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Chapter 23 Is a talent, not afraid of no way out

Liu Yong·Yangmou Master 纪连海 8621Words 2018-03-08
If Liu Yong and He Shen are on opposing sides, then he and Ji Xiaolan get along relatively well.As we said earlier, Ji Xiaolan came from Liu Tongxun, the father of Liu Yong, and Ji Xiaolan was able to study Siku Quanshu only because of Liu Tongxun's recommendation.University scholar Yinghe recorded in his "Enfutang Notes" that Ji Xiaolan and Liu Yong had a very good relationship, and Ji Xiaolan often asked Liu Yong to write couplets for him. Ji Xiaolan was very fond of the phrase "Floating and sinking officials are like gulls, and books of life and death are like silverfish". After his death, Liu Yong wrote it down and presented it as an elegiac couplet.

Not only did the two learn from the same school, but they also have very similar hobbies, and they both like to collect inkstones.According to records, in the fifty-seventh year of Qianlong (1792), Liu Yong once presented an inkstone to Ji Xiaolan, and wrote it with the inscription "The stone is meticulous and the bone is strong, and it was given to the imperial censor to write a memorial. This old man and this inkstone are really comparable."In the eighth year of Jiaqing (1803), Liu Yong presented another inkstone to Ji Xiaolan, saying: "Send one of the ancient inkstones, and receive a Korean manuscript. The inkstone is a simple and melancholy style, which is like Wenge."

In addition to writing poems and gifting inkstones, the two often talked about Buddhism together.It can be seen that the two have a deep relationship and a good personal relationship. From this, we also found that Liu Yong was not only a clean and honest politician, but also a talented scholar with a wide range of knowledge.He was a famous calligrapher at that time. It is recorded in history that "the title of his books is all over the world, and his political articles are all covered up". Since there are characters, there have been calligraphy.Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art, which has developed along with the development of Chinese civilization.Calligraphy embodies the basic characteristics of Chinese art in a concentrated manner.Just as architecture and sculpture dominate other categories of plastic arts in Western art, calligraphy and painting dominate other categories of Chinese art, ranking first in Chinese art.When calligraphy and painting are mentioned together, calligraphy is placed in front of painting, which is called "calligraphy and painting", such as "calligraphy and painting have the same origin", "qinqi calligraphy and painting", "calligraphy and painting fate", "ability to calligraphy and painting" and so on.In the world, there are only a handful of nations that have the art of calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy has a long history.

Liu Yong started calligraphy from Zhao Mengfu and Dong Qichang, and liked Su Shi's brushwork. He devoted himself to studying "Ge Tie", and studied all the steles of Tang, Song and Six Dynasties.He is good at regular script and running script, and can also write Bangshu and lower script.He likes to use short pens with hard pens, and his calligraphy is rich, honest, and generous, which reflects his life's attitude.One of the characteristics of Liu Yong's calligraphy is the use of thick ink, so people at that time called him "the prime minister with thick ink".His handwriting, the most famous is Xiaokai, which has a strong appearance and a unique face.

Liu Yong's calligraphy has changed several times in his life. When he was young, his calligraphy was round and smooth, his strokes were vigorous in his middle age, and his calligraphy tended to be flat in his later years.Some people commented that his calligraphy is "more meat and less bone", but some people think that it is the essence of essence, restrained energy, and the beauty of hiding needles in the cotton. Liu Yong is not only good at calligraphy, but also knows the history of calligraphy very well.He once wrote a book on the history of calligraphy in the past dynasties in the form of poetry, called "Learning Calligraphy Oucheng". "Xue Shu Ou Cheng" uses the form of poetry to describe the history of Chinese calligraphy.When referring to the calligraphy of Li Si, Cai Yong and others, the founders of Chinese calligraphy, he wrote: "Boya Zhonglang has an ancient style, and he is also a hero when he clarifies and destroys. Li Si and Qin's stele method has not been dismissed from the fire." When referring to the calligraphy of Cao Wei and Zhong Yao, who transformed official script into regular script in China, he said: "The calligraphy has the most in the Yuan Dynasty, and the new voice has not changed the ancient ballads. The typical ones have already felt that Zhonglang is far away, and the wild birds are all the more so." In the mention When referring to the calligraphy of China's "calligraphy sage" Wang Xizhi, he said: "The internal history has changed, and it will be even more beautiful and pure. Yingchuan's descendants and morning stars are here, and how many people have passed on the mantle."

He is not only good at poetry and calligraphy, but also good at ink and flowers, and good at ancient Chinese textual research. In comparison, Liu Yong's calligraphy is the most famous, and his greatest contribution in the history of calligraphy is his innovation of traditional calligraphy.Afterwards, people in the Qing Dynasty spoke highly of Liu Yong's calligraphy achievements. "Songxuan Essays" said: "Liu Wenqing's calligraphy came from Songxue at the beginning, and he formed a family of his own after middle age. Wen'an and Liu Shi'an are the most important, the king still leans on the ancients, Liu Ze is thick and able to escape, entering the ancients and surpassing the ancients."

Bao Shichen's "Yi Zhou Shuang Ji" said: "Wen Qing seldom practiced fragrance, but when he was strong, he moved to slope and became old. After seventy, he devoted himself to the steles of the Northern Dynasties. Although his energy has declined and he has not been able to further his studies, he intends to develop knowledge beyond the dust." He also said: " Zhucheng is the first in modern Xiaozhenshu, and what he has learned is beyond Su and Dong." He also talked about it in his "Book with Wu Xizai": "Po's old books are full of romance, and they always converge to condense and slow down. The fashion of wrapping pens has flourished since then. Si Weng came out late, knowing that his talents are weak, and worried about his dissolution, he always wins with wrapping pens. However, he also uses this to save his ears. And the neighboring cities rely exclusively on this .First use the front to support its machine, thick ink to help it pick up, and then wrap the brush to make its momentum, and show it with dry ink. So in one piece, dense and fine fibers are alternated, and the forward and reverse are used together to achieve decoration Pleasing." You said: "The law of ink is to use thick and clumsy, and dry to use skillfully, so that the ink and white are equal, dry and moist reflect each other, and it is used as a round mirror for flower arrangement. Rolling up the curtain and looking at it, it is self-contained. However, his heart The haggard is in the words, and the strength of the muscles is in the paintings." You said: "The ancestors of Zhucheng Xiangguo, Huating, and the short and long words from the valley, see through the secret. Although the complex structure is ingenious, it is inferior to Huating. , but the front is clean, and time may pass. There are many Northern Wei steles in Shandong, and the real images of the Six Dynasties can be seen. The reason why these cities pass Huating."

Chen Xizu said: "For two hundred years of scholar-bureaucrats, those who are good at learning Huating are the only ones in Zhucheng." The postscript of "Kai Xue Tang" says: "When the stone nunnery is in the rules, it is empty and bright; when it is used, it contains emptiness and silence. There is beauty in the clumsy, and it is subtle in the light. After repeated inspection, you can see the strangeness." "Fang Jian Guan Inscriptions and Postscripts" states: "Everyone in the Jin, Tang, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Deli is a static character. You must know that the color of the fire is pure and clear, and it is not easy. The author of the country and the dynasty can see each other, and only Mr. Shi'an can speak well."

"Pin Luo'an Inscriptions and Postscripts" says: "The only one who can write books from the Wei and Jin Dynasties today is Mr. Shi'an. Although you can write on rulers and slips at will, you can also play with them." "Qiu Que Zhai Diary" said: "Wen Qing Ai Tang Tie, many teachers from Jin Xian and Zhi Yongqian Wen wrote their pens, using the method of reverse kick, so they can hide the front." Xu Ke's "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" said: "Wen Qing calligraphy, the commentator compares the sound of Huang Zhong and Da Lu, and the utensils of the Qing Temple Mingtang, and is regarded as the crown of a generation of calligraphers. Because it integrates the calligraphy of all the great masters of the past dynasties, it forms a family of its own. The so-called Jin Shengyu Zhen, the great achievement of the group saints. From the time he entered the Ci hall to the stage pavilion, his physique is changeable and unpredictable. When he was young, he was in Zhao style, with round pearls and jade, like a beautiful woman's hairpin; after middle age, his pen is vigorous and magnificent. When you enter the cabinet, the glitz and rot will return to the ordinary, and you will reach the state of perfection. People who talk about calligraphy in the world say that they have more flesh and less bones, and they don’t know the beauty of their books. , people can't fathom its height and depth."

