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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Six

persian boy 玛丽·瑞瑙特 12038Words 2018-03-13
He asked me the next day: "You haven't seen Queen Sisigambis, have you?" I seem to hear the names of people in allusions.She was the Queen Mother of Persia, the mother left behind by Darius on the battlefield of Issos. "Yes," said I, "she was with you before I entered the court at Susa." "Very well. I want you to visit her on my behalf." I had long forgotten that not long after the queen died, he had placed the queen mother and several young princesses in Susa. "If she remembers you as an old man in the court, it may not help, you know. Since she doesn't know you, I sent you a smart and beautiful emissary. For many years she only received letters and gifts from me. Remember , you selected for me a string of turquoises for her in Malacanda. You will find her worth seeing. Say hello to her for me, and say I am anxious to come in person, but the state is stuck. Ask her if I can Can't visit her for an hour or so. Also, give her this." He showed me a necklace of Indian rubies in the case.

I walked towards the harem.The last time I went, I followed Darius and smelled the strange fragrance on his royal robe. When I came to the door of the Queen Mother's courtyard, which I had never set foot in, someone invited a solemn old eunuch to check my identity.He was decent and didn't show that he knew who I used to be, even though these people always know everything.I followed him through a long corridor, the sunlight came in through a row of carved windows, and then passed through an antechamber where the court ladies sat and chatted and played games.He went to a door and scratched the door, reported my name and where I came from, and then exited.

She sat on a straight high chair, with her arms flat on the chair handle, her fingers as delicate as ivory spindles, lightly touching the carved sheep's head on the handle.Her clothes are dark blue, and her thin white hair is covered with a layer of dark blue gauze.The face was bloodless, it was the face of an old white falcon alone on the rock.Around his neck was the same turquoise necklace sent by Malacanda. I knelt down carefully, just as cautiously as when I first met Darius. When I got up, she asked in the voice of an old man, "How is my son king?" I am speechless.How long has she been like this?Before Darius was buried, she had obviously watched the coffin.How come no one told Alexander that she was old-fashioned?If I'm telling the truth, she'll go mad, and she'll tear me apart with her long ivory nails, or hit her head against a wall just to die.

She stared at me with folded eyelids, eyes that were old but fierce and bright.Her eyes blinked once or twice quickly, like a falcon taking off its blindfold, showing impatience.I am still speechless.She slapped the arm of the chair. "I'm asking you, boy, how is my son Alexander?" She stared darkly and sharply into my dazed eyes, read my thoughts, straightened up a little, raised her head and said, "I only have one son who is king. , never anyone else." Only then did I come back to my senses, recalling the training I had received, Yili told her the message, and knelt down to hold Alexander's gift.She unfolded the string of rubies with both hands, and called two old maids in front of the window. "Look what my son gave me."

They admired it, and the Queen Mother even allowed them to touch it.I held the casket and knelt, waiting for someone to come and take it away, while thinking of the son whom she had cut off. After fleeing from Issos, he must have guessed so-how could someone who knew her not guess?He just doesn't know yet that someone has filled his void.Only then did I understand what kind of sorrow I was comforting when I played the harp in the fountain garden that day.It was this misery that made him angry with the eunuch Teriotis, the messenger.Did he know that she refused his rescue in Gaugamela?Maybe they kept it from him.It's good that the two of them don't see each other again - poor man, he already has too much sorrow.

She remembered me just in time, and motioned to one of the ladies-in-waiting to take the casket. "Thank you His Majesty for the gift and tell him he is welcome." She was still stroking the jewels on her lap as I left. "Does she like it?" Alexander asked anxiously, as if it were her lover.I told him that the Queen Mother was obviously very pleased. "King Polas gave it to me, and I'm so glad she thinks it's right for her. She should be the king of your people, if God made her a man. She and I know that. We understand each other .” "Fortunately, God made her into a female body, otherwise you would have to kill her."

"No, spare me. Is she in good spirits? I have something important to say to her. I want to marry her granddaughter." Although I was surprised for a moment, he also understood my face. "Are you more satisfied than last time?" "Alexander, all the Persians will be satisfied." The last time he saw Statella was in Issos, a little girl with her face buried in her mother's lap.This time is a real national marriage, which will not only bring glory to my nation, but also continue the blood of a royal family.He had already thought that the offspring he would give birth to would not only be the descendants of Darius, but also the blood of Sisigambis.As for Roxani, even as a second wife, she is still higher than her own origin; if she marries Darius, she can only be a concubine forever.These are just my thoughts, and I said my blessings to him in time.

