang. As a giant of yellow sand, the power of Blazing Iron Fist is equally astonishing.A punch blasted out, like a furnace pouring down, and the infinite heat stirred the yellow sand to form a vortex and blast towards the opponent.

The ethereal haze was shattered by the suction vortex.Once the move was successful, I didn't take the initiative to pursue it. Instead, I took two steps back to show my identity to him: "Master Tianhuo, I am Lanhu. After several days of retreat, I finally refined the guardian tablet. I am here to join hands with you to defeat the enemy." But to my surprise, Tianhuo completely turned a deaf ear, and another sword light pierced towards me.This sword was sharper by three points compared to just now, it lacked some of the charm of Yunlan, but it was a bit more of the quickness of lightning and the fierceness of thunder and thunder.

I opened my mouth and spit out a mouthful of yellow sand.But I was not allowed to spread the yellow sand storm at all, and the lightning-like sword light chopped the embryonic form of the yellow sand storm to pieces.Tianhuo Yujian chased after me, and didn't let me have any time to breathe. After a few breaths, my surroundings were covered with sword light. Tianhuo's attack was merciless, and he used the cloud, light, haze and nine swords to break the sky to the fullest.The sword formula looks weak, but it is like a spider's thread intertwined with each other. In a blink of an eye, I seem to be a prey trapped in the spider's web.

In this regard, I can't use an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and it is almost inevitable that I will fall into a disadvantage with my hands tied. Seeing the indifferent Tianhuo complete the layout and only wait for the final sword to kill me, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did Skyfire attack me?Although I was housed in the body of the yellow sand giant, everyone's aura is unique, not to mention that I also reported my name, it is impossible for Tianhuo not to know that this yellow sand giant is me. At the moment of my reasoning, Tianhuo completed the final layout.The sword light around me trapped me like a quagmire, and the last sword swept away the lingering before, stabbing with the force of the sky.

It was too late to resist, the sword light was like a pillar, and under this amazing sword light, the strong shell of the Yellow Sand Giant was as unreliable as paper.The huge body is like a castle made of yellow sand, and it will collapse when a wave hits. At the very moment, the Guardian Monument suddenly appeared, like the clear light flowing down from the moonlit night, everything in front of me burst like a bubble, and the sky fire and that terrible sword disappeared from the eyes. Standing in front of me is a woman with an enchanting appearance, those yellow pupils are emitting a strange light, and its ugly spider lower body is slowly piercing a sharp forelimb into the body of the yellow sand giant .

I half knelt on the ground, looking like I was being slaughtered. All this turned out to be an illusion!And the creator of the illusion is the weird spider hero in front of him.My sudden sobriety gave it a brief moment of astonishment. I was awakened by the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Monument, the power in my body was reactivated, and it was difficult for the spider hero's sharp forelimbs to penetrate an inch. The spider hero smiled at me, with the gentleness of a neighbor's sister: "A powerful human being, I am Gulina from the spider clan. It's the first time we meet, please be merciful."

For a bug that can unknowingly pull me into an illusion and dominate my life, I am full of fear.If it hadn't been for the guardian monument warning at the last moment, pulling me out of the illusion, I would have lost its hand at this moment. I said: "Human race, Lanhu. Different ways do not seek mutual conspiracies. The Zerg race is the public enemy of the universe. At this moment, you lead the Zerg army to besiege the city. There is only life and death on the battlefield, and there is no human kindness." The spider hero Gulina stuck out her tongue and licked her moist red lips. She stared at me with eyes full of alien charm and said, "Strong and calm, your blood must taste good."

Something is wrong with my instincts, this is a spider hero ten times more cunning than the average Zerg hero, and a huge threat to us all.I took a deep breath, and a fiery force flowed into the fist of the yellow sand giant.Taking advantage of Gulina's forelimb being trapped in the sand giant's body by me, I decided to end the Zerg hero's life with a fiery iron fist. A hint of cunning and triumph flashed in Gulina's eyes, and I became very wary, but the loss of control of the yellow sand giant made me realize that it was too late.While talking to me, Gulina injected a terrible toxin into the body of the yellow sand giant.

