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Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Eight

persian boy 玛丽·瑞瑙特 20170Words 2018-03-13
Time passes, everything shall pass.He ate, started to sleep, met friends, and even got married once or twice.His cropped hair grew.Sometimes he would talk to me about everyday things.But he did not recall the mission to Siwa. Autumn has passed and winter has come, and the time when the kings of all dynasties set off for Babylon has been missed.Embassies from half the empire and beyond were on the road to meet him in Babylon. The Egyptians worked meticulously on Hephaistion's body.He lay in a gilded coffin, suspended from a plinth of precious fabric, in a great hall.His trophies and other offerings were placed around.They did not wrap him in a box and paint his body outside the coffin as they did in Egypt.The remains treated by them, even if they are not wrapped, can preserve the lifelike face for many generations.Alexander visited him often.Because it was appropriate for me to praise the deceased, he once took me there and lifted the lid of the coffin for me to see.He lay on the cloth of witch hazel, which smelled acridly of spices and saltpeter.He will burn like a torch when he is cremated in Babylon.His face was handsome and cold, as pale as ivory, and his hands were folded on his chest, under which lay the locks of Alexander's severed hair.

Time passed and he could now talk to his friends.Then the generals did what I could not, with the wisdom of a warrior, to bring him the antidote.Ptolemy came in and said that the Cossians sent messengers to ask for money for the journey. This was a notorious tribe of brigands who took hold near the passes between Ecbatana and Babylon.The caravans going this way will gather enough money and hire a regiment of guards before setting off.It seems that the kings of all dynasties have also been robbed every year, and finally had to pay the Kosaiyans a sack of Daric gold coins every autumn before departure.The money is already owed, and they are here to collect the debt.

Alexander yelled "Huh?!" It was just like before. "Tolls?" he said. "Let them wait. I'll give them tolls." "That area is very difficult to attack." The wise Ptolemy said, stroking his nod. "They are all fortresses like eagle's nests. Orcus has never been able to calm them down." "You and I have our own way," said Alexander. He set off within seven days.He said that every Kosiyan he killed was a sacrifice he made to Hephaistion, just as Achilles sacrificed the Trojans before the spirit of Patroclus. I didn't ask, I packed my bags.He no longer looks at me with that stoic look, takes me for granted, and that's all I want from him now.I already knew in my heart that he might never sleep with me again, lest he torture Hephaistion's soul.Such mourning has become a habit.I will live as long as I can be near him.

In the pass, Alexander's army was divided into two groups, one was under the command of Ptolemy, and the other was personally led.It's winter on the mountain.We became a barracks again, advancing lightly as fortresses fell one after another, as in the Great Caucasus.When he came back every night, he was no longer sad, and focused on reminiscing about the battle that day.On the seventh day, he laughed for the first time. Although the Kosaiyans live by pillage and murder, and man would be better off without them, I'm afraid he'll kill in a moment of frenzy and then regret it.But his sanity has recovered.Of course he would kill the enemy when it came to war; if the dead were as bloodthirsty as Homer said, Hephaistion should be satisfied.But he kept the prisoners as usual, and seized the chief as a bargaining chip.His sanity was as clear as ever.He knows every avenue to the bandit's lair, and his unsuspecting schemes are the work of the artist; the artist heals by his art.

After one such victory, he invited the Lord to come to his tent for supper.Beforehand, I said lightly: "Elskander, your hair needs to be trimmed." He asked me to cut off the ragged ends.He got drunk that night.He hadn't been like this since Hephaistion died.It was contemptible to drink away one's sorrows, and now he drank freely to celebrate his triumphant return.I felt a little lighter as I helped him to bed. We moved camp to the next stronghold.He lays down the siege lines.The first snow whitened the top of the mountain, and the soldiers surrounded the fire to keep warm.Dressed in frost and snow, he came back shining brightly, and greeted the guard's attendants as usual.When I brought the night light, he came over and took my hand.

I didn't use techniques that night, except for the natural part of habit; I only used gentleness, letting the happiness release automatically like the flowers blooming in the rain.I wiped my eyes against the pillow, hiding tears of joy.I saw the marks of madness and pain and insomnia on his sleeping face, but these wounds gradually became scars.He slept peacefully. I think he has reconstructed that legend in immortal bronze; he will live to live to seventy and live up to it.Hephaestion's regiment would always retain its name, no matter who the new general was, so he would always be Alexander's lover.No one will ever hear "I love you most" anymore.But what will be enshrined in the temple is only a legend, and he himself will be destroyed in the blue fire and reduced to ashes.Let his place be on Mount Olympus, next to the immortal gods, as long as mine is here.

Before he woke up, I left gently.He intended to attack the fort at sunrise and wouldn't have long to think about it. The Kosaiyans have been doing evil for many years, but they have never been hunted down in the dead of winter.The last few fortresses ran out of ammunition and food, and they surrendered in exchange for the release of prisoners.A total of forty days before and after.Alexander garrisoned the forts along the pass, destroyed the remaining strongholds, and ended the war.Caravans swarmed past.He sent envoys to invite the royal family to go south to Babylon.Snow had fallen from the bare branches, dotted with hard red buds.

Had it not been for a madness, he could have spent the winter in Babylon's balmy weather, building new ports, and planning fleets to conquer Arabia.The present season of his arrival there will be the time when successive Persian kings are preparing to move to Persepolis.During the entire Kosaiyan War, all the missions were restless, waiting for his arrival. Before he crossed the Tigris, the embassy came to see him where he was camped.He received them only after preparing for the pomp, but the visitors were still quite unexpected. Not only did they come from all over the empire.From most of the known world came envoys in tribute: Libya offered the golden crown of Africa, Ethiopia horsefish teeth and giant ivory, Carthage lapis lazuli, pearls, and spices, Scythia the amber of the Far North.The blond and burly Celts came from the Northwest, the brown-haired Etruscans from Italy, and even the Iberians from farther than the Pillars of Hercules.They honored him as the King of Asia, and brought suits from beyond the frontiers of the empire to plead his holy judgment.They come with offerings, and consult the oracle, as the Greeks went to their greatest temple.

Most of these distant visitors must have expected to see a burly man.Some Celts were as tall as Polas.But when he withdrew from the imperial court, no one would doubt why he had such achievements.Even if the earth is in his hands, he can still stand firm. Indeed, his face changed the faces of the gods of our time.Wherever you are, look at statues and pictures.The whole world remembers his eyes. Achievement is acknowledged to have eased his ailments.Despite his hardships, the Greeks complained that his luck was superior to ordinary people, so he attracted the envy of the gods.I once retorted to a Greek: "Go ahead and talk about your own gods. Our god is the Great, and he is not jealous of anyone. He enjoys light and splendor. So we offer fire to him." The Greeks themselves were jealous, no wonder they There are gods who are jealous.

For three days he had no time to grieve, and his thoughts continued to flow, thinking of Siwa, and also of the west of the Empire, a race he had only just met.But sometimes he would change his countenance, as if sorrow had touched him on the shoulder and said, "Have you forgotten me?" The wheat in the Hetao Plain has dyed the fertile soil a sprinkling of green.The black walls of Babylon lie on the flat horizon.When we camped for the last time, a man came up on horseback.It is Niacas, from the city.Although the ordeal had left its marks on him, it could still be seen that he was only forty years old.However, he seemed a little overworked.Oh, no, I thought, he's just getting better, don't make any more trouble.So I stayed and listened.

Alexander greeted him, and after asking about his health and the situation of the fleet, he said, "Now tell me, what happened?" "Alexander, the Chaldean priests—those astrologers." "What's the matter with them? I gave them a lot of money to rebuild the Temple of Zeus-Bel. Now what do they want?" "It's not because of that," Niakas said. Although I couldn't see him from my position, my heart sank.It's not like him.Sailors never twist their words. "Why is that?" said Alexander, "what is it?" "Alexander, before we marched into India, they read my horoscope and everything came true. So I went again not long ago. They told me something that worried me. Alexander, you are so tall I knew you when you were born. I know what day, where, and hour you were born—I have everything they want. I asked them to do your horoscope for you. They say Babylon is not in a good position for you right now. They plan to come to explain it in person and advise you to stay away. They say that Babylon is a leeward shore for you, which is unlucky." There was a momentary pause.Alexander said calmly: "How unlucky?" "Very unlucky. That's why I'm here." More brief pauses. "Well, I'm glad to see you. Tell me, is the temple they're rebuilding finished?" "Only finished the foundation. I don't know why." he laughed. "I know. They've been collecting holy taxes for repairing the temple for ages since Xerxes pulled it down. They must be the richest priests in the world. They thought I'd never come back, Could go on like this forever. No wonder they don't want me in town." Niakas cleared his throat. "I don't know that. But . . . they prophesied that I would be tried on the waters, and survive to be rewarded by a king; that the marriage would be good, and that I would marry a foreign woman. I told you at the wedding feast." "They already know that you are the captain of the fleet and my friend. Great! Come and have dinner with me." He arranged for Niakas to stay and then finished his work for the day. Before going to sleep, he looked up at me lying on top of him, and said, "I know you're eavesdropping! Don't be so sad. You deserve it." "Elskander!" I dropped to my knees, beside him. "Do as they say. Don't care if they keep the money. They ain't prophets, don't have to be pure of heart. They have the learning, everybody says so." He reached up and twirled a lock of my hair. "So what? Callisthenes are learned too." "They don't have the guts to lie. Whether the prophecy is fulfilled or not is a matter of their honor. I have lived in Babylon and talked to all kinds of people in the dance floor." "Really?" He stroked the lock of hair gently. "Tell me a little more." "Elskander, don't go into town." "What should I do with you? Come in, you are not fit to sleep alone." The Chaldeans came to him the next day. They wear holy robes that have been in the same style for thousands of years, and the staffs in their hands are engraved with the emblem of the stars.Incense was burning in front of the court, and Alexander was in parade armor and Macedonian attire.They persuaded him to speak alone, leaving only the interpreter.The language of the Chaldeans is almost self-contained, and the Persian of the Babylonians is not good.But I hope it's enough to make him change his mind. He came back grim.Some people feel that the main god has only one name, the one they heard about in childhood.He doesn't think so. They begged him to go east so he would go to Susa.But everything he cared about had to be done in Babylon: the new seaport, the Arabian expedition, the funeral of Hephaestion.He still doubted their sincerity.The former Aristand was dead, or he could have asked him for divination. In any case, he said that since the west is unlucky, he would go around to the east of the city and enter through the south gate. Babylon has no eastern gate, and we soon learn why.To the east of the city we came across a large marsh, dangerous and full of pools, into which the Euphrates flowed in on all sides.He can still take a longer detour, even if he has to cross the Tigris repeatedly and finally return down the Euphrates.But he said impatiently, "That's enough. I don't want to squat in muddy water like a frog just to please the Chaldeans." After the missions came, he knew that the world was watching him.Maybe that's why he decided this way.At any rate, he returned from the north and west. He still did not enter the city, but camped up the river.Then he heard that there was still a mission, this time from Greece.Anaxxas, always ingratiating, reminded him that the Greek philosophers no longer believed in omens.The words touched his pride. The palace had already been prepared for him.As he entered the gate in Darius' chariot, the crows were fighting in the air, and one fell and died before his horse. Yet, as if to confuse the omens, the first news that came to him was of life and luck.Roxani went straight from Ecbatana to the Babylonian harem.When he went to visit, he heard that she was pregnant. She'd known it since Ecbatana.She said she wished to wait until she was more certain to tell him, but I have no doubt that the real reason was that he was mad at the time, and she was afraid that the news would bring him close to her. He gave her various customary presents, and sent letters to her father.He himself was very calm.Perhaps he no longer expected her to conceive his child, and planned to have Statella bear him someday.Maybe his mind was on other things. When he told me, I said aloud: "Elskander! I wish you good health and victory with him in the future!" I held him tightly with both hands, as if I had the power to defy God.We stood silently, understanding each other.Finally he said: "If I had married in Macedonia without crossing Asia, as my mother wished, the son would have been twelve years old. But there is not enough time. There will never be enough time." He kissed me and turned away. It was torture to keep him out of my sight.I watched him walk among the splendid palaces, the half-forgotten mansions I had known in my boyhood.I came with ease then, and now fear and sorrow grip me like a disease.Why did he first listen to the Chaldeans and heed their warnings and then ignore them?Because of Hephaestion, I think, who reached out from the underworld to call him. He said to me a long time ago that when one is alive, one should regard life as eternal, and at the same time feel that every moment may be the last moment.He immediately ordered the excavation of the harbor and the manufacture of warships for the expedition to Arabia.Nyakas will be the commander of the fleet.It was spring, as warm as summer in Susa.It was his habit to go straight to the king's baths when he rode back from New Harbor.Nothing else in the palace could give him such great pleasure.He likes the cold walls, the openwork partitions that hide the river view, and the large bathing pool covered with sea blue bricks and carved with golden fish.He would sink there, letting the water lift his hair. But Hephaestion lingered.Now the time for his cremation has come. Both the Fleet and Newport are beginning to appear.Alexander had time, and soon he had only time for that.He regained a little of the madness he had once had.If someone wakes him, he is sane, but he drifts back into the dream world again.Alexander's dream is the world of elves, he summons all the elves, and they obey him. He ordered that the ten furlongs of the city wall be knocked down in half, and be leveled to form a square.In the middle, thin bricks were used to build a platform, one furlong on each side, as the base of the burial altar, and the upper layers were narrowed, and each layer had exquisite wood carvings, as if to be preserved forever.On the lower floor are larger-than-life prows, carved with archers and warriors; twenty-foot torches, decorated with eagles and snakes; and a gilded hunting scene.On the upper floor, trophies were placed, both Macedonian and Persian, showing that both tribes respected the deceased.And then I don't know what, probably elephants, lions and garlands.Near the top floor, there is a mold of the winged siren, which is hollowed out at the back, so that the singers can hide in the mourning before the funeral altar is lit.Scarlet banners hang from layer to layer.The funeral altar has set aside stairs so that he can be sent up without losing dignity. Never, I think, has a king died like this since ancient times.He dreamed of such a scene, as if it were his own funeral.I looked up at the funeral altar with his calm and mad face.I dare not do anything, dare not even touch him. Perdiccas escorted the coffin, arriving from Ecbatana.Hephaestion lay solemnly in the palace, as before.He was about to vanish into nothingness, and Alexander now visited him even more often.Medios from Larysa was his friend during his lifetime. He asked a sculptor who was familiar with him to make a small bronze statue and gave it to Alexander.He happily accepted it, and from then on, out of genuine affection or to invite pets, everyone competed to present statuettes made of gold, ivory, and alabaster, which soon filled the room.No matter which direction I look, he is in front of my eyes.And I thought he would be finished after the funeral altar was incinerated. One day I was there alone, holding the statue that most resembled him in my hand, thinking, who are you, and what are you now, to make Your Majesty behave like this?He came in from behind me and said, "Put it down!" The anger in the words made me almost miss my hand.I put the statue back reluctantly, shuddering at the terror of exile.He calmed down and said, "What were you doing just now?" I replied, "He is your dear one. I want to understand him." He turned around the room and said, "He knows me." No more words.I'm forgiven that he didn't mean to break my heart.I asked, and he answered. They were born on the same mountain in the same month, belonged to the same race, worshiped the same gods, and lived under the same roof since they were fourteen years old.Indeed, when I thought we had become one, how much I had been a stranger. Time will pass, I thought.They can bear the parting of the war, and Yongjue will be like that in the end.If you have time. The funeral has arrived.In the gloom before dawn they lined the square around the platform: generals, princes, satraps, priests; standard-bearers, heralds, musicians; painted elephants.Braziers and torches lined the steps. The pallbearers ascended the hidden stairs.They reached the top floor, as small as dolls, and put the coffin on the base. At this time, the hidden siren began to sing, which sounded faint under the sky.They came down singing.The torch thrown into the brazier began to burn. The burial altar stands on the date palm pillars, and the piles of tinder and dry straw are piled between the pillars.Alexander, holding the torch, stepped forward alone. He has passed out of madness and into ecstasy.Peukstas had seen him fight at Maria with arrow wounds, and later said he was like that.The elephant herd circled their proboscis and called. He threw it into the torch, and the flames leapt up.Friends followed suit.The burning wood crackled and flaked, the fire danced between the pillars, penetrated into the tier of the carved ship, and began to make a loud noise. The middle of the two-hundred-foot-high altar was filled with tinder.Through ships, archers, lions, eagles, shields, garlands, the flames rose in a cone, wrapped around the coffin at the top, and erupted a great peak of flame into the green sky of sunrise. They had looked up side by side in the feast of fire at Persepolis. The huge pagoda stood for a while, showing a terrifying beauty.Then it collapsed layer by layer.A mountain eagle with wings of fire crashed onto the platform, all the sea monsters toppled inward, and the coffin disappeared.The wooden pillars and intricate carvings gradually fell down, throwing up a cloud of fire as high as a tree.The funeral altar was a burning torch, and in the blazing light I only saw his face. The sun rose, and everyone in the square stood in shock in the heat.When everything was burned down to charcoal and ashes, he ordered the disbandment.He ordered it himself.I thought they had to wake him up. He was about to leave when a group of priests greeted him, their robes were different, obviously from different temples.He answered briefly and moved on.The priests looked worried.I caught up with an attendant who had been very close to him just now, and asked what was the matter. "They asked if they could relight the flame now. He said it would be after sunset," he said. I stared at him in disbelief. "Temple fire? He had it extinguished?" "Yes, for mourning. Bagoas, you look ugly. You must have sunstroke. Come here in the shade. What is the meaning of putting out those fires in Babylon?" "It's only done when the king is dead." We all fell silent.He said at last: "But they must have told him when he ordered it." I hurried back to the palace, hoping to see him alone.Even ignition now could reverse the omens.Bad omen is not enough, you want to add one yourself? But he has gathered a group of people and is close to finishing plans for the funeral rodeo.I knew from the stern Persian face that he had been warned.Some old eunuchs were whispering and casting their eyes at me.Three times they had seen the flame go out.I didn't go near them.The dark sunset of the temple is coming to an end.Alexander spent the whole day arranging games.There's not much to do, but he can't seem to stop. The competition lasted for nearly half a month, and the best entertainers from all over Greece were there.I went to the theater, mainly to see his face.Only the play "The Myrmidons" is left to me, in which Sitarus had previously acted for Alexander.The story is about Achilles, but also about the death of Patroclus.Sitaros had just experienced a bereavement of his own: a co-star had died while traveling from Ecbatana.He has a professional demeanor and plays the whole drama with restraint.Alexander sat as if his mind was far away.I know that look.It was the same with Peukstas's face as he chipped the shaft. Music seems to be doing him a favor.When the kisara player played, he had a look of selfless relief.He entertained all the winners after the game and had a nice word for