"There are other things." We are in the quiet fountain garden, unlike the court hall where envoys and officials are everywhere.He scooped up a handful of spring water, let go of the water again, with a smile on his face. "Come on, Elskander, tell me. I can tell by the look on your face that you have a secret." "I know! I'll tell you now. It won't be just my wedding, it will be the marriage of our two peoples." "Yes, Elskander, it is true." "No, listen to me. All my friends, my generals, and the best of the gang, are going to marry Persian women. I'll give everyone a bride price, and we'll have a wedding feast together. How do you feel about that?"

"Elskander, only you can figure it out." This is the truth that can be learned from the gods. "I thought of it on the march, but I didn't say it before the meeting. Most of them are on the side of the big army." I understand why he didn't tell me.He cannot announce Hephaistion's marriage to me before the bridegroom himself knows. "I was wondering," he said, "how many couples would it take to make the reception look good without overcrowding the tent. I've ordered eighty couples." Trying to catch my breath, I replied that the number sounded Just right. "All the soldiers who marry a Persian girl also get a dowry, I think, about ten thousand."

He smiled and fiddled with the sunlit spring, and the water slipped from his hand like gold. "We'll start something new: Two good wines fused in a cup of love will make one better wine. Hephaestion will marry Statella's sister. Well, his child will be My relatives." He probably sensed my silence. He studied my face, leaned over and hugged me. "My darling, forgive me. Love does not only breed children. 'Children of dreams'—do you remember? You made them all. From loving you, I learned to love your people." After this, the work I have to do is not painful anymore.I visited expectant women and their mothers, sent presents, and informed about wedding arrangements.I was received graciously.Even if these families had other plans before Alexander proposed marriage, no one said it.Needless to say, he gave the noblest brides to the most eminent Macedonians; and the bridegrooms should be content if they were not all the most eminent.I didn't see the two princesses, but Duaipettis probably won't disappoint Hephaestion.Everyone in her family looks good.I've never heard of him having a woman in all these years, but if it was a nephew that Alexander asked of him, he would no doubt go for it.

A fool whose name is not worth mentioning wrote that Alexander despised our people because no Persian nobleman married a Macedonian woman.Where can these girls come from?We are in Susa, and there are only concubines or family members accompanying the army.If the daughters of Macedonian nobles were allowed to travel thousands of miles to marry "barbarians" they had never met, one can imagine how their mothers would feel.But that kind of fallacy does not refute worth mentioning. Alexander intended the wedding to be the greatest celebration since his accession.With a few weeks to go, Susa's weavers, carvers and goldsmiths have been working day and night.I didn't go to see if my former owner was doing well.No one wants to revisit the lost land. After the return of the king, entertainers of various professions continued to pour in from Greece, and the news of the wedding made them even more busy.One of them, Ivieus, a piper of some minor fame, caused a trifling quarrel; or, if the parties had not already had an animosity, it would have been a trifle.The struggle between people has always started like this, and the war between nations is also like this.Eumenes and Hephaestion were no exception. I'm not familiar with Eumenes, but Alexander's father was in charge when he was in charge, and he has been in charge for many years now.He was a Greek, had fought in India, and had a lot of merit; he was about forty and a half, gray-haired, and shrewd in his affairs.I don't know why he and Hephaistion had conflicts repeatedly, but I guess it can be traced back to Hephaistion's boyhood.Perhaps Eumenes was jealous that he had Alexander's love, perhaps he simply disapproved, as he disapproved of me.I knew he couldn't hurt me, so I never cared.Hephaestion was different.Since he returned with his troops, Alexander made him Kaliak, which means great general in Greek, and his status is second only to the king.He acts impartially and without