Home Categories youth city the dancer

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Exposure

the dancer 海岩 13698Words 2018-03-13
Usually at this hour, Jin Kui had just left work. As soon as she walked out of the practice room, she was told by the handyman that someone was looking for her.She walked into a lounge and saw her mother sitting in a chair. When Jin Kui accompanied her mother to leave the Guanhu Club, Gao Chun was paying a fine in the traffic team of the Public Security Bureau and receiving a routine admonition from the police.He didn't know that Jin Kui had already taken her mother to their residence. The garage that was sheltered from the wind and rain had oil stains on the simple walls, and an unpleasant smell made Jin Kui's mother cringe. brow.

Of course, the mother also noticed that there was another floor bed separated by a "wall", which was obviously a man's floor bed.The expression on the mother's face and the way she looked at her daughter were both ugly. Fortunately, Gao Chun would not go home so early, Jin Kui avoided her mother's gaze, wondering whether she should call Gao Chun to inform Gao Chun of an unexpected visitor at her "home".In fact, Gao Chun was still standing at the door of the traffic team at this moment, dialed Lu Ziqiang's number with his mobile phone, and reported the process of losing control in the evening.What made Gao Chun feel at ease was that Lu Ziqiang didn't care about the loss of control when he heard that Zhou Xin was with the painters before he lost control.But he still asked about the location of the activities of the painters, the number of people present, and the time of dispersal, etc.He said to Gao Chun: "You'd better stop driving that taxi, it's inconvenient to use a taxi to do this, and she will find out after a long time. You can rent a self-driving car, it's very convenient, and You can change it every few days. You should also be careful when parking in the future.”

Gao Chun said, "Got it." Gao Chun hung up the phone and checked the time on the phone, it was not too early.Usually at this time, Jin Kui would always have a phone call to ask for his health, but not today. Today, what Jin Kui faced was her mother who came unexpectedly, and her mother's red eye circles.Mother wiped her tears and told Jin Kui about the Jin family's situation, not only the restaurant business, but also Jin Kui's father and brother. "When the business of the restaurant is not good, your father will use alcohol to drown his sorrows every day. He will get drunk and make trouble when he is drunk. Your brother doesn't let him worry about it. He always fights outside, with the guests who come to eat, and with the delivery Fight the goods, fight with the Dadongbei Restaurant opposite... Your father brought your brother here since he was a child, and I have seen his personality, and he is not my own, so I can't say anything about him..."

Jin Kui said: "Mom, why don't you come to Beijing to live for a while. With the money I earn now, I can rent a house outside. You come here and we live together. You can leave when you get tired of living here." Mother said: "Aren't you going to save money to take the exam? Don't save it?" Jin Kui sighed, and sighed with sorrow: "Oh, how can it be so easy to go to school." Mother said: "If you really want to go to school, how about Mom showing you the way?" Jin Kui asked, "What way?" The mother looked at her daughter's face, thinking about how to speak: "Kui'er, how about telling you another date?"

Jin Kui became vigilant: "Subject? I don't want it." The mother didn't stop talking, and continued: "We women... well, women, we all want someone to rely on. If you don't look for it today, you will have to look for it sooner or later. It is better to look for it sooner than later. If you look for someone now Yes, it can help you go to school. You learn to dance, but you won’t be able to learn it after your age! Even if you save enough money after your age, your arms and legs will harden, so it’s better to find it early. " Jin Kui became more and more nervous: "Didn't you say that the surname is Yang again? I asked Lao Fang to tell you last time. I don't want to talk about friends now. Did Lao Fang not tell you?"

Mother said: "Yang Feng is quite a nice person, he is very good in age and appearance. Besides, you want to learn how to dance so much, and you want to take the exam so much..." Jin Kui stopped her mother resolutely: "I won't study, I won't take the test, it's okay..." The mother still persuaded: "Why are you betting on yourself, isn't Mom discussing with you..." Jin Kui said: "No, I don't want to take the test if you don't mention it." After a pause, Jin Kui said to herself: "I don't want others to pay too much for me, and I'm living like this now. ..."

Mother didn't know what to say: "You are living well now?" Mother looked around the simple garage: "You live well, is that good?" Mother's eyes were red, "Even if you think this is good, But can you also think about that you still have a family, and your parents, who have raised you so much, you can take care of the difficulties now!" Jin Kui's eye circles are also red: "Mom, I really can't control the family affairs and family business. I'm studying hard now, practicing dance hard, and when I have a future, I will definitely repay you and respect you! "

Mother raised her voice: "By the time you become successful, the family's business will have collapsed, and your parents will have starved to death!" Jin Kui cried: "Mom..." My mother also started to cry: "Now, the restaurant can't pay off its debts...the debts owed to the bank, the debts owed to the wholesale market, the debts owed to Li Liuzi...there is really no way out. If there is a little way at home, be a parent I wouldn’t be so cheeky to beg my daughter.” The mother wiped away her tears, and said, “We know about Yang Feng, and it’s not easy to find such a person in Yunlang. There are many girls chasing him. He’s watching your show, he likes you, and he met your dad by chance, and he knew you were a girl from our family when he talked about it. He took 200,000 yuan to help your dad pay it back for no reason. The money from the wholesale market, if you don’t pay back the money, the wholesale market will not give you the goods..."

