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Chapter 8 Chapter 5: The Holy Book of Darkness

This book is called "The Great Holy Book of Darkness".It was because he was attracted by the power of the black moon in Fengyu Sword that he revealed his true form.And what surprised me the most was that the book also contained a piece of information about the owner of the book.The owner of the book is a great sage who existed many years ago. This powerful man who really stood at the pinnacle of the universe recorded his perception of the power of darkness, so there is this book—" The Great Book of Darkness". I have harvested two secret books of exercises, which is enough.What's more, with this noble young man who doesn't like me present, the difficulty for me to choose exercises has doubled, and it will be difficult to gain more gains if I stay longer.So I took two books and returned to the first floor of the library through the optical brain in the square.

I came down from the stairs, looked back again, and walked towards the middle-aged uncle.Unexpectedly, your young master also chased me down, and followed me all the way to the counter where the task was handed over.I glanced at him, ignored him, and said directly to the uncle: "I want to exchange these two exercises." The middle-aged uncle glanced at the two books in my hand, took them, and said: "With your current ability, it is not bad to be able to get these two books. But I suggest you not to buy them for the time being. After one or two years of study, you will be able to get a four-star level exercise. Now that you are learning "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue", you will have to change the exercise in the future, which will add a lot of trouble."

The middle-aged uncle was kind, but I could only refuse: "No, just these two books. My hometown may soon be in a disaster, and I still have many relatives and friends there. I want to go back." The middle-aged uncle asked with a dull face, "Do you have a spaceship?" "what?" "The distance between star fields can range from hundreds of thousands of light years to hundreds of millions of light years. Without a spaceship, how are you going to go back?" I was taken aback for a moment. I have ignored this point all this time. How can I go back to Earth without transportation?Fly by yourself?I don't have the ability to travel through space at all now, flying alone will exhaust me, and I won't be able to return to Earth.I said: "Doesn't the Guardian Alliance have a spaceship rental business?"

"No." "Then I can buy a spaceship." "Do you have money?" "I..." I was about to say that I have it, but then I suddenly thought of the most valuable source spar, which we found in the ant nest, which was a total of 9,000 yuan. When I ran away, I didn't have time to get it, so I threw it all inside. up.Although when the quicksand fortress was besieged later, the little tree spirit tempered some bug corpses, but the amount was very small, and it was definitely not enough to buy a spaceship.Oh, and there are some gold essences, not many, I don't know if they are enough.It's very difficult to go back to Earth, but I have to go back.I looked up at the other party: "I will figure out a way."

The middle-aged uncle remained expressionless, and put the "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue" under the optical brain for appraisal: "The "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue", a three-star skill, has 10,000 combat points." The middle-aged uncle put the unremarkable book under the light brain again, glanced at it casually, suddenly changed his expression, raised his head, staring at me like two sharp swords out of their scabbards: "this book Did you find the book?" The change in the other party's expression made me nervous involuntarily. The key point is that the aura suddenly erupted from him was very scary. He looked no worse than General Long Codman, but he was just a librarian.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was about to answer, but the nobleman preempted me and said: "That's right, I saw this book he caught in a sea of ​​books with my own eyes. Hehe, did his method violate the prohibition? Or is it this book?" something wrong?" The middle-aged librarian suddenly put away his frightening aura and said, "This book is fine, but this book requires 50,000 combat points." "Fifty thousand?" Before I could speak, your young master had already yelled, "The average five-star kung fu method is only three to forty thousand. Could this, this book be a holy-level kung fu method? This, this is impossible, I never I have never heard of a holy-level exercise in the library."

The uncle librarian glanced at him expressionlessly and didn't speak.In his heart, he also didn't believe that there was a holy-level exercise on the third floor.In fact, this is not a secret. After the strength reaches five stars, the rest of the road depends entirely on one's own comprehension. Whether one can be promoted to a saint depends entirely on one's own comprehension, so there are no saint-level exercises at all.The way of heaven is impermanent, how can there be an unchanging path for you to walk? Your son's mentality was obviously out of balance, his eyes were red, and he suddenly shouted: "Haha, 50,000 military merit points, plus the previous book, a total of 60,000 military merit points, I don't believe you have so many military merit points."