everyone.Perhaps, I thought, the fire had consumed what was left of his madness. He began to go to the river again to watch the sailors practice.He held oarsmen's contests and awarded prizes.A mission from Greece arrived later. They were envoys of praise, to congratulate him on his safe return from the ends of the world.They sent crowns of gold, garlands of finely carved jewelers, and scrolls of praise.Even the jealous Athenians came and praised him with lies.He knew they were lying, but he returned the statue of the liberator from Susa to them, and asked them to put it back on the acropolis.During the ceremony of handing over the statue, he pointed at the two daggers as if by chance, and met my eyes. The last mission came from Macedonia. This is different from other missions.Antipatros, the regent who was about to be succeeded by Craterus, sent his son to speak for him. He was a regency for many years, dating back to the time of King Philip, and Queen Olympias hated him all these years.I believe she wants her to govern.Antipateros was aware of her slander, and perhaps could not have avoided thinking that the slander had been effected and that he had been summoned to stand trial.He hadn't seen Alexander for ten years and had no chance to get to know him better.Even so, it would have been unwise for him to send his son Cassandros, if he had been faithful. When Alexander told me of his boyhood, he used to mention the boy Cassandros with disgust.They didn't speculate when they first met, and they continued to do so during the years of school, and once they fought each other.He stayed in Macedonia entirely because Alexander refused to let him join the expedition. However, he helped Naifu put down a rebellion in southern Greece, and he had a good record in the local government. Both of them undoubtedly hoped that this would be an opportunity to introduce him.Over the years, he was almost a stranger when he came, but Alexander and the stranger hated each other as soon as they met, just like before. He was a redheaded, freckled haughty fellow with an old-fashioned Macedonian beard, and of course a total stranger to Persian court life.Everyone has forgotten that such a person exists. Needless to say he was extremely jealous.The Throne Hall has been renovated to receive the missions.Around the throne were silver-footed chairs arranged in a great semicircle, in which the king's chief friends (both Persians and Macedonians) had the right to sit when he called.All the people in the inner court stood behind him.Now that we have resumed formal ceremonies, my own place is near the throne.I was watching when Cassandros came in.As he waited for Alexander, I saw him glance at us eunuchs as if we were noxious insects. The call was not smooth.Macedonia has had many complainants against the regency.Cassandros was too impatient to dismiss the matter as nonsense.At least one accusation comes from Queen Olympias, I think.There was only one person who could tell Alexander her fault, and that person was dead.Alexander suspended the call and ordered Cassandros to wait, he wanted to receive some Persians first. Barbarians have priority over him!I could see his rage.He took a step back, and the Persians, who were not in the rank of princes, knelt down and saluted. Cassandros sneered.Someone said he laughed out loud, that's a misinformation.He is an envoy with official duties.Some people say that Alexander pressed his head against the wall, but that is also a misinformation.He doesn't have to. The blatant sneer was unmistakable.I guess it was anger that made him wanton.He turned to a companion he had brought with him, pointing with one finger.Alexander made the Persians flat, talked to them, and sent them back before descending the steps of the throne, taking Cassandros by the hair with one hand, and looking him in the eye. I think he's going to kill him.Cassandros must have thought so too.But more than that.Not just kingship, not even the words of the oracle of Amon.He's been through fire and darkness, just take the cover off.Cassandros stared wide-eyed like a bird to a python, his face was pale, and he felt the pure and naked terror of man to man. "You can stand down," said Alexander. He is quite far from the door.He must have known that his fear was like a brand, that we all saw what he despised. Later, when I was alone with Alexander, I said to him, "That kind of hatred is dangerous. Why don't you send him home?" He replied, "Oh, no. He will tell Antipatros me when he goes back. It is the enemy, urging him to mutiny, kill the newly arrived Craterus, and occupy Macedonia. If Antipatros felt that his life was in danger, he probably did. No one whispers in his ear, he will be more rational .If I wished to get rid of him, I would not have another son of his as lord. He sat too long in office, that's all. So, before Craterus arrived in Macedonia, and Antipatros left, Card Sandros must remain in my custody... Hephaistion could never stand him either." In the early years, I would have begged him to secretly end this person.Now I know that he doesn't do things he doesn't want to admit to.It has become the regret of my life that I did not do it myself in secret.It always hurts me to think that a vial of poison was all it took to extinguish the flames of hatred that roiled him after his death; Those who have memories——were all swallowed up by this flame of hatred in the end. Summer is here, and the Persian kings will stay in Ecbatana at this time.I know he will never ride into the seven walls again, but I'm just glad he has the fleet and the harbor at hand, and he has nothing to worry about.The Chaldean prophecy was four months ago, and if the Temple of Bel hadn't been built higher and higher, I could have forgotten those words. Before long we were away from town for some time.In the lower Euphrates, snowmelt at the headwaters brings annual floods.The descendants of the ancient Assyrians who lived along the river were impoverished by the flood.Alexander wanted to build dikes and flood canals to resist, and he also planned to reclaim wasteland.It was just a river cruise, but I'm glad he's out of the city. He has always liked rivers.The fleet was led by an Assyrian boatman, passing through the reeds as high as a person.Sometimes we drifted through green caves where the tops of the great trees joined together in the shade;Alexander stands at the bow and occasionally steers.He was wearing an old visor from Gedrosia. The river widened where the weeping willows lined its banks, and a gust of wind blew by.On the banks of the willows stand rigid ancient stone sculptures, some of which are winged lions and bulls with human heads, which have been eroded by time and floods.Alexander asked about the origin, and the Babylonian captain said: "My lord, these are the tombs of the old kings. They were built when the Assyrians ruled here. This is their burial area." As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew away Alexander's sun hat and rolled it onto the deck.The purple ribbon symbolizing royal power came loose, was blown far away, and was looped in the rushes beside a grave mound. The oarsmen drew in their oars, and the king's ship drifted on the water.A murmur of surprise and horror passed among the boatmen. A young, dark, swift oarsman swam into the water, landed on the bank, and untied the ribbon.Thinking of the filthiness of the river, he hesitated for a moment holding the ribbon, then tied it around his head to keep him dry.Alexander took it and said thank you.He is calm.I tried my best not to cry out.The crown fell into a cemetery and then onto another person's head. He finished his work and returned to Babylon.When I saw those black city walls again, I really wanted to beat my chest. He told the omens to the prophets, and they all said that he who had worn the crown should be beheaded. "No," he said, "he did it out of good intentions, and anyone could do it. If the gods ask for atonement, you can beat him. Don't be too hard, and let him come to me later." The man had an audience and he gave a talent of silver. The place we came back is still prosperous.Peukstas proudly let the king review twenty thousand well-trained Persian soldiers.His province was well ordered, and his people grew fond of him.Alexander held public meetings, rewarded meritorious service, and began planning a new combined Persian-Macedonian army.No one rebelled, and even the Macedonians came to believe that the Persians could be warriors.Some of our words have been blended into their language. After a long wait, the mission finally returned from Siwa. Alexander received him in the throne room, and his friends sat around on silver-footed chairs.The leader of the mission solemnly unfolded Amon's papyrus scroll.He refused to share in the godhood, but Hephaistion was still able to stand alongside the undead gods.He was declared a holy hero. Alexander was satisfied.After the initial madness, he must have guessed that this was the limit of divine providence.Hephaistion is still worshipable. An edict was sent to all the cities to build a shrine or temple to him. (Here in Alexandria, I often pass by the foundation site not far from the Great Lighthouse, which is empty. I guess Cleomenes, the governor at the time, embezzled all the money.) When someone comes to worship and ward off evil spirits, prayers and sacrifices will Dedicated to him.All solemn contracts must be sworn in his name, alongside the names of the gods. (The temple that Babylon was going to build for him was Greek, and the frieze would have a relief of the Repis battling a centaur. This is also an empty site. I guess none of these altars ever had a single stone laid. But He should be satisfied too, he's got the victim.) Alexander hosted a banquet for the embassy to celebrate the eternal life of Hephaestion.The other guests are more intimate friends.He was in a cheerful mood, almost in high spirits, and it made one feel that those omens didn't matter. For several days he worked happily, and had many sketches of the temple drawn.He visited Roxani and found her in good health.Sogdian women did not take pregnancy very seriously.He then went on to plan a new bi-ethnic coalition. This means that all units change.After making arrangements for the new generals, he summoned the officers to appoint them.Now that he knew how much the Persians valued propriety, he summoned him in the throne room.The people of the inner court lined up behind the throne. It was midsummer and the weather was hot.He adjourned midway to take his friends to the apse for iced lemon water mixed with wine.They were not gone for long, and we stayed on, chatting behind empty thrones and silver-footed chairs. We didn't see him until the man came between us.He was dressed in rags, an ordinary man among thousands of people, except for his expression.With his manic focus, he couldn't see us all.Before we could move, he was already sitting on the throne. We stared in amazement, almost in disbelief.This is the most dangerous omen, so it has been a capital offense in Persia since ancient times.Some of us rushed over to pull him down, but were stopped by several old eunuchs.Eunuchs driving usurpers out would drain the country.They wailed and beat their breasts, and we responded.This can temporarily numb the nerves and silence the mind. Officers at a distance from the hall heard the commotion, ran up in terror, grabbed the man, and dragged him off his throne.He stared around, seemingly bewildered by such concern.亚历山大从后殿出来,身后跟着朋友们,问是怎么回事。 其中一位军官告诉了他,指出那个人。他是普通士兵,没带武器,如果我记得不错,是个尤克西安人。对我们国王没有问什么。我猜想我们的呼喊已经足够了。 他走过去,问道:“你为什么那样做?”那人站着眨了眨眼,毫无敬意,仿佛是面对一个路人。亚历山大说:“如果他是被人指使的,我必须知道是谁指使他。我过来之前先不要审问。” 他对我们说:“安静点。那已经够了。朝会是不闭门的。”他不草率也不匆忙地完成了授职。 日落时,他回来更衣。回到巴比伦后,我们遵行全套的宫廷礼仪。锥形王冠是我职分内的事。他留意到我的神情,一有合宜的机会就遣退了别人。不等我问,他就说:“我们拷问过他了。我已经下令停止。他什么也不知道,甚至不知道自己是怎么进来的。他只能说出他看那椅子漂亮,所以坐了上去。他曾经一再违令,应该受军法的惩处。当然他无法理解受到的命令。他是个疯子,我觉得满意了。” 他的语气沉着坚定。我全身血液为之凝固。我原本指望听说这人招认是受了指派,事情是一个人为的阴谋,虽然我只看了一眼他的神情就已经知道了。是真的朕兆,因为是无缘无故出现的。 “艾尔斯坎达,”我说,“这个人你必须处死。” “已经执行了。军法如此,而且先知们说是必要的。”他走到酒壶前,倒满一杯,递给我喝。“来,给我点好脸色看。众神自会安排的;同时我们还是会生活,这也是神的意愿。” 我像服药一样把酒咽下,勉强微笑。夏季炎热,他穿着一件印度料子的白色薄袍,身材如同雕刻家的作品,在衣褶下浮凸。我搁下酒杯,双臂搂住他。他仿佛从身体里发出光热,一如往日,感觉像太阳般永不熄灭。 他离去以后,我看了看四周用黄金、青铜和象牙做的雕像,全都从所在的地方肃然观望。“放过他吧!”我说,“你还不知足?你的死是自己的过错造成的,你不守规矩,不耐烦,贪婪。你对他的爱难道不足以放过他?把他留给我,我爱他更深。”它们全都向我看过来,答道:“哦,但是我了解他。” 希腊人又有更多的使团到达,使节像他们去敬神时一样戴着花环。他们再次献上王冠,各式各样,有雕着果实的金橄榄枝、大麦的金穗、月桂的金枝,还有黄金的夏令花卉。我至今能看见他试戴每一顶王冠的样子。 过了几日,他的朋友们说,尽管打了许多胜仗,他本人依然没有庆贺对科赛亚人的胜利。(现在他们非常臣服,他将数千人收编到麾下。)他们说他已经很久没有举办畅饮会,而且赫拉克勒斯祭日的大宴快要到了。 他们没有恶意。最坏的人也只是求宠,最好的人真心希望他能有一个无忧无虑的夜晚,让他想起自己的光荣,忘记悲哀。众神的意志可以借助任何事情实现。 他宣布了宴会,命人向赫拉克勒斯献牲,并向全军不限量供应酒类。畅饮会从日落开始。 那是一个闷热的巴比伦之夜。他们很快吃足了。我跟他的朋友们合计,为他准备了一个小惊喜:一支马其顿人和波斯人同跳的舞,四人一边,先模拟战争,继而表现友谊。我们只有头盔、短裙或是裤子,别无穿戴。亚历山大非常满意,叫我来晚餐席上与他同榻,又让我用他的金杯共饮。 他涨红着脸。大热天喝了酒难免如此,但是他眼睛四周有一种我不喜欢的光亮。我方才按摩了一会儿来祛汗,但是身体当然还发热。他搂住我的时候,我发现他身体更烫。 “艾尔斯坎达,”我隔着喧闹说,“你像是发烧了。” “稍有一点,没关系的。火炬之歌完了我就上床。” 不久他们举起火把,唱着歌走进花园,领受夜晚的第一阵凉意。我溜回寝宫,把一切安排停当。听见歌吟越来越近,然后消失的时候,我很高兴。他走了进来。如果我们是独处,我会说:“还不赶紧上床,快一点。”但是在内廷的人面前,我永远恪守礼仪。我上前取下王冠。他脱掉的袍子汗津津的,我看见他在发抖。他说:“给我按摩一下就好。再帮我找件暖和些的衣服来。” “陛下,”我说道,“你不会再出去了吧?” “会啊。迈狄欧斯有个小聚,只是老朋友们一起。我答应露面的。” 我恳求地凝视他。他微笑,摇了摇头。他是大帝,我无法当着内廷的人和他理论。我们深入血液的信仰是,这种事做不得,因此一做就会像是存心冒犯。给他按摩时,我瞥见那些小雕像。为什么这时你不在了?我想,正需要你去说:“别犯傻,你应该上床了,要不然我推你上去。巴勾鄂斯,去告诉迈狄欧斯说国王来不了。” 但是雕像们维持着英雄的姿势。亚历山大穿着细羊毛的希腊长袍,一行人打着火把,穿过门楣有狮的长廊离去。 我对其余的人说:“你们可以去歇息了。我会等国王回来。如果他需要侍候,我再传你们来吧。” 每次他预先说会夜归,我都睡在这里的一张躺椅上。他进屋时,我总是会醒觉。我睁眼看完月亮的起落。鸡鸣时他才回来。 他满脸通红,看上去很疲倦,步履也不平稳。从日落到黎明,他一直在断断续续地饮酒。但是他温柔至极,称赞了我的战舞。“艾尔斯坎达,”我说,“我想对你发脾气的。你知道喝酒对发烧作用很坏。” “哦,已经退烧了。我对你说过没事的。我今天会补睡一觉。来跟我一块洗澡吧,你一晚上没脱衣服。” 初阳透过隔扇照进来,鸟儿唱着歌。浴后我既清爽又昏沉,安置他上床后,我自己也就寝去了,醒时已近晚间。 我轻轻走进寝宫。他刚醒,辗转反侧。我上前摸了摸他的额。“艾尔斯坎达,又烧上来了。” “不要紧的。”他说,“手这么冰凉。别挪开。” “我去叫人把晚餐送来。这时节河鱼很鲜。要不要找个大夫?” 他的脸色冷了下来,头从我手边移开。“不要大夫。我见够了他们。我马上就起床。要去跟迈狄欧斯共进晚餐。” 我争辩,恳求,但是他醒后变得不悦而焦躁。“告诉你没事。估计是沼泽的寒气。不出三天我就能好的。” “巴比伦人也许能这么快,他们习惯了。发烧可大可小。为什么你不能爱惜自己呢?又不是在打仗。” “如果你继续像个奶娘一样,我可要跟你打仗了。比这严重的时候,我还试过整天骑马走山路呢。我要换衣服了,传令。” 我最不希望他去找的人就是迈狄欧斯。那人既不会照应他,也不会注意到任何异样。赫菲斯提昂和欧迈尼斯抵牾时,他决然支持赫菲斯提昂。我听说他刻薄的口舌加重了事态,而且他有些讥讽,被当成赫菲斯提昂本人的话流播。他的悼念无疑真诚,但是他也积极利用随之而来的宠幸。他能说甜言,更会讲酸话,知道怎样取悦亚历山大,也会逗他发笑。不是坏人,但也不是好人。 亚历山大回来时,我正在打盹,看天色才过午夜不久,我庆幸他能早归。“我提前走了,”他说,“热度升高了些。我想洗个澡降降温,然后睡觉。” 替他脱衣时,我发现他呼吸在颤抖,身体火烫。“我给你擦擦身好了。”我说,“这时候你不应该泡澡。” “那对我有好处。”他不听道理,穿上浴袍就走过去。他没有在水中久待。我擦干他,刚让他穿上袍子,他便说:“我就在这里睡吧。”话毕向浴池边的躺椅过去。我立即跟上。他因为发冷而四肢颤抖,牙齿打战。他说:“帮我找一条厚实暖和的毛毯来。” 在巴比伦的仲夏半夜盖毛毯!我跑去取来他冬季的斗篷。“先盖这个,等寒意过去就好了。我给你保暖。” 我用毛毯盖着他,把我自己的衣服盖在上面,然后钻进被窝,搂住他。他抖得越发厉害,皮肤却滚烫。他说:“再靠近点。”仿佛我们裸体在暴风雪下。我用身体裹紧他,那预言之音沉默着。它曾经在埃克巴塔纳说过,“铭刻在你心上吧。”现在它放过了我,没有说:“不会再有了。” 那颤抖停止了,他开始发热、冒汗,我由得他。他说要继续在这里睡,比较爽快。我穿上衣服,叫醒寝宫的管事,让他送来国王需要的东西,以及一张给我睡的稻草席。不到早晨,热度退了好些,他睡着了,我也合上眼睛。 他的声音吵醒了我。浴室里满是蹑足走动的人。他刚醒,正在下令召见尼阿卡斯。尼阿卡斯?我想,他找这个人干什么?我只挂心他的健康,一时忘了远航阿拉伯的日期已经临近。亚历山大在计划上午的工作。 他走到寝宫去更衣;然后因为站都站不稳,在躺椅靠下来。尼阿卡斯来后,他问舰队启航前的平安祭礼是否就绪。我看出尼阿卡斯对他的面容感到担忧,他说预备好了,问他希望由谁代表他在献祭时祈祷。“嗄?”他说,“我当然会自己来。我坐轿子去。我今天有点晕,估计快好了。”他驳回尼阿卡斯的异议。“是众神的眷顾把你从海上平安带回来的。那时我为你奉献过牺牲,他们听见了我的祈祷。我一定要再做。” 他们用一顶华盖遮挡巴比伦的烈日,抬他去祀神。他走到太阳下,站着洒了祭酒。回来以后,他几乎没碰我让人送来的简餐,便召见尼阿卡斯和所有主将,讨论补给的船只、淡水和贮备事宜,足足谈了四个钟点,一名文书在旁记录。 日子一天天过去,他依然发烧。他计划一旦舰队出发,他会亲自率部沿海岸行军支持,并且物色建港的地点。因此他只得推迟启航。每日早上,他总是说自己好些了;天天被抬到宫中的祭坛晨祷,但是身体越来越虚弱。夜间的热度也开始上升。 