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Chapