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Chapter 5 Chapter 2 God's Man

"It's up to you to say that the power of the black moon is one of the greatest powers in the entire universe..." Hei Yueji's admiration for the power of the black moon has been deeply rooted in her bones, "How did you touch the black moon so quickly? What about the power of God? Can you learn how to use it skillfully so quickly? No, no, I thought of it, you are the man of God in the oracle! God’s guardian! God will regain his position with your help! It must be You, yes, God's guard! God's man!" The chip that Black Moon Ji gave me details how to perceive the power of Black Moon.

I tried to perceive the power of the black moon according to the method in the chip, imagining that there was a black full moon above my head, and the cool moonlight fell, and the moonlight covered every inch of space around my body. cool. Soon, I could vaguely feel the power of the black moon in the space.It is as quiet as water, as cold as the moon, and it is a very special power.I tried to turn off the lights in the room, so that the whole room was immersed in darkness. Sure enough, the power of the black moon became a little more intense and lively, flowing slowly in every inch of darkness.

I tried my best to absorb the power of the black moon, but it remained indifferent. Obviously this kind of special power is not so easy to be absorbed.The chip Hei Yue Ji gave me said that if I can get the blessing of the Black Moon Goddess, it will be much easier to absorb the power of the Black Moon. Obviously, it is impossible for me to get the blessing of the Black Moon Goddess. The Black Moon Goddess has disappeared for a long time. I don't know if she has fallen or was swallowed by other gods. The Fengyujian warmed in my body suddenly buzzed and vibrated, a flash of light flashed through my mind like a thunderbolt, and I released Fengyujian without hesitation.

I caressed the blade of the sword with both hands, and the Fengyu Sword trembled slightly, as if very excited.A sword light extended from the tip of the sword like moonlight, and under the bright sword light, a black sword light appeared like a sword shadow. The power of the black moon appeared in such a way that I was dumbfounded. The power of the black moon sounds like a power that has a lot to do with the brilliance of the moon.There is a lake of moonlight in Fengyu Sword, which stores a large amount of moonlight. As expected, the power of the black moon was attracted by the brilliance of the moon, showing its signs.

Compared with the brilliance of the moon, the power of the black moon is more concentrated and less lively.Moonlight is formed by the moon reflecting sunlight. Compared with the dazzling and hot sunlight, moonlight is softer and less aggressive.The power of the black moon seems to have overcome this feature, possessing stronger penetrating power and lethality.This can be seen from Hei Yueji's combat effectiveness. I tried to pull the power of the black moon into the Fengyu Sword, but it succeeded. I sensed through my spiritual sense that the power of the black moon is much heavier than the brilliance of the moon. After a while, my spiritual sense felt tired.

The power of the black moon continuously poured into the Fengyu Sword, and the original moonlight lake soon had a black lake area, which was clearly separated from the original bright moonlight.The power of the black moon is heavier and cooler, and it actually has the special attribute of freezing the consciousness. After a while, my consciousness became slow, and I felt like a snake after winter, feeling stiff. The power of the black moon is so special, I can only use enough.My spiritual consciousness gradually recovered, and I took a closer look at Feng Yujian again, but I didn't see any special changes for the time being.When I took Fengyujian back into my body with confidence, a sudden change occurred, and the Tiandixuanhuang Linglong Monument, which had been silent after being damaged, suddenly produced a suction force, sucking Fengyujian into the monument.

I was shocked in my heart, when I wanted to stop the behavior of the guardian monument, the Fengyu sword had already been sucked into the guardian monument. To my surprise, the power of the black moon was sucked out of the guardian monument by the Fengyu sword, radiating into strands, Strands of black silk threads were then filled into the cracks in the guardian monument. The fact that the power of the black moon can actually repair the damage to the guardian monument really surprised me.From this point of view, before returning to the guardian star, most of the damage on the guardian monument can be repaired.

It took me half a day to store the power of the Black Moon in the Fish Sealing Sword, but it was completely absorbed by the guardian monument in less than five minutes.The Guardian Monument was still full of meaning, and seemed to want to squeeze some more out of the Fengyu Sword, until the minnow in the Fengyu Sword roared and protested angrily, and the Fengyu Sword was thrown out unwillingly by the Guardian Monument. The next day, I met Hei Yueji, who practiced very diligently, in the practice room again. Hei Yueji is doing spiritual training. In an environment with five times the gravity, she uses her spiritual consciousness to control the machine to move heavy objects.The consciousness is not greatly affected by gravity, but the objects to be moved are heavy, and all kinds of traps and attacks must be avoided along the way, which is a huge test for the operator's consciousness.