When I realized something was wrong, the toxin had invaded every corner of the yellow sand giant's body, and large pieces of yellow sand fell from the yellow sand giant's body like flesh and blood. Gulina showed a look of pride, but it didn't know that what it released was an opponent more terrifying than the yellow sand giant. The remaining body of the yellow sand giant exploded, and I came out against the wind.Gulina looked at me with her soul-stirring and bewitching eyes, showing a little bit of astonishment, but soon laughed, like a cat catching a mouse. Tianhuo temporarily forced his opponent back with a sword in one hand, and said to me: "Be careful, this hero-level spider may already be at level eleven, and his illusion is superb, and he can pull people into illusions without knowing it. Don't try to be brave." , although you have refined the guardian monument, but you have just been promoted to the lord, so you may not be its opponent." Tianhuo's condition is not very good, the armor on his body is seriously broken, and the sword in his hand is not the usual one.How tragic was the battle, even the weapon was damaged and had to be replaced.From the shape of the large and small wounds on his body, it can be seen that they were all bitten by insect minions. Looking at the strong men around him, all of them were wounded, many of which were superimposed wounds.Many people looked sad, and some even despaired.Surrounded by worms, they couldn't see any hope. In addition, General Codman, the dragon in their hearts, never appeared, so the whole team was filled with despair and morale was very low. Tianhuo transmitted his voice into the secret, and said to me in a way that only he and I could hear: "This spider is very cunning, and the illusion field is also a very rare field. If I am at my peak state, I will have no problem defeating it. It is almost impossible to catch or kill. You have just been promoted to the lord, and you may have just gained a lot of power, which makes you a little swollen, but you are not its opponent. We will protect the others and retreat to the fortress first. These people are already at the end of their strength If we continue to fight, they will all die here." I nodded, acknowledging what he said.These people fought continuously with Skyfire, faced with almost endless bugs, and had no reinforcements. Both mentally and physically, they were exhausted to the extreme, and the string in their minds might break at any time. I was planning to fly to Tianhuo to join him, when suddenly, a multicolored light flashed in front of my eyes, and I was dizzy for a moment, and I realized that I was dragged into the illusion again by Gulina. It is what I saw, other than Katarina, the spider queen, another hero-level bug whose appearance is almost the same as that of a human.Moreover, its IQ seems to be very high, and it is very cunning. If it does not have a high IQ, it may be difficult to comprehend the field of illusion. On Earth, I have also fought against some beast warriors who are proficient in illusion. I am relatively experienced in dealing with illusion, so I am confident that I can deal with this guy. In the final analysis, illusion comes from the power of the spirit, the test is the heart, to see if your will is strong enough. Falling into an illusion, how should I deal with it?Keep calm for the first time! But when you find yourself suddenly falling into the sea, thick dark clouds are pressing down in the sky, thunder and lightning, and the waves are roaring, can you still keep your composure? I was floating and sinking in the stormy waves, and there was nothing around me, only the boundless sea.The dark water, the dark sky, and the lightning that jumps out from time to time illuminate the sea. Everything in front of me is almost the same as the real thing, and the taste of sea water is so real.I only have one head exposed on the sea surface, and from time to time there will be huge waves several meters high, and the small me may be drowned or killed by lightning at any time... I tried to run the power, but my body was empty and I couldn't feel any energy.I tried to summon Xiaohu, but there was no response. Gulina's illusion is really powerful, it can even isolate my brain waves, and make me unable to feel the body, only the consciousness ups and downs in its illusion. If consciousness dies here, I'll be a vegetable. Suddenly, a huge wave rose up, like a mountain rising from the sea.It won't be long before the waves are crashing down from the highest point, and I'm right below the waves.There is no doubt that if I was hit, I would be dead. I stared coldly at the huge waves that rose higher and higher.Illusions have the law of illusions. Normally, as long as you firmly believe that everything in front of you is an illusion, the illusion will dissipate.The hallucination itself has no power, it just borrows the power of the trapped person. "Everything is empty." I watched the huge waves fall, and my heart was very calm, "Gulina, if you don't show some real skills, you won't