Jin Kui burst into tears: "Mom, why do you take other people's money? How can you pay back the money you take from other people..." The mother said: "Mom didn't mean to take you to pay back the money, but I thought that Yang Feng's conditions are very good, and our family is a high-ranking family. You have been a good child since you were a child, so you can let your parents be the master for you again." Come on, ah!" Jin Kui cried and couldn't speak.The garage door rang and was suddenly opened.Jin Kui's mother was taken aback, and Jin Kui quickly wiped away her tears. She didn't need to look to know that it was Gao Chun who had returned.

Standing at the door of the garage, Gao Chun saw the mother and daughter with tears in their eyes, embarrassed and didn't know how to advance or retreat.Jin Kui's mother stared suspiciously at the strange boy at the door. That night, Gao Chun drove and took her mother to a nearby hotel with Jin Kui. When Gao Chun was parking the car, Jin Kui accompanied her mother to open a room at the front desk of the hotel, and her mother asked Jin Kui in a deep voice, "Why, is he living with you?" Jin Kui hesitated: "Ah..." Seeing the salesperson at the front desk registering, my mother hurriedly asked, "Didn't I dance with you? Why is it a man?"

Jin Kui glanced at the salesperson not far away, and lowered her voice: "Men can't dance anymore." The mother simply went straight to the point: "Do you live with a man?" Jin Kui said: "We live in our own houses. Didn't you see the wall in the middle? We practiced dancing together." The mother's face became a little anxious: "What kind of wall is that? If your father knows about it, how can you do it? Your father patted Yang Feng's chest to guarantee that you are clean and never let a man touch you. Why did you live with a man so casually..." Jin Kui quickly suppressed her mother's voice: "Don't be so loud. Don't talk nonsense, okay, we live together and nothing happens..." The mother also lowered her voice: "What Yang Feng wants is a clean girl, and he cares about this very much..." Gao Chun also came to the front desk, and the mother and daughter both silenced their voices.Jin Kui helped her mother complete the check-in procedures, and took her mother's bag to send her into the room.Gao Chun waited in the corridor outside the room, listening to the mother and daughter chatting endlessly inside the door.After a while, Jin Kui walked out of the room and said to him: "Gao Chun, you go back first, my mother is leaving tomorrow, I will stay here with her overnight, you go back first." Gao Chun asked: "Is your mother unhappy?" Jin Kui said: "No," and added: "Our family has been in trouble lately... It's about my dad's restaurant. You go back first, and I will accompany my mom." Gao Chun nodded and said, "Oh." Then he said, "When will your mother go back tomorrow? I may not be able to see her off tomorrow." Jin Kui said: "You don't need to send it, I will do it." Gao Chun said, "Then should I say goodbye to her now?" Jin Kui immediately said: "No need, she is quite tired, you should go back first." Gao Chun looked suspiciously at Jin Kui's expression, and left hesitantly.After walking a few steps, she turned back and asked, "Shall we practice dancing tomorrow morning?" But Jin Kui had already closed the door and entered the house. Gao Chun returned to the residence alone. Although he was used to living alone after his mother died, it was the first time he spent the night alone in the garage, and he felt the loneliness he had never had before.He sat on Jinkui's bunk and straightened Jinkui's pillow and quilt with his hands, but he didn't feel sleepy.Looking around, it seems that he just realized that this garage is so huge that even a slight cough can echo around the beams. That day Gao Chun didn't close his eyes almost all night, and that night his eyes were almost full of Jin Kui's mother's displeased expression.When he drove to Zhou Xin's apartment building on time at 7:30 in the morning, his bloodshot eyes were still a little dazed. Zhou Xin went out late that day, and Gao Chun followed to Dongfang Building, and raindrops fell from the sky.Around noon, Zhou Xin walked out of the building with an umbrella, walked to the side of the road and got into a taxi.Gao Chun immediately cheered up and drove to follow. Unexpectedly, at the moment of traffic jam at the intersection, two men suddenly opened his car door and got in. "Go to the International Hotel!" The man sitting in the front seat issued an order, and Gao Chun hurriedly explained: "No, no, I'm sorry this car won't work." The man was immediately dissatisfied: "Why don't you do the work, why are you driving on the road if you don't do the work! " The taxi that Zhou Xin took had gone far away, and Gao Chun was in a hurry to say: "Hurry up, I have something urgent, I am a chartered car..." The two men didn't believe it, and they chattered: "Is it a chartered car? Do you think the road is too short to make money... It's not close to the International Hotel..." Gao Chun saw hopelessly that Zhou Xin's car had gone far away and disappeared into the rain curtain ahead... The rain stopped in the evening, but the sky was still cloudy.Gao Chun was summoned to his yacht by a phone call from Lu Ziqiang, and was reprimanded for throwing a boat at noon.Lu Ziqiang accused Gao Chun of disobedience to orders. Would it still happen if you changed to a car that was not a taxi?He warned Gao Chun: "Don't do this kind of thing again, I'm in business, I'm in business, I told you, if you follow up with something I'm interested in, I can give you more money. Today I will add one more sentence: If you keep losing track of me, I can also deduct money!" Maybe Lu Ziqiang really held Gao Chun's seven inches. What Gao Chun fears most now is deducting money.Money is the main condition for him and Jin Kui to realize their ideals. It can be said that everything is easy, but this is the biggest!He went to a car rental company early the next morning, only to find out that renting a car was not as convenient as Lu Ziqiang said.To rent a car, you not only need to pay a deposit, but also provide proof of household registration of residents of this city.He went to several car rental companies, and only one company seemed to have relatively simple procedures. If you don’t have a household registration book, you can use a copy of your ID card as a mortgage, but there is only one car model, Xiali. Gao Chun immediately agreed: "That's fine, then I'll rent Xiali." The staff member said: "Okay, let's rent for a month first? The deposit is 10,000." Gao Chun was cold again: "Ten thousand! Can you do less?" The staff member shook his head, with a non-negotiable attitude: "No, how about you hand in the account book, hand in the account book, and a deposit of 3,000." Gao Chun had no choice but to report the situation to Lu Ziqiang. Lu Ziqiang's reaction on the phone was quite unhappy, "What, 10,000? Didn't I already pay you 20,000? The 20,000 is not for you personally, it is Funding for your work. It’s not many days. Where did you spend it... How much did you spend on a camera? I didn’t see you take a few pictures! What else did you buy... a flashlight? How much is the flashlight worth!" Gao Chun didn't know, so he went to Jin Kui again, and he didn't know whether he wanted to discuss with her or just complain, but he didn't expect that Jin Kui, like Lu Ziqiang, questioned the whereabouts of the 20,000 yuan. "Yeah, apart from buying cameras, flashlights, and mobile phones, how did you spend the 20,000 yuan? How come you only have 5,000 yuan left?" Gao Chun's eyes fell on Jin Kui's neck, on top of the snow-white skin was a piece of green colored glaze.Jin Kui suddenly lowered her head and looked at herself, and immediately laughed at herself: "Oh, the money is hanging around my neck, I told you not to let you buy it, you must buy it, why are you so anxious to buy this thing now?" Gao Chun didn't answer, but said in a muffled voice, "Didn't we also buy exercise shoes? Didn't we also buy costumes for dancing Ice and Fire?" Jin Kui let out a long breath, not knowing what to say. Gao Chun said: "Boss Lu promised me that after finishing this matter, he will pay me a lot of money." Jin Kui asked: "A large sum, how much is a large sum?" Gao Chun replied: "He originally said that it should not be less than 20,000 yuan, and he said that if the job is done well, it can be increased." Jin Kui asked: "If you don't do well, should you still deduct it?" Gao Chun was bored for a while, and replied: "I can do well. As long as the problem with the car is solved, I won't let him impound it." Jin Kui's eyes rested on Gao Chun's face, and her mind was already thinking of the sky. The next morning, Jin Kui left Beijing by train.When it was dark, she walked out of the passenger exit of Yunlang Railway Station. This is the first time Jin Kui has returned to Yunlang and entered the house for the first time since she left.It was her mother who opened the door for her. Of course, her mother was very surprised to see her daughter standing outside the door. Father is drinking in the living room, and there are some leftovers on the table.Fortunately, he was not completely drunk yet, and he could still look at his daughter who had been away from home for many days with astonished eyes, watching her suddenly enter the door on this unexpected night. A cup of hot tea was poured into his stomach, and his father was completely awake.When he was talking with his daughter, the mother had no right to intervene, and could only sit on the sidelines and observe the respective expressions of the father and daughter.My father said: "Ten thousand yuan is not a small number, and your mother told you about the current situation of our family." Jin Kui said: "I know, I finally have this opportunity to participate in the competition. But they stipulate that they must pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan first, and they will return it after the game. I will return the money to you at that time." The father snorted: "Give it back to us? You have grown up so much, go to school, go to work, and stay at home. How much did it cost you? If you want to pay it back, you should do the math yourself, will you pay it back? " The mother suddenly interjected: "I told Kui Er last time, your father and I just..." But the mother's words were immediately interrupted