Kang Youwei's "Guang Yi Zhou Shuang Ji" said: "Shi'an came from Dong, but he was thick and contemplative, and his tendons were gathered. The modern cursive script was thick and thick all the way, and there was no one who could go beyond the scope of Shi'an. Therefore, I call Shi'an the great achievement of the collection of calligraphy. and also." Zeng Nongsi said: "Wenqing came from Dong Siweng, and he was able to enter the Wei and Jin Dynasties. He is strong, strong, and energetic. Even the genius of Daozhou is not without methods, and he has achieved great success in learning from letter posts."

Yang Shoujing said: "Wenqing calligraphy is like iron wrapped in cotton, and people have no objection. I have seen that he rarely writes, but he started with pine and snow, and later specialized in pavilion calligraphy, especially in Zhong Taifu's "Shangshu Xuanxuan", so Xiong Shenya Jian , crowning the generation." He Weipu said: "Those who have always learned from Zhao Chengzhi, Yiliu is a school of mellowness and softness, but Wenqing started with Chengzhi, and was able to break away from the stereotype and form a family of his own. His bones are firm, his spirit is eternal, and he studied ancient times in his later years. He sees Dong Zongbo There’s nothing worse than that.” Those who have a little criticism, such as "Lu Yuan Cong Hua", said: "The Wenqing books start with pine and snow, and they are very clever, but they are mistaken for "Chunhua Ge Tie", and then they end up ambiguous." Ma Zonghuo's "Shu Lin Zao Jian", in addition to the above-mentioned number theory, also contained in "Shu Lin Chronicle": "Between Qianjia and Jia, all wrote down words and books, and they all recommended Weng and Liu. Bachelor Ge Xianzhou , A scholar of Qinxi (Weng Fanggang) and a member of Shi'an's family, he tasted Shi'an's books and learned from Qinxi. Qin Xi said: "Ask your master, which stroke is an ancient person?" The bachelor told Shi'an, and Shi'an said: "I am myself Shu'er, ask your master which stroke is yours?"" "Shulin Jishi" also records such a story: "Bao Shenbo (Shichen) visited Shi'an Xiangguo in Jiangyin Zhouci, and discussed the famous and historical records since the Jin and Tang Dynasties. Shi'an said: 'My son is not inappropriate when talking about the past, why not Ask the old man whether he has gained or lost!' Shen Bo said: "The Zhongtang book can be said to be a master of Huating." Shi'an said: "My son, why do you think lightly of the old man? My book is better than the old master." Have you ever seen Taifu's calligraphy? The only person who passed on Taifu's book is "Shouchan" and "Yiying". "Shouchan" is solemn, and "Yiying" is elegant. The meaning of "Yiying". "Jizhi" is a forgery made by ignorant people in modern times, and Zhongtang is willing to introduce it. Zhongtang's power is in Huating, but Huating's later years are gradually becoming old, and Zhongtang is dedicated to it. " Bao Shichen's "Yi Zhou Shuang Ji" listed Liu Yong's small regular script as the best grade, running script as the lower grade, and list script as the upper grade. Yinghe, who had learned calligraphy from Liu Yong, said: "My teacher, Wen Qinggong, obeyed the imperial edicts, and became ministers one after another. In the spare time of accepting, he never tires of writing." Liu Yong is most proud of this. It is said that he was quite proud of his disciple Yinghe in his later years. Said: "Zi Zi will write a biography for Yu in the future, and when he said that the noble son will be named Hanlin, the title of the book is all over the world, but if you ask yourself, you can't do it when you are young, you can't do it when you are big, and you are eighty-five years old, and you don't know where you will end up." Liu Yong once commented on his talent: "I have three skills in my life, inscriptions and postscripts are the first, poetry is the second, and calligraphy is the second." In fact, his articles, poems, and calligraphy are all excellent, regardless of high or low.It is said in history: "Wen and Qing shaoji went to the pavilion, and he knew the story. In the middle age, he promoted the calendar, the feudalism, the foreign adept political skills, and the successor to the Zhengkui seat, and the world called it'Xiaozhucheng'. What he learned runs through hundreds of classics and history, and the poems are practiced. Qingxiong, the inscription and postscript are very elegant." Emperor Qianlong also loved calligraphy. He required strict standards for calligraphers, and he only favored the "guange style".In this way, the individuality of calligraphy art is killed.However, Liu Yong's calligraphy does not follow the fashion, and is not subject to the cage of the ancients. It is rich in appearance, strong in taste, rich in taste, and unique in its own way.Liu Shufa, together with Weng Fanggang, Prince Cheng, and Tiebao of the same