I am also hesitant. Judging from the fact that a book of three-star exercises only has 10,000 combat merit points, combat merit points are very precious and valuable in the Guardian Alliance.If I buy this book, I will only have a few thousand combat points left.Is it worth it to spend so many combat points for a book that is extremely expensive for some unknown reason? The uncle librarian reminded me at the right time: "This book is an incomplete book... I don't know how it got into the third floor, but it is recorded in my brain, so there should be no mistakes. This book is at least several years old. It has not been selected by any guardian in a hundred years, as for whether someone has selected this book before, we need to check the records. However, since you can select it, it is the choice of fate."

"Haha, an incomplete book. Buy it quickly, maybe you can become a saint too. Oh, no, I don't believe you have so many combat points." I ignored your young master's ridicule, and asked the uncle librarian, "May I know the name of this book and the content of this book?" "No, you can only read the contents if you buy it." This is the rule, even librarians do not have permission to read it.As for why he knew about "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue", because more people bought it and practiced it, the general situation of this book is naturally known to everyone.

I don't want to buy it. After all, spending a lot of money without knowing anything is like a gamble.But when I had unwanted thoughts, Feng Yujian vibrated in my body, reminding me repeatedly that this book is very important.I suddenly became cruel, and said, "I bought it! I bought both books!" "What! Do you really have so many combat points?" Your son lost his voice. The uncle librarian didn't have the slightest ups and downs on his face: "Stretch your arm over and brush it." I stretched my arm under the optical brain, and the words "Guardian Orthodoxy" emerged, and with a flash of light, 60,000 combat merit points were deducted from my name, leaving only 5,600.A cloud of multicolored light burst out suddenly above the two books, which was a sign that the restrictions on them had been removed.With the flick of the opponent's fingers, the two books suddenly turned into two balls of light and entered my mind.

