Home Categories historical fiction Kamakura God of War Minamoto Yoshitsune 2: Volume of the Reverse Wave
Yoshitsune lived in the Horikawa-kan, a vast residence occupying the north of Rokujo Horikawa.As soon as Yoshitsune entered Kyoto, he quickly sent people to occupy the house, not wanting to be robbed by his brother Fan Lai. "I thought that Jiulangdian could only fight wars, but it turns out that he is also very keen on this kind of thing." Some of Genji's other generals also frowned at this matter.Yoshinaka also lived in Horikawa House.Among the houses in Kyoto, there is no building more suitable for military generals to live in than this building.There are several stables among them, and there are also many houses for followers to live in. Moreover, the Horikawa River in the west has become a natural moat with high walls, which is the best barrier in the city.People in Kyoto say that this house is:

——The museum of Genji's past dynasties. Although the building has been rebuilt several times, according to Genji Dongliang's genealogy, the ancient Hachimantaro Yoshika lived here, Yoshitsune's grandfather Yoshitomo and his late father Yoshitomo also lived here, and dealt with the political affairs of Kyoto here. Kamakura's elder brother Yoritomo also spent his boyhood in this house.It is an exaggeration to say that the Horikawa Pavilion can be said to be the holy place of Genji. "After entering Kyoto, I want to live in Horikawa-kan." Yoshitsune said this to Musashibo Benkei before breaking through the Uji River.He was just based on an emotion of wanting to live in his deceased father's house, and Yoshitsune did everything with this emotion as the energy for action.

But others don't think so. "Does he dare to suppress brother Fan Lai?" Everyone thought so. It's no wonder that everyone thinks this way, only Genji's pillars can live in the Horikawa Pavilion.This place should have been Yoritomo's residence, but since Yoritomo is in Kamakura, it should be Fan Rai's residence.But Yoshitsune quickly snatched it away. Fan Lai had no choice but to live in another house. "Your Highness Pu is so kind." Genji's staff said. Kajihara Kagetoki, the military supervisor who followed Yoshitsune under the order of Yoshitomo, criticized Yoshitsune very sharply.

"Don't be careless with His Highness Jiulang." They even said so. They believed that Yoshitsune's occupation of the Horikawa Pavilion was a political attempt. Since he has the momentum to surpass Fan Lai, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not secretly want to surpass his eldest brother, His Highness Kamakura.They also put it this way: —He is a nasty man. King Toki has always used this impression to look at Yoshitsune's arrogance.An ignorant and uneducated person, just because of his high position, used a high-pressure way of speaking to his staff. Kajiwara Ketoki lived in Rokujo Enjuji Temple, which is very close to Horikawa Pavilion.When Yoshitsune sent an envoy, he even instructed the envoy:

"Tell His Highness Jiulang that he should come here." According to Kageshi's class explanation, Yoshitsune and Kageshi are not in a master-slave relationship. He believes that both of them are retainers of His Highness Kamakura, and they are of the same class.But Yoshitsune seems to think he is the master. He does not recognize Yoshitsune's abilities. "The little champion who grew up in Ozhou!" He also said that presumptuously, and deliberately let Yoshitsune hear it.As far as the relationship with Raizo is concerned, he thinks he is much deeper than Yoshitsune.

Jing Shi is the benefactor of His Highness Kamakura, and also the benefactor who saved his life. When Lai Chao was defeated at Shiqiao Mountain, Jing Shi was in the enemy camp and searched for Lai Chao with other soldiers.When the scene saw Lai Chao hiding behind the dead wood, he kept his face, pretended not to see it, and led his search team to another direction.Jingshi let Lai Chao regain his life, and secretly opened up his future destiny.Times changed just as he expected.Jing Shi was called to Kamakura as a benefactor and became a person who received special favor from the Yori Dynasty.Jing Shi thought that Yoshitsune, who wandered from Oshu and had no contribution to Yoritomo's raising of troops, was nothing compared to himself.

What's more, Jing Shi felt that this little champion had a completely different upbringing from his own. "I heard that His Highness Kuro was born in Kyoto, can he sing waka?" he said to his subordinates. In fact, Jing Shi was an anomaly among the bandong country warriors who couldn't even write. He was not only good at reciting waka, but also rich in writing, and he wrote the memorial in no time.In addition, he was an unrivaled debater.Lai Chao, who likes upbringing, also admires Jing Shi's talent in this aspect very much. Jing Shi also has a talent for strategy, and for Raitomo, he is a person who can talk about secrets. This is Jing Shi's talent and his character.Some people think that Jing Shi is insidious and keep him at a respectful distance, but Yoritomo's ongoing power politics requires talents like Jing Shi.

For example, Yoritomo used Jingshi for the following purposes— In order to eliminate Yi Zhong, Lai Chao sent the Western Expeditionary Army. One night, he called Jing Shi and secretly ordered: "Kill Guangchang!" I was a little surprised when I saw the scene.Kamisosuke Hiroshi is often a dignitary among the dignitaries in Kamakura. Guangchang made great contributions when Lai Chao raised his troops.After Yoritomo was defeated at Shibashi Mountain, he fled across the sea to the Boso Peninsula, preparing to raise troops again, and later went north to station on the banks of the Sumida River.General Manager Jie Guang often led an army of 20,000 soldiers to attach himself.At that time, there were only a few hundred soldiers in the Rai Dynasty, and the 20,000 soldiers strengthened the momentum of the Rai Dynasty, which made the exile Rai Dynasty very popular, and all the powerful families in Guanbazhou rushed to join.Guangchang is a great benefactor to Lai Chao.