period, are collectively known as the "Four Families of Weng Liu Chengtie", which broke through the shackles of the "Guange style" loved by Emperor Qianlong.Calligraphy critics in the Qing Dynasty spoke highly of his calligraphy. Liu Yong is knowledgeable and has a solid foundation in Confucian classics. When Emperor Qianlong promoted traditional culture and "Ji Gu You Wen", he was ordered to compile official classics many times.In September of the forty-first year of Qianlong (1776), he served as the vice president of the "Siku Quanshu" library, and sent a continuation of "Illustrations of the Western Regions" and "Old News under the Sun".In March of the forty-sixth year of Qianlong (1781), he served as the president of the "Three Links" Museum.In the fifty-first year of Qianlong (1786), he served as the vice president of the "Jade Document" museum.During the period, I also reviewed the secret books in the palace with the princes many times, such as "The Secret Book of Zhulin".In November of the sixth year of Jiaqing (1801), he served as the president of the "Huidian" hall.In this regard, Liu Yong was able to complete various tasks on schedule and made due contributions to the preservation of the motherland's cultural classics and the prosperity of academic and cultural undertakings. Liu Yong's handed down works are mainly based on regular script and behavior, such as: "Xiaokai Book", written in the first year of Jiaqing (1796), has 360 characters in 24 lines.It is now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing, published in the "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy" in Japan, and included in the "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation".Bao Shichen called Liu Yong "the most modern Xiaozhenshu".Ma Zonghuo's "Yuelou Bi Tan" said: "I have tasted that Wen Qinglin's "Yuhe Ming" has the degree of corridors and pavilions, and also has the atmosphere of mountains and forests. Knowing the beauty of its small real books, Gai Shen has learned from this." This is in line with this. Yang Shoujing and others believe that Liu Yong owes his strength to Zhong Taifu and Dong Qichang's views are different. "Qiuyang Fu" was also published in "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy" in Japan, and included in "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation".Today's comment: "Wang Wenzhi specializes in Fengshen, and Liu Yong focuses on courage. The same is lower case, Wang Wenzhi is delicate and graceful, and Liu Yong is strong and contemplative." "Gift Bamboo Spring Eight Characters", Xing Kai.The joint article is "Holding its mountains and rivers to pick up its vanilla, and Cheng uses Ganoderma lucidum to moisten the Liquan", which is collected by Wuxi Museum. The reviewer said: "The pen is written softly, hiding the head and protecting the tail, without showing a trace of sharpness, but it contains rich spirit , the power is in the words." "Seven Words Couplet to Lutang", running script, the text is "Poems become beautiful, open your mind, talk about extreme ice and frost around your teeth", published in Japan's "Ming and Qing Calligraphy Illustrations". "Seven Characters in Running Script", the text is "People get friends with Fengyue, and the pictures of heaven are mountains and rivers", collected by Liaoning Provincial Museum and published in "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy" in Japan.Although the above two couplets are close to regular script, they have the same effect.Commentators said: "Using the brush to build momentum, to break the front to get the posture; the ink method is to use thick and clumsy, and dry to use skillfully. The contrast between dryness and moistness, the taste is thick and the treasure, and the tranquility of calligraphy is very different from the times. wind." "Running Script Vertical Scroll", 4 lines with a total of 22 characters, published in Japan's "Ming and Qing Calligraphy Illustrations"; "Jieshu Su Shi's Yuanjing Tower Records Axis", written in the fifty-seventh year of Qianlong (1792), with a total of 95 characters in 6 lines, Collected by Liaoning Provincial Museum, published in Japan's "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy"; "He Zhong's Early Waking Poetry Axis", 5 lines with 60 characters in total, collected by Japan's Kyoto National Museum, also published in "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy" in Japan.The above three are all cursive, and they are all included in the "Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation Dictionary". characteristics are exactly the same.In particular, "Running Script Vertical Scroll" was appraised as "in the denseness, the time is ethereal, in the use there is emptiness, in the simplicity there is a charm, the true energy is pervasive, the form is false and the quality is true, and the opportunity is wonderful." "Su Shi's