Countless knowledge filled my head in an instant, my brain couldn't handle it, and there was a short downtime, and the external manifestation was a sluggish face.This moment lasted for about a few seconds. When I came back to my senses, I saw your young master pointing at me angrily and said: "You are the Lanhu who is called the number one among the new guardians, right? I should have guessed it long ago when I saw the tattoo on your forehead. Hmph, what are you, dare to be the number one? Even the guy known as the 'Son of Metal' dare not be the number one among the new guardians .” "Son of Metal"?Gradually, I came to my senses, and in a trance, I thought of the strong man with silver-white skin and a height of 1.9 meters, who was born very friendly to the metal law.Oh, it turns out that he also successfully advanced to the Guardian. Your son continued: "Do you dare to fight with me to see who is the number one among the new guardians?" I have fully recovered and just want to go back immediately and study those two books in my mind carefully.That humble book was such a surprise.For the first, the challenge, I have no interest at all.I refused: "I never said I was number one, and I'm not interested in fighting you." The nobleman said excitedly: "You didn't say that, but everyone said that, which means that you are the number one in everyone's mind. Hmph, you just escaped from the Zerg's hands. You are just a coward who survived by chance, and you are worthy of the number one title." 1. Those old guys always say that bugs are the enemy, they are the enemy, and they don’t even think about it. If the bugs were so powerful, the universe would have been eaten up by them long ago. Why are they driven to a corner of the universe to survive? Ours The enemy is mechanical humans, and this mechanical race that can activate any kind of machine is worthy of our vigilance." I shrugged and said, "It's up to you, I won't fight anyway." He said: "You are just a darling favored by luck, you are afraid." "Whatever you say, I'm not interested anyway." As I said that, I walked towards the entrance and exit of the library. He took a deep breath and said, "A spaceship! As long as you beat me, I will give you a spaceship!" I stood still suddenly, this bet is really fatally attractive to me.I said, "Why should I believe that you have a spaceship?" The young master stood there, curled his lips, and said proudly: "You don't know me? Haven't you heard of me, Lambert Fernan?" I shook my head: "I haven't heard of it." He curled his lips and said: "Sure enough, I don't have much knowledge. My aunt Georgiana Feinan is a distinguished five-star guardian. For you, a spaceship is out of reach, but for our Feinan family, it is not at all. What kind of." I believe he is not lying, because this kind of lie is too easy to expose. Just ask anyone to find out whether Georgiana is a five-star guardian, and whether the Feinan family is really that rich.I resolutely agreed to him: "Okay, you set a time, and I will play a game with you. You must prepare a good spaceship for me, and I will use it to cross the universe." Lang Bai looked at me contemptuously, and said: "You who value money so much can actually become a guardian. I am really ashamed to be with you. In two days, I will let everyone know that I am the guardian of this generation." The strongest, the most potential. You are just a lucky coward.” "Okay, I'll wait for you to come to me in two days." Lambert didn't bother to look at me again, turned and walked straight past me, proud as a swan, as if he had won. I sighed in my heart, and I didn't want to say anything more. How would people who have never experienced a bug swarm know the horror of the Zerg.One can tell from his taken-for-granted tone that he is someone who is overprotected and pampered by his family. He may have extraordinary talent, but his shallow thinking makes it difficult for him to go too far on this road.Fighting him, I don't have the slightest pressure. I have seen the crazy, terrifying, and powerful Zerg heroes. What else should I be afraid of? As Lang Bai walked out of the library, I suddenly heard the voice of the librarian uncle: "Georgiana is the most difficult to talk among all the five-star guardians, you'd better not beat that kid Lang Bai too hard, if he Go cry at Georgiana, you will have a hard time in the Guardian League." I turned my head to look at the uncle librarian in astonishment. This uncle who had no expression from the beginning to the end showed a look of "I have seen through you" at this moment.In astonishment, I nodded awkwardly at him, thanking him for his reminder.Lang Bai is full of confidence, thinking that he can easily defeat me, but in the eyes of others, the outcome between him and me is already clear at a glance.Can a person who has experienced a terrible bug swarm be defeated by a person who grew up in an ivory tower? After leaving the library, I rode a phoenix-tailed eagle to find Jushi as agreed with Jushi.Jushi and other disqualified candidates were arranged by the Guardian Alliance at Xilai Peak.After telling the phoenix hawk where I was going, I gave most of my thoughts to the two books in my head. The two books have removed the false and preserved the true, leaving only two different lights.Because the two books contain the power of law, they shine grandly, and when you look closely, you will feel like you are facing the sea and facing the abyss.Such two strong books are suppressed by the light of the guardian monument, and they can only rotate around the guardian monument within a certain range. Although "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue" is only a three-star secret book, as soon as I penetrated into it with my spiritual sense, huge waves thousands of meters high rose into the sky, connecting the sky and the earth, with infinite power.I feel like I am in a stormy sea, and there is a possibility of overturning at any time.The strength of the three-star guardian has reached level 18, so powerful, the five-star guardian is only at level 20. The other book is even more terrible, even the uncle librarian does not know the name and the ins and outs of this book.I probed my spiritual sense into it, and found that it was not as scary as the "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue", surrounded by a silent darkness, with a hint of coolness, but reassuring.There is no majestic momentum, no amazing power, only boundless darkness.That's right, the reason why this book looks so inconspicuous from the outside is not because it has no light, but because the light it emits is black, a deep and pure black. This book is called "The Great Holy Book of Darkness".It was because he was attracted by the power of the black moon in Fengyu Sword that he revealed his true form.And what surprised me the most was that the book also contained a piece of information about the owner of the book.The owner of the book is a great sage who existed many years ago. This powerful man who really stood at the pinnacle of the universe recorded his perception of the power of darkness, so there is this book—" The Great Book of Darkness". Unfortunately, this unknown