Home Categories historical fiction The Battle of Sekigahara (Part 1)

Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Secret Agreement

Regarding the defense and continuation of Zhijiang Mountain City, I would like to write a little bit here. At the beginning of the establishment of the Tokugawa regime in the Edo period, people were sent to demolish the memorial temple of Amida Peak in Kyoto.After that, it became a lair of thieves and vagrants, and the temple died before long.At the same time, the imperial court canceled the posthumous title of "Toyoko Daimyojin" bestowed on Hideyoshi, and Hideyoshi was no longer a god. Ieyasu replaced Hideyoshi and became a Japanese god. After his death, he was posthumously named "Tosho Daquanxian".Hideyoshi's resurrection as a "god" happened three hundred years after his death.The losers of the Sekigahara Battle, the Shimadzu clan and the Mori clan, defeated the Tokugawa clan, and the Restoration government was born.The Restoration regime restored the title of "Fengguo Daming God", and rebuilt a temple at the foot of Amitabha Peak, named "Fengguo Shrine".The so-called power is such a wonderful thing.

During the more than two centuries of the Tokugawa clan's reign, officials have always positioned Ishida Mitsunari as a traitor in an attempt to justify the position of the Tokugawa clan who usurped the power of the Toyotomi family.The royal scholars of the shogunate and the scholars of various vassals were also afraid of evaluating Sancheng other than "traitors", and did not dare to destroy the old and establish the new.Only one person, Mitsuki Tokugawa, who is widely known by the nickname "Mito Yellow Gate", has the following comment in his words and deeds "Taoyuan Memorial":

"Ishida Zhibu's minor assistant Mitsunari is not a hateful person. It is only natural that each person is his own master. Even though he is the enemy of Tokugawa, he should not be hated. All monarchs and ministers should know it." This is the only exception.The Tokugawa regime has been hating one person for more than two hundred years, and stubbornly put only 30% on the altar of the evil god.Such examples are rare in Japan. However, 30% of his confidants, retainers, and the three supporting actors who assisted him in planning and acting did not violate the taboos of the Tokugawa shogunate.These three people are Yoshitsugu, the young assistant of the Otani Criminal Department, Katsumō Shimazakon, and Kanesuke, the castle guard of Naoe Yamashiro.The three were regarded as typical heroes and loved by samurai in the Edo period, and anecdotes were constantly written and circulated in various essays.In order not to offend 30% of the "evil gods", they turned to highlight the three supporting roles, and finally reached the point of excessive praise. This is a fact.

But he said Naoe Kanetsugu.When Hideyoshi was conquering the world, he defeated Katsuya Shibata of Hokuriku in Jianyue, Hubei; he drove straight in and took down Echizen Beizhuang Castle;The next target is Echigo. At this time, Echigo's Uesugi Kenshin had died of illness and passed on to Jingsheng's generation. However, even Hideyoshi could not easily conquer the strongest army in the Warring States Period-the Uesugi family. So Hideyoshi's strategy was to use diplomatic means to bring the Uesugi family under his command without bloodshed.Hideyoshi did not send a letter to inform the other party in advance, but ordered the army to station in Etsuchu, and then sneaked into Echigo's Uesugi territory in light clothes, with only thirty-eight entourages, including the young Sancheng.

In Koshimizu lived the daimyo Suda Xiu who owned the castle of the Uesugi family and built a luxurious mansion.Hideyoshi came to the castle and sent an envoy to Suda Xiu, dictating his intentions: "Below is Hideyoshi's envoy from above. There are more than 30 people in his party. Please arrange accommodation for me." Hideyoshi's personal arrival was not disclosed out of precaution.Surprised by the sudden arrival of the envoy, Suda repaired the temple under the castle as a hotel for the time being, and came forward as a landlord to socialize. However, as soon as Suda Xiu entered, the shortest person among the envoys pulled his sleeve and said:

"I'm Hideyoshi." Osamu Suda was frightened out of his wits.The general's clothes were subdued and he went deep into the enemy's territory. Such a move was unprecedented in the troubled times. "Hey, I'm Hideyoshi. It's absolutely true. To be honest, I wanted to meet your lord Uesugi Kagekatsu directly. I came here in disguise because I had something to discuss. Could you please take me to Kasugayama Castle (the main city of the Uesugi Clan)? " Suda repaired more and more frightened.He explained the reasons in detail, and ordered his retainers to fly to Jing Sheng's place.The repair messenger paid homage to Jing Sheng, explained his purpose, and asked:

"My lord tells me that Hideyoshi is already in his hands. If the Lord orders to kill him, he will be arrested and killed immediately. I don't know how to deal with it?" When something unexpected happened, Jing Sheng was stunned, so he called his elder, Jian Xu, and asked him to express his opinion.Continuing immediate advice: "It's better to see it." Then he said: "Hideyoshi took Ginai and Hokuriku as the center, possessed five million stones, and led an army of more than 100,000. He has already pacified the neighboring country Etsuchu. Even so, he pretended to come to Echigo, which shows that his courage is immeasurable. .”