partiality, but one of his weaknesses is that he has too much self-esteem. It has been like this since India.At that time he had suffered from a jaundice fever, and he should abstain from alcohol for a long time after he recovered according to the doctor's advice.However, the Macedonians do not drink without drinking.He is also a long-term person, with long love and long hate. He was always polite to the Persians, because of Alexander, and because of our strict etiquette.Well-bred Persians never make trouble.After careful consideration, we either poison each other or shake hands and make peace.The Macedonians had no such restraints, and often clashed suddenly. This piper Ivius was his guest and friend long before I came, so he intends to be a lord.The hotel in Susa was almost full, and the residence that Hephaistion arranged for Ivius was occupied by the Eumenes family, and Hephaestion drove them out. The usually quiet Eumenes rushed to meet him.The Persians would have said it was a big mistake, but let it have happened.What Hephaistion told Eumenes was that he should move the place for the distinguished guests, no one should be an exception. Eumenes' status was not low, so he went straight to appeal to Alexander.Alexander worked hard to calm down the dispute.I know he moved the piper because I did it for him.What he said to Hephaestion I could overhear if I wanted to, but I remembered that morning in the desert and went away. If my guess is correct, Hephaistion was asked to apologize to Eumenes, but he felt it was disrespectful to obey.Hostility builds up.Why bring up this narrow dispute?Just because it made His Majesty poisoned by grief in the end, and then went mad. I don't have the power of a prophet, so I didn't think much about it at the time.Alexander certainly didn't think much about it, he was even busier.He often visited the Queen Mother and met his bride.He told me that she looked like her mother, a demure and reserved girl, and there was no excitement in his words when he first saw Roxani.I dare not ask her how she heard the news. The wedding day has arrived.Darius the Great may have seen such luxury, but contemporary people have never seen it.The entire square in front of the temple becomes a huge pavilion.In the middle were the tents of the bridegrooms, with tassels of gold and silver hanging from muslin, and the pillars gilded with gold.Surrounded by a canopy for the guests.According to the Persian ceremony for the wedding, pairs of golden chairs have been prepared in the salute tent.Our girls are well-bred, come in after a toast, and then the grooms will hold their hands, sit side by side to the wedding song, and then exit. The fathers-in-law are naturally there.Alexander asked me to help entertain, because he wanted me to attend the ceremony. He wears a cone-shaped crown on his head, and wears a Persian royal robe with long sleeves, and everything is in order.In fact, the semi-Greek-style clothes are more suitable for him. This outfit can only be different if Darius is tall.But no matter how ignorant the Persians are, they also understand that the height of the king is equal to his soul. In order that the lesser guests would not miss everything, he had a team of heralds waiting outside the tent, blowing the trumpet during the toast, repeating the speech, and announcing the arrival of the brides. The ceremony was perfect.In front of the most noble Persian fathers-in-law, the grooms restrained their drinking and didn't even make noise in the tent. There was no prostration.Alexander bestowed the title of Princely on the father-in-law of all the grooms, allowing them to kiss the king on the cheek.Alexander had no father-in-law, and Oxaseris took over.He behaved gracefully, just about to lean in and kiss Alexander. After the king finished his wedding speech, the bridegrooms toasted the fathers-in-law, then the fathers-in-law returned the salute, and then everyone toasted the king.The trumpets sounded in unison, announcing the arrival of all the brides.The fathers-in-law went up to hold their daughter's hand and led her to the bridegrooms. Except for farmers, it is rare to see men and women walking together in Persia.Whatever the Greeks may say, our aristocratic lineages have been hand-picked and time-washed for the best looks in the world.The most handsome couple went first, Oxatheres and his niece, holding hands.Alexander stood up to greet him and took the bride's hand.Darius