When I came, she didn't know how long she had been practicing, her little face was pale, sweat was rolling down her forehead, her slender hands were clenched tightly, she was concentrating on moving the heavy object, her white teeth were deeply embedded in her lips, it was obviously very It's exhausting. I don't know how old Hei Yueji is, but judging from her graceful figure, she should be a young girl.At the age when she should enjoy her youth, she practiced desperately and sweated in the practice room. She worked so hard just to restore the family's former glory. In fact, she should also understand that the reason why the Black Moon family was strong and prosperous in the past was because of the care of the Black Moon Goddess.In order to restore the glory of the Black Moon family, unless the Goddess of the Black Moon returns to restore the strength of the past, it is impossible for one or two strong men to restore the glory of the Black Moon family.

"Ah!" Hei Yueji suddenly yelled softly, and was attacked by a heavy object, causing Hei Yueji's consciousness to exceed the limit of fatigue, and she was directly kicked out by the machine for exercising her consciousness. Hei Yueji gasped heavily, and it took seven or eight seconds for her face to regain some color.She glanced at the heavy object that had just walked halfway with a complicated expression.You know, the stronger her spiritual consciousness is, the better the effect of the dark power she masters can be exerted. I said: "There is a saying in our place called 'too much is too late'. If the spiritual consciousness is damaged, it will take a long time to recover."