by the father: "You let her speak, let her figure it out. Look!" Jin Kui bowed her head and lowered her eyebrows: "I told my mother, when I earn money, when I have a career, I will give you a good filial piety, and I won't let you be so tired anymore, and I won't let you do that labor-intensive job. It’s a restaurant that makes money.” Mother said to father: "That's right, Kui'er told me that she would definitely be filial..." The father interrupted the mother again: "Filial piety is the duty of being a child. You saw it when your grandparents were alive. How can I honor them. Filial piety is not just talking about it. You are so old, it depends on your actions." Right. It’s so hard at home now, you don’t just ask for money when you come back, do you?” Of course, there was something else in what my father said, and my mother quickly understood it. Of course it would be more appropriate for my mother to pick up this topic: "Kui'er, what are you thinking about that Yang Feng that Mom told you about last time? Since you When I come back, I will get in touch with him again. He even said that he invited you to visit his company, so more contact can deepen our understanding.” Jin Kui said: "No, I have to go back tomorrow, I have to go back and sign up." The father's face was ugly: "The last time your mother came back, she said that you are living with a man now, who is that man? What's the matter with you living together, isn't it immoral! " Jin Kui repeatedly explained: "No, that's my dance partner, who is going to compete with me. " The father said seriously: "If you have no other relationship, don't live together. Is it clear to live in the same house like this? If you want to find someone to marry in the future, who wants you!" You don’t want to be ashamed of being trendy yourself, but you also have to think about us as parents, we are people who need to be ashamed! " The mother continued to ask in a gentle tone: "Are you really nothing with that boy? Kui Er, you are the apple of your parents' eyes. We can't let others fool you casually." The father ordered: "I tell you, you must move out when you go back, and I will go to check in a few days. If you haven't moved out, or that kid hasn't moved out, don't blame me for being rude! Go back and tell that kid, he Weigh yourself carefully, he wants to touch my daughter, can you ask him if he can afford it?" Jin Kui said in a tight tone: "Dad, don't think about it, I don't want to think about these things now, I just want to concentrate on participating in the competition, and I will talk about it when I have a career. Will you help me? " The father was silent for a while, and softened his tone: "I can help you, but you must promise me to break off the relationship with that kid first. Regardless of whether you want to think about the matter with Yang Feng now, you must meet this time and contact him first." Get up and talk. How can we understand each other if we don’t get in touch? Only when we understand can we have feelings, and we’ll talk about the future when we have feelings. The future is your own business, you decide for yourself, and the family will not force you.” Mother added firewood to help the fire: "Kui'er, you should be obedient at this age, don't be self-willed, ah. If your dad pays you the money for participating in the competition, you will have to move out to live by yourself when you go back.Tomorrow, I will meet with Yang Feng, first clarify the relationship, and if you are clear that talking about friends may not be guaranteed, then you have to have a successful talk, your parents will never harm you, right? " Jin Kui didn't expect that going home this time would turn into a situation where stealing the chicken would not pay off the rice. She wanted to get away with luck: "I really have to go back tomorrow..." But her father firmly stopped her. "Let's meet. I won't delay your return. There is a car tomorrow afternoon, and I can arrive early the next morning." Jin Kui looked at her mother, and her mother looked at her father, and her father's attitude had been decided.Jin Kui could only nod vaguely: "...ah." The place where I met Yang Feng was at the most luxurious restaurant in Yunlang.Yang Feng's hosting was very good, even the Jin family's car to the restaurant was specially sent by him. For the banquet that Yang Feng set up that day, shark fin and abalone were all served.The first glass of wine was said to be for Jin Kui: "Jin Kui hasn't been back to Yunlang for a long time. This time I came back to visit my parents, which shows that being a daughter is still filial." Let's go.Jin Kui's mother also drank half a cup vigorously.Jin Kui said he couldn't drink, but Yang Feng was very tolerant and said, "Drink as much as you can, if you don't know how to drink, just take a sip." Jin Kui took a sip. After sipping, Yang Feng raised his glass again and said, "This second glass of wine is to see Jin Kui off. I wish Jin Kui the best of luck in going back to the competition, get the first prize, and then take care of the things that need to be cooked, and go home early to be with your parents, and don't let your parents worry about you. "What things should be sorted out, Yang Feng didn't