did pass on Jiarong to his children, and inherited his height—the bride was more than half a foot taller than Alexander. He took her to sit on a throne next to the throne, and at this point the two seemed to be of similar stature.He had seen the bride before in the Empress' chambers, and Alexander had a reputation for resourcefulness—the legs of the bride's chair had been sawn short. Of course, when the couples exit, they always have to walk side by side.I seem to hear his voice saying: "It is necessary." (A few days later, I found his wedding shoes lost in a dark corner, with felt soles, an inch thick. The banquet guests were seven feet tall Nor did he at the time of Polas.) Hephaestion was a good match for Dua Pettis, who was an inch shorter than him. The wedding banquet lasted all night.I meet some old friends; this time I don't have to pretend to be happy, I have my share of happiness.It had been many years since he had entered Susa without using a weapon.He became a legend as he continued his expedition, and here are tyrannical decrees enforced in his name.Now the world is beginning to understand him.In this city that remembers Cyrus, it will be remembered how he did not desecrate the temples of the conquered Medes, insult their nobles, or sell the peasants into slavery; Just king.Everywhere people admire how a Westerner can be like Cyrus.I remember everything I heard and plan to tell him in the future.He did what he wanted to do. He no doubt worked just as hard on the marriage bed.Statella took up her quarters, but his visits soon became a mere routine, much more quickly than they had with Roxani.A few days later, he even went to the Sogdian woman.Probably just to appease her, but I'm not sure.It was he who said that Statella was a quiet and reserved girl, but he loved fire.Roxani has fire, even her fire smokes.He would tire of her quickly, but would still be drawn back after a while.His violent mother, Olympias, still lashed out at the regent every time she wrote.He always slammed down the letter in a rage, but he never forgot to attach a lovingly chosen gift when he replied.There may be some truth to that old saying about a man choosing his wife. He did what he wanted to do.Unfortunately, only my ethnic group approves. I was so happy that once or twice I was walking outside, and the Macedonians looked at me sharply.But the king's favorite is always envied, and Hephaistion was envied because of his position that others could not reach.It never occurred to me that it was a general hatred of the Persians, until one day Peukstas rode by in our native dress.People of our nation know his goodness and salute him.After he went, the comments of some Macedonians blew into my ears: - he has become a barbarian, it is disgusting, how can the king encourage this? ——In this regard, the king himself is becoming more and more outrageous... I took note of their faces and the regiments they belonged to.I would not be ashamed if I complained to Alexander and got them punished.But instead of benefiting, he will be harmed.What he is determined to change is not words, but people's hearts. Soon thereafter, he learned that the Macedonian soldiers were heavily in debt, and the creditors were pressing him hard.With their trophies, everyone should be richer than princes.But they don't know how to bargain, they are not as smart as us Persians, but they pay twice the market price for shopping, eating and drinking, and even whoring.When Alexander heard of their troubles, he declared that he would pay their debts, as if he had not spent enough money for their dowry.Few came, and finally the officers told him the truth: they said he just wanted to know who was spending money. They actually thought he would lie to them.Nothing has hurt him more since the withdrawal from India.He can't understand.I knew why: the closer he was to us, the stranger he seemed to them. So he set up an accounting table in the army, and let the accountant sit at the table without writing anything.Every soldier who showed the debt deed would get the money owed without leaving a record.This feat cost nearly ten thousand talents.I think they should be quiet for a while. The spring is sprouting, and the smell of resin is getting stronger and stronger by the river.The lilies are about to bloom.One morning I rode with Alexander to the river bank. He looked at the surrounding mountains and said, "Where was your former home?" "Over