Hei Yueji immediately recovered her proud look, stretched her neck like a proud black swan, looked at me and said, "Who doesn't know that our Hei Yue family is especially good at training spiritual consciousness, what qualifications do you have to teach me?" Seeing her attack me immediately like a hedgehog, I didn't feel any anger in my heart. I just felt that this girl was carrying too much burden of the family, and it was not easy.She's just strong, but she definitely knows what she's doing, so I'm not going to argue with her on that topic.I smiled and said, "Thank you for your generous help. The knowledge in the chip has helped me a lot. I owe you a favor." Hei Yueji lowered her neck a little bit, still maintaining her proud little swan posture and said: "You don't need to thank me, it's just some basic dark knowledge. For most people who are used to the power of light, these basic dark knowledge There are only some references, and you don't necessarily see the importance of it." I said: "Your deep and detailed description of the dark power gave me a more comprehensive understanding of the dark power, and I realized the dark camouflage and evil immunity." Hei Yueji glanced at me hurriedly with her big eyes, and said, "Not bad, I don't see that you have any talent. But this kind of low-level use of dark power, in our Hei Yue family, even five or six-year-old children can understand it." , and don’t be proud. The most important thing is the power of the black moon. Only the power of the black moon is the core of the dark power. Don’t expect extravagant expectations. Only those who have a pure heart, or believers of the goddess of the black moon, can understand the power of the black moon. With the power of the moon, become a black moon warrior." I grinned and thought to myself, I don't know who is proud.A ray of dark sword energy spewed out from my fingertips, and I said, "This is what you're talking about?" She glanced over contemptuously, then opened her eyes wide, and lost her voice: "Ah! This... how is this possible. In this barren universe, how can you feel the power of the black moon and absorb it for your own use? ?This is impossible!" I shrugged, and retracted the sword energy condensed by the power of the black moon into the Fish Sealing Sword. "I want to thank you. Without your deep insight into the power of the black moon, I would not have been able to comprehend the very special and powerful energy of the power of the black moon." "It's up to you to say that the power of the black moon is one of the greatest powers in the entire universe..." Hei Yueji's admiration for the power of the black moon has been deeply rooted in her bones, "How did you touch the black moon so quickly? What about the power of God? Can you learn how to use it skillfully so quickly? No, no, I thought of it, you are the man of God in the oracle! God’s guardian! God will regain his position with your help! It must be You, yes, God's guard! God's man!" I watched in astonishment as Hei Yueji's face became more and more serious and pious.My heart seems to have been trampled by ten thousand stray dogs, and I will recognize God's guard. What's the matter with God's man?I have nothing to do with Goddess Black Moon. "It must be you!" Hei Yueji seemed to have recognized me, stepped forward, stared into my eyes, and emphasized seriously. "Before that, I didn't even know the existence of the Black Moon Goddess." Under the girl's serious gaze, I explained weakly. The girl said: "The oracle has predicted everything today, and you are the man in the oracle." Well, "that man" is better than "God's man".I said, "Goddess Black Moon has been dead for many years, how could she predict what happened today?" Mentioning the fall of the Black Moon Goddess, a layer of mist suddenly appeared in the girl's eyes.She said seriously: "The goddess is immortal, she only temporarily lost the authority of God, and she will eventually return and sit on the throne of God. She will rain down thunder and anger on those believers who betrayed her, and you will share Glory to the goddess, be her guardian." I couldn't help interrupting her and said, "I just want to be the guardian, not the guardian of your goddess. Besides, the oracle must have made a mistake. Even if I want to help your goddess, I don't know where she is." , how to help." The girl was not discouraged at all and said: "The oracle also said that you will meet the goddess under the guidance of fate and help the goddess return to the throne." I sighed and said, "Although I have been promoted to the lord level, I think your goddess' enemies should be gods as powerful as her. Do you think I will be an opponent when encountering such an enemy?" The girl clenched her small fists with both hands, looked at me with big eyes full of hope and said, "You just said that you owe me a favor, and I only want you to help her when you meet the goddess." I looked at her speechlessly, hating myself for talking nonsense just now.Helping a goddess return to the god position... Just think about it, and you will know what kind of enemies and difficulties you will face.I am such a small lord-level powerhouse, I can't afford to get involved. Hei Yueji, who usually has a strong personality, now seems to have transformed into an innocent girl, looking at me with a begging face, and begged in a low voice: "As long as you help the goddess." Before I could speak, Hei Yueji showed a determined face, and she was going to die She gritted her teeth and said, "As long as you want, I, I can be your maid, and I will be very obedient." I suddenly felt as if I had become the villain in a literary work. "For example, if your life is in danger, you can leave with your own safety in mind. Please, the goddess is everything to our Black Moon family..." Before she could finish speaking, I stopped her from continuing.I don't know what she will say yet.Maid?Bi Li will definitely fight me hard.Besides, with her proud personality, would she be a qualified maid?Don't make trouble for yourself.I resolutely stopped her from continuing: "Well, I am willing to help your goddess without risking my life. As for the maid, don't mention it. Now it is a democratic society, and there are no maids. " She was overjoyed, and patted her chest because she didn't have to be my maid, and her face was full of rejoicing. Such a woman with a changeable personality is my maid, and I have to be tossed to death. Hei Yueji left with a happy face. Her long-cherished wish for many years finally saw some signs today.Thinking of the man of God in the oracle, I couldn't help shivering. When Hei Yueji left the practice room, she suddenly turned around and said to me: "If you need anything, please tell me, my family and I will be happy to satisfy you." I quickly waved at her and said, "Thank you, I don't have any needs. It's just that I need a quiet environment to practice now." "Oh, oh, okay, I'll leave right away, you must become stronger!" Hei Yueji seemed to become pure and cute in an instant, and she no longer had a cold face on the floor. Hei Yueji skipped and left, and I began to deeply regret that I came to thank her today, let alone showing off the power of Hei Yue in front of her.The man who made himself a goddess now is really asking for trouble for himself. But I can only swallow this bitter pill in silence.Speaking of which, the Black Moon Goddess has been lost for hundreds of years, and may have completely disappeared in this universe, so the chances of me encountering her may not be great. Afflictions belong to afflictions, and cultivation must continue.There were not many people on the spaceship, only