Of course, after the establishment of the Kamakura regime, Guang Chang's attitude became very arrogant. ——His Royal Highness (Yai Chao) will have today, and it was all created by one finger of Hiroshi, everyone, don't forget! He declared this everywhere, and it was also rude to Yoritomo and his in-laws, the Hojo family.Yoritomo and Hojo Tokimasa felt uneasy about Hirono's gradual rise to power. At this time, rumors began to spread: ——Guangchang seems to be trying to rebel. This rumor was probably created by the Hojo clan, and he kept clamoring in Raitomo's ears that it was true, trying to make Raitomo lose his judgment.The rumors intensified, and it was even reported that after the elimination of Yoshinaka's Western Expeditionary Army, the strength of Kamakura's troops weakened, and Hiroshi wanted to take advantage of this time to rebel.

Raichao believed it.This is possible, moreover, the disappearance of Hiroshi who has done too much in the world should be beneficial to the operation of power by Yoritomo. --kill him! Lai Chao repeatedly asked Kajihara Keitoki.Of course, he didn't want to send troops to destroy him openly, but to use tricks.Murder is ingrained in Yoritomo and his regime, and Kagetoki is the perfect murderer.In the entire Kamakura, there is no one more suitable for this conspiracy than him. Go to visit Guangchang in Jingshi and play promotion map with him.Because of the bet, Guangchang bent his body and looked at the board eagerly.Seeing his obsessed posture, Jing Shi immediately jumped up, crossed the promotion board, and chopped off his head.Guangchang died on the spot.

—I didn’t even have time to look at it. At that time, the Taidao technique was so fast that it spread throughout Kamakura.Jing Shi also won the reputation of being brave. After completing this task, Kagetoki left Kamakura to catch up with Yoshitsune's troops.No wonder he is favored by Yoritomo, since he is standing at the heart of the bloody regime in Kamakura. The public office of the Kamakura regime is the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.The so-called waiter can be said to be the department in charge of the army and navy, the secretary is the deputy, and the chief is the other.At this time, don't think it is Wada Yoshinori, he was appointed to follow Fan Lai, and Jing Shi followed Yoshitsune.This is an important position in charge of Kamakura's military affairs. Given Jingshi's status, there is no need to be polite to Yoshitsune. Moreover, when Kagetoki set off from Kamakura, Yoritomo also said to him: "Yoshiku is too showy, you have to control him." Yoshitomo thinks that Yoshitsune has a fierce personality, loves to grab credit, and acts arbitrarily, so Kageshi must be sent to monitor closely. "Jingshi is good at fighting." Raitomo also focused on this point.Lai Chao still doesn't know the ability of Modi Yoshitsune. But he understood Jing Shi's ability very well, and he had evidence.When the Yoshikei army broke through the defense line of the Uji River, as soon as they set foot on the sandy land beside the river on the opposite bank, he had already dispatched a flying foot to report the victory to Yoritomo in Kamakura.And every time the battle is over, the result of the battle is sent to Kamakura.This is the method of communication between them and Kamakura. However, Hikyaku sent by Yoshitsune only said: "Victorious." Skip the specific content. Not only the general Yoshitsune sent reports, Kajihara Kagetoki also sent reports, Shibuya Shigekuni and Yasuda Yoshisaka also sent reports, even Genji Kai’s Tadayori, Shimoso Koyama-go’s Koyama Chaozheng, Doi Township’s Doi is really equal, A report will also be sent.With so many flying feet carrying the victory report, they rushed from Kyoto to Kamakura, and it took about seven days to reach Kamakura. Incidentally, the Kwantung Army, like the army of the Heike family or later daimyos, is not an army organization under the command of a general, but a collection of Bando local tyrants.Although the chief general is Yoshitsune, his ruling power is very weak.The local tyrants, like Yoshitsune, even stood on an almost equal footing and accepted the rule of Kamakura Yoritomo.Therefore, the victory report was not issued uniformly by Yoshitsune, but each sent someone to report to Yoritomo. Raitomo was waiting. He summoned the first three people who arrived in Kamakura to Shiping, north of Kamakura Prefecture, to listen to their oral reports. --defeat. Just know the result. "The ones sent by Yoshitsune and the ones sent by Fan Lai are just talking about boasting." Raito was disappointed.They didn't report anything Yoritomo, the commander-in-chief, wanted to know. However, Hikyaku, who was sent by Kajihara Ketoki, entered Kamakura a little later. He did not report verbally, but brought a document written by Ketoki himself.It was a voluminous battle report.Raitomo opened this document and was surprised, this report is really detailed! It not only describes the course of the battle, but also records the names of the dead and missing persons of the enemy's Kiso Army.Lai Chao sighed: "Jing Shi's thinking is really amazing." Yoritomo believes that among the generals in the Western Expedition, only Jingshi knows what military is. Of course he didn't know the reason behind it.Kagetoki knew what Yoritomo was looking forward to and what he was interested in far away, so he wrote this battle report based on these. After the battle of crossing the Uji River started, Kagetoki handed over the battle to his son Genta Kageki, and he took a pen and paper, running around like a military reporter in later generations.In order to find materials to write articles, he himself did not participate in the battle.However, in the masterpiece he sent to Raitomo, it gave Raitomo an impression that from the battle across the river to the street fighting in Kyoto, he was the only one who galloped and killed on the battlefield.In his battle report, Yoshitsune's exploits were not even mentioned.
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