there, on that cliff. That gray pile of rocks is the watchtower." "What an easy place to defend but hard to attack. How about we ride horses and see?" "Elskander, I shall see too much." "Don't worry about it now. I have a message for you. Do you remember five years ago, when I said I was building an army of Persian lads?" "Well, we were in Bactria. It's only been five years?" "It does seem longer. We've done a lot." Indeed, his thirty years' worth of three men's lifetimes. "After five years, they're ready and coming." "That's great, Elskander." I've been with him for six years; it's been thirteen years since I rode away from my family's castle with my father's head tied beside me. "Yeah, their instructors are very satisfied. Come and compete with me on who can reach the woods first." As he wished, the gallop galloped away my sadness.We let the horses breathe slowly, and he said: "Thirty thousand people, all of them are eighteen years old. I think, children can be expected." They reached Susa seven days later.He ordered a parade stand to be set up on the base of the palace for him and the generals to inspect the new army.Not long after, the sound of Macedonian bugles came from the barracks outside the palace walls. "Cavalry, advance!" They marched in squadrons, wearing Macedonian uniforms, but riding thoroughbred Persian horses, not diminutive Greek horses.The Persians from the Persian province came in first. Macedonian clothing or not, a Persian is a Persian.Their officers allowed certain little ornaments that gave them a style: embroidered saddlecloth, patterned breastplates, Macedonian lances with banners, shiny bridles, helmets with a flower in them.And they have Persian faces. They probably didn't all volunteer, but for now, they're proud of their craft.Each squadron held their spears flat, and leaped into the square quickly; as the music slowed down, they circled around in front of the king's parade and saluted with their spears; Trot away as the next squadron enters. The whole city of Susa was watching, from the walls, from the roofs.The square was full of Macedonians.No one would deny that they were the best-trained army in the world, and that what these lads did, they could do equally well.But we do pay more attention to style.So did Alexander. The long review was finally over, and he left with a face full of joy, talking to the Persians in the guard along the way—Oxatheres, Roxani's brother, and a son of Atabazas.In the main hall, he looked at me from a distance and smiled at me.In the evening, he drank wine and chatted, and went to bed late at night.He always did when he was in the mood. "I've never been so beautiful in one day, but I still choose the most beautiful." He twisted my hair. "You know what I call these boys? I call them my heirs." "Elskander," I said, taking off his robe, "you call them that in front of the Macedonians?" "Why? They will educate me as well. What's wrong?" "I don't know. You didn't take anything from them, but they didn't like us showing excellence." He stood up naked (with numerous wounds on his body), his hair thrown back.The wine did not confuse him, but excited him. "To hate Excellence is to hate the gods." His voice was so loud that the attendants on duty couldn't help but look in to ensure safety. "No matter where one goes, one should pay homage to excellence, whether it is in a foreign race or on the farthest border of the earth. But it cannot be let down." He began to pace. "I saw excellence in Polas, though his black face was unaccustomed to me. Karanus also had excellence. Your people also. Out of respect for excellence, I compare the fatuous Persian governor and Macedonian Hang people together. To excuse crimes as they are in their nature is contempt." "Well, we are an ancient race, we know these things." "You know the rest." He stopped speaking and held out his arms to me. The Greeks say he became irritable at this time.No wonder they wrote it that way.He wants to be a veritable emperor, but everything he has paid for it has aroused the resentment of his own nation.A few friends understood—Hephaistion included, I admit—and the rest just wanted him to rule over a people of slaves, to oversee the work.They made no secret of their distaste for the teenage new army.Besides, even though the wound in his side had healed, he was getting tired faster than ever, though he'd rather die than admit it. They say our slavishness spoiled him.Maybe