elaborate, and Jin Kui didn't ask, they kept the window papers on each other, clinked glasses and passed in a vague way. This cup of golden sunflower was persuaded by his parents to drink half of it, which made Yang Feng smile.He asked the secretary to take an envelope, put it in front of Jin Kui with his own hands, and said: "We have known each other for a short time, and I don't know what you like, and the season will change in a while, so go buy some clothes by yourself. Beijing has all kinds of famous brands, so you can buy whatever you like. " Jin Kui opened the envelope, saw a wad of cash inside, and quickly pushed it back: "No, no..." Jin Kui's father said from the side: "Jin Kui, Yang Feng's heart, you can accept it first, and you will be friends in the future." Just be nice to them." When Jin Kui was in a daze, her mother came over and stuffed the envelope into her bag for her.Father picked up the wine glass and respected Yang Feng again, distracting Jin Kui from embarrassment. After drinking for three rounds, Jin Kui got up and went to the bathroom, and saw a cleaning handyman in the corridor, with white hair that looked familiar.She yelled from behind: "Master Li!" The yelling made the gray head look back in panic, and the old-fashioned face was surprising. "Master Li, is that you? You don't know me anymore?" "You... you are not Jin... Jin..." "Master Li, why are you here? You don't drive anymore?" "The car...isn't the car gone?" Master Li was full of vicissitudes: "You, aren't you Jinkui? Didn't you go to Beijing with Gao Chun...and Gao Chun?" "Yes, I'll come back to have a look, and I'll be back today. Gao Chun misses you very much, and keeps telling me about you. Is your lover's illness better?" Master Li couldn't say a word: "Our house is about to be demolished. Once it is demolished, we don't know where to live. Junjun's mother is now... Now she doesn't even dare to take medicine, she just wants to save money. Yijunjun has been admitted to university..." Jin Kui remembered that Master Li's daughter, Junjun, was going to take the college entrance examination this year. The hope of Master Li and his wife for the rest of their lives seemed to be on her daughter.The appearance of Master Li made Jin Kui very sad, remembering that the same car was in distress at the time, it was like a dream.She took out the envelope she had just received from her handbag, took out half of the banknotes from it, stuffed it into Master Li's hand, and said, "You take this first, you have to go to Junjun's school, and your auntie needs to be treated..." Li The master refused all the time, but Jin Kui still forced the money over: "You used to be Gao Chun's master, so let me pay for Junjun's tuition on Gao Chun's behalf. "Master Li was terrified by this windfall, before he could recover, Jin Kui had already turned back and walked back to the private room. At the dinner table where Jin Kui was absent, the topic of the men naturally shifted to the business field. At this time, Yang Feng changed from the tone of a junior to that of a boss.He said that I will help you to clear all the accounts owed by your Chaohuang Restaurant to the bank, but the money for clearing the accounts belongs to Dingfeng Industrial Company, and the payment is an act of the company.So between our company and your Chaohuang Restaurant, there is still a need for an advance payment agreement. Tomorrow, people from our company's finance department will send you the text of the agreement. If there is no problem with the terms and interest, you can sign it. La. Jin Kui's parents looked at each other in blank dismay, and Jin Kui's brother was also at a loss. They obviously didn't expect that Yang Feng's advance would be repaid with an interest rate increase.But money should not be spent in vain, and debts must be repaid. This is also a common saying that has been established since ancient times, and no one can say anything. Yang Feng said generously: "You don't have to worry, it's my job to help you, I like Jin Kui very much... ah, I like Jin Kui's dance very much. In the future, I also hope to continue to do what I can for you , but..." He paused, looked at Jin Kui who had just walked in, smiled and said, "It all depends on fate." Jin Kui's family looked at each other, tacit understanding.On behalf of the whole family, Jin Kui's father solemnly nodded his agreement.This point seems to have nothing to do with the loan of money, but the life of the daughter. What was different from usual was that this morning, Gao Chun's target appeared at the gate of the building early, and Gao Chun's employer, Lu Ziqiang, came out with her.Gao Chun saw that Lu Ziqiang didn't have a driver, he drove a Mercedes himself, picked up Zhou Xin, turned around and left in a hurry. According to Lu Ziqiang's previous explanation about "the leader's presence and absence are the same work", Gao Chun dared not neglect and followed closely.After walking a short distance, Daben stopped at a specialty store of photographic equipment on the side of the street.Through the glass doors and windows of the store, Gao Chun saw his employer shopping inside with his target.Zhou Xin seemed to have taken a fancy to a camera. Lu Ziqiang