Home Categories Internet fantasy Beastmaster 25·Dark Prophecy

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 The Boulder Exit

Beastmaster 25·Dark Prophecy 雨魔 6068Words 2018-03-11
The sudden change made Javert, who was always sure of winning, serious. He stared at the boulder fearfully and fiercely and said, "The Domain of Sand!" I suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "Jushi, have you unlocked the power seal?" The giant stone spread his hands and said: "Almost, it could have been more perfect, but your movements are too big, I don't want to be buried alive, so let's do this first." The boulder appeared with a disheveled face and a body covered in sand, with a dazed face, not knowing what happened. The battle was so intense just now that I actually forgot about the boulder.The temporary residence of Jushi and I was affected by Javert's domain power in the battle just now, and it collapsed.At this moment, the boulder was drilled out of the collapsed ruins.

"A helper came, but it's a pity that he came to die." Javert said with a grim expression. Javert let out a sharp and rapid neigh, and several huge sandworms quickly swam towards the boulder from the ground. "Be careful, Jushi, this thing is very fierce." Jushi said with a dazed look on his face as if he had just woken up. I was worried that he would be careless for a while, so I immediately reminded him loudly. The three sandworms quickly approached the boulder from the ground like riding the wind and waves. When they were still five or six meters away from him, they broke through the ground one after another. Rings of sharp teeth were exposed in their huge opened mouths, and they bit the boulder fiercely.

The three sandworms exploded extremely fast and attacked fiercely. Within two breaths, the boulder was already in danger. However, to my surprise, Jushi suddenly grinned when he saw the three sandworms: "Sandworm puppets, I didn't expect to see such a thing here." A circle of yellow light like egg yolk suddenly appeared on the body of the boulder, and the three sandworms rushing towards it seemed like snow accumulated in the hot sun, and instantly melted in the yellow light, turning into a pile of harmless yellow sand.The three ferocious sandworms were so easily eliminated by the boulder, which made everyone including me look unbelievable.

The sudden change made Javert, who was always sure of winning, serious. He stared at the boulder fearfully and fiercely and said, "The Domain of Sand!" I suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "Jushi, have you unlocked the power seal?" The giant stone spread his hands and said: "Almost, it could have been more perfect, but your movements are too big, I don't want to be buried alive, so let's do this first." After Jushi finished speaking, he said to Javert with some shyness: "I'm sorry, it's the earth domain, not the yellow sand domain. I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive. Although the earth domain and the yellow sand domain are not much different in the initial stage, but, I still don't want to be misunderstood."

Although both the earth domain and the yellow sand domain belong to the earth system energy domain, the yellow sand domain is just a branch of the earth domain, and the potential of the two domains is very different. The corners of Javert's eyes twitched involuntarily, but the next moment he showed a ferocious attitude: "In front of my god, you are all mortals, so die to me." Javert opened his hands, and violent power poured out of his body.The yellow sand in his domain was surging and flying like boiling water.A hurricane was generated in his hands, rapidly expanding, rolling up yellow sand all over the sky, and soon this hurricane turned yellow.The violent breath made the space a little unstable.

Javert kept his hands raised high, trying hard to control the hurricane of yellow sand.But judging from his flushed face, he was struggling.Obviously, he realized the power of the boulder and was ready to go all out. People with real combat experience, when they encounter a strong enemy, usually don't try it out, and they will use their most powerful moves when they come up, in order to kill them with one blow, or create a favorable situation for themselves in the first place. The speed of the hurricane seems to be very slow, but it can actually reach one or two hundred kilometers per hour.It is not easy to avoid boulders in such a short distance.But just now the seal has been completely untied, and the boulder who has been promoted to the lord owns the domain, and he is actually eager to try in his heart, wanting to try how powerful he is.It's as if you hold a stick in your hand and always want to smash something, hold a new kitchen knife and always want to cut something, hold a newly made slingshot and always want to shoot something.

With a low snort, Jushi's body swelled up rapidly. In the blink of an eye, his height exceeded five meters, and he was still growing rapidly. This is a battle between two lord-level powerhouses. After several fierce battles, we no longer have the strength to participate in this level of battle.As soon as the hurricane started, we felt a huge threat and quickly retreated to the periphery. Bi Li hugged the unconscious Hei Yueji and I retreated a thousand meters away, but the energy fluctuations transmitted from the center of the battle still made me feel terrified.Javert's power is already a real lord level at this moment. Although his power is fierce and tyrannical, I am more optimistic about Jushi, not only because Jushi is my little partner, but also because the power of Jushi is accumulated bit by bit by myself , while Javert's power is instant.