寝宫里满是络绎往来的人,外廷则有许多军官在等候诏令。虽然厚实的宫墙遮蔽了烈日,他还是渴望看见绿荫和流水,让人带他渡河来到御花园。他会躺在树影下,半闭着眼,临近一个水瀑溅落在斑岩池中的喷泉。有时他召来尼阿卡斯和佩尔狄卡斯,继续策划航海和行军的事,有时召来迈狄欧斯闲谈,掷跖骨游戏。迈狄欧斯使他疲倦;此人太自矜于这种殊荣,总是盘桓半日。 别的时候他待在浴室里,让人把床放在池边,方便他下水。他喜欢在微暖的水里让自己凉快,坐到铺满蓝砖的池沿让人擦身,然后回到干净的被窝。他也在浴室睡觉,图它清凉,又能听见外面的河水拍岸声。 我不把他交给别人,无论是迈狄欧斯、诸位将军还是谁。我轻易抛开了我的宫廷风度;被我接替的那位老人满意地重新端起派头。我脱下朝服,换上实用的亚麻衣裳。本来身为寝宫的大宦官,我有自己日常的事务和告退的场合。现在,觐见的人只看见一个波斯少年摇扇举杯,在他冷颤时送上毛毯,出汗后给他擦洗,再换上干爽的被单,或者背靠墙壁静坐在枕垫上。我很安全,没有人妒忌我的位置。惟有一个人会把它夺走,但是他已经化为白灰,被天堂的风吹散了。 每次陛下遣退了那些大人物,总会朝我看过来。我让一两个话少的奴隶去取物、担扛,他本人的一切需要我都亲自照料。众人不再看见我了,我仿佛成为寝宫的一部分,好比他的枕头或水罐。他们仍照历代王室的老例,将纯净的泉水送到宫里给国王饮用。清泉使他畅快,我用陶制的凉壶保冷,搁在他的床头桌上。 夜里我在他身边铺下我的稻草席。他够得着泉水,如果他想要别的,我永远会知道。热度使他难以入眠时,他喜欢跟我说话,追述从前的艰难和创伤,以此证明他很快会战胜疾病。他从来不提那些死亡的朕兆,正如他在战斗时不会说到投降。病了一星期,他还是会谈论三天后的行军。“等热度退了我就可以开始,先坐轿。算不了什么,以前我更重的病都挺过来了。” 他们已经放弃进谏他请大夫了。“我犯不着两次得到同一个教训。巴勾鄂斯照顾我比任何大夫都好。” “如果你容许,我是会请大夫的。”我在他们去后说,“大夫能让你养息。不过你只认准了巴勾鄂斯,自己随心所欲。”那天他被抬去为军队祀神,第一次躺着洒下祭酒。 “供奉神明是必要的。你应该夸夸我的恭敬,小霸王。来点酒就好了,不过我知道不该讨酒喝。” “暂时别喝。你现在有全亚洲最好的水。”迈狄欧斯来时我从不出去,原因之一就是担心那蠢人会让他饮酒。 “是啊,好水。”他嘲弄地一饮而尽。我知道,他变得活泼表示热度在上升。但是那天晚上好像烧得轻一些了。我重新向众神誓愿,他康复时我会再次给他们奉献。他进攻西徐亚人那时候也有噩兆,但是只兑现为疾病。我怀着复燃的希望睡着。 他的声音吵醒了我。天仍漆黑,是午夜后的一更。 “你们怎么不早点来禀报?我们浪费了半晚的行军时间,这样子中午也到不了水源。你们怎么由得我睡觉?” “艾尔斯坎达,”我说,“你在做梦。这里不是沙漠。” “派个人看守马匹。骡子不要紧。牛首骏安全吗?” 他的眼睛从我面前游开。我用薄荷水绞了一把手巾,给他揩面。“看,是巴勾鄂斯。好些了吗?”他把我的手一推,说道:“水?你疯了不是?连大伙的食水都不够。” 他烧得厉害,尽管这是往日热度下降的时分。我提起凉壶往杯子里斟水,壶已半空,流出的不是清水,而是暗色的液体。是酒。有人在我睡着时来过。 我强做镇静,轻声道:“艾尔斯坎达,是谁带了酒来?” “曼尼达斯有水吗?先给他水,他在发烧。” “我们全都有水,真的。”我倒空凉壶,从大罐里添满。他渴饮而尽。“告诉我,谁给你酒的?” “伊奥拉斯。”这是国王的司爵。虽然他神志不清,他想说的也许就是这个人。然而伊奥拉斯是卡桑德罗斯的弟弟。 我去查问值夜的奴隶,发现他在睡觉。我没有要求他们像我一样日夜侍候。我并不叫醒他,以免他预先得到警告,想办法逃脱责罚。 亚历山大躁动着浅睡到早晨。热度没有像以往一样在这时缓和。他们抬他去了宫里的祭坛,递给他酒杯,他的手抖得非常厉害,祭酒不及洒下已经泼了一半。这是他喝酒以来的变化,我发誓他此前正在好转。 我盘问值夜的奴隶,他一无所知,必定是酣睡了几个钟点。我下令内廷用灌铅的鞭子对他处以笞刑。守夜的侍从也一无所知,也许只是托辞而已。我没有权力让他们受讯问。浴室比寝宫难于看守,外人可以从幼发拉底河潜入。 这一天暑气蒸腾。亚历山大命人把他抬到斑岩喷泉旁的树荫下,那里能捕捉到任何一丝微风。我在凉亭里堆满他可能需要的东西。安置他躺下时,我听见他的呼吸,觉出一种先前没有的杂音。 “巴勾鄂斯,帮我垫高一点好吗?我这里痛。”他按住肋部。 他裸身盖着被单,手放在马利亚的箭伤上。我想我是从那时开始明白的。 我取来枕头,小心地扶他靠在上面。他还在战斗,这时流露绝望是背叛。不能让他从我的声音,从我轻柔的手里感觉到。 “我不应该喝酒。是我自己的错,我问过你的。”这几句话也让他喘气,他又按住肋部。 “艾尔斯坎达,我从来没有给你酒。你记得是谁给的吗?” “不记得。它就在那里,我醒来就喝了。” “是埃欧拉斯带来的吗?” “不知道。”他闭上眼睛。我让他休息,自己坐在他附近的草地上。但是他休息是为了重新说话。他很快传召近卫长,我去把他叫了来。 亚历山大说道:“通谕。凡将领以上军官,在内廷的院落集合待命。” 这时,我知道他开始猜到了。 不会有诀别的,我想,一面摇动着海枣叶的扇子,给他凉风并赶走苍蝇。他不会屈服,我也不能投降。 渡轮载着一船他的朋友过来探望。我提前迎上去,告诫说国王气息不畅。他们上前时,他说:“我——最好——回去。” 他们唤来轿夫。众人簇拥他上了渡船。他回头看了看,悄声说:“巴勾鄂斯。”有个人走下船来,把位置让给我。 他们送他回了寝宫。镀金的精灵们张着翅膀,守卫御床。许久以前,在前生里,我曾经给另一位国王铺过这张床。 我们把许多高枕垫在他身下,却还是听见他呼吸粗重。他要东西时不出声音地对我说话,就像中箭之初那样。他知道我能够会意。 过了一会儿,佩尔狄卡斯进见,对他说军官们仍在院落待命。他示意让他们进来,众人拥挤到寝宫里。他做了个打招呼的手势,我看见他吸了口气准备说话,却咳嗽起来,还吐出血。他挥手遣退众人,他们走了。他等到最后一个人离去才用手压住肋部。 这以后,诸位将军自作主张请了医者,来了三个人。虽然他身体虚弱,医者因为戈劳奇阿斯的前鉴都惧怕他。但是他们按着他的手腕诊脉,俯在他的胸前听音,他都默然忍受了。医者面面相觑时,他观察着他们。他们拿来一剂药,他服下以后睡了一会儿。有位医者留下来陪他,我得以休息一两个钟点。我特别警醒,他夜里会需要我的陪伴。 夜间他发起高烧。他们不再把他留给我一个人了,三位伙友守候着他。有个医者本想继续坐在他枕边,但是他伸手握住我的胳膊,医者便起身离去。 那一夜很长。几个伙友在椅子上打瞌睡。他咳出血来,然后睡了一会儿。半夜,他的嘴唇动了,我俯身听着。他说:“不要赶它走。”我周围看了看,不见一物。“那条蛇。”他指着一个影影绰绰的角落,悄声说,“谁都别伤害它。它是神遣来的。” “谁都不许伤害它,”我说,“违者处死。” 他又睡了一会儿。然后他说:“赫菲斯提昂。” 他眼睛闭着。我亲了亲他的额头,没有说话。他露出微笑,然后安静下来。 早上他认得我,也知道自己在哪里。诸位将军走了进来,围床而立。一屋的人都能听见他艰难的呼吸。他看看这个,看看那个,对这一切心领神会。 佩尔狄卡斯上前,向他弯下腰去。“亚历山大,我们都祈求众神保佑你长寿。但如果神意不是这样,你打算把国家传给谁?” 他扯着嗓门,希望声音大一些。我一直相信,他预备讲出克拉特鲁斯的名字。但是他接不上气,以喘息结束。佩尔狄卡斯对其余的人低声道:“他说,传给最强者。” 克拉特鲁斯,克拉提斯图斯。两词的发音那样接近,甚至意义也相差不远。克拉特鲁斯是他一向信任的人,此时正赶赴马其顿。我相信,他希望克拉特鲁斯摄政,辅佐他将生的孩子;如果出生的是女孩或死婴,他甚至可以继位。但是克拉特鲁斯远在千里之外,他的利益和这里的人无关。 和我也无关。马其顿与我何干,谁统治它对我有什么分别?我只看了看陛下,观察他是否心烦,但是他没有听见。只要他平静,对于我就是一样的。如果我招惹了别人,他们也许会把我从他身边带走。I am silent. 少顷他招手让佩尔狄卡斯回去,然后脱掉手指上御用的印戒,递给他。戒指刻着高踞宝座的宙斯。他选定了一个在他病重时治国的代理人。他的意思应该不过如此。 我在床边静坐,只不过是那个波斯少年。我看见众人开始对视,掂量彼此的手腕与权力,斜眼瞥着那枚戒指。 他看在眼里。他的目光本来投向远处,但是他转了转眼睛,我知道他看见了。我拿着湿手巾向他俯下身来。我觉得他见够了。他看看我,仿佛我们之间有个秘密。我的手贴着他的手,他手指有一圈白,是戒指底下不见阳光的地方。 沉寂里,只有他急促粗重的呼吸。忽然我听见外面一阵深沉的骚动,是许多个声音汇成的低语。托勒密出去察看。他没有回来,佩乌克斯塔斯便也走了出去,其余的人也跟出。不多久他们都进来了。 佩尔狄卡斯说道:“亚历山大,是马其顿人在外面,所有的士卒。他们——他们想看看你。我已经告诉他们不可能,你病得很重。如果我只选一些人代表全军,让大约二十个人进来,你觉得你能受得了吗?” 他的眼睛睁得很大。他开始咳嗽。我用手帕就着准备接血时,他做了个命令的手势,意思是,等我一会儿。然后他说:“全部。每一个人。” 无论印戒在谁手上,国王在这里。佩尔狄卡斯走了出去。 亚历山大稍微挪了挪身体,然后看着我。我移动枕头,给他重新垫高。有人打开了私用的后门,以便走过床前的士兵退出。他们的低语声越来越近。佩乌克斯塔斯友善地看着我,用头略一示意。他向来对我客气,我明白了他的意思,对亚历山大说:“我过后就回来。”随即从后门离去。 他们以士兵对将军、马其顿人对国王的方式来与他诀别。在这最后的时刻,他们应该感到自己完全拥有他,他的波斯少年不能比他们离他更近。 我从藏身的小阁注视他们离去,一个接一个长流不息的行列,仿佛无穷无尽。有人流泪,有人沙哑地低语,也有人一脸震慑,像是发现明天不会有太阳升起。 他们一连花了几个钟点,一直挨到近午。我听见有人说:“他用眼睛跟我打招呼,他认得我。”另一个说:“他马上认出了我,想对我微笑。”有个年轻的兵说:“他看了我一眼,我心里想,世界快崩裂了。”一个老兵应道:“咳,伙计,世界照样会存在的,但是变成什么样子,只有神知道。” 终于没有人再来。I walked in.他像我离开时那样躺着。刚才他一直坚持面向他们,不错过用眼神对任何一个经过的士兵打招呼。现在他像死了一样躺着,只是还在喘息。我想,他们榨干他仅余的生命力,对我什么都不留。让他们被恶狗咬死吧。 我一只胳膊托着他,换了枕头,让他躺得舒服些。他睁开眼睛,微笑了。我明白士兵们送的这份礼物,无论让他付出多少,也是他会向守护神要求的东西。我怎么能舍得不给他?我打消了怒火。 士卒经过时,诸位将军站在一边。现在托勒密擦了擦眼睛。佩尔狄卡斯走到床前。“亚历山大,众神接纳你以后,我们应该在什么时令给你献上崇拜?” 我不认为他指望有回答。他只是希望送上这份应得的荣誉,如果亚历山大还能听见的话。他确实听见了。他仿佛从深水里破空而出,回到我们身边,脸上依然含着微笑,细声道:“在你们快乐的时候。”然后他闭上眼,归于昏迷。 他全天躺在高枕上,床边是镀金展翅的精灵。大人物们全天穿梭来去。傍晚,他们带罗克萨妮来了。胎儿使她的肚子高高隆起。她伏在他身上,捶胸扯发,大放悲声,仿佛他已经死了。我看见他皱着眼皮。我见过她怨恨的神情,不敢对她说话,只向佩乌克斯塔斯悄声道:“他听得见,这让他心烦。”众人便叫她的宦官们扶她出去。 有时我能唤醒他,喂他喝点水。有时他似乎已经昏死,不会再为我动弹了。但是我仍感觉到他的存在,也觉得他会知道我在。我想,我不会要求上苍让他给我什么表示。别让我的爱打扰他,若神意准许,他知道就好。因为爱就是他的生命,对爱他从不拒绝。 夜幕降临,油灯亮起。托勒密站在床边,低着头,大概在回想他童年时在马其顿的样子。佩乌克斯塔斯走上前来,说他和几位朋友准备去瑟拉皮斯的神庙里为他守夜。此神是欧西里斯的一种复活之身,亚历山大从埃及带来了崇拜他的风气。他们要卜问他的神谕,假如把亚历
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