a few surviving candidates such as Bi Li, Hei Yueji, and followers of Tianhuo, so the practice room was very empty and could be used casually.When I return to Guardian Star, it is not certain whether I can practice in such a good practice room, so I must cherish the opportunity. Immediately, I threw all the messy thoughts to the back of my head and devoted myself to cultivation. A few days later, Jushi finally woke up from the nutrition warehouse.The short and fat man stayed in the nutrition warehouse for such a long time, he almost changed from a short and fat man to a short and thin man, and he yelled that he was hungry as soon as he came out.I watched him eat tens of catties of meat in the restaurant, and finished a small basket of melons and fruits before stopping to rub his stomach. Jushi leaned against the back of the chair with a smile, and said contentedly: "I didn't expect that we would come back alive. Hehe, it seems that my fortune is about to change. After this tempering, I feel that my giant blood has become more pure." I also joked with a smile: "Congratulations, maybe you can be named a prince or something when you go back, and manage several planets, it is absolutely majestic." Jushi suddenly winked and leaned over and whispered: "Lan Hu, tell me the truth, did something happen between you and that chick Hei Yueji when I was still in the nutrition barn?" I said helplessly: "Where did you hear the rumors? This is absolutely nothing." Jushi said with a smirk on his face: "You still don't admit it, that chick has been looking at you behind you for a long time, looking at her focused eyes, it seems that you are the only one left in the whole world. I remember that Hei Yueji is a very cold and proud character. How did you make her suddenly so infatuated? Teach me!" When I turned my head, I saw Hei Yueji as expected.This chick was staring at me with big eyes without blinking, and when I turned my head to look, she immediately showed a shy smile. I slapped my forehead, sighed helplessly, turned my head towards Jushi and said, "It's not what you imagined, she's clearly spying on me." Jushi chuckled without interrupting, showing an expression that explaining is covering up, and covering up is telling a story. I sighed: "You are full too, I just have something to discuss with you." Jushi stood up and said, "Let's go, don't delay this wonderful youth. How about we fight first? Staying in the nutrition warehouse for so long, my bones are going to rust..." Amidst the chattering sound of the boulder, we left the restaurant and met Bi Li head-on. I greeted him, "Bi Li, are you coming to eat too?" Bi Li lowered his voice and said seriously: "What did you do to Hei Yueji? Why is she so nervous about you these two days? We have a friendship fighting side by side, you can't take away love and my Hei Yueji. .” I'm sweating, isn't this misunderstanding too deep? I hastily stopped Bi Li from talking, and said: "You also come with us, you also need to know about this matter." When I arrived at my residence, I told them about Sur's dark prophecy, the power of the black moon I had comprehended, and the oracle of the Black Moon Goddess that Black Moon Ji said.One of the two is the son of the royal family, and the other is from a wealthy family. They must know more about oracles and the fall of gods than I do.I'd like to hear what advice the two have. After hearing this, Bi Li blinked and smiled with relief: "So that's the case, it seems that I misunderstood you. There is nothing else between you, so I will leave first. Lan Hu, come on, I like you." Bi Li staggered away with a heart full of joy. I looked at Jushi, who shrugged his shoulders and said disappointedly: "I thought there would be something hidden in it, but it turned out to be like this. You said that the girl Hei Yueji is not bad if she is not a bit cold-tempered. Why don't you accept her?" How about choosing her as a maid? You can see that Bi Li cares a lot about Hei Yueji. You don’t want Hei Yueji, do you really want to be a man of God?” When Jushi said the latter, he couldn't help laughing. I said: "You like you to take it away, I don't have anything to accept any maids. Besides, you are a prince, and there are still fewer maids around you?" Jushi enviously said: "There are not too many maids with the quality of Hei Yueji, but it's a pity that people look down on me." I said: "Forget it, telling you this is to let you give me advice, not to make you crazy." As soon as I was serious, Jushi also restrained the smile on the corner of his mouth, and became serious as well: "The Black Moon Goddess has only existed for more than a thousand years. To the gods, more than a thousand years can only be regarded as a new god. But the Black Moon Goddess is quite As an enterprising new god, the power of the black moon is also quite special, so the goddess of the black moon is promoted very quickly. This can be seen from the rapid rise of the family of the black moon Ji and her family, which spans two star fields." I said with emotion: "The lifespan of a god is really long. A thousand years can only be considered a new god. How many years should an ancient god have existed?" Jushi said: "Hey, you are already a guardian, don't think about the gods. Although the lifespan of the gods is long, they are too restricted, and sometimes they can't help themselves. Speaking of ancient gods, I read them in the Royal Library. According to some sporadic records, it is said that where the universe was born, ancient gods were born with them, and they were extremely powerful, but as the universe grew, these ancient gods disappeared, and I don’t know if they fell or were hidden.” I said, "Then do you know if the Black Moon Goddess has really fallen?" Jushi said: "Falling must have fallen. After all, the believers of the Black Moon Goddess have not received a response from God in the past hundred years. But falling does not mean death. Falling means falling from the throne of God, and no longer has the authority of God, but Possibly still alive, sleeping somewhere, waiting for the opportunity to return again." I said, "Is there such a possibility?" Jushi said: "Some gods have premonitions before death, and may make preparations in advance to lay the groundwork for their return in the future. The Black Moon Goddess may have this ability, but there has been no news of her for a hundred years. Even if she is sleeping somewhere, she should be dying soon." "That means I don't have to worry?" Jushi said: "I didn't say that. If the oracle said by that chick Black Moon Ji wasn't her family's self-deception, then it should be a foreshadowing left by Goddess Black Moon. So you still have to be careful, but there is no need to Worrying too much." I wondered: "Why do you have to be careful and don't need to worry too much?" Jushi laughed and said, "Haven't you ever heard that you can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree? You have a guardian tablet in your hand, and you are a member of the Guardian Alliance. If a mere new god dares to attack you, you will die without even a bone." Leftovers. Even if you don’t consider the Guardian Alliance, the so-called ‘Phoenix with feathers is not as good as a chicken’, no matter how powerful she was a thousand years ago, she is not much stronger than ordinary people now, and you are a dignified lord-level powerhouse, you are strong She is weak, what do you have to worry about?" Jushi's last sentence was like enlightenment, and all my confusion was immediately swept away.After all, strength is the most important thing.
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