Home Categories historical fiction Memories of Mongolia

Chapter 37 third quarter

Memories of Mongolia 冉平 4483Words 2018-03-13
When he woke up, it was already noon, the sky was dark, and it was snowing.He didn't know when he fell asleep and how long he had been asleep.It's really strange that white snow covered the whole ground of Harang Zhenshatuo, but it didn't fall on him.He propped up his body with his hands, his wrists were still limp and numb, as if they had grown on someone else's body.too weird.Then he saw a white figure half-kneeling in front of his head, with his hands raised, and a cloak stretched open.Snow fell on the cloak and on the man's shoulders, already in a thick layer.This person is Bo Ershu, like a wooden stake, spewing out balls of hot air from his mouth.Temujin got up quickly and blamed Bo Ershu, saying, why did you let me fall asleep?If the enemy comes after us we're all over.Bo Ershu said that the sentry had reported, and all the troops and horses of Kelei's department had retreated along Maowenduer Mountain.Seeing that Khan was sleepy, I couldn't bear to be alarmed.

Temujin became more and more surprised: according to his temperament of Anda Jamuka, how could he not chase after him?Something must have happened while he was asleep, he just didn't know it.Then he said to Bo Ershu, my companion, you are always by my side when I am in the most difficult time, you will not abandon me even if I am defeated, and you will personally shield me from the wind and snow. what?Boershu didn't answer, he knew that Temujin didn't need to answer, they all knew it in their hearts, but Temujin had to say what he should say, and let Boershu hear it. The difference is that this time he didn't say how I will repay you in the future. He knew that it was not suitable to say such things at this time, because he was defeated, and he wanted to say that he was not qualified.In front of him, there is no tent except for the one he is wearing, no spare horse except for the one riding on his crotch, and there is no food in his throat.The soldiers who followed him lay down in the snow far and near without making a sound. It was heartbreaking to see and made him feel deeply ashamed.He himself hadn't eaten for two days, and the saliva from his stomach was bitter, a taste of failure.

He thought for a while, discussed with Bo Ershu again, and then sent an order: All the horses set off immediately and retreat towards the direction of the Talan Nie Mulges Grassland.There are mountains and rivers there, the trees are dense, it is easy to hide, and there are many prey to satisfy the hunger.At the same time, it is also a good way to collect lost members along the way.He asked Bo Ershu to count them, except for those who could no longer stand up, there were a total of 2,300 soldiers left.He looked up at the hazy sky and thought, God loves me and has not abandoned me, what does this mean?The snowflakes fell, stuck to his eyelids, and melted.

All the horses were tightened again, and they were on the road again.Their bellies are flat, their coat color is dull, their manes are wet and dirty, their tails are tied up and hang down like ropes; their buttocks are all pointed, and their bones are exposed when they walk.In fact, they wanted to leave a long time ago, because the ground in Harang Zhenshatuo is not a grassland, there is only sand under the snow, and there are few grass roots. They want to go to a place with water to drink and grass to eat as soon as possible.But the horse didn't say anything, and didn't go to urge the master.

The master is defeated, and the failed man is more pitiful than the horse.This horse understands.Therefore, neither the man nor the horse makes a sound. At this time, it is more docile to its master than ever.At night, in the snow, the owner sleeps next to it and uses its body to keep warm, but it doesn't move, and it doesn't move when it sees grass beside it.Because horses can sleep standing up, but humans can’t. When you move, it will wake up. If it is injured, it will hurt when it wakes up. If it is not injured, it will be hungry when it wakes up. It will run with its master on its back, nothing else.It would be great if it could talk and comfort the owner; if it was a sheep, it would be great if it could fill the owner’s hunger, or it could turn into a dog and fetch a rabbit for the owner.But no.

Now, they can only keep galloping with their master on their backs, and when they are tired, there is no other horse to replace it.The road is too long and has no end, so we can only keep going, cheer up, and endure hunger and thirst.Walking is their life, if they can't run, they will go, and when they can't walk, they should die.Don't look at people being very arrogant, he is not as good as them in this point, he can't run as fast as them, and he can't go as far as them.Many times, he has to rely on them. When a man wins a battle, gets drunk, and turns into a puddle of mud, it can carry him home; when he loses a battle and is wounded, it will carry him on his back and send him back to the camp, away from danger. .In this way, they walked day, night, and day.Finally, the master is going to camp.They got off their horses and lit a bonfire.As usual, the camp was set up next to a river. The water in the river had already started to freeze, filled with icy debris, very muddy and unpalatable.

