Home Categories historical fiction Oda Nobunaga 5 Honno-ji Temple Volume

Chapter 42 Sakura in Suwa

After Nobunaga received the news of Katsuyai's suicide on the 12th, he finally rushed to Tianmu Mountain to join Kazumashi Takigawa on the 14th, inspected the heads one by one, and then moved the main camp to Hoyoji Temple in Suwa . When Nobunaga inspected the head, he uncharacteristically praised Katsuyai. "—Takeda Katsuyori can be regarded as Japan's top sharpshooter. It is only because of bad luck that he will end up like this today. So, the career of a samurai is actually quite sad!" In addition, he did not take other punishment. "—Send Katsuyori's head to Iida's prison gate!"

Seeing this situation, Mitsuhide, who has been following Nobunaga and observing his behavior secretly, can't help feeling puzzled: (—Am I worrying too much?) He kept asking inwardly. Victory—it was a result known for a long time, but Nobunaga was not dazzled by the victory, but instead dealt with the aftermath with a cautious attitude uncharacteristically. Regarding rewards and punishments, he no longer decides according to his personal likes and dislikes like before, he should be rewarded and punished, and he is not sloppy at all.In terms of words and deeds, he also appeared quite calm and gentle, contrary to the rudeness and rudeness of the past.

At Hoyoji Temple in Suwa, Mitsuhide's feeling deepened. According to Mitsuhide's guess, Nobunaga will soon announce the decision on the disposal of the new territory. "Mitsuhide! The destiny of man is truly amazing!" "Huh?...this..." "Did you know? The Suwa family and the Takeda family used to be related by marriage!" "Well! I've heard about that too." "Takeda Shingen is a very lecherous person." "yes!……" "It is said that whenever he captures a castle, he will plunder the local women as concubines. Katsuyori's biological mother was robbed in this way, and she is the daughter of the Suwa family."

"Yes... It is said that at first she hated Lord Shingen very much!" "That's what I said. You see, life is wonderful, isn't it?" "Yes... yes!" "A child born to a resentful woman led to the demise of the famous Minamoto family, the Takeda family, who has been passed down for dozens of generations... Is this considered revenge for the Suwa family?" "So karma does exist!" "Yes! But, do you know what the people living on this land think?" "This……" "When our army entered the city, they looked very calm. Not only did they not show any resentment on their faces, they even smiled! Maybe they were happy because we avenged the Suwa family and wiped out the Takeda family? "

The satisfaction of winning the battle allowed Nobunaga to sit leisurely in the living room and enjoy the scenery of late spring.The Yae cherry blossoms all over the garden are in full bloom like flowing water. The water on the lake seemed to be standing still.At this time, the guards arrived to deliver the gifts offered by the townspeople to Nobunaga's main camp. Guangxiu's mind was confused again. "Yes! As you said, human beings are always unable to see through their own destiny; however, it is quite a scary thing to trace the causal cycle from three or four generations later. In my opinion, any The behavior of one generation is enough to affect the survival of the whole family, so no matter at any time, compassion and good governance should be the top priority..."

After finishing speaking, Mitsuhide's mood seemed very comfortable. However, Nobunaga did not expect that his simple emotion would attract Mitsuhide's lecture. Nobunaga's expression was very unhappy: "Who wants you to preach? Look at the third or fourth generation... Then let me ask you, is there anyone in the world who can live to see the third or fourth generation? Can you? This is just a It's just delusion. You think you are a smart guy, I don't want to care about the past with you, but I didn't expect you to teach me in turn... Do you really love to preach so much? Idiots are idiots!"

Amidst Nobunaga's loud insults, Mitsuhide's face gradually lost its color. (It seems that something ominous will happen when I go out this time...) For this reason, Mitsuhide, who was cautious about his words and deeds, finally relaxed in Nobunaga's emotional conversation.Seeing Nobunaga's expression, he was suddenly alerted that he really shouldn't have raised the question about the cycle of causality in Buddhism. It wouldn't matter if this was only aimed at the extinct Takeda family; but he unwisely mentioned Nobunaga's past behavior, and even criticized the opponent's tactics and methods of combat, no wonder Nobunaga was going to be furious.

