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Chapter 18 He Shen's first job

Heshen No. 2 Person 纪连海 2401Words 2018-03-08
At that time, if you were a Han Chinese and didn’t take the exam, generally speaking, you couldn’t be an official, at least you couldn’t be a senior official. You can be a high official, and if you are the number one scholar, you can be a bigger high official. But the Manchurians were different. At that time, the Manchurians had two channels to become officials: one was to pass the imperial examination to become an official normally; official.Like He Shen, his ancestors left him an official position of third-class captain of light vehicles. As long as He Shen becomes an official in the future, he will start from this position.

Not to mention, He Shen didn't pass the exam that year, so he started working immediately. His first job was the third-class captain of light vehicles.This is an errand that just takes money and doesn't work, so it's meaningless.Three years later, in the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1772), the 22-year-old He Shen was awarded the "third-class bodyguard by the court to pick up the sticky pole" by the court. Speaking of which, "sticky stick place" is the popular name of this institution, and its official name should be "Shang (Shang) Yu Spare Office".The reason why it is called "sticky pole", as the name suggests, we can figure it out from the name, "sticky pole" should have been a service organization specializing in sticking cicadas, catching dragonflies, and fishing.

The "sticky pole place" was first established in the later years of Kangxi.As early as when Yongzheng was still a prince, there were some tall trees in the mansion of Prince Yongzheng (today's Lama Temple) of Yinzhen, the fourth son of the emperor, near Xinqiao in the northeast of Beijing. There were cicadas making noise, Yinzhen, the fourth son of the emperor who liked to be quiet and afraid of the heat, ordered Ding, a Hakka man, to catch cicadas with a pole. In the forty-eighth year of Kangxi (1709), Yinzhen was promoted from "Dorobel" to "Prince Heshuoyong".At this time, the power struggle among the many princes of Emperor Kangxi had reached a fierce stage.On the surface, the fourth son of the emperor, Yinzhen, has nothing to do with the world, but secretly formulates a program and intensifies the pace of fighting for the heir.Ever since, Prince Yong Yinzhen recruited martial arts masters from all corners of the country to train a team of servants. The task of this team was to scout for information and eradicate dissidents.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, in order to consolidate the autocratic rule and to reward his party members, he set up the "sticky pole office" under the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the scientific name is "Shang (Shang) Yu Spare Office" - this institution. The leader of the "sticky rod place" is called the "sticky rod guard", and he is a great spy with meritorious service.Most of them are old people from Yongzheng's mansion, with high official positions and great power. The general members of the "sticky pole place" are called "sticky pole Baitanga", and they are served by small secret agents. "Bai Tang'a" is Manchu, also known as "Bo Tang'a", translated into Chinese as "benchman" and "deacon". Followed by Emperor Yongzheng, he is a hot figure.

We can see from this that the "sticky pole" is a service agency that serves the royal family on the surface, but it is actually a secret service organization.The so-called "blood drops" in the novel probably refer to these people at the sticky pole.It is not difficult to infer that Yongzheng compared political enemies to small animals like fish, cicadas, and dragonflies to catch and control them with nets. Although the "sticky pole" belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its headquarters is located in Prince Yong's Mansion.In the third year of Yongzheng (1725), Emperor Yongzheng issued a decree to change Prince Yong's Mansion into Lama Temple and designate it as "Longqian Forbidden Land".But the strange thing is that the restructured Lama Temple has not been covered with yellow glazed tiles, and the roof is still covered with green glazed tiles.Some people assert based on this: Although the Lama Temple is the emperor's palace, there must be a passage for secret agents to come and go secretly.However, the real situation is that the Lama Temple is actually a strict secret service office. In order to prevent the secrets from being leaked, the Palace of the Prince of Yonghe was changed to the Lama Temple.In addition, there is another legend: Because there are no traces of any underground passages in Lama Temple, some people speculate that Emperor Qianlong, the son of Emperor Yongzheng, changed Lama Temple to Lama Temple in order to eliminate the bad relics left by his father. At the time of the temple, it has been completely renovated, and it has been destroyed without any trace.