The horses just tasted it and turned their heads away, preferring to be thirsty.All the shepherds know that noble war horses never drink muddy water, that is their character, which is different from other animals and people.People can drink milk, wine, broth, and when they are extremely thirsty, they can also drink the blood of livestock.Horses can't, they only drink clear river water and spring water, at least you can see your own shadow in that water.Knowing this, the masters took out pots or buckets, clarified the river water, and then fed them to drink.The master unsaddled them, combed their fur, and chirped.

Even the losers are not sloppy at this point. Just like when they are victorious, they caress their necks, faces, and mouths affectionately, even closer than their sons. No matter how angry they are, they will never Hit them with your hands.At this time, the horse knows that the owner is out of danger.These individuals, who scooped up the muddy water from the river, clinked glasses like wine, swore, and shed tears.They call this river the Banjuni River. Along the way, Temujin held the rein with his sore wrist, thinking carefully.Only when you are on the road, on horseback, can your mind be active and your mind open.The taste in his mouth is still bitter, but he is still alive, and there are people around him. Although there are not many people around, they are all hungry, but they all trust him and follow him.With their backs bent and their heads bowed, they sprinted under the gray sky without a single complaint.And he, the underdog, needs their trust more than ever.Now, he was once again defeated by his An Da. He almost lost everything. He didn't have the strength to fight back. If he didn't leave, his An Da could appear anywhere at any time, behind him, or in front of his head. Then he would be completely finished.

He thought that for a long time, he almost forgot his answer, which was wrong, so it was not unreasonable for his answer to hit him, he should have thought of it long ago, but he accidentally forgot.His An Da came to beat him to remind him that this is the will of God, and God told him through his An Da's hand that he should not forget the danger, not stay, be complacent, or indulge in happiness. There is no such place in the world for you, isn't it? To win is to lose, and not to fight is to die.Your answer made you taste the taste of failure and understand this truth, you should thank him.That's it.

So he thought of Jamuka's close-fitting robe, and he was reluctant to take it off when it was hot, because there was a beautiful pattern on the lining of the robe, depicting many mountains, rivers, and grasslands, all he knew and heard , are all painted inside, which once made him very curious and confused.Now he understands, that is his Anda heart, the source of all wisdom and strength.As for him, he thought more about revenge. He didn't have the vision and heart to answer, so he lost, it was inevitable.It is a blessing to leave you a life, you are not as good as your An Da, you can not be afraid of him, don't hate him, but you can't disrespect his talents, he doesn't just fight for hatred, so he is better than you. Far away, heavy strikes.

