Home Categories historical fiction Struggle from Grassroots to Emperor Liu Bei

Chapter 4 image problem

Liu Bei's appearance is recorded in history books. He is seven feet five inches tall, which is roughly equivalent to about 1.73 to 75 meters today. Although he is very ordinary today, he was considered tall and mighty in ancient times. His most famous feature is that his hands are long and his ears are big, his arms can hang down above his knees, and his eyes can see his ears. This shape is a bit unimaginable. Today, it is deformed in every way, but in ancient times, This has become "extraordinary talent" and "has the appearance of a saint". In any case, Liu Bei has a pair of protruding and big ears (both ears and shoulders), which should be good. There is more than one record in the history books. His opponents like to call him "big ear thief ".In view of some "excellent traditions" in ancient my country, we don't have to be serious, just pretend to be a deliberate exaggeration for some political needs.

In addition, there is another characteristic of Liu Bei's appearance: he does not grow a beard, at least not after middle age.It may be the beard loss caused by years of hard work, or it may be the kind of person who does not grow beards naturally. Today, it’s okay not to grow a beard. At most, people will poke their spines and say that this person is a bit of a “mother”.But in the era when men regarded long beards as beautiful, it was not a trivial matter, and Liu Bei himself was quite worried about it, so that he even caused a life later. Regarding Liu Bei's personality, I think there are only two words to describe it: mysterious.

After reading the historical materials of the Three Kingdoms, we will find that as a leader with detailed records, Liu Bei seldom speaks (compared to Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang, etc.), and even if he does, it is rarely "heartfelt". Although he likes to share the same bed with his subordinates (don't think about it wrongly), but he rarely sees the record of talking about his parents with his subordinates like Sun Quan.He is not as good as Cao Cao's literary talents, and often writes poems to express his heart.Therefore, what kind of person Liu Bei really is can only be said to be a mystery.

The author guesses that Liu Bei is not a sharp-edged person, he is low-key, introverted, and even a little introverted. In today's terms, he is a typical boring man. When Liu Bei was young, he might have had an outgoing face, but after middle age, he became more and more deep and introverted. It is recorded in historical books that he "has few words, and his emotions and anger are not displayed", which should be a general description.This makes him very different from Cao Cao's generosity and heroism, or the early Sun Quan's kindness and loveliness. Let's talk about Liu Bei's overall image and temperament.

The author briefly summarizes here: Liu Bei is a soldier, he is used to the sound of gold and iron horses on the battlefield, or the sour smell of thousands of men in the barracks who have not bathed for dozens of days.Relatively speaking, his ability to manage government affairs is very weak, and he feels overwhelmed with complicated official documents, which makes him only able to wander between "hero" and "rogue" for a long time. But Liu Bei also has strengths. First of all, he will be a man.Judging from historical records, Liu Bei's affinity is full, and it is easy to become buddies with others.

The author believes that this kind of "affinity" is different from the so-called "communicative skills". It is a temperament that is inherently close, so everyone from ordinary people to nobles and ministers is very friendly to Liu Bei.This played a very critical role in Liu Bei's long-term wandering career. In fact, there are always such people around us. Although a certain person’s father is not Li Gang, he does not drive a Mercedes-Benz or BMW, his bank balance is less than five figures, and his appearance is worse than mine, but even if he is popular, he will not accept it. .

Of course, Liu Bei's height cannot be reached just by "super popularity".He has a very important feature, not "benevolence" or "heroic spirit", but his origin, his grass roots - not his clan status, that thing is useless. Compared with most warlords of the time, Liu Bei's starting point was quite low.Although Liu Bei also received Confucian Confucian classics education, but the level is at best elementary school level, which makes him (and his partners) have always maintained a very strong grassroots.This characteristic is Liu Bei's asset, but also a liability, which caused him to be displaced in the first half of his life, but it also became his life-saving talisman.

In the second half of Liu Bei's career, he began to notice his own shortcomings, so he hired Zhuge Liang as a senior consultant, and only then did he truly create his own blue ocean. To sum up, we can imagine that Liu Bei is a tall, restrained, resolute, and a little earthy soldier who is good at leading troops in battle and charging forward, but he will have a headache when he sees numbers or legal provisions.It's a bit like the underworld gangster in Hong Kong and Taiwan movies. It's not the kind of loud and domineering character, but it's definitely not the kind of loyal uncle who looks simple and honest, or even a bit useless.

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