was busy swiping his card to pay, then took the camera bag and came out with Zhou Xin.Gao Chun guessed from the packing bag that the digital camera was worth a lot, but Zhou Xin didn't look very happy, and bid farewell to Lu Ziqiang in front of the Mercedes-Benz, took the camera and took a taxi to turn around and leave.Gao Chun quickly shifted gears and refueled, chasing the taxi's flashing turning lights, and fully turned his steering wheel...Taxis usually do not drive fast. The destination of the car gradually became clear, which was the single-wood painting workshop next to the city park. The Dumu Painting Workshop is like a small closed factory, its location is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle.Parking in the downtown area of ​​Gaochun can be regarded as hidden in the city.Time passed very slowly, Gao Chun was waiting in the car and began to feel sleepy.After dark, the painters swarmed out. Zhou Xin and the young painter took the same taxi and walked at the end. Of course, behind them was Gao Chun who was energetic. The taxi drove directly back to Zhou Xin's apartment, dropped Zhou Xin off at the door of the apartment, and then drove the young painter onwards.Gao Chun looked at his watch, drove the car to a dark place, then dialed Lu Ziqiang's cell phone and reported Zhou Xin's whereabouts this afternoon.Perhaps because his report was not violent, Lu Ziqiang listened listlessly, and asked Gao Chun not to call all the time unless there were special circumstances, so he hung up the phone hastily.Gao Chun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little hungry, started the car and was about to leave when Zhou Xin came out of the building again.He watched her suspiciously walk to the side of the street, raised his hand to stop a taxi and left in a hurry, and then he chased after her as if he had just woken up from a dream. Gao Chun has tracked down the past few days, and he has basically figured out the pattern of the target. The daily whereabouts are roughly three points and one line—residence—company—painting workshop.But Zhou Xin went out alone so late today, and the signs were a bit unusual. The taxi almost passed through the entire city, the bustling neon lights receded behind, and the plain night shrouded it.A quiet residential area borders the edge of the city and the countryside, and soon comes into Gaochun's vision.The taxi stopped quietly in the community, Zhou Xin got out of the car, looked forward and backward, and sneaked into a building door.Gao Chun also got out of the car and walked forward quickly, and quickly took a picture of the building number and the door of the residential building when there was no one around.On the wall on the side of the building number, there are three large cement characters - Fanghuali, which is obviously the official name of this community. Gao Chun returned to the car and waited quietly. The hands of the clock on the car slowly walked several times before the target slowly walked out of the building.It was dark at this time, Zhou Xin walked out of the community, stopped a taxi at the intersection, and went straight back to his residence. Zhou Xin went back to the residence that night and never came out again.The next day Gao Chun reported the situation last night on Lu Ziqiang's yacht.He felt that Lu Ziqiang was also very strange about Zhou Xin going out late at night, and he had never heard of the place Zhou Xin went to. "Fanghuali Community? It's not close to where she lives. What did she do there?" Gao Chun shook his head: "I don't know." Lu Ziqiang asked again: "What building did she enter?" Gao Chun replied: "Building No. 9." Lu Ziqiang asked again: "Do you know which house she goes to in Building No. 9?" Gao Chun replied: "I didn't dare to follow in. At that time, there were no people in and outside the building. If I followed in, I would have to be exposed." Lu Ziqiang was puzzled, so he ordered: "If she goes to this place again in the future, you have to find a way to find out which room she went to. You have to find out who she is looking for when she goes to that place!" This order was a bit difficult to handle, Gao Chun nodded hesitantly, and said, "Oh." It was another day after get off work, and Lu Ziqiang and Zhou Xin left in the same car again.Gao Chun got up the car and cheered up, not daring to follow behind negligently. That night Lu Ziqiang and Zhou Xin had dinner at a restaurant on the way.Whether it's getting in and out of the car or going in and out, Gao Chun's observation of the relationship between the two is somewhat weird.Lu was always kind to Zhou, while Zhou was always respectful to Lu, trying not to let the boss pull the door for her, and trying to be courteous to the boss, so that the two always bowed in front of the door for a long time, which seemed quite natural. Coming out of the restaurant, Lu Ziqiang drove Zhou Xin to the door of the apartment with his big sprint. The two had a brief conversation in the car, then Zhou Xin got out of the car and waved goodbye. Lu Ziqiang watched her walk into the door before driving away. Gao Chun hid in the dark and didn't leave. Soon, the situation of the previous day really happened again, and