Traveling Poetry Volume", written in the 60th year of Qianlong (1795), was written by Liu Zhucheng at the age of 76. It has 40 lines and a total of 305 characters. It is a long scroll with a width of 31.4 cm and a length of 190.5 cm.It is now in the Shanghai Museum and published in Japan's "Atlas of Famous Calligraphy of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China", which can be regarded as the representative work of running script in his later years.Tan Yankai in modern times wrote this book: "The old taste is overflowing, the god of Su, the most lovely to play." Xiao Junxian wrote: "Zhucheng Shu is old in his later years, and has gradually entered the barren rate. When I was in eastern Guangdong, I saw Confucius' thirty-six bronze drum studios. The collection (Liu Yong) is large in size, full of energy, and full of subtle and inexhaustible interest. It is designated as the book of working hours for middle-aged people in Zhucheng. Mr. Dounan shows this volume, and it is almost the same as what he has seen before, and there is no doubt that it is authentic.” Reviewer It is said that Liu Yong did have in-depth research on Su's calligraphy in the middle and late period. Tan Yankai said that this volume is the god of Pogong, and it is indeed similar to Su in the characteristics of "full brush and ink, turning rigidity into softness".But the comparison between the two, after all, looks close to each other, and each has its own characteristics in the form of expression. "Su Lu Wen Hui Ming Postscript Huang Ting Jian Shu Jing Fu Shen Ci Poetry Axis", cursive, 6 lines and 76 characters, collected by Shanghai Museum, published in Japan's "Chinese Calligraphy of Ming and Qing Dynasties".Although this book is also a running cursive, it is slightly thinner than Liu Yong's other works, but its compositional characteristics of "cutting off the flow, independent characters, and steady strokes" remain unchanged. Liu Yong's ink writings have been handed down to the world, including the "Aiqingtang Stone Carvings" published and published by his nephew Liu Yuzhi (Shangshu of the Jiaqing Dynasty). There is also a record in "Shulin Jishi": "There are three concubines in Shi'an, all of whom can write ghosts, but they can be fake, and outsiders can't tell them apart. In his later years, the number of books was written by ghosts, and the signature "Shi'an" and the seal of "Changjiao Shi'an" were all ghostwritten. , the signature 'Yingmeng Chan' is also one of them." Liu Yong's handwriting is good, and his poems are also commendable, but it is a pity that too few of them have been handed down. Only Liu Xihai, his nephew and grandnephew, compiled his poems into a collection and published ten chapters of "Liu Wenqing's Legacy Collection" in the sixth year of Daoguang (1826). Seven volumes and three volumes of Yingzhi Poetry. Yinghe praised his poems and chapters: "His words are harmonious... and they are comprehensive, and they run through the classics and history, and they have a broad view of the old novels of scholars, hundreds of schools and Buddhas, so their words are lofty but not dangerous, flashy but not complicated, Majestic but not reserved, meandering but not overwhelming the world." Wang Chang's "Pumi Mountain House Poetry Talk" called Liu Yong's poems "fresh and super enlightened, with the style of Xiangshan Mountain". All these evaluations are pertinent, as we can see from the only surviving "Liu Wenqing's Public Heritage Collection". His poems have a wide range of genres and contents, and the language is simple and fresh, which is quite readable. For example, he wrote a poem "March in the Army" in the 32nd year of Qianlong (1767): "It's hard work to prevent thousands of miles of autumn, and don't ask the big knife head when you return. Don't startle the fire at night to call the police, but be afraid that the new flute will make you worry." .” The poem truly reflects the pain of homesickness in military life. For another example, he wrote in "Under the Shichahai Lantern on Jiachen and Double Ninth Festival": "The white clouds in the sky are blown away, and the yellow leaves in the forest are flying. The original is inseparable from the form, and it has never caused dust. The bright moon is everywhere, and the lotus is wonderful. There is no separation in the middle, and there is no labor to find each other in dreams." The poem describes the seasonal scenery at that time and his understanding of Buddhism. This is even more so in the inscriptions and postscripts. A "Painting" said: "A tree hangs down thousands of strands of gold, and the spring breeze blows gently and the blue waves are deep. Boudoirs meet when they are tired of embroidery. Come to try the Lun pole and there will be green shade." The poem describes the boudoir The scene of a woman traveling in spring.The other is: "The children in thatched cottages also have teachers, or rely on the book case or peek at the fence. Drive the pigs and suddenly see the eyes of the kindness, and then recall the poems of Han Gong teaching the children." It vividly describes the naughty and cuteness of the children in the village school. A poem written by Liu Yong to his nephew Liu Yuzhi (a Jinshi in the 44th year of Qianlong, who served in the Imperial Academy at the time) said: "Books have been collected for thousands of years, and thanks to Lunyan for world prosperity. After that, Huang Xin dabbled in the library and always came to the pavilion. The name of the title. The face is worn by the people for thousands of years, and the treasures of Guangyue are rich in hundreds of cities. Show you the ancient fragrance and know whether you love it, and the night window will be short-lived." This poem reflects the prosperity of Qianlong Wenzhi. The grand occasion of presenting books from all over the country, and the deep collection of books in the inner government, I hope that my nephew Yanzhi must continue to read the books of sages and sages as an official and a man. Another song "Tian Jia Xing" said: "Only a wheeled cart, a bald-tailed donkey, big and small households lose the official rent. After the official rent is lost, the remaining warehouses will not be sold. The rain is enough to pick spring vegetables in the spring border, east to west The house invites joy and entertainment. Tian Weng pretends to be drunk and grandson Fu, the eldest son fights to feed him. The middle-aged man marries his wife to be filial to his aunt, and the children leave the school as a rough book. Half a year of happy age and nothing to do, idle in the royal family and pass the old way." It is about the festive harvest of the prosperous farmers and the joy of the family after paying the official rent, as well as the policy of enriching the people of the Ledao court to exempt the owed old taxes. Speaking of Liu Yong's talent in composing poems and couplets, here is another story related to Zheng Banqiao. According to legend, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou calligraphy and painting were famous all over the world, and the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" was well known to everyone. Zheng Banqiao should be the first of these eight eccentrics.People in Banqiao called poetry, calligraphy, and painting "three masterpieces", but they behaved eccentrically. High-ranking officials and nobles paid a lot of money to buy calligraphy, but Banqiao didn't sell them.Banqiao is simple by nature and has only one hobby, which is to eat dog meat. Every winter, when he cooks hot wine in the furnace, it is the number one hobby in his life.It is said that one day, it snowed heavily, Yangzhou is a land in the south of the Yangtze River, and snow is extremely rare.Banqiao really wanted to find the elegance of plum blossoms through the snow, so he took a book boy and walked to the south of the city.Why go to the south of the city, because the plum blossoms in the south of the city are the best.Going to the south of the city and crossing a small bridge, I saw a courtyard with plum blossoms in full bloom. On the gate was inscribed a plaque "There is a hole in the sky".Banqiao picked up his nose and smelled the aroma of dog meat, which was exactly what he was thinking, but the taste of this dog meat was different from the past, it was so heart-wrenchingly fragrant that one must eat it before eating it!Banqiao told the book boy: "I want to get to know the owner of his family. You go to report and say that Zheng Banqiao is visiting!" After that, he turned and waited by the bridge.After a while, the book boy took a piece of paper in his hand and said, "Sir, the owner of the house said that he has admired your name for a long time, but he didn't know if it was true or not. He published an upper couplet for you to correct." Oh?Now Banqiao is in a good mood, couplets are a piece of cake.Banqiao took the upper and lower couplets, pondered for a while, and went ahead with the pen, facing the upper and lower couplets.The boy ran like flying and sent it away.After a while, the door was opened, and a person walked out, hunched over, like a hunchback.The man walked up to Banqiao, clasped his fists, and said, "Mr. Banqiao, please talk inside the lower stone nunnery!" Banqiao was taken aback, and hurriedly returned the salute, and entered the room hand in hand with the man.Who is Shi'an is the famous official Liu Yongye, who was demoted by the emperor to Yangzhou to watch the city gate because he offended the powerful minister He Shen.That Liu Yong is not surprised by favor or humiliation, but he is elegant in calligraphy and painting, and has long wanted to get acquainted with the strange man Banqiao.He knew that Banqiao often came to the south of the city, so he bought a house here and named it "Bieyoudongtian".It just so happened that it was snowing heavily, so Liu Yong went home on leave and stewed dog meat in a hot pot.This stewed dog meat is Liu Yong's unique skill. Because his ancestors were doctors, he used dog meat as the main ingredient, served with turtle soup and boiled it. It is specially used to prolong life and nourish the body.Knowing that Zheng Banqiao is here, Liu Yong's secret recipe skills come in handy.But when Banqiao and Liu Yong walked into the living room, they saw a couplet on the door. The first couplet read "It has a unique flavor, and the dog meat boiled in snow is top grade";This is the couplet of the two before.The two looked at each other and laughed, sharing the dog meat.After tasting, Banqiao praised: "This dog meat hot pot is delicious with turtle soup, it is really unique!" Liu Yong clapped his hands and praised it, and said repeatedly: "Brother Banqiao gave the name to the dog meat." Banqiao was stunned and suddenly realized.He sincerely said to Liu Yong: "Mr. Shi'an is not surprised by favor or humiliation, and I admire him the most. I hope to survive the world with ink and to inspire future generations." After saying that, he wrote eight big characters: Don't have a hole in the dog meat hot pot.Liu Yong and Banqiao have since become confidants.Later, when the official Liu Yong returned to his post, "Bie You Dong Tian Dog Meat Hot Pot" was able to settle in the capital. As we mentioned earlier, what talent did Liu Yong rely on to please the emperor and make him happy?It is to accompany the emperor to write, to match with the emperor.Here is another story about Liu Yong and Emperor Qianlong.The pair looks like this: In front of the Great Buddha Temple, there are thousands of beautiful women; (Qianlong) Xiaojiabiyu is a subject of Long Live. (Liu Yong) Most of the ministers around Qianlong were witty and eloquent. As the emperor, Qianlong was good at making jokes with the officials and maintaining his dignity.In front of Qianlong, the ministers should not only express their opinions and make timely remonstrances, but also guard against the emperor's anger and be very careful when responding.Therefore, many couplets adopt implicit methods, which are full of ingenuity and wit. It is said that Qianlong was a "talented man" who was somewhat greedy for beauty.One day, Liu Yong followed him on a visit. At the gate of the Great Buddha Temple, he saw him staring at a beautiful young woman in a daze. The second line.Liu Yong felt that he should dispel this idea, so he tactfully wrote the following line.Qianlong knew his intentions clearly, although he was a little displeased, he withdrew his mind and moved away. Thinking carefully about this couplet, it was indeed very subtle. Qianlong also had games or vulgar ones, like making a little joke with the other party, but it had a special flavor.For example, the old folk artist Yang Zhimin told the story of "Couple between Liu Yong and the Emperor", Qianlong and Liu Yong ascended the "Surrounded Cloud Mountain" pavilion to view the scenery, and saw the half-walled mountain opposite the villa, with exposed rocks, large and small, and they came out as soon as they had an idea. After reading this couplet, let Liu Yong be right.Liu Yong didn't know how to answer right for a while, he raised his eyes to the east to see the Wulie River rolling eastward, and he didn't realize the sentence came to his mind, so he hurriedly answered the following couplet.This is: Banbi Mountain, the stone in the mountain, hard and sticky; (Qianlong) The Wu Lie River, the water in Hanoi, is tumbling and cold. (Liu Yong) Next, Qianlong referred to Luohan Mountain by the Wulie River and Mimma Mountain in the south to make a joke about the couplet.Liu Yong thought of Tianqiao Mountain in the distance and answered the second couplet.This is: Arhat is bald, why doesn't he wear a monk's hat? (Qianlong) How can you walk across Tianqiao Mountain with a lame leg? (Liu Yong) The words in this couplet are vulgar, but the correctness is subtle.It's just that Liu Yong's couplet is a little lacking. Although "Guai Li" is opposite to "Arhat", the Arhat Mountain referred to by "Arhat" is a scene in the city. Although "Guai Li" matches the literal meaning, there is no real scene to record.Although there are deficiencies, this couplet is really difficult to correct.It is said that many literati and scholars scrambled to continue this work, but they were not satisfied with it. Liu Yong's match is not bad. Let's look at the next line: The wind blows the bird's nest, and the second and third sons hit the ground one after another; (Qianlong) The rain hit the lotus leaves, and the princes turned their hats to the sky. (Liu Yong) When did this pair happen?It is said that one day, when Emperor Qianlong visited Prime Minister Liu Luoguo's house, just as the rain was about to come, a gust of wind blew