these rough people really think so.We ourselves know that we have only acquainted him with good customs and court manners, which he knows are necessary.A king who could be scolded by his subjects would be regarded by the Persians as a lowly barbarian with no education and no self-respect, and to serve him was to belittle himself.This is known even to the dullest man in Persia, and I point it out for the ignorant. What have they lost because of us?He gave so many wedding presents and paid their debts, and that parade he gave was full of gifts and prizes for bravery and conscientiousness.However, when he later added some exceptionally good Persians to his group of friends, there was some resentment.If he has a bad temper at times, that's what they asked for.He never did that to me. It's been a long time since spring.He decided to spend the summer at Ecbatana, as the kings of all ages have done.The bulk of the army would be led by Hephaestion, up the valley of the Tigris to Opis, where there was a good road through the passes to the Summer Palace.Alexander sailed to Opis to increase his knowledge for future needs.The Tigris River is no longer turbulent in this section. We went upstream along the tortuous waterway, passing date palm forests and lush farmland. The waterwheels were pulled by oxen, and the scenery was pleasant.There are many ancient and useless dikes in the river, and he ordered people to dismantle them all the way as he sailed.We made our way slowly, sometimes going ashore and sometimes sleeping in the boat, as he pleased.These are the days of verdant tranquility, away from the court, from the busyness and fury of the palace. Towards the end of the voyage, when one of the old dikes was broken down, we anchored in a shady tributary.He was lying halfway under the striped awning at the stern, my head resting on his lap.In the past, he would pay attention to whether there were Macedonians watching, but now he didn't care, let them think, anyway, there were no important people around.He glanced up at the swinging fan of date palm leaves, and lazily played with my hair. "At Opis, we will go west by the post road, and I can send the old soldiers home. It has been a long time since they told me in India that they were too tired. Xenophon said well, the general even if we share weal and woe, War was different for him. It was their tears that moved me. A bunch of stubborn old bones... But they are also really tough in danger. If they come home and regret it, it's not my fault." The army got there before us.This city is medium in size, with mud brick houses and a stone palace, just like other towns on the post road.The plains are getting hotter, but we won't be here for long.Lu Xing's army did not encounter any major problems, but Hephaestion and Eumenes had been arguing endlessly along the way. There was already a foreshadowing before arriving in Susa.In Carmania, Alexander wanted to raise funds for the repair of the warship, and asked his friends for loans, promising to repay them as soon as he reached the capital.At least they got the money out of the desert safely, and Alexander would pay interest.But Eumenes was not generous. Seeing his share, Alexander sarcastically said that he couldn't bear to rob the poor and returned the money.He said to me that night, "I'd like to know what he'd come up with if his tent burned down." I said, "Try, Elskander." He was very drunk, and we all laughed stand up.I didn't think he would actually do it.The tent caught fire the next day, but the fire was so fast that the king's journal and credentials were destroyed.The money in the tent was melted into gold ingots, about a thousand talents.Alexander didn't ask him for it.He had joked, albeit at a high price.Whether Eumenes thought that Hephaestion had set him on fire, I do not know.After Susa, even if Eumenes stepped on shit, he would suspect that Hephaistion was causing trouble. On the way to Opis, they were openly at odds and split into two factions.I guess they didn't intend to form a party.Hephaistion need not; Eumenes, being a sophisticated Greek, would not allow himself to be blamed.Although there was no quarrel, those who were disgusted with the king's acceptance of Persian customs, and knew that his confidants supported him, automatically fell on the side of Hephaestion's enemies. Eumenes was already agitated by this when we arrived.He came to Alexander, saying that the quarrel had pained him, and that he wanted to make amends.In fact, his main hope is that if the dispute continues, he will not be blamed.The dispute had gone on: he had lost his temper about the Piper's lodging, something he had said that Hephaestion would not forget.It was true that he rarely disobeyed Alexander's wishes, but now that he was a big shot, he knew the chips in his hands, and Alexander would never order him to endure humiliation for nothing.If Alexander was asking him for help, it didn't work out either.Hephaestion hadn't talked to Eumenes for half a month, and he continued to remain silent.Shortly thereafter, we had other things to think about. Alexander ordered someone to set up a stage on the parade ground to prepare a speech to the army.He would disarm the veterans, announce a bounty for their discharge, and order them to go to the Mediterranean.It's that simple.I went to the roof to watch it because I was free anyway and wanted to see him more. Troops filled the square up to the podium surrounded by guards.The generals rode forward from the reserved passage and took their positions.The king was the last to arrive, handed his horse over to a page, and came up to speak. Soon they were waving their arms.Veteran bounties are huge, and I think they're cheering. Suddenly he jumped off the podium, strode past the guards and came to the middle of the soldiers.I saw him grab a person with both hands and push towards the guard, who held him.The generals hurried to follow.He walked around and pointed out a dozen more people.They were escorted away.He returned to the stage and continued to speak. No one raised their arms anymore.After he finished speaking in a short while, he ran down the steps, jumped on his horse, and ran towards the palace.The generals also quickly mounted their horses to follow. I hurried downstairs and returned to his room first, wanting to find out what happened.The door opened, and he said to the guard outside the door: "No one should come in, no exceptions. Do you understand?" Before the guard closed the door, he had already slammed the door and returned to the room.At first he didn't see me, I glanced at it and continued to be quiet.He was angry, his tired but bright face was burning with anger, his lips were moving, and he repeated the speech on the parade ground, and I only heard the end. "Go, go back and tell everyone how you abandoned me and handed me over to the care of the Gentiles you conquered. You will definitely get the glory of this world and the blessings of heaven. Go away." He clattered his helmet to a corner and began to remove the breastplate.I stepped forward and untied the tie. "I can solve it myself." He pushed my fingers away. "I told no one to come in." "I've been in the house. Alexander, what's the matter?" "Go and ask. You'd better go, I'm not sure I'll do anything to someone. I'll call you later. Go." He was still tugging at the laces as I left, muttering curses. I thought about it and went to the servant's room.The squire who tethered the king's horse has just come back, and they are all round him, and I come forward. "Treason," said he, "if it had been anyone else, they would have killed it. Ah, Bagoas, have you seen the king?" "He wouldn't tell. I just saw it from the roof. What did he tell them?" "Nothing at all! I mean, he announced his disarmament to the veterans, thanked them for their bravery and loyalty, all very nicely said. When he was about to mention the discharge bounty, some of the remaining servicemen yelled Said: 'Send us all away!' He asked them what they meant, and they got even more excited. 'You don't want us now, we're all bloody savages'... Oh, sorry, Bagoas. " "Go ahead." I said, "And then?" "Somebody yelled, 'Marry with your dad, the one with the horns on his head.' There was so much noise that he couldn't be heard. So he jumped off the stage and went among them and grabbed the ones who were leading the fuss." "What?" Someone asked, "Is he not alone?" "No one dared to touch him. It was unbelievable, as if he was a god. He had a sword on his body, but he didn't touch it at all. Those people were captured like cows. The first person was taken down by himself. .Do you know why? I do. Because of his eyes." "But he spoke again later," I said. "Did you see? He waited for the captives to go down, and then came back up and told their luck. He said first, that King Philip raised them up from nothing. They used to be in sheep's