Crash means fast, but it also means instability and flaws. An indestructible yellow light faintly exuded from the boulder, and its body was as solid as granite.At this moment, he is really like a giant standing upright, grabbing the yellow sand hurricane with both hands, tearing it hard to the two sides, as if he wants to tear the hurricane in two. Half of his body was covered by the hurricane.Although the speed of the yellow sand in the hurricane was not as fast as that of the bullets, the amount of sand was large, crackling and hitting the boulder, and soon cracked the surface of the boulder.

Fortunately, Jushi has already mastered the domain of the earth, and can continuously draw strength from the ground to repair the damaged body. The two were at a stalemate for a while, which showed that neither side had overwhelming power. This situation means that whoever can last longer wins, and the advantage of the boulder is self-evident. The domains under their feet eroded each other, but both of them had just owned domains, and neither had an advantage.Javert desperately wanted to suck the boulder into the sand hurricane, wear down its strength, and finally refine it in the yellow sand hurricane.However, the size of the boulder is still growing slowly, and a larger size means that it can carry more power.Every point he grows up, the advantage increases by one point.

Seeing that he could not control the other party, Javert suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and a small ball of golden light in the blood instantly sank into the yellow sand under his feet. A few seconds later, a huge head emerged from the ground. It was a sandworm. From the head alone, it was several times larger than all the sandworms just now. All the surviving sandworms were all shaken to death after the two fought. This sudden appearance of the sandworm made people feel extraordinarily strange. As soon as the sandworm emerged from the ground, its body expanded rapidly.With a twist of the body, it quickly slid towards the boulder. The nearly 100-meter-long body wrapped around the boulder in one go, wrapping around the boulder from the legs to the waist.