"You think I'm cruel and inhuman, so I'm bound to repeat Takeda's mistakes in the future, right? You idiot! You'll never understand my Nobunaga's sad wish in your whole life." "Please calm down, my lord!" Mitsuhide fell down in front of Nobunaga, begging bitterly: "Forgive me! I don't know how to judge the occasion, but I said such unlucky words at this moment... Please hold your hand high and forgive me!" "bald!" "Yes Yes!" "I really didn't expect that you would compare Katsurai with me. It can be seen that you are an ignorant fool! If you compare me with Katsurai, doesn't it mean that you are belittling me? How can I bear it?" How about this breath?"

"No...no...I didn't mean that, please forgive me..." "You want me to forgive you? Do you think that as long as you say sorry, the matter will be over?" Nobunaga's anger grew even higher: "Did you know that in this world, it is good not to kill a worm, but sometimes it is good to kill millions of enemies!" "Yes, it is." "In order to quell the troubled times of the past hundred years and bring the world back to peace, I put myself and my family into it. Don't you understand my painstaking efforts? Are you really only judging my actions by ordinary people's routines? If I and Like ordinary people, they just want to live in a mediocre way, so would I still kill people while walking? Do I not understand what you mean? It’s too much for a person like you to dare to preach to me. "

"Yes Yes!" "I know killing people is not good, but in order to fulfill my sad wish of saving the world, I have to wave the sword in my hand... to cut off the root cause of wars and troubled times, so that the common people can live in peace! At this moment, you How dare you preach to me, how stupid! Today I want to fight you for my ideals, come on! Draw your sword!" Nobunaga didn't wait for the other party's answer, he quickly pulled out the big knife behind his back, and slashed at Mitsuhide. Before Guangxiu had time to raise his head, he exclaimed "Ah".

It turned out that the blade of Qingjiang Jiyoshi in Nobunaga's hand had already reached his throat, and could take his life at any time. "Draw your knife quickly! Bald!" Nobunaga ordered again. "You stupid guy, you compare me to Katsuyori... and you preach to me blindly. Like Katsuyori, you only do meaningless stupid things. Draw your sword! Today I must kill You can't." Guangxiu calculated in his heart that even if he drew his sword, he would not be able to defeat the opponent; what's more, even if he killed the opponent by luck, he would definitely not be able to leave this place alive. "I made a slip of the tongue, please calm down my lord. If you must not forgive me, then please kill me!..." After finishing speaking, he fell silently on the ground. "What? You don't draw your sword? You want me to kill you?" "Yes. Once I draw my sword to fight against you, wouldn't it be ignoring reason?" "Ok!" Nobunaga groaned, put down the big sword in his hand, and stared directly at Mitsuhide with the sharp eyes of a vulture. The people who witnessed this situation were all silent.In their opinion, Guangxiu was really inappropriate... But at this moment, no one dared to say a word, lest the situation would become more serious... For a while, there was no sound in the living room. Everyone present agreed that Mitsuhide's preaching had gone beyond his duty. Nobunaga regards himself as a revolutionary, and made a sad wish for the world to spread his arms. Anyone who hinders him will not be able to escape his sanction.In front of such a person, Mitsuhide actually said that compassion is good governance... If the person who said this was not Mitsuhide, then Nobunaga would definitely be even more angry, and even retort that the reason why he has today's achievements is all due to atrocities such as burning down Mt. Rui.However, Nobunaga did not do so.Because he believes that people will one day understand the painstaking efforts he has put in to pacify Japan... Although Buddhist scriptures once mentioned "talking about Buddha when meeting people", Mitsuhide's teachings are only suitable for ordinary people, and absolutely not applicable to Nobunaga who is regarded as a heretic. However, Mitsuhide committed Nobunaga's big taboo because of being too careless; what's more, this mistake has a tendency to continue to develop!In Mitsuhide's eyes, Nobunaga's hard work is completely ignored, and he is even regarded as no different from ordinary people; this is nothing less than a great irony to Nobunaga who thinks highly of himself. Moreover, Nobunaga has always believed that: (—— Guangxiu is the person who understands me best!) Therefore, when he heard Mitsuhide's preaching, he suddenly felt insulted and betrayed. After a while, Nobunaga bent down and picked up the big knife and put it back into the scabbard, then laughed loudly. "Hahaha... bald head, you are shaking! You are really shaking! Hahaha... well, I forgive you! Come on! Pour a glass of wine for bald head." Everyone here breathed a sigh of relief.
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