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Chapter 403 enemy is destiny

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 山冈庄八 2045Words 2018-03-13
Hideyoshi's big talk before becoming Guanbai is neither bragging nor bragging. Mystery, threats and propaganda are taken very seriously throughout, and yet true.When he couldn't stand the blow of the navy's failure again, and left the Nagoya base camp under the pretext of visiting Mrs. Tai, he consciously bluffed and showed funny faces to the other party from time to time. Taihe, who was filial to his mother, hurried back to Osaka... This kind of announcement was completely a trick to deceive the children. First of all, it was a fact that he could not stay in the stronghold in the eyes of the elders such as Ieyasu, Toshika, and Rushui.

I wanted to fight against the Ming Dynasty, but it turned out to be a war against North Korea, and I lost to North Korea. This is very similar to the Great East Asian War, which was originally planned to be an offensive war, but at some point changed the offensive and defensive, and became a war that must be desperately defended. As a military commander, this is an inexcusable and extreme miscalculation. Moreover, when the strength of the navy, the lifeblood of the expeditionary force, is rapidly weakening, one should not visit the old mother. First of all, you must see the morale of the Japanese from Nagoya to Osaka.

To what extent has the failure of this battle been leaked to the public? How much shipbuilding potential is there? The Japanese army, which was an attacking force, has turned into a garrison force that is being chased around in various places. Even so, if it is still necessary to maintain the appearance of the Ming army, all the troops attacking the Ming country must be reorganized into an army of 150,000 or 200,000, and sail away. There is no other way. Does Japan have elite troops in this area alone? When he was very distressed by this, the supply to the front line, which was completely converted to a garrison, was in danger... Hideyoshi was so anxious that he almost went crazy.

"Anyway, the mother who gave birth to me is seriously ill, and I can't ignore it. As a son of man, filial piety is the first thing to do." At that time, Nagoya was in charge of connecting Nagoya with Osaka, and Nagatsusu Masaka established a watertight connection line. When Hideyoshi passed this contact line, he deviated from the line several times. "Do you know why I haven't gone to Koryo now? It's because the royal boat has not been built yet. I am too capable to cross the sea on two legs. In addition, the people around me don't want to bother me and force me to stay. Down. No, when I heard that my mother was ill, I realized that it might be a kind of providence. If I crossed the sea, I would never see my mother."

Hideyoshi repeatedly emphasized: If it weren't for the opposition of the elders, he would like to cross the sea immediately and conquer Beijing in one fell swoop. However, both Tokugawa Ieyasu and Maeda Toshiie stubbornly insisted on their opinions: "If even His Highness is sent, then I will go!" Therefore, although the idea of ​​crossing the sea in spring had to be dispelled, it must be implemented this autumn. "If this is not the case, the emperor, who has been waiting impatiently in the capital, will enter Beijing later and later. Wahaha..." His laughter echoed on the road leading to various post stations.What worries him the most, however, is the morale issue at home.

Soldiers on the battlefield, as long as they face the enemy, will never forget the bravery that is life and death.But behind enemy lines it was a completely different story.A rumor, a gossip, can turn the people into both cats and tigers. Therefore, anyone who escaped from the front line, whether it was a soldier or a boatman, was executed. "How is it? Is there anyone who escaped back?" I asked everywhere I went.But some are ambiguous, and some complain about injustice. Misbehaviors who sneaked back from the battlefield did not appear on Kyushu Road and Sanyo Road.Because the city people from the capital and Osaka are good at covering up, it is meaningless if they are not severely banned.

The most problematic thing is the shipbuilding capacity, which is not as abundant as Hideyoshi imagined.The number of shipbuilders in each domain is unexpectedly small.In addition, the customary practice is to requisition when there is an emergency, so it can be said that all were driven to participate in this war. (It seems that we may have to try to borrow a ship from Spain or Portugal...) In Hideyoshi's entire plan, the most stingy opinion is the argument of borrowing a ship from Nanman.Even so, the conversations on the way, which contained the distress in my heart, can be said to be world-class.

"Why does Taihe regard Daming as a thorn in his side...?" This was asked by a man named Etsuchu Kataoka when he was in Shimonoseki.Hideyoshi leaned back and replied: "Those guys are so rude, bullying Japan is a weak country. I heard that they are very troublesome to pirates mixed with Japanese and Chinese people. Hideyoshi, I strictly forbid Japanese piracy and helped them. Although In this way, they neither send messengers nor say a word of thanks. Are they still silent when they are so despised?" Someone from Kataoka, who asked the question, seemed to want to do some persuasion work: If you want to end the Korean War, why not unite with the people of the Ming Dynasty? What do you think of taking action from there?But seeing Hideyoshi's answer, he had no choice but to keep silent.

Moreover, as the battle situation worsened, Hideyoshi seemed to have unknowingly prepared the excuse of "hatred for the Ming country". Hideyoshi arrived at Osaka Castle on the seventh day after leaving Kyushu.At that time, those staying in the capital and Osaka were headed by Sekibai Hideji, together with Kazushi Nakamura, Yoshiharu Horio, Terumasa Ikeda, Kazutoyo Yamauchi, Yoshimasa Tanaka and others, with more than 30,000 troops.Therefore, when Hideyoshi entered Osaka Castle, it was Kazushi Nakamura who first came out to greet him. "Your Highness, you are too late!"

"What, even you accused me of being slow in crossing the sea?!" "Crossing the sea?... Where are you talking about! The last thing Mrs. Tai said was to ask to stop crossing the sea... She only said this one thing." "Although I said that, I must not stop. If you don't cross the sea, you can't be complacent. After visiting Mrs. Tai, I will return to Nagoya immediately, and I plan to start crossing the sea as soon as autumn comes. Alright, take me to Mrs. Tai quickly, and I will inform you soon. Said her son came back to see her." "Your Highness..."

"What's the matter with you, crying all over your face? Are you crying with joy like a child? Wahaha..." "Your Highness...you came back too late! Mrs. Tai passed away on the 22nd of this month while thinking about His Highness's Du Haixian. She also said not to notify you before you arrive... This, this is also Mrs. Tai's... ..." "What, you said he was dead?!" "Yes, on the morning of the twenty-second." If it was the morning of the 22nd, wouldn't that be the time when Hideyoshi fled the base camp on the pretext that his mother was ill? "Ah! Your Highness! Master!" Except for Nakamura Kazushi, when the courtiers and maids who came to welcome him rushed forward one after another, Hideyoshi grabbed the air with one hand and fell on his back. Under the strong blow of fate one after another, even such a strong Hideyoshi lost consciousness...
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