The huge boulder, already more than ten meters high, looked down with a face full of surprise: "Divine creature!" The sound of the boulder is like rumbling thunder, and we can hear it clearly even a thousand meters away.Although I don't know what a divine creature is, the next move of the boulder made me realize how powerful this huge sandworm is. The boulder actually let go of the sand hurricane, stretched out a hand from the hurricane, and grabbed the sand worm. This sandworm was obviously much smarter than the sandworm summoned by Javert before. It swung its head to avoid the arm of the boulder, and then bit it hard. The boulder let out a cry of pain, and the gray-black mark quickly spread upward from the wound.This curse-like power has various negative effects such as weakness, old age, weakness, and fatigue. The balance was broken, and the boulder could hardly resist the attraction of the yellow sand hurricane, and was pulled into the hurricane little by little. "This is too bad, even the power of a lord can't stop him." Bi Li's face changed drastically. We were shocked by the loss of the boulder, but I was more confident than Bi Li.Although Jushi was temporarily in an unfavorable situation, his figure was looming in the yellow sand hurricane, and he was wrestling with the sandworm with two hands. The situation was not so bad that it was one-sided. Javert was overjoyed when the boulder was pulled into the yellow sand hurricane. He blushed and increased his strength, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and turned slowly one after the other, like a big mill, trying to consume the boulder to death In the sand hurricane. Lightning was born in the yellow sand hurricane. From a distance, arm-thick thunderbolts hit the boulders from time to time, illuminating a large area of ​​yellow sand hurricane. The battle is thrilling. Within a few thousand meters centered on the two of them, all energy reactions are suppressed to an extremely low level by the earth energy. Half of the space presents a thick characteristic. People with slightly weaker strength will find it difficult to breathe and move. . Bi Li asked me nervously: "Do you think Jushi will lose?" I said: "Although Javert's offensive is fierce, it is already at the end of its strength. As long as the boulder can withstand this wave of attacks, it will definitely win." I squinted at Javert, he was devoting himself to the battle with the boulder at the moment, the defense must be empty.I immediately shouted: "Assemble the spreader bow." Bi Li was surprised: "Lan Hu, what are you going to do?" "Give it a go!" I said in a low voice.At the same time, he gave Xiaohu an instruction in his mind to maximize the power of Zhanyi and increase the penetration. "Launch!" A white light flew out like a meteor in an instant, appeared behind Javert, and was immediately blocked by an invisible energy shield.But just as I guessed, Javert used all his energy and strength to fight the boulder, greatly weakening his own defense.The white dark energy light arrows rotated at high speed, sparking countless sparks on the surface of the energy shield. In the blink of an eye, the energy shield shattered, and the white dark energy light arrows hit Javert. Javert's body shook violently, but he didn't fall down as I imagined. Instead, he turned his head and stared at me fiercely like a beast.That gaze seemed to be right in front of him, like a sharp knife piercing through. But the roar of the boulder made him turn his head back in panic.In the yellow sand hurricane, the sandworm tightly wrapped around the boulder was torn into several pieces and thrown out. The sandworm's heavy body was like cannonballs smashing towards Javert. "Sand wall!" Javert wanted to control the sand hurricane, so he couldn't move, so he could only temporarily use his power to create a sand wall more than half a meter thick to block in front of him. A few pieces of insect corpses smashed over, and the sand wall was immediately smashed to pieces.Javert's distraction of constantly strengthening the sand wall finally gave the Rock his chance. "A mere yellow sand hurricane wants to trap me, it's too small to underestimate me." Jushi's confident voice came out in the yellow sand hurricane, "Space is confined, ten times the gravity!" The ground domain under the boulder's feet contracted and expanded. This process was very fast, and within the time of one breath, the domain under his feet changed.The hurricane of yellow sand that had been spinning crazily stagnated in the air, and its speed decreased rapidly. When the wind force dropped to a certain critical point, tons of yellow sand rolled up by the hurricane poured down from the sky. In a few seconds, the hurricane of yellow sand covering the sky and the sun disappeared before our eyes as if it had never existed, revealing a boulder more than ten meters high inside. The body of the boulder, which was as strong as granite, was covered with shocking cracks, and blood continued to ooze out, just like porcelain covered with cracks, which might suddenly collapse at any time. It can be seen that breaking the hurricane of yellow sand is not as easy as he said. Jushi coughed, probably with too much force, and the wound on his body spurted out blood. Jushi grinned and said, "Oh, it seems that I used too much force just now." The little tree spirit ran over at some point, and quickly climbed onto the boulder's shoulder, patted the boulder's neck quite familiarly, and said, "Fatty, I didn't expect you to be so pushy. We fought for a long time, and as soon as you came up This bastard is disabled, wouldn't it steal our limelight? But I am optimistic about you, are you interested in coming over to be my thug? Let me tell you, I am destined to become the male tree spirit of the World Tree, and I have already taken refuge in you , Earn early." Jushi knew its temper, so he didn't answer at all, he directly stretched out his hand and said, "Is there any source spar, get me two to stop the bleeding." Before Jushi could finish speaking, the stingy little tree spirit had already fled.Without the little dryad whispering in his ears, the giant stone looked at Javert again. The yellow sand hurricane was broken, and Javert also suffered backlash. He had already spurted out a few big mouthfuls of old blood, and his expression was also very sluggish. He looked around and looked like he wanted to escape. The seriously injured lord is also a lord, and Javert wants to escape, and no one can stop him except the boulder.Jushi said: "Want to escape? Can you go!" The boulder more than ten meters high strode towards Javert with big strides, and that huge body had a very powerful impact.Javert raised his hand, and the yellow sand floated up. Under the shaping of the lord-level power, it turned into a sword and spear comparable to forged steel, and stabbed at the boulder. At the foot of the boulder is a field of ten times the gravity. As soon as these weapons transformed into yellow sand enter the field, their speed drops sharply. Here I have to talk about the ten-fold gravity field.Although it is a field of ten times gravity, it also depends on the object being used.For example, you can pull a moving bicycle with a certain amount of force, but the same force can only slow down the motorcycle, and it has almost no effect on the running car. Theoretically, the field of ten times the gravity can make the yellow sand hurricane collapse instantly, but