great sage touched the status of the three dark kings because he told the origin of the dark power in the "Dark Canon", and was attacked and killed by the dark three kings.Because each of the three dark kings has mastered a part of the original law of the dark power of the universe, they have the supreme status and become the strongest gods in the universe.If the "Dark Canon" spreads and everyone understands the origin of the dark power, their status will be challenged, and one day they will be replaced by newcomers. This is absolutely not allowed. Therefore, even though this great sage was the strongest in the universe, he still fell in the face of three dark gods who were almost as powerful as him. The "Dark Holy Book" was partially damaged in the battle of the four powerhouses, and then lost.The Dark Three Kings searched secretly for a long time, but they couldn't find it, so they had to give up in the end.However, everyone who knew the "Dark Holy Canon" was silenced by the three dark kings, so no one knew what kind of book it was. This book does not leave the cultivation method of the dark power, only the great sage's understanding of the original law of the dark power.To be honest, at this moment, I feel that 50,000 combat points for this book is really not expensive at all.I can't wait to dive in and learn about it, but now isn't a good time. The sonorous cry of the phoenix-tailed hawk reminded me that my destination was approaching.I withdrew my consciousness from the "Dark Holy Canon", not only did I not feel the slightest sense of fatigue, on the contrary, my whole state improved and I felt relaxed. I patted the thick back of the phoenix-tailed hawk, and the phoenix-tailed hawk circled slightly and landed. After a while, I saw the boulder.This guy looked good. When we met, he congratulated me: "Seeing your relaxed face, you must have successfully become a guardian." I said: "Well, everything went well. Have you contacted your father yet?" Jushi said: "He has a lot of things to do every day, so how can he have time for me? But he contacted the elder brother and was scolded by him. Pieta died in battle, and the Plantagenet family was furious. They almost asked why I didn't die. But Pieta, who has experienced many battles and is known as a genius, is dead. Hehe, who made him greedy for life and afraid of death, if he is in the same boat as us, he might still be alive now." I said, "Trouble?" Jushi said with a bitter face: "My earth giant bloodline is not as good as the thunder giant bloodline of the big brothers, so the Plantagenet family dares to make trouble, but it won't let me die. It's just that I will be imprisoned in the next ten years. Get up and face the wall and think about it, unless my earth giant bloodline is further purified, I won't be able to get out." "Ten years of freedom." I said, "Actually, Pieta's death is none of your business. If you need someone to testify for you, I am willing. I am the guardian now, and what I say is worth it." Others value it." Jushi waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it anymore. Confinement is also a kind of protection for me. The Plantagenet family is very powerful, and it may be possible to attack me, a humble prince. Ten Years of confinement can also gradually dissipate their hatred for me. Not to mention these, Bi Li and Hei Yueji were placed on the list of the first batch to leave the Guardian Alliance, and they will leave the day after tomorrow. Today is just in time for you to come , Let’s get together and have a good drink. We are all comrades who have fought side by side, and we don’t know when we will meet next time.” Although I was a little afraid of seeing Hei Yueji, what Jushi said made sense.The universe is vast, who knows when we will meet next time?I nodded and said, "Okay, let's get together. There are not many people who can come back from the Dune Star alive." Jushi said: "I'll go and call Getai and Hutu, both of them are men. It's a pity that His Royal Highness Tianhuo hasn't woken up yet, otherwise it would be perfect to get together." Jushi invites friends and companions, and calls all the people who came back alive from the Dune Star to have a dinner together.Everyone has a common experience, and there will never be embarrassing scenes where words are not speculative.Everyone ate and drank, venting the fear brought back from the Dune Star.The dinner party lasted until late at night, when the moon was shining brightly, everyone was basically drunk. Bi Li took my hand and cried, "I've loved such a woman all my life, don't take her away." The drunken Hei Yue Ji became a little more charming, and grabbed the sleeve of my other hand: "Your Highness, you are a man of God, you must save our Goddess Hei Yue. You know, since Hei Yue After the goddess disappeared, how much did our family suffer and how many people died? As long as you are willing to save the Black Moon Goddess, our family is willing to pay any price. Anything...including me. I grew up in front of the Goddess's statue since childhood, I have been taught to be a faithful servant of the goddess...for the resurrection of the goddess, I am willing to do anything, anything!" Both of them finally fell asleep drunk, and Hei Yueji, a woman with a strong appearance, curled up on the ground like a poor kitten.Bi Li's sleeping posture is much more bold and unrestrained, sleeping in the shape of "big", snoring cheerfully. My eyes flicked over the stumbling crowd.These people who came back from the Dune Star alive have withstood the most difficult test in their lives.Although not everyone can become a guardian, but their psychological changes are enough for them to advance to the lord level, it is only a matter of time. I watched them all night.The next day, when everyone woke up, Hei Yueji was the first to run away with a blushing face.At that moment she looked more like a beautiful girl than a strong female warrior.Bi Li didn't remember what he said last night, he just patted his chest and told me that I would have the opportunity to go to his hometown to find him in the future.He won't let me wait too long, he will be promoted to the lord soon, and will definitely surpass me in the future. There is always a banquet in the world, and I bid farewell to everyone. I left Xilai Peak, rode on a phoenix-tailed eagle, and returned to my own residence.Everyone has their own goals and pursuits, and I can't slack off. I go back to the residence.To my surprise, an acquaintance was waiting for me. Yu Mengshui's dreamy big eyes saw me, she was overjoyed at first, then sniffed, and said angrily: "Everyone knows that you are going to fight Lambert Fernan, but you still have the heart to go out and drink?" A night of drinking. You don't know what that Lumber guy is about?" I am very happy to see the little girl Yu Mengshui. I can be the guardian, and she has a lot of credit. The little girl looked angry, but I was not angry at all, I said: "Lang Bai, I know, his aunt is Georgiana, a five-star guardian. So what? He is not a five-star guardian. He is not a five-star guardian. Fight, I have nothing to worry about."
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