Home Categories historical fiction Princess Gaoyang

Chapter 47 Chapter Forty-Five

Princess Gaoyang 赵玫 3139Words 2018-03-13
Ke rode on a tall horse and left the capital with his entourage.The group of people galloped like arrows shot out. Before the sound of horseshoes going south was over, Princess Gaoyang's carriage drove into Concubine Yang's palace gate. The graceful, dignified, elegant, loving and magnanimous Concubine Yang greeted Gao Yang who came flying in in the hall. She stretched out her arms to Gao Yang. Gao Yang stopped in a daze.She seemed to have a premonition of something. Her eye sockets were suddenly filled with tears.She asked, what happened?What happened?What's up with him? Concubine Yang stretched her mother's arms, and hugged Gao Yang tightly in her arms.

She let Gao Yang cry in her loving bosom. She patted Gao Yang's back lightly, like hypnotizing a baby who was about to fall asleep. Concubine Yang said, child, you cry. Concubine Yang said, I love him as much as you do, but we have no choice.He had to go, he had to leave this murderous Chang'an immediately.We all want him alive, right?He is our pride and the only family we have.We just have to let him go.The farther he goes, the closer he is to us.Do you understand this truth? Gao Yang retreated.She shook her head.She left Concubine Yang's embrace.She held out her hands in despair.As if wanting something.She said no, why don't you let us say goodbye, why don't you let him wait for me, don't let me see him one last time...

Come back, kid, promise me, will you come and see me often?I also don't want you to be unhappy all the time.Come often?Be my daughter and let me love you... Wu Wangke's sudden appearance and sudden disappearance stabbed Princess Gaoyang's already painful heart with a knife. And new blood flowed out.The pain grew with each passing day. Gao Yang was confused. She began to understand herself less and less. She didn't know who she really was.And why does she always involve herself in an impossible love again and again.At first it was Fang Yizhi, her husband's brother.Then there is Bianji, a monk committed to Buddhism; and then Ke, her own brother from the beginning to the end.She doesn't care who they are but she loves them.She loves regardless.She loves capriciously.Until you make a mess of your life.Why does she always send her heart and body into relationships that are not tolerated by the world?

Then there is the addiction that cannot be extricated, the endless days, and the endless pain. She felt that she was exhausted physically and mentally.She was unable to resist the wave of pain that was getting worse day by day.She was about to be overwhelmed.She didn't know how to grab a life-saving straw to escape this unprecedented disaster. In fact, after the death of the defense machine, Princess Gaoyang once played amazing episodes in her life. According to historical records, during this period, Gao Yang had fooled around with three famous monks, priests, priests and wizards.They are Futu Zhixu, Hui Hong and Li Huang.These three men who lived under the law of abstinence "all serve the master privately", and they all used their private weapons as tools to serve Gao Yang.

So they left their names in history. They didn't leave a name, that's because the men who wrote the history books didn't want to give the beautiful Princess Gaoyang a good name.As a woman, Gao Yang has the two most fatal weaknesses in the eyes of men, one is her outstanding beauty, and the other is her outstanding sexual desire.What is beauty?It is the seductive charm that seduces men, seduces men, and disturbs the calm heart of a so-called decent man.And what about libido?It can only be a bodily sensation that men enjoy and women do not deserve. So Gao Yang became a character in the history books who confuses people with his beauty and harms people with his lust.No scholar who writes history is willing to sympathize with a sinner like Gao Yang.

The appearance of Zhixu, Huihong, and Li Huang, to the world, is implied to be accurate.That is, on the balance of love, Gao Yang did not accept Fang Yiai until his death.In other words, Princess Gao Yang is a woman who is always trendy and always in pursuit of new and exciting sex. Princess Gaoyang got mixed up with Zhixu and Huihong at first, because they, like Bianji, were Buddhists.During Gao Yang and Bian Ji's relationship in 1989, he got close to Buddhism naturally.Therefore, anyone who shares similar interests and beliefs with Bianji will make Gao Yang feel a sense of trust and closeness.

However, Princess Gao Yang is not willing to admit that what connects them together is the dead Bian Ji. The first time Gao Yang ordered people to find Zhixu was because she had heard that this monk had the extraordinary ability to predict good and bad.At that time, the Yuzhen incident had just happened, and Bianji was sent to prison.Gao Yang, who was at a loss, paid a lot of money to invite Zhixu, and asked this monk who was said to have a good fortune to predict the future for her. At the beginning, Gao Yang just went to the doctor because he was sick. The panic, bewilderment, and despair she was at that time can be seen from this.