clothing, he said— Is it really?" The most distinguished attendant of the family said: "My grandfather told us that only princes wore cloaks in the past, and he said that at that time it was a sign of status." "And the story of the Illyrians marching straight into Macedon to plunder?" "He said the peasants hid in the bunkers at night." "The king also said that Philip made them master over those who had terrified them. When he died he had only sixty talents in the treasury, and a few cups of gold and silver, but owed five hundred talents. Alexander borrowed another eight hundred, and with this money he crossed into Asia. Do you know this? He also told them all that followed, and said—I will never forget this: 'I lead None of you have died running for your life in all these years.' He said if they wanted to go home, they could go today, brag about it when they got home, and wish them luck. That's all he said." A young man shouted: "Let's go and see him and tell him what's on our minds." Their tone of voice was often as if he belonged to them, and I felt that there was deep affection in it. "He won't let anybody in," I said, "not even me." "Is he crying?" said the softest one. "Cry! He's as angry as a lion shot by an arrow. Keep your heads away from the lion's mouth." I didn't keep my head close until night.All his friends were rejected, including Hephaistion.His quarrel with Eumenes was still in progress, and I don't think Alexander has forgotten it.The servant who passed the meal was sent away in the same way.The injured lion refused to seek medical attention. At night, I go to see if he wants to take a bath.The attendants would have let me go, but I was afraid that the lion in the cave would be angry with them, so I still asked them to report.The depressed voice inside said, "Thank him, and tell him not to use it." I noticed that there was no thank you in the words before.When I came back the next morning, I was allowed in. He was still licking the wound.Last night's anger had turned into resentment, and he never said anything about it.I shaved him, bathed him, and fed him.Others still can't see him.He recounted to me his speech in front of the army, a speech too rife for him to keep to himself.He is like a woman recalling a quarrel with her lover, every word is correct. A moment later the guard scratched the door. "Your Majesty, some Macedonians have come from the barracks and have asked to speak to you." His expression changed.But it can't be said that the eyes are bright, but the head is slightly turned to one side. “问他们还来这里干什么,他们昨天已经自己解甲了。告诉他们我谁也不见,我正忙着选人补他们的缺。他们领完军饷就走吧。巴勾鄂斯,帮我拿书写工具来好吗?” 他整日坐在书桌前,就寝时也还在深思。他眼睛里有了一种火花,但是他缄默不宣。翌晨他把诸位将军召来。其后屋里站满了军官,多数是波斯人。欧皮斯像掀翻顶盖的蚁丘一样躁动起来。 马其顿人的军营仍旧站满士兵。我不想触犯众怒,去了较友善的地方打听原委,很快得知亚历山大正在筹建一支清一色波斯人的军队。 与波斯少年军不同,这不仅是一股新的兵力。所有杰出的马其顿军团、银盾团、步卒伙友,都会从波斯人里甄选。只有马其顿主将和他最忠心的朋友会留用为将领。伙友团本身将有至少一半波斯人。 第一日颁下敕令。翌日,各将领着手工作。同一天亚历山大把波斯贵族全体授封为王亲,这是他们在大流士时代原有的封号,从此他们不必行跪拜礼,可以亲吻国王的面颊。他在上面只添了八十名马其顿人,是与他共享婚礼的诸位新郎。 外面的尘土足以呛人。亚历山大在室内穿着波斯王袍,就职的波斯人逐个亲吻他的面颊,向他请安。我躲在阴影里看着,心想,现在他完全是我们的了。 我们熟习御前的举止,屋里悄然,因此宫殿台基传来的噪音分外入耳。有一种沉重的碰撞,像铁器卸在地上,还有马其顿人的声音,大嗓门一如往时,但十分悲戚。 噪音增强了。马其顿将军们看了看彼此,再看看亚历山大。他略偏着头,继续说话。我溜到一扇天窗前张望。 台基上满是马其顿人,不断涌进殿前的广场。他们已经堆起武器,现在手无寸刃,站在宫门外迷茫低语,犹如一群到树林游荡过,夜归时发现门户紧闭的家犬。我想,他们很快就会醒悟,而且哀叫起来的。 果然,他们像冥府受难的灵魂一样扬声,震心裂耳。“亚历山大!亚历山大!亚历山大!让我们进来啊!” 他走出来,众人大呼一声,纷纷跪下。离他最近的那个人揪住波斯王袍的下摆哭泣。他没有说话,只站在原地,看着他们。 他们恳求他宽恕,担保不会再犯,还要惩办带头闹事的人。他们会日夜守在这里,直到他原谅而且怜悯他们为止。 “你们现在是这么说,”他语气冷峻,但是声音似乎有点颤抖,“那么集会时又是怎么想的?” 人群又响起一片悲声。刚才拉住他袍子的人(我看清是一位军官)说道:“亚历山大,你把波斯人叫做亲人,准许他们亲你。但是我们哪个有过这样的待遇?”我发誓这是原话。 亚历山大说:“起来吧。”他扶起那个人,拥抱了他。这不谙礼节的可怜家伙笨拙地亲了他的面颊,但是欢呼声令人难忘。“从今以后,你们每一个都是我的亲人。”他用不掩饰哽咽的声音说完,上前伸出欢迎的手。 我放弃了计算有多少人挤上来亲吻他。他面颊闪着光,大家一定尝到了他的泪水。 那天剩余的时间,他一直在调整新将领的职位,要么放在波斯名字下面,要么与马其顿人并列,总之不让任何波斯将领丢脸。看来这没有让他煞费思量。我相信,他是早就设想过的。 他上床时已经困极,但是带着胜利的微笑。他确实获胜了。“他们改变了主意,”他说,“我知道可能会这样。我们在一起很多年了。” “艾尔斯坎达。”我说。他含笑转向我。我舌尖上转着一席话,差点说了出来:“我见过巴比伦和苏萨的名妓,我见过科林斯首屈一指的优伶。我从前觉得我自己的技艺也不那么平庸,但夺冠的人是你。” 然而,很难断定他会不会明白。于是我说:“居鲁士做到这样,也该引以自豪了。” “居鲁士?……你提醒了我。这时候他会做什么?会举行一场和解大宴。” 他在老兵返乡前办了这场宴会,与那次婚礼一样盛大,惟独没有苏萨遮阴的天篷。殿前广场的中央搭起一个巨坛,最显赫的马其顿人和波斯人,以及联军的将领,皆与国王同桌而坐,九千宾客都能看见他们。希腊的先知和我族的祭司一道向神明祈愿。宴会上的人都有同样的荣耀,只是马其顿人坐在亚历山大身边。经过那些亲吻和泪水,他无法不以此安慰已经被原谅的老情人。 这对于我当然不是无足轻重的差别。在地道的波斯宫廷,国王宠爱的人即使不受贿也备受尊重,不会有人冒犯。但是那样还是不如我所拥有的真切实在。赫菲斯提昂坐在他身边,我并不难过,那是大总管应有的位置。他没有趁着宴会与欧迈尼斯和解。我暗想,艾尔斯坎达知道如果是向我要求的话,他不会徒劳无功的。 因此,喇叭齐鸣之际,他举起硕大的爱杯来祝酒,祈求众神给我们以各种福佑,特别是让马其顿人与波斯人和睦的时候,我真心实意地喝了酒,而且为了他脸上重现的希望又喝了一次。 现在平安了,我想。很快我们就会入山避暑。这么多年后,我即将再次看见埃克巴塔纳美丽的七重城墙。
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