Indeed, this is definitely a thrilling skill beyond common sense.But to be honest, this is Hideyoshi's balanced diplomatic performance.Having just conquered Echizen before, when he came to the territory of the Maeda family, Hideyoshi also knocked on the gate of the Toshi family (the whereabouts of the Toshi family was unknown at the time) and said: "Is Youzuo (Lijia) there? I'm here from Chikuzen!" He smiled and stepped across the threshold.Toshika was terrified, but thanked Hideyoshi for his sincerity and trust in him, and finally forged a master-slave relationship. "Pushing the heart to the heart" - this ancient Chinese people's art of collecting people's hearts, Hideyoshi can't know it from reading, but he can apply it freely.Ieyasu obeyed Hideyoshi because Hideyoshi still did so when Ieyasu first went to the top.At dusk, Hideyoshi visited the hotel where Ieyasu was staying without contacting him in advance or taking precautions.At that time, Ieyasu's left and right persuaded: "Now is a good time, just kill him!" However, an opponent with such courage to visit cannot be killed.Rather, even a calm person like Ieyasu felt faintly grateful for Hideyoshi's trust in him.It can be said that Ieyasu was already mentally prepared to give in to Hideyoshi, and he also thought about it.

For Naoe Kanetsugu, the former king Uesugi Kenshin is his idol.Kenshin is an unusual militant, but as a military general in the Warring States Period, he is also a rare and chivalrous figure, loyal and trustworthy.That sassy Kenshin image has always been in Naoe Kanetsugu's mind.Therefore, when judging a person, Jianxuan also first sees whether he has a sense of justice, and then determines whether he is good or evil.People from the Edo period who were educated in Confucianism were normal; in the Warring States period, people like Kanezuki were rare. It was impossible not to like Hideyoshi on such an occasion.After all, Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi. He carefully investigated Kanatsuki's character and the family tradition of the Uesugi family, and fully calculated that "if I make such a move, the other party will not kill me, but will move the other party."Therefore, later generations called Hideyoshi "a master of deception".

"In the final analysis, Hideyoshi believed in the Uesugi family's family tradition of loyalty, so he came here in light clothes. If we kill him, our faith will be demolished, and the world will be laughed at. The lord should also lead a small number of followers to go to Yueshui. After the meeting If you feel that what you see is inconsistent, you can set up a field position again and fight to the death." "This statement is justified!" Jing Sheng said.Jing Sheng also takes his late father Kenshin as a role model, he is always a heroic and heroic man.
Jing Sheng ordered the army to station in Itoogawa, and he and Jianxu led twelve cavalry to visit Hideyoshi at the hotel in Yueshui.