Zhou Xin appeared at the door of the apartment ten minutes later.She looked around, went to the street, and raised her hand to stop a taxi... As Gao Chun expected, Zhou Xin's whereabouts this night was that residential area again.She still parked in front of Building No. 9 to pay the bill, and looked around before entering the building.Gao Chun quickly got out of the car and followed quickly. After entering the building door, Zhou Xin was nowhere to be seen. He saw an upward elevator stop at the twelfth floor, and then continued upward.The door of another descending elevator opened, and several residents waiting for the elevator rushed into the car, warning each other about the power outage tonight, and to pay attention to the computer refrigerator at home.Some residents obviously didn't know about it, and kept asking: What time is the power cut?When was it notified?Those in the know chatted: It was posted on the door of the building yesterday, you didn't see it.A man answered as if dumbfounded: Hey, Italy vs Denmark at the European Championship at 11 o'clock in the evening, that's not something you can't watch! Why is there a power outage again!Another woman explained kindly: The circuit in our building is too old, so we have arranged for a major repair... The residents talked and went back to their homes on different floors.Gao Chun went down the stairs on the twelfth floor, and the corridor was as dark as ink.He took out the flashlight from his satchel, explored and inspected the house numbers of each house, and eavesdropped on the movement in each house. For a moment, he was not sure whether Zhou Xin was on this floor or which room he had entered. He continued to walk up the safety stairs, listening and observing from house to house.The thirteenth floor was also dark and without lights, and only by swiping the beam of light in Gao Chun's hand, could he see the winding corridors full of debris... He wandered around to find the fourteenth floor, and the door of a room in front of him suddenly opened. Turn it on, and the lights in the room will be poured out, and the voices of the two women immediately penetrated the silence of the corridor, Gao Chun was so startled that there was almost nowhere to dodge. A rough voice deliberately lowered his voice: "Every time you come here so late, be careful on the road. Can you be alone if you are sick?" A thin voice was calm on the contrary: "Oh, it's all right, haven't you encountered any troubles here during this time?" Rough voice: "No, I rarely go out." Softly: "In the future, if someone knocks on the door, it will be regarded as selling products or something. As long as you don't know him, you will not be allowed to enter the house." The two women were chatting and didn't pay attention to the surroundings. Gao Chun was lucky enough to escape and hid in the dark with his breath held.The moment the light in the room overflowed, he had already recognized the soft-spoken woman as the prey he was looking for.Zhou Xin whispered to the gruff middle-aged woman while walking towards his hiding place. Gao Chun quickly avoided the safety stairs and fled along the stairs to the upper floor. He fled to the fifteenth floor, and was worried that Zhou Xin would lose control when going downstairs, so he ran to the elevator room on the fifteenth floor and pressed the down elevator button.The elevator came, but there was no one in the car, so Gao Chun directly pressed the button on the first floor, and the elevator stopped with a creak as soon as it reached the first floor.The elevator door opened, and the passengers entering the elevator from the fourteenth floor startled Gao Chun. It was none other than Zhou Xin who came up. The only close contact between Gao Chun and Zhou Xin was when he drove her to the hospital not long ago. At that time, Zhou Xin's eyeballs were stung by the urine, and she never opened her eyes, so she naturally had no impression of the young man in the elevator. He looked up at the numbers above.The numbers on the fluorescent display changed slowly, and the two were so close that they could hear each other's breath, Zhou Xin's face was as calm as water, while Gao Chun's face was flushed with nervousness because of the sudden encounter. The numbers slowly changed, the elevator slowly descended, and the car shook slightly.It was almost late at night, and there were no more passengers on the elevator.When the car reached the seventh floor, there was a sudden bang, the digital display on the top went out together with the lighting of the whole car, the elevator stopped at the same sound, the surroundings were pitch black, the world was completely silent, and the whole world seemed to sink into a black box. A few seconds later, Zhou Xin questioned in the dark: "What's going on?" Although her question did not contain fear, her calm tone seemed unable to conceal the anxiety in her heart. Gao Chun subconsciously responded: "Power cut!" "Then what to do?" Gao Chun couldn't see Zhou Xin's expression in the dark, only heard her knock on the elevator door restrainedly: "Hey! There is someone in the elevator! There is still someone in the elevator!" In the whole world, no one responded, and the darkness