Now, Temujin finally found the reason for his sore wrist.Moreover, he concluded that Harang Zhenshatuo's withdrawal must have been the idea of ​​Tuowolin's father.He could imagine his expression at that time, his excited tone, and his moist eye sockets.And his helpless and pale face.The sky has cleared up.Temujin ordered to camp, and a river lay in front of him, shining in the moonlight, and people told him it was the Banjuni River. He scooped up the muddy river water and said to those who followed him, Changshengtian saw that in my most dangerous time, you did not abandon me, just like the knife in my hand and the clothes on my body. What is the reason for this?Because you believe in God, God wants me to achieve great things, and you believe in me.When it is windy and snowy, we will not feel cold when we lean together; when facing the enemy, with me, you will have courage and not be afraid.This is what Changshengtian has seen, as long as I have breath in my mouth, you are my breath.With you standing by my side, even the arrow from the opposite side will turn around, because Changshengtian has seen your hearts. In the future, from me, you will definitely get much more than what you want.There will be a day when your horses are allowed to let their four hooves go and gallop freely, no matter what direction they are heading, they will not be able to run out of their own land within ten days.From the land where the sun rises to the land where the sun sets, no one dares to be your enemy. As long as they think about it, their hearts will tremble, like reeds blown by the wind.Because the enemy knows that we are inseparable, like five fingers on one hand.Now please join me in drinking a bowl of muddy water from the Banjuni River, and tell Changshengtian what we say.Eternal God must believe every word we say, and remember, because I am hungry like you, have no food in my stomach, and have no distracting thoughts in my heart.The Banjuni River can testify. Temujin finished what he was thinking, and from his own tone, he recognized Jamuka's tone.That's right, he thought.Then he raised his head and swallowed the muddy river water down his throat.Immediately, the earthy smell overwhelmed the bitterness left on the tongue by failure.The Juni River water was like a medicinal soup, and since then healed his wrist, and the soreness has completely disappeared. In spring, the wind warms up.Temujin walked across the Talanye Murges Grassland, but did not stop. There, they met two thousand horses and horses in Uluwu, and they continued to walk north along the west bank of the Helahe River.One day, while hunting, they caught a wounded wild ass, which had been shot through the neck.Suddenly a person appeared in the dense forest, roaring, and rushed to snatch their prey with them.His hair covered his eyes, his body was wrapped in animal skins, and his face was full of beards. He looked crazy and couldn't be defeated by more than a dozen people.Seeing that his movements were familiar, Temujin called Hasar's name loudly.Everyone was stunned, and Hassar ran towards him, recognizing each other. At that time, Hasar was knocked off his horse on the Harang Zhenshatuo battlefield and passed out.The darkness rushed towards him from all directions, and he had no strength to stop it, all the strength slipped away from him, and he was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyelids.This was the most beautiful sleep he had ever had in his life. When he woke up, it was already dawn, the stars were sparse, and the corpse on his body had already hardened, and there was no sound in the surroundings.Hassar yawned, and the strength returned to his body, filling his limbs. He got up and embarked on the journey to find his brother.As if guided by a god, he headed north without thinking. In order to catch up with his elder brother, Hassar traveled through many places. There was no one to ride on his crotch, no food in his mouth. He lay in the ditch during the day, like a dog; at night, he slept on a tree, like a bird, and avoided people when he saw him. Walk.Because as soon as people saw him, they opened their bows and arrows from a distance, or drew their knives, and did not dare to speak to him.Once he saw his own shadow by the river and thought he saw a coyote, which was very scary.His hair covered his face, his body was covered with animal skins, and his feet were bare, for his boots had worn away long ago.Everyone knows that anyone who doesn't have a horse to ride is not a person, he is either a thief or a ghost, and no one believes his words. He could have stolen a horse and gone after his brother, but Hassar couldn't.Stealing a horse is not difficult, but if he does that, he will become a real horse thief. Such a person is not Temujin's brother, not Yasugai's son, nor can he be raised by Hoelun. of.No way, Hassar could only walk on two legs.There were only seven arrows in his quiver, four short ones and three long ones, so he dared not let them go empty if he was not very sure. If the flint is lost, the prey can only be eaten raw, and if it cannot be eaten, it will stink.When unable to catch prey, it is so hungry that it chews the skin of its body.Hassar knew that his brother was alive, somewhere he couldn't see, and he had to find his whereabouts without panic.Day after day, he could feel that the distance between him and his brother was gradually shortening, but there was only one arrow left on his body. On this day, he shot a wild donkey.The wild donkey can still run after being hit by an arrow. It was sent by heaven, and the wild donkey led him to his brother. Hassar saw that his elder brother's face had grown, and a beard had grown out. He was a little strange at first sight, but it was indeed his elder brother, not someone else. As soon as his eyes saw his brother, his heart felt at ease, like an arrow returning to the bowstring.Of course, this is not an ordinary bow. It is not a bow that can be drawn by strength alone, and it is not a bow that can be aimed by eyes alone. But every arrow on this bow knows its target. Hold this bow, and the arrow will be accurate.Without it, the arrow loses its direction, does not know who it is, and no matter where it flies or how far it flies, it always has doubts in its heart. Well now, thanks to that wild ass.Hassar felt that the taste of the donkey meat was the most delicious in the world. One day, Temujin called Hasar to him and asked him, Hasar, where is your wife?Hassar said that my home was washed away. I don’t know where she fled to. Maybe she ran back to the Kret. She is from the Kret. The Kret beat us, so they won’t bully us. She, please rest assured brother. Temujin said, your wife is the niece of Tougolin King Khan, who was the one who told you about your marriage back then.You are my younger brother and the son-in-law of the Ministry of Kret. You listen to me and go to the Ministry of Kret to find your wife.Hassar said, does my brother want me to surrender to King Khan?If that's the case, why did I travel across mountains and rivers to find you, almost being swallowed by wild animals and bitten by poisonous snakes.Brother, are you tired of me by saying that?Compared with my brother, what is my wife to me?Since I was a child, I have followed my mother's instructions and followed my brother's words and deeds everywhere. When I go east, I go east, and when I go west, I go west. I have never done anything wrong, I have never been afraid of anything, and I have never contradicted my brother.Don't compete with your brother for porridge and rice at home, but protect your brother from swords and arrows on the battlefield and be a pioneer.From childhood to adulthood, everything I do is what my brother wants me to do.I don't understand, why does my brother drive me away now?
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