because the yellow sand hurricane is fast and heavy, it has exceeded a certain limit of space confinement, so the effect it can play is discounted, and the boulder is so tired that he vomits blood Only then did the yellow sand hurricane gradually stop. However, because the weapon transformed into yellow sand is very light, once it enters the field of ten times the gravity, its speed will drop sharply and its power will be completely lost. The boulder rushed to Javert in three steps at a time, and slapped it down heavily with his palm. At this moment, Javert was completely frightened, and he didn't dare to fight the boulder head-on. He said "Dun", and his body instantly melted into the yellow sand under his feet like a pool of yellow sand, without a trace. It's a pity he doesn't know that Jushi, as a prince of the Ponting Empire, has received various elite education since he was a child, including rich knowledge in the field.Therefore, although Jushi has just been promoted, his understanding of domain knowledge is by no means a novice. The field at the foot of the boulder spread out, and Javert was soon spotted.A giant hand plunged into the ground, groped for a while, then grabbed Javert and shrank back. Javert was caught by the boulder and could no longer set off a storm.The three of us leaned over. Javert's face was pale, and he didn't know how many bones on his body were crushed by the boulder, but the boulder didn't let go of his hand. Jushi said with great interest: "With your aptitude, it is impossible to be promoted to the lord. Your promotion to the lord depends entirely on the divinity in your body. I am curious how such a large piece of divinity was brought to the dune star by you? " Javert insisted and said: "If you dare to spoil my god's good deeds, you will definitely be punished by God, and pain and regret will accompany you for the rest of your life." Jushi didn't care about his curse, and said to himself: "From the perspective of the divinity in your body, the power will not be very strong. Although such a god has great power in his own territory, he will also be punished by the planet because of this." Imprisoned, difficult to leave. How did you bring your divinity here? Could it be that you stole it? It is impossible, your strength is so weak, how could you steal the divinity of a god, even if it is only a low-level god. " "I know." Bi Li who hadn't spoken for a while suddenly said. Jushi looked at him: "Let's listen." Bi Lidao: "The divinity is so great that it is absolutely impossible to escape the shackles of the planet. And if it is only a primitive unit of divinity, although it can transcend the shackles of the planet, it will hardly have any effect, after all, it is too weak , is easily diluted by other forces in the universe. Just like a drop of ink dropped into a lake, the ink will soon be diluted so that it cannot be seen." Jushi nodded and said, "That's right, one or two units of divinity are useless at all. If you want to make a difference, you need at least thirty units of divinity. There are at least sixty units of divinity in his body." Bi Lidao: "If the divinity is shipped out in batches one by one, and then all the divinity are combined at the destination, it is like assembling parts one by one, which is equivalent to sending the divinity out indirectly. planet." Hei Yueji who woke up joined the discussion: "In theory, it is possible, but divinity is not a part, and it is not so easy to transport." Bi Li nodded and said: "Yes, if you want to send divinity as parts, the transporter must meet two conditions: first, you must be a believer in the god; second, you must have the consciousness of death. If you still Remember, you must remember that when Javert was promoted to the lord, many golden light spots flew from all directions of the fortress. Those are the gods of one or two original units. And the ones who transport these gods are Javert’s companions, those sand scales Star people. It is said that all Sandscale Star people are loyal followers of the desert god on that planet." Before Bi Li finished speaking, he stopped. In fact, he has already made it very clear that the Sandscale people are like cargo carriers, bypassing the confinement of the planet, and bringing the divinity of the Sandscale gods to the Dune Star little by little. The desert god did this to gain more power.To put it simply, the larger the territory the gods occupy, the greater the authority they have, and the more laws they obtain after communication, the stronger their power. For the Desert God, Dune Star is obviously a very convenient planet for him to expand his territory. Javert gathered the divinity brought by many Sandscale Stars, possessing the power of a divine envoy.However, because of the long-term contact with the divinity, it is difficult for those Sandscale people who transport the divinity to forcibly separate.Once the divinity is deprived, the vitality is also lost.At this time, those poor Sandscale Star people are probably dead. The ruthlessness of the God of the Desert is shocking, but Bi Li, Hei Yueji, and Ju Shi didn't show any surprises. It can be seen that in the universe, such things that ignore life are not uncommon. From another point of view, the vast and boundless universe is like a vast jungle, and our intelligent life forms are tiny ants in the jungle.Who would cry for the life and death of a few ants? Javert smiled with difficulty and said, "You think you've won by doing this? How can the power of my god be beyond what you ants can imagine." Speaking of this, Javert's expression suddenly lifted, showing fanaticism: "Great God of the Desert, come down! This unowned desert is waiting for your rule, and I am willing to use my life to witness your glory! Come down!" ……what!" Javert's voice stopped abruptly, and his neck was directly twisted by the boulder. If a god really came here, no one would be spared.Even if Jushi already had the power of a lord, it would be difficult to fight against a true god, so Jushi acted decisively.Once there are no loyal believers as coordinates to locate, no matter how powerful the gods are, it will be difficult to appear here across multiple spaces. The boulder held Javert with one hand, and opened the other hand to cover it. A yellow circle of light gradually expanded and slowly rotated to form a small gravity field, trying to extract the divinity in Javert's body. Bi Li and Hei Yueji watched eagerly. Although they came from famous families, they were not immune to the precious resource of divinity. The god to which this group of divinity belonged has not fallen, and the divinity has its own owner, so when it was extracted by the boulder, it struggled extremely fiercely, like a group of spiritual flames, constantly resisting. I have never seen divinity, and I am watching curiously.Compared with the power core, the divinity is closer to the rules, and the power core can be understood as a rough divinity. If you compare them to jade, the core of power is unpolished, while divinity is polished jade. Watching the flames of divinity flow, one can naturally see the shadows of many rule changes. After all, this group of divinity is the source of no water. Although the resistance was fierce, it was still sucked out by the boulder little by little. At this moment, Javert, who had a broken neck, suddenly opened his eyes, which were like two little suns shining brightly.
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