It was spring. "Ah, is it Tanzheng Shaobi (Jing Sheng)? How are the cherry blossoms in Echigo? I, Chikuqian, came here to enjoy the flowers." Hideyoshi came to the door and said. "It's too late to report, I'm Jing Sheng." The lord of Echigo answered solemnly.So Hideyoshi and Jing Sheng repelled the left and right, talked secretly for four hours, and formed a covenant.Among those present at this secret talk, Hideyoshi's side is 30%; Jing Sheng's side is Kanzhe. Sancheng and Jianxu's relationship began at this time, both of them were twenty-six years old.Accidentally being the same age also deepened their friendship.In addition, they look similar.According to other leading countries, Naoe Kanetsugu is a typical fierce general. When Sancheng met him, he was fair-skinned, small and exquisite, and had the face of a boy with clear features and beautiful eyes. Continuing to chat with Sancheng speculatively, both of them were rare scholars among warriors at that time.Jian Xu is also not very fond of literature, and is quite interested in the Confucian way of governing the country and the world. This coincides with the two.The two also have one thing in common, that is, they serve the heroes Kenshin and Hideyoshi respectively, and they admire them so much that they are almost fascinated.Continuing to talk about Kenshin and Sancheng to talk about Hideyoshi, the topics are of course endless. The first time they met was in the spring of the thirteenth year of Tianzheng (1586). The two were in full bloom, and they talked about Kui Ye when they talked, and they were both stunned when they realized that the east was turning pale.Sancheng said: "I really want to talk with you like this for three days." Jian Xu nodded and replied: "I think I lived to be twenty-six years old before I got a bosom friend." Eight months before Hideyoshi's death, the Uesugi clan was transferred from Echigo to Aizu.The annual salary of the old territory is 550,000 shi, and the annual salary of the new territory is more than 1.2 million shi. Aizu is Gamo's old collar.When the territory was changed, Mitsunari went to Aizu as Hideyoshi's agent, and judged complicated matters brilliantly.Misunari, who was on a business trip to Aizu, chatted with Kanatsuki in Wakamatsu Castle one night.Sancheng said: "His Highness Taihe has been in poor health recently. His heir Lieutenant General (Hideyori) is young, if something happens to His Highness, those who are watching the world will definitely start a riot." "It must be Jiakang." Continuing said.This person hates Ieyasu more than Sancheng.He went on to speak more harshly: "If the old thief dares to covet Toyotomi's world, Jibu Shaosuke can't keep silent." "When the time comes, we must act." "This is a real man! Although my ability is limited, I will continue to assist Master Zhong Nayan (Jing Sheng) and take out 1.2 million shi from the Uesugi family to support your righteous deed. When something big happens, don't forget I'm going to guard the city of Jiangshan." Continuing said.Kanesuke and Sancheng have such a friendship.After Hideyoshi's death, Jingsheng and Kanatsugu lived in the Osaka mansion. Kansuke was wearing black casual clothes, and when he led two retainers to the gate of Ishida's mansion, it started to rain, and the trees in the front yard made noise against the wind. "Ah, Lord Yamashiro!" The doorman of Ishida's house could not help but bow and kneel to welcome him.Continuing this thin, fair-skinned man, he possesses a wonderful majesty.The samurai of the Ishida family held a long-handled umbrella for Kanezuker and greeted him into the yard.After entering the Xuanmen Gate, you will find the courtyard of the tea room. In order to illuminate your feet, all the small lanterns beside the path are lit up.Beside the "master stone" in the middle of the path, I saw Sancheng waiting with an umbrella and a candle. "Yo, it happened to be a rainy day." Sancheng smiled and said without changing his posture. "Oh, Mr. Jibu Shaofu may not know? People say that if you invite Shancheng, it will definitely rain. I am a 'rain man' in Shancheng." After a while, the two became the host and guest in the tea room.The sound of the rain outside became more and more intense, Sancheng made tea, drank it twice, put down the tea bowl, and asked: "Have you made up your mind?" Listening to Jianxuan's tone, it seems that he has seen through everything in Sancheng's mind.But his eyes were fixed on the ashes in the tearoom stove. "Down." Sancheng also gave a short answer casually.Then he described the previous experience to Kanesu. Continuing regretfully, he said: "Are Qingzheng and others going to make trouble? Those people are different from me. They are the names that His Royal Highness Gu Taihe has nurtured since childhood. It's a pity. My own eyes can't see what I'm doing. They are dancing wildly on the edge of a cliff. " "Kyomasa and Zhengzheng may not be visible, but what about Hosokawa Tadake and Kuroda Nagamasa? They encouraged Kiyomasa and Zhengzheng to dance in an attempt to finally put Toyotomi's family in a critical situation and transfer power to Ieyasu." Kanzhe laughed and said: "No. Even if Kuroda and Hosokawa have ulterior motives, do they have enough wisdom? Hosokawa I don't know, but I think someone is manipulating the puppet Kuroda Nagamasa to dance." "Should it be Honda Sado (Masanobu) of the Tokugawa family?" "it's him." Having said that, Kanesu broke open the dessert. "Sado, an old man, I've seen him twice in Fushimi's hall. He gave people a very dark impression, like a ghost who has infiltrated the world. This ghost possessed the reckless young daimyo Kuroda Nagamasa who didn't know the hard work of the world, and instigated him to say that Satobu Shaosuke He manipulated Kuroda to dance as he wished. Qingzheng, Zhengzheng and others danced, but they were manipulated by Kuroda. But the attack of the seven people on the night of the thirteenth day was about to come true this time. They definitely Will do it." "yes." Saying that, Sancheng returned to the fireside.Jianxuan nodded and said: "In this case, you can escape to Zuohe Mountain in Jiangzhou, where there is a city." "What you see matches." "Hey, does Master Jibu Shaosuke think the same way? In this way, it will be easier to talk about it. The subsequent countermeasures will be the same, right?" "Master Chengzhou, please express your opinion first." Sancheng said, his smile was full of kindness towards Kanatsu.At this time, all the wine and dishes were served. After drinking five or six cups, he said: "Then, let me say." The content is as follows.It was not long before the Uesugi family was transferred to Aizu, and the reorganization of the territory was not yet secure.Continuing to follow Uesugi Jingsheng's order, he must leave Osaka and return to the country.At the same time, Yoshinobu Satake, the ruler of Nagalu Mito, who has a good relationship with the Uesugi family and has a good relationship with the Uesugi family, will go all the way back home. When we return to Aizu, we need to build many new cities in the country, recruit heroes from all directions, and have sufficient armaments to fight against Ieyasu with troops. Aizu is relatively close to Ieyasu's headquarters in Edo. If the neighboring country is threatened from the east, Ieyasu will have no time to enjoy life in Fushimi.So he will hurriedly get a military order from Hideyori, and lead all the daimyos to go east to attack Uesugi.At that time, Sancheng would gallop back to Osaka from Sawa-san, recruit daimyos who had been favored by Toyotomi, and attack Ieyasu from the east and west sides. He was desperate and would eventually die. "What you see matches!" Thirty percent shouted.The idea of ​​continuation and 30%'s internal conspiracy are consistent to the point of creepiness. "Master Jibu Shaosuke." A smile slowly appeared on Jianxu's face, and finally he opened his face to his heart's content: "The scale of this battle is unprecedented in Japan. There is nothing more joyful than this for a man." Kansaku still wants to go on: it is unknown how Taihe and Kenshin are able to figure out such a concept. In today's world, there is no one else except Jibu Shaosuke and himself. However, Kanesu didn't say it in the end.This man of few words silently picked up his wine glass and drank the cold wine in one gulp.
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