off a few young swallows beside the nest under the eaves.At this time, Emperor Qianlong felt deeply.When he entered the door, Liu Luoguo rushed to meet him and kowtowed to thank him.After the ceremony, Emperor Qianlong suddenly came up with a couplet and asked Liu Yong to be right.After listening to Liu Yong, he was really embarrassed. This couplet has a pun. The "second and third sons" refer to the princes. sublime.When Liu Yong was in trouble, it was raining outside the window, and suddenly he saw a group of monkeys on Jingshan Mountain in the rain. In order to avoid the rain, the monkeys took off the lotus leaves by the pool and put them on their heads.Seeing this scene, Liu Yong suddenly became enlightened, and clapped his hands and said, "Report to the emperor, we have it." After hearing this, the emperor laughed loudly, and repeatedly praised the cleverness of the match.It turns out that the "public princes" in the second couplet are exactly opposite to the "two and three sons" in the first couplet, and they refer to the same thing. On the surface, they are not opposites. ", as opposed to "two" and "three", so it should be a very neat dual sentence; look at "top hat up to the sky", which means respect for the emperor, and replaces the officials with a group of monkeys, which is a pun. Besides, on the Duanyang Festival one year, Emperor Qianlong went down Jiangnan Road and passed Baoding Mansion, and Liu Yong accompanied Emperor Qianlong to the streets.There are people coming and going on the street, which is very lively.On a tall gate building facing the street, there is a horizontal plaque, which reads "Renhe Poetry Society".When Emperor Qianlong saw it, he felt itchy in his heart, so he pulled Liu Yong and said, "Go, let's join in the fun inside!" When they entered the door, they saw that it was a courtyard. The courtyard was not big, but very quiet.There is a table in the corridor of the main room. On the table are various rewards such as folding fans, sweat towels, jade fingers, and snuff bottles.Sitting behind the table was an elegant scholar who looked to be only in his twenties and was the owner of the society.There is also a case in the corridors of the two rooms. On the case are the Four Treasures of the Study, and various poems and prose titles are pasted on the walls.There are already more than a dozen people in the corridor, looking at the papers and thinking about poems.Emperor Qianlong and Liu Yong came to the main room, met the owner of the society, registered and signed.Emperor Qianlong claimed that he was from the Shuntian Prefecture in Beijing, and his name was Gao Tianci, while Liu Yong only said that his surname was Liu. The two came to the corridor of the wing room to search for topics and sentences.Emperor Qianlong had the best couplets, so he said to Liu Yong: "Let's compare couplets!" After Liu Yong agreed, the two each chose a pair of couplets.After a while, Liu Yong was already on good terms, but because Qianlong hadn't met yet, he just wandered around there, and glanced at Emperor Qianlong from time to time.After staying for a while, Emperor Qianlong clapped his hands and said: "Yes!" Then he turned around and ran to the case to write the next sentence, Liu Yong also quickly wrote the next sentence, and handed them to the owner together. The owner of the society took a look and saw that the couplets and couplets chosen by Emperor Qianlong were: In front of the lantern at night in winter, Xiahou read the biography of Spring and Autumn; On the upper floor of the east gate, people from Nanjing sing in the North West Chamber. The couplets and couplets selected by Liu Yong are: West Zhejiang West, three pagodas in front of the Three Pagoda Temple; Beijing Jingbei, the five-story platform under Wutai Mountain. After seeing it, the owner of the society praised him again and again, and handed Liu Yong a gold-faced su fan and a sweat towel to Emperor Qianlong, saying: "The two poets are very good, but from the artistic conception, the words of Gao Weng seem like It’s not as profound as Liu Weng’s sentence.” After hearing this, Emperor Qianlong was very unconvinced, so he pulled Liu Yong to find a sentence, and after a while, the two matched each other and handed it to the owner of the society. The editor saw that the couplets and couplets chosen by Emperor Qianlong were: Jujube thorns are used as salary, cut and split into four bundles; Changmen builds a house, moves more and fills less to make double rooms. The couplets and couplets selected by Liu Yong are: Qili Shantang, halfway to the middle of the road, three and a half miles; Jiuxi Mandong, passing through Zhongdong Wuxizhong. The host hurriedly took some more rewards and handed them to the two, stood up and said: "The two poets are really geniuses, and Wansheng paid homage to me here!"
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