be able to trap me." The huge waves disappeared out of thin air, and the sea was instantly calm. I guard my heart so that Gulina cannot take advantage of it.Know that the sole purpose of all illusions is to find the weakness in the hearts of those trapped. It is like a cracking program, which inputs various illusions to you. Once you open your heart defenses because of fear and happiness, and let it enter your heart, it will let it see all your secrets at a glance, and it can be targeted. Cast illusions on you, for example, if you are afraid of snakes, it will turn into a snake island and put you on it.Sometimes in the face of fear, even if you know it is fake, you will still be scared to death. Next, I experienced volcanic eruptions, earthquakes of magnitude 10, storms sweeping across half the planet, etc., at least ten kinds of natural forces that are difficult for human beings to resist.But instead of being intimidated, I became more determined and relaxed. Mirage is like a realistic movie.What kind of movie can make people cry, laugh, and empathize?This requires the director to have a wealth of experience, be well-versed in human relations, and understand people's likes and dislikes. How long has Gulina opened her wisdom?How long does it take to become a hero?The star of the dunes is an unchanging yellow sand, how much experience can it have? Although it has inheritance in its genes, it is not enough for it to understand people's hearts.Maybe it's cunning enough, but it will take time to learn about other intelligent life. I stood still, like an unshakable mountain, allowing it to perform illusions in front of me, and I only saw these illusions as movies.It wasn't until a scene of planetary explosion was staged in front of my eyes that I was slightly moved. As soon as I was a little moved, there was a gap in my heart, and a strange force soaked into my heart. The world in front of me suddenly changed, and it looked very familiar. This is... the abyss.The air was filled with the smell of sulfur, and thick smoke billowed from everywhere on the black-red ground. A powerful little demon lord appeared in front of me, and he roared angrily: "Lan Hu, you traitor, how dare you come back!" This little demon lord is Karl, and he exudes evil and dark power.Although his level is only eleven, but in the abyss, his strength has been greatly enhanced, and I can't beat him. I ignored him, and my eyes flicked over the lava lake in the distance and the barren land nearby, almost exactly the same as the real abyss world.Could it be that Gulina has also been to the abyss? The roar of the little devil lord sounded in my ears again, and I looked back.Carl looked exactly the same as when I left, and his demeanor and movements were no different from the real Carl. Karl seemed to be angry because I didn't answer his words. The power of the abyss was churning in his body, and an astonishing murderous aura rushed over his face. There was no doubt that as long as I gave a wrong answer, he would strike. I looked at him and said: "The very powerful illusion can actually sneak into my heart by taking advantage of a momentary flaw, and copy the entire abyss world. However, unfortunately, I don't think this is the real abyss world, although It looks exactly like the abyss I have been to here. But you have too little information from my mind. Do you know? When I left here, Karl had a strong opponent, and now whether Karl is alive or not Definitely. And the most important point is that my name in the abyss world on this level is Falcon Demon, not Lanhu." Karl stared at me fiercely, the power of the abyss was so strong that it almost condensed into a boiling black abyss flame behind him, but his face suddenly trembled a few times, as if the signal was unstable.This made me feel certain that this was indeed an illusion created by Gulina. Karl roared to the sky unwillingly, and the demon body turned into a monstrous abyssal flame and rushed towards me. I watched unmoved by the flames of the abyss that enveloped me.Hallucinations test the strength of the mind. As long as you firmly believe that the other party cannot hurt you, you are safe. When the flame disappears, everything goes back to how it was before.I saw Gulina in the swarm again, with a look of surprise on her exquisite face, and fearful and vicious eyes flashed from time to time in her eyes. Tianhuo was standing next to me, looking at me worriedly. I nodded at him, indicating that I was fine. Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Enemies who are good at illusion are both weak and powerful. Their physical strength is usually not strong. If you can get close enough to them, you have a great chance of victory. But this spider hero is very cunning, always hiding in the insects In the group, I can't do it. Illusion is aimed at our mind, as long as the mind is strong enough, it will not be affected. But whose mind can be perfect, without the slightest weakness? So don't underestimate it, once If something is wrong, activate the guardian monument, the guardian monument can protect us." "Return to the fortress!" Tianhuo immediately gave the order to retreat. The morale of the strong men who fought desperately rose a little after receiving the order.Tianhuo and I held the tail of the team, and the other opened the way in front, leading the team to retreat towards the fortress. I was at the end of the team, and I didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. The Fish Sealing Sword in my hand lit up, round after round of sword light, beheading the bugs who dared to charge up on the spot. Although Gulina and the golden beetle hero didn't rush forward rashly, they kept hovering around the team, looking for opportunities like wolves. "Crow!" Suddenly, a panicked voice sounded in the team. I turned my head and saw a person staggering and falling out of the retreating team.It may be because he was a little anxious to go back to the city, and he showed his flaws at the edge of the team, and was seized by a few bugs to attack him, and now he left the team. The man who shouted was desperately turning back from the front half of the line to save him.Crowe, who was besieged by the bugs, tried his best to stand still, and shouted loudly: "Don't come here! Don't die together, you have to go back alive, my son still needs you to take care of him!" There are so many bugs, once you get stuck in them, it is extremely difficult to get out.When his friend comes over, not only may he not be able to save him, but he may even fall into it himself. If they were at the peak of their physical strength and energy, they might be able to escape on their own, but now they had to rely on the strength of the team. Although life and death are touching, they are the most common on the battlefield. Xiaohu and Falcon assembled their wings into a winged bow in an instant. After I was promoted to the lord, the assembly speed was much faster. It is impossible for me to leave my current position to save him, but I can help him clear the bugs in the space around him. If he can seize the opportunity, he may return to the team alive. Five white rays of light condensed into feathered arrows, and shot out from my five fingers in an instant.No need to look further, I know that with Xiaohu calculating the speed and angle, those few bugs cannot escape. Crowe, who was struggling to fight, saw a few energy light feathers shooting towards him quickly, and then a few bugs around him were killed. He was overjoyed, turned his head and ran back, and thanked loudly: "Lord Lanhu, thank you for your shot!" rescue." However, Crowe, who had already run back into the team, suddenly stopped with a dull expression.His friend was taken aback by the weird situation, and said in horror, "He's got an illusion!" Crowe didn't know what he saw in the illusion, but he suddenly showed fear and cried out in pain. Then his body seemed to have been hit hard, and blood gushed out of his mouth. A few seconds later, the guy who escaped from the worm's claws died under Gulina's illusion. Crowe's friend could only carry Crowe up with a sad face, and followed the team to move on. Gulina's illusion is weird and powerful, which gave me a new understanding.You must know that these strong men who dare to go out of the city to fight have been tested for a long time, and they usually pay attention to spiritual cultivation.Even so, it was still so easy to be killed by Gulina. Gulina is like a cunning and weird witch, waiting for everyone in the swarm to show their flaws. Crazy insects are like waves when the tide rises. Even if I control the Fengyu Sword, the indestructible sword light will be overwhelmed by the continuously surging insect tide.Although I have been promoted to the lord, I still feel extremely difficult in the face of this situation. It would be much easier for me to become a yellow sand giant if there was no Gulina peeping at me. Another Zerg hero quickly took the opportunity to attack. The heroic golden beetle has a terrifying brute force and amazing defense.Maybe it's not fast enough, but it's the hardest bug of all to beat head-on. The golden beetle hero rushed over to block the team's retreat, and Tianhuo could only be forced to fight, but in his current state, it would take a long time to defeat it. The strong men were a little flustered, but they still spontaneously formed a non-stop circle, turning around and dealing with the bugs outside together. In a short period of time, the powerhouses still have the ability to protect themselves. The obstacles in our way back must be removed as quickly as possible. I was about to go over to help Tianhuo defeat the golden beetle hero blocking the way, when a person in the circular defense circle suddenly covered his neck with his hands, and said "hohoho" in his mouth, then his face turned blue, he stuck out his tongue, and even threw himself strangled. The strange situation spread among the surviving strong men like an infectious disease. For a while, four experienced strong men died inexplicably before my eyes.
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