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Chapter 391 Yodo-kun's plan

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 山冈庄八 2381Words 2018-03-13
The main purpose of Hidecho's visit is still for Yodo-kun's affairs.Of course, Rikyu also had to consider: Was the existence of Yodo-kun a good thing or a bad thing for Hideyoshi before the unification of Japan? Since ancient times, there has never been a story that subtly affects each other's life environment like the union of a man and a woman. And a man like Hideyoshi who devoted himself to public service when he was young, after grabbing status and money at will, then indulged in it, and even affected his entire personality. Needless to say, Hideyoshi was also often in a hostile position with regard to the three children left by Asai Nagamasa.But as long as they take care of them silently, one day they will become a kind of sinful virtue, making them forget the old resentment.

However, he chose his elder sister Chacha as his concubine.This will inevitably rekindle the flames of resentment that were about to be extinguished. The age difference between the two is thirty years.For Yodo-kun, what would happen if Hideyoshi, who was over fifty years old, was addicted to an unacceptable sense of ugliness? I am afraid that the deeper this kind of favor becomes, the dirtier it will become, and it will inevitably become an annoying burden in life. In fact, Hideyoshi himself knew these things best.Therefore, in order to please Yuyodo-kun, he quickly built a castle for her and provided her with the first-class clothing and daily necessities in Japan.

It can be said that since Hideyoshi acquired Yodo-kun, the Tada silver mine where Hideyoshi mined gold and silver near Arima has prospered like a spring. It is a fact that gold and silver are inexhaustible.However, this made Hideyoshi's desire to conquer condense a very strange ambition. If this continues, it is bound to form a vicious circle.I am afraid that this kind of wealth, together with the incredible prestige of Kanbai Taizheng, will become a dark cloud covering Hideyoshi's wisdom. Rikyu has also been worried about this issue, so he secretly feels the same about Hideunaga's coming to discuss.

"Actually, Yodo-kun leaked it to a certain maid who is related to the Asai family. She has always regarded this maid as a confidant. She said, wait and see, I will definitely let Mrs. Tai and Mrs. know me..." "Ok--" "She also said: It's nothing, as long as I'm pregnant, on this point, the Toyotomi family has to listen to me. Let His Highness know how powerful women are. The mistress of the newly built Jule Building, I Be sure to show them!" Although Rikyu still frowned at this moment, he managed to suppress the surprise in his heart. "These words are really not what you usually say, Yodo-kun..."

"Indeed. I also met the woman who leaked the matter, and asked her what she thought, whether she should tell Mrs. Tai about this matter? But it was really hard to understand. Mr. Dian always liked men, and after being favored by His Highness, he still Rumors spread several times. Therefore, even if they heard that she was pregnant with His Highness's child, the Tai Furen and Madam might not agree, and it would be difficult to protect Mr. Dian's life... So the maid deliberately pretended to be a betrayal and went to inform her. Serve as an inside line protecting Yodo-kun."

"I see. She is extraordinarily loyal..." "Indeed." When Xiuchang said this, he went further and whispered: "At first, His Highness only wanted to place the other concubine in Juledi, but not Mr. Dian. But later, he suddenly changed his mind." "..." "Mr. Chatang, Yodo-kun entered Juledi, but Mrs. Yodo stayed outside Osaka City. And Yodo-kun is pregnant with an heir who has been entangled in rumors...Once this happens, the Toyotomi family will collapse from within. No, This matter is absolutely not allowed, we must tactfully let brother understand. What! This kind of matter cannot be asked."

"Ok." "He must be haunted by a demon, a demon of resentment wriggling inside Yodo-kun. Mr. Chadou, do you have a way to expel this demon?" Xiuchang's attitude is very serious.Rikyu thought from the bottom of his heart that Yodo-kun and Hideyoshi's union was a bad relationship intertwined with resentment, or maybe it was.Mrs. Beizhengsuo is an indispensable and virtuous wife to Hideyoshi, but there is no child between the two of them.Therefore, there were two or three private discussions about adopting an adopted son. At this moment, Yodo-kun suddenly became pregnant.Needless to say Hideyoshi, Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Do not believe in Yodo-kun's chastity.If so, this pregnancy will become a fuse, and I don't know how much family commotion it will cause.

"Forgive me, Mr. Minomori. This is a delicate matter, and it is difficult to answer immediately. Allow me to think about it for two or three days." In this case, if Rikyu had anyone to talk to, it would be Soro Risakanai Zongshi or Dainichi Mitsuhide. However, such things should not be exported casually.Therefore, Rikyu also took the initiative to talk about two troubles at that time, and in turn broke up with him in the form of discussing with the other party. One is the price of tea bowls of the very best-selling bricklayer Chojiro.The root is the bricklayer himself, or something else, anyway, as the first generation of raku, Chojiro's tea bowls are very popular among contemporary Japanese famous utensils until today in the Showa era.It is no less than the tea bowls imported from the Tang Dynasty or Korea in the past.

"What is called a work of art cannot be sold at a low price. I think the price is set according to the conscience of the other party. If you think the workmanship is not good, you can just smash it." Rikyu had indeed said to Changjiro: If he thinks he has done a good job, he doesn't have to sell it for less than ten taels of gold. However, this seems to have become a slander against Hideyoshi. "Lixiu, he drank my tea and let the layman's tea bowls burn so hard that the bricklayer sold them for such a high price. How many heads did he grow?!" In fact, it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad teacups unless there are quite high-quality refined people.Unfortunately, this happened to Hideyoshi as well.

Therefore, Hideyoshi didn't seem to have blind faith in the words of the slanderer, but secretly ordered him to bring Chojiro's tea bowl to have a look. So Rikyu placed the red and black Raku tea bowls that Chojiro was ordered to make in front of Hideyoshi. They are by no means inferior to Korean products.Both style and elegance are impeccable Japanese products.If it is made cheaply and crudely, it will inevitably affect the progress of Japanese pottery art... At this time, Hideyoshi did not refute these words.Probably something in the work captured his heart. But at that time, he talked about a completely unexpected thing, that is, whether he could let his adopted daughter Ah Yin, who was already married, come out to serve the public.

In this case, serving the public is, needless to say, being a concubine.Lixiu thought, he just wanted to show off the vanity of those in power: I just took the daughter of the world's number one tea master as my concubine. "Rikyu, I let my younger sister Asahi divorce and remarry Ieyasu when I was desperate. For people, is it important to be romantic or determine the world's politics and military affairs? I'm afraid there must be one more important?" Hearing this, Rikyu almost fainted from anger.This kind of threat that can be seen through at a glance should not be uttered to an artist who can at least manage the teahouse of the world. "Are you trying to spit in your own face on purpose?" Lixiu suppressed the anger that was about to erupt, and said evasively: "I will talk back after going back and discussing it with Ah Yin..." After Rikyu talked about the above difficulties and asked Hideonaga to go back temporarily, he had to come to Sushoan in Sakai to discuss. (How did Hideyoshi become like this?...) He also felt that the question was not unclear.However, if one of the reasons is Yodo-kun's strange resentment, it cannot be ignored. When he was Hashiba Hideyoshi, he was impeccable; but once he became Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he became fond of tea... This reality is simply incomprehensible to Rikyu who has been engaged in tea ceremony all his life. (Speaking of which, Hidecho-san's complexion also became darker and paler...) Ah Yin's husband is also from Sakai.That night, Rikyu left Fushimi and went down the Yodo River with a heavy heart.
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