The foretold ending is extremely terrifying. The wizard-like Zhixu told about the tragedy in advance, and it was later verified by the ending.From then on, Gao Yang became superstitious about Zhixu's ability to predict misfortune and fortune. She often summoned this mysterious monk to her house. From then on, she would do divination in advance no matter what she did, including the death date of her father who was cursed all day long.It may be that all Zhixu's prophecies were finally fulfilled. In short, Zhixu gradually became the person Princess Gaoyang could not live without. Zhixu is inseparable from Princess Gaoyang's empty heart and her bewildered state of existence.

And this Zhixu, like Bianji, also happens to be a monk.However, Zhixu is different from Bianji in that he is neither elegant, elegant, nor youthful.Zhixu is short and small, and reticent.All his charms are expressed in the rituals of his divination.He is so solemn and solemn, so deep and mysterious, and the many futures he predicted will inevitably come true in the future. In Gao Yang's heart, the small and inconspicuous old Zhixu is a god-like figure.There is infinite power gathered in his body, and he is omniscient and omnipotent about everything in the entire universe. Because Zhixu is a god, Gao Yang began to worship him.

In the process of worshiping and worshiping God, she fell in love with Zhixu's private weapon. At that time, Gao Yang had already been exiled by sex.She is wasted.She wants and can't.no man.There is no decent man around her. Thus, the god-like Zhixu came into being. When Zhixu did divination, she could always make Princess Gaoyang fall into a kind of extreme trance.And in the trance, there is always a kind of inexplicable excitement inside the body.So in a mysterious divination, Princess Gaoyang seemed to be in a dream, and she walked over to hold Zhixu's hand.She wants Zhixu to sleep with her.Zhixu trembled and wandered into the tent, and had no choice but to expose his long-shrunk private organs.

It was precisely because of the shrinkage that Gao Yang suddenly became interested.She wrestles with that shrunken organ in a suggestive veil.Finally, the incompetent artifact awakened and became more aggressive every time. Gao Yang just regarded Zhixu as a god.She just wants to know the future every day and every hour, because she can't control her own destiny at all.But Zhixu knows, God knows.So she turned to God for help.She sleeps with Zhixu only because Zhixu is a god.She didn't think she was getting any better with this shrunken god.Maybe not good.Maybe it's not good at all, but she still desperately asked Zhixu for it.She even felt a certain pleasure in wanting it.It was a kind of joy to challenge the forbidden rules. Too many people died of being implicated in the Yuzhen incident.In addition to her dearest and most intimate Shu'er, there are so many servants and handymen.In just one night, all these dozens of people disappeared without a trace.They are not at fault.They became ghosts who died unjustly.During the period when they just died, Princess Gao Yang couldn't help but think of them.But she didn't dare to think about it later, afraid that they would come to her for life.But she didn't want to, but they refused to give up, and they often invaded her dreams ever since.Later, she felt that she would often see in the dark, sometimes even in broad daylight, surrounded by those ghosts who died because of the jade pillow incident.Every now and then she would see Shu'er floating over, her sad eyes wide open.She seemed to be talking about something, but Gao Yang couldn't hear anything.She was terrified and wanted to run away but there was no way out.But Bian Ji always appeared bloody in her dreams.He always appeared half and half, either his thin chest and despairing blue eyes, or the other half of his body, naked penis and two skinny legs... Gao Yang was always woken up by fright in his sleep, and was always frightened by those strange "acquaintances" in his dreams, sweating profusely all over his body. Night after night. She didn't even dare to go back to sleep. She felt that as soon as she closed her eyes, ghosts would haunt her.They didn't let her go.Day and night they chased her. She was tortured almost insane. So, she paid a lot of money to invite Hui Hong, who is the most famous ghost exorcist in the pagoda.She wants him to live in her house, in time to help drive away the ghosts that may appear at any time. So Huihong moved here.He lived in the house next door to the princess.He follows the princess anytime and anywhere.He looks for the ghosts in this compound room.He uses spells to identify them.Once you find them, cast them away with a spell. Huihong's spells are very effective.It was not long before the princess no longer saw the haunting spirits. However, after Huihong drove away all the ghosts floating in the space, he thought he was done and could take his money back to his monastery, but the princess anxiously kept him.Gao Yang asked, what about the ghosts in my dream? Huihong lives next door and cannot expel the ghost in Princess Gaoyang's dream.When he rushed over after hearing the yelling in the princess's dream, the ghost had already gone hiding somewhere.The helpless princess later simply asked Huihong to live in her room.She slept on the bed, and Huihong slept on the floor under the princess' bed. This way they fall asleep night after night.Only when the princess is asleep can he wait for those dream ghosts. It was awkward for them to sleep together like this at first.If the princess can't sleep, the ghost can't dream.
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