Home Categories historical fiction Nurhaci 1. Son of Heaven

Chapter 20 Chapter Sixteen Blood Splattered Beauty

Nurhaci 1. Son of Heaven 林佩芬 2642Words 2018-03-13
The second lady walked slowly back to her room with dazed eyes. Her spirit fell into a trance. After walking for a few steps, she seemed to have lost her soul. blank. Letting Nurhachi escape behind Li Chengliang's back was the craziest thing she had ever done in her life; however, after doing such a crazy thing, she didn't feel anything in her heart, she was as calm as a pool of stagnant water , even the previous tension and fear disappeared the moment she untied the rope that bound Nurhachi's body—she seemed to suddenly lose consciousness, and her whole body became a walking corpse.

She didn't know where she got the courage and courage to let go of Nurhachi and betray Li Chengliang—fortunately, she didn't think about anything, and her mood was calm instead; so she undressed and went to bed, and soon Fell asleep. None of the maids and servants were in the room, and no one turned off the lights for her. However, she fell asleep in the bright light, and she slept more peacefully and peacefully than usual, without any worries, and she didn't even have a dream. She didn't know how long she slept before she was awakened by a frenzied and rough noise. She opened her eyes in a daze and sat up under the quilt, but before she got out of bed with her clothes on, she held a three-foot long sword in her hand. Li Chengliang, who kicked open the door angrily, was already in front of him.

Li Chengliang reeked of alcohol, his face was full of anger, and his red eyes almost burst into flames; he stepped up to the bed, and immediately let out an angry shout: "What a bitch—you did a good job!" Before the words were finished, the long sword in his hand had stabbed at the second lady, and the second lady almost died with the sword piercing her chest before she could even scream; The second lady vented her anger and calmed down her anger. He took out the sword from the second lady's body, gnashed his teeth and swung it wildly. After a while, the second lady's body turned into a horrific meat paste, and he also vented some strength. , panting, dropped the long sword in his hand, turned his head and shouted at the attendants who were too frightened to move at the moment, "Go and catch that lowly servant girl Xue'er!"

Xue'er had just returned to the mansion at this time - after watching Nurhachi leave, she stood there for a long time, not noticing the passage of time, until a thunderous sound of horseshoes woke her up. . Her heart sank steeply—this was the sound of a large group of people leaving the house, so Li Chengliang soon discovered that Nurhachi had escaped, and sent a large group of people to chase after him... "God bless, don't let them catch up with Nurhachi..." She couldn't help but prayed to the sky. She put her palms together and realized that she had stood on the snow for a long time, and her limbs were a little numb; but in this way, many of her consciousnesses also came back.

"The godmother will think that I have left with Nurhachi..." She thought, "Go back and be with her!" So, she hurried back to the house, but her feet were a little numb, and she walked slowly. Moreover, she was in a turmoil, and many thoughts were intertwined and shuttled in her heart while walking. Inadvertently, she suddenly thought of something, Then he involuntarily let out an "Ouch" sound: "Why did I forget to tell him that Daqing doesn't eat grass for a day, he's a little weird, so he can't hurry too fast?" Thinking of this incident, another layer of shadow appeared in her heart, and she could only reluctantly think of "I hope it's okay" to comfort herself, but after all, she couldn't help but feel anxious and restless, coupled with the concern for Nurhachi's safety, it was even more heavy. Of course the feet are slow...

When she stepped into the gate of the mansion, she almost collided head-to-head with the person who was ordered by Li Chengliang to arrest her. Li Chengliang was bound to punish Nurhachi for letting Nurhachi escape privately. The severity of the "punishment" simply surpassed what she could bear by tens of thousands of times... The red-eyed Li Chengliang was sitting on a chair, his robe was still swollen with anger, his face was bulging with veins, his beard was flamboyant, and his expression was extremely ferocious; on the bed behind his seat was a pile of blurred The meat paste, bright red blood and snow-white minced meat mixed with black hair, emerald jade bracelets and pearl necklace fragments; Xueer's expression was already shuddering and frightened when she first saw Li Chengliang; the second time she saw Li Chengliang behind him Rou Ni let out a sharp scream in an instant, almost fainted, and collapsed to the ground.

Of course she knew that this pile of meat paste was the kind and kind second wife who raised her up; seeing this tragic end, her spirit and body collapsed at once, and she prostrated herself on the ground, screaming hissingly. She said: "Godmother, I'm the one who got you into trouble..." Crying and shouting, she pulled herself up and crawled towards the second lady's flesh and blood, but Li Chengliang's cold voice shuddered from the bottom of her ear: "See? This is the fate of betraying me! From now on, let's see who will still dare!" Xue'er bit her lip fiercely, and a thread of blood dripped from her mouth: "You killed me too!" Li Chengliang snorted coldly and said: "I have raised you for sixteen years, how dare you eat the inside out? There is more than enough to die—but, I want to keep you, in case Nurhachi escapes today's pursuit, I can use you to let him fall into the trap!"

Xue'er gritted her teeth and shook her head vigorously twice: "No—he won't come back!" Li Chengliang looked up to the sky with a big laugh and said, "Hahahaha—what kind of friendship is the most important thing for people like them, otherwise, how could Jue Chang'an and Tu Keshi have died in the hands of that pussy of Nikan Wailan?" As he said that, the muscles on his face twitched a few times, and he suddenly revealed a sinister smile and said, "Besides, I have a way to make him come back automatically—if he doesn't come back automatically within three days, I will tie you up." On the top of the city tower, order my 800,000 troops from Liaodong to rape you in turn, and let the people of the whole city come to watch—see if he can stand it!"

Xue'er's whole body was cold, and she uttered a weak voice: "You are so vicious—but, you won't get what you want!" She was breathless in her chest, and the voice of the next two sentences was too low to be heard, and she couldn't even make a sound after that. She fell on the ground and took a few weak breaths. She could only silently read in her heart: "Nurhachi—you must escape safely, don't let the godmother, me, and your unborn child die in vain!" After reading, she took a deep breath; then, she suddenly summoned up the remaining strength in her body, jumped up from the ground, and quickly rushed towards the beams and pillars in the room. With a "bang", her head fell instantly He hit a beam and pillar, his skull was broken, and blood and brains sprayed out together.

Although Li Chengliang and the guards had a large number of people, seeing her lying on the ground weakly, there was no way to prevent her from making such a sudden move, and there was no time to react. Such an unexpected and heroic death of a weak woman left her completely stunned on the spot, but Xue Er's blood and brains were sprayed on her robe. Especially Li Chengliang, because of the close distance and the fact that he was sitting, he was sprayed all over his head and face, and he couldn't open his eyes for a while; it was not until the left and right caught up to wipe his head and face clean that he lost his mind He opened his blank eyes, and his mood couldn't immediately return to normal from the thrilling scene just now. He sat in a daze, and a mixed feeling flashed in his heart: "Nurhachi—after all, you have something extraordinary. Someone died like this for you..."

He chewed this feeling over and over again in his heart, and after a few times, he almost let out a sigh from his mouth. However, before the thought of sigh reached his lips, he suddenly became aware that he was still following him. Many guards and attendants, they have witnessed the thrilling death process of the second lady and Xueer, and they will not feel it in their hearts - he is alert, and cannot let these people have any special emotions or thoughts in their hearts. ! So, he suddenly showed a fierce and mighty look, with a livid face, and shouted in a violent tone: "Drag me out and feed the dogs!" After finishing speaking, he stood up, strode out with powerful strides, and walked out of the room with his head held high, every step seemed vigorous.
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