The "sticky pole place" also has a branch in the Forbidden City. The "Yujing Pavilion" on Duixiu Mountain in the Imperial Garden in the Forbidden City is the sentry box where they are on duty.There are four large black-painted benches in front of the door opening at the foot of the mountain. No matter day or night, there are four "sticky stick guards" and four "sticky stick worshipers" sitting on them.The tasks assigned by Emperor Yongzheng were quickly sent to the Lama Temple by the staff on duty, and then the headquarters of the Lama Temple issued an order to send people to handle it.After the death of Emperor Yongzheng, Emperor Qianlong continued to use the "sticky pole" to control the activities of ministers inside and outside Beijing and other provinces. It was not until the death of Emperor Qianlong that the spy activities of the "sticky pole" gradually abolished.

During the Qianlong period, the "sticky pole place" was composed of 10 guards. The main task was to serve the emperor's Chengyu whenever the emperor traveled, and was responsible for supporting the sedan chair and lighting the lantern. It was commonly called "deacon".In addition, there is a treasurer (appointed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs) who handles sticky poles, fishing rods and all utensils. People usually say that Heshen once served as an errand in Luan Yiwei, and he did "Baitang A", and he carried the sedan chair for the emperor. The implication is that Heshen's social status is very "low".In fact, this point of view is really wrong. The post of "Bai Tang'a" is a subordinate officer under the jurisdiction of the "Shangyu Spare Office". It is a level of military attache in the Qing Dynasty, one level lower than Lan Ling's guards.In this regard, Prince Zhao Lian of the Qing Dynasty made a more detailed explanation in "Xiao Ting Miscellaneous Records": "Customization, the donators among the children of the Eight Banners are selected as the deacons, and the superiors help the public and the lids when they are hunting. , Fishing, and sparrow affairs are called "Shangyu Spare Place". It is built on the blood of young people, so they are ordered to work hard, so that they can be selected by the guards of Qiancheng in the future. It is actually similar to the Han Dynasty Yulin system, and the elite Besides, Gai is good at pampering and controlling the system of close servants." From the above text, it is not difficult to see that "Bai Tang A" who is the "Shangyu Spare Office" not only does not explain He Shen's social status as "humble" and "lowly". ", on the contrary, it shows that He Shen is an outstanding child of the "Eight Banners", an outstanding talent specially selected by Emperor Qianlong from many banner youths, and is specially used by his side, and they are often "trained" in various ways. Prepare for another reuse in the future.From this, we can conclude that although He Shen was not very noble, it is more appropriate to say that he was born in the middle and upper class military officer family in the feudal ruling class of Manchuria in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

Having said that, some people will say that He Shen works in the "sticky pole", that requires a little bit of martial arts!Not to mention, He Shen really knows martial arts—and, He Shen's martial arts are passed down in his family.Think about it, who in Manchuria doesn't know a little bit of martial arts?At that time, among the ethnic groups outside the customs, there were too few people who did not know kung fu. In addition to martial arts, the "sticky pole" must know something else, right?You have to be pretty.You are not pretty, the emperor looks disgusted at this person every day - you see that I can't go to the "sticky pole" because my appearance is too distinctive - then can I go to work in front of the emperor?He Shen can go to the "sticky pole" to work, why, He Shen looks beautiful!

From this point of view, He Shen's appearance is quite good.Speaking of this, I think of He Shen starring Wang Gang in the film and television drama.According to historical facts, Wang Gang's starring role in Ji Xiaolan is not bad—the black and fat one—but the leading role in He Shen is much worse.He Shen is really a very standard handsome handsome man. In some unofficial history notes, it is said that He Shen is a stunningly beautiful man. In today's words, he is very "cool".We can even say that He Shen is the most handsome man in Manchuria. He Shen, who has been a "third-class bodyguard, picks up sticky poles", can finally get close to Emperor Qianlong at any time.At this moment, our question is: How did He Shen get rich?

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