remained. The sound of knocking on the door began to force, and the elevator door slammed, but there was no sign of rescue, and Zhou Xin's shouts were already a little angry. "Hey……" With a snap, Gao Chun's flashlight turned on, and the elevator immediately came to life.Zhou Xin's panting also immediately calmed down a lot. With the light of the flashlight, Gao Chun saw that Zhou Xin's face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his face looked sick.He hastily stepped forward and pressed the emergency button on the side of the elevator door, but it was useless. The elevator was powered off rather than malfunctioning, and the emergency system was paralyzed even if it was out of power... "Power outage..." Gao Chun repeated, and the light of the flashlight reflected the faces of the two people like ghosts. Zhou Xin didn't speak anymore, she took out her mobile phone and tried to make a call, but the call failed.Gao Chun also took out his mobile phone, and also found that the closed elevator had completely isolated the network signal.The two looked at each other, perhaps because they met on such a narrow road, it was almost as if they were stalking and exposed, Gao Chun's eyes could not help but hide and hide, while Zhou Xin's nerves were completely focused on the predicament itself, but fortunately her anxiety and anger were quickly replaced by With a resigned expression, he stopped knocking on the door and yelling, looked around, and said, "It's so hot." Gao Chun raised his wrist to look at his watch. Normally, he should have gone home at this time.Usually at this time, Jin Kui would be waiting for him at the door of the garage. 电梯里确实闷热异常,时间越久,温度越高。两个无计可施的男孩女孩,分别厄坐于轿厢的两个角落,身上已被汗水湿透。高纯听到周欣的呼吸越来越重,他再次拧亮手电,手电光柱礼貌地没有直接照脸,但足以看清周欣蜡样的脸色。 “嘿,你不舒服吗?”高纯试探着问了一句。 周欣双目紧闭,冷汗淋漓,没有应声。高纯不知她是中暑还是生病,但能看出她已相当不适。他脱下外衣为她扇风降温,扇了几下又停下观察着她的反应。他轻轻喊着:“嘿,你没事吧,你哪儿难受啊?” 周欣呕吐起来,吐出腹中的苦水,高纯帮她清理擦拭,难免弄脏自己的衣襟。周欣气息微弱,无论高纯问她什么,一律无法答清。高纯站起身来,用力去扒梯门,但梯门紧闭,人力无法开启。高纯全力喊道:“来人啊!开门!这里有人不行啦!来人啊!” 只有回音,无有回应。 高纯用手电照向电梯顶部,电梯的天花不高,天花上一块盖板此前已被拆下,大概是方便维修之故。高纯把手电放在地上,疲弱的光柱向上委靡,他顺着光柱奋力一跳,双手扒住了维修天窗,身体随即向上牵引……这次停电的时间也许比居民们预想得要长,无人记录至此已经停了多少时间,半夜时楼口的电闸咣地响了一声,楼内的灯光哗地亮了起来,电梯也随之发出一声震动,摇晃着向下缓缓运行,行至一层,梯门打开,两个小区物业的保安议论着什么走进轿厢,其中一人首先看到了瘫在地上的周欣,不由吓得惊叫起来。 “哟,怎么还有人呢!” “怎么回事,她怎么啦?嘿!你怎么了?” 另一个保安也上来察看,看到周欣仰着毫无血色的面孔,呼吸急促不安。保安们正要蹲下施救,电梯的顶部忽然荡下两只脚来,吓的二人几乎魂飞魄散……“哎哟,有人!” 高纯的整个身体露了出来,重重地摔落在轿厢的地面。 天亮了,周欣还躺在芳华里小区附近的一家医院里沉睡未醒,手上输的药液不知已换了几瓶。一个医生让一直陪伴在旁的高纯走到治疗室外,简短介绍了周欣的病因病情。 “不要紧了,她是血糖太低,供血不足,本来已经感冒发烧,所以疲劳过度,体液补充不上,有昏迷症状也是正常的,醒了就不要紧了,把这瓶药再输完估计就没事了。” 上午不到十点,太阳又毒热起来,高纯带周欣离开医院。周欣的气息尽管仍然虚弱,但已经可以清楚无误地指点路径,指引高纯把车开到她的住处。她当然不知道她住的这座公寓大楼,高纯其实每天光顾。 在公寓楼的门口,周欣下了汽车,下车前把对高纯的感激,表达得非常由衷,她还要了高纯的手机号码,表示康复后一定和他联系。 两人互道再见,高纯隔窗又嘱咐一句:哎,你这几天多吃点好的吧,医生说你血糖太低。周欣对高纯感激地笑了一下,这是高纯第一次看到周欣的脸上,竟有如此优雅的笑容。 周欣下车走进楼门,高纯拨了陆子强的电话号码。电话拨通后陆子强没容他开口汇报,即先质责在先:“昨天我打你手机你上哪儿去了,怎么老不在服务区啊?” 高纯结巴一下,仓促中没有说出他与周欣受困相识的情形:“呃……昨天没上哪儿去啊。一直在跟她呀。她昨天不舒服上医院了,早上刚刚回家,我现在就在她家楼下呢。” 陆子强不无恼火,说:“芳华里小区那边你查清了没有?” 高纯说:“我马上查,我估计她今天不会出去了,我今天就去查。” 陆子强说:“你尽快查吧,查清是什么人住在那儿!” 高纯说:“知道了。” 陆子强把电话挂断了,挂得有几分粗暴。高纯不免有些闷闷不乐,他收了手机,启动车子,向芳华里小区的方向开去。 白天的芳华里小区,看上去老人居多,和晚间一样安静有余,活力不足。高纯再次进入昨夜厄于此的那个楼门,乘梯直达十四楼。在十四楼他记下了周欣造访的那户门号,又侧耳倾听门内动静,听了片刻忽然受惊般逃开,闪进一侧的垃圾通道。果然,那户门叮咣响了一下,走出一位中年女人,拎着个提兜走向电梯,按了电梯下楼去了。 高纯这才从拐角出来。他犹豫了一下,走到那户门前,举手敲门。 咣咣咣……屋里好像没人。 他又敲了一遍,敲得战战兢兢,还是没有任何反响。他连忙叫梯下楼,中年女人的背影还在视野之内。高纯远远跟着那女人进了一家菜市场,在那女人挑菜时拍下她的照片,然后,又踱到一侧的书摊上买了一本时尚杂志,又跟在那满载而归的女人后面,走回小区。 中年妇女目不旁顾,径直进楼。高纯稍后跟进,乘梯上去。再次敲响了那户房门。 门打开了,开门的还是那位中年女人,挤着门缝,目光警觉,问他:“你找谁呀?” “啊,我是时尚杂志社的,”高纯说:“我们主任让我把这期的杂志给您儿子送来。” 中年妇女并不上钩:“我儿子,你搞错了吧?我没儿子。” 高纯抬头做状地去看门牌号码:“没错呀,这儿不是芳华里九号楼1406房吗?没错啊。” 中年妇女坚决摇头:“找错了,没这人。” 中年妇女就要关门,高纯挡住:“哎,你儿子不住这儿吗?那可能是你先生吧,对不起可能是我说错了。” 中年女人还是把门关上了:“没这人,你找错了。” 高纯冲着紧闭的房门喘了口气,转身下楼。 楼外,有几个老人闲坐聊天,高纯上前打问:“老师傅对不起我问一下,楼上1406房那家儿子平时回来吗?” 老人们怔了一下,一个说:“1406,你找谁呀?” 另两个老人互相问道:“说谁呀,1406?王桂珍家呀。王桂珍哪有儿子……” 最先答话的老人再次说:“这家没儿没女,你找错人了吧?” 高纯说:“没有啊,要不就是她先生,不是王桂珍吗,没错啊。 " 老人问:“你找哪个王桂珍,是印染厂的王桂珍吗?” 高纯顺坡赶驴,说:“是啊。” “王桂珍哪儿有儿子女儿啊,”老人问:“你是哪儿的呀?” 高纯说:“那她先生平时在家吗?” 老人还是问:“你是哪儿的呀?” 高纯说:“我是时尚杂志社的,我们社让我送杂志来,就找1406房的,但肯定是个男的,要不就是她先生?” 老人们早就看到高纯手里拿着的杂志,高纯的模样也不像坏人,于是七嘴八舌地说:“王桂珍爱人早去世了,你肯定找错人了。” 高纯不死心:“那到印染厂去问问能问清吗?印染厂在哪儿啊? " 老人们笑道:“印染厂早关了,人都下岗了你找谁去。” 高纯不知道还能问啥了。 傍晚,还是在那个僻静的小街,还是在那辆奔驰轿车的前座,高纯给陆子强看了数码相机中的照片。显然,陆子强对高纯拍下的那位中年妇女,看上去并不面熟。 “她去找这个下岗工人干什么?” 陆子强对高纯的调查结果感到奇怪,高纯也只能一通胡猜:“那个王桂珍是不是她的亲戚?” 陆子强说:“她说过她在北京没有亲戚。” 高纯没话了,没有再做其他推测。 陆子强也推测不来,只能命令高纯:“你继续盯!” 高纯支吾了一下,说:“我手上……没钱了。” 陆子强不满地问道:“你钱呢?怎么这么快就花没了?” 高纯说:“当时租这车的押金就交了一万……” 陆子强皱着眉,从身上掏出钱包,点了两千块钱,交给了高纯。 “盯紧点。”他说。 高纯点了下头:“啊。” 离开陆子强后,高纯直接去了百货商场。还是那个箱包柜台,他买下了金葵喜欢的那只手包。然后,他把金葵约了出来,约到了一家挺讲究的餐厅。餐厅里人不多,金葵一坐下来便大声发问:“嘿,你刚抢完银行啊,怎么想起到这儿来吃?”然后又环顾四周,放小声音:“这儿挺贵的吧?” 高纯未即答言,他把装了那只女式手包的提袋放在金葵面前,说了句:“生日快乐。” 对他们这种客居他乡的“北漂”来说,这是过分奢华的一顿生日晚餐。但在他们酒足饭饱从餐厅出来,上了停在路边的汽车之后,“寿星”的脸上不仅没有一丝笑容,反而显得满腹心事,愁肠百结。 高纯问:“怎么啦?过生日再不高高兴兴的,小心一年都没好心情。” 金葵叹了口气,叹得老气横秋:“你说,以后咱们还跳舞吗?” 高纯说:“跳啊,你到底想起什么来了?问这个干吗?” 金葵说:“你整天这么开车跟在人家屁股后面,我整天给那些富婆富妞把杆儿,咱们离舞蹈真的越来越远了。” 高纯反驳:“怎么远了,咱们这不是为了攒钱考舞院吗?再说咱们不是天天早上都在练吗?” 金葵抱怨:“考舞院的钱什么时候能攒够啊,你一有点钱就买东西,什么时候才能攒够啊……” 高纯气短:“今天不是你过生日嘛,而且这个包我早答应过你的。你放心,我都算过,考舞院连准备带食宿带各种费用,大概一万块足够了。一年的学费和食宿费大概两万多。等我替陆老板干完这份差事,得个三万块钱还是有可能的。等钱一到手,你就先去考。你条件比我好,你先去考,我继续开出租车再干点别的,或者回劲舞团去上班,供你以后几年的学费,应该供得上的。” “那你呢,你真不考了?” “等过一两年钱多点了,或者你学得差不多了,我再考。我早想过了,按现在的情况,咱们两个人同时考,不现实啊。” 金葵眼里含了眼泪,她转过身来拥抱了高纯。她不知道高纯一旦得到这笔学资她会不会独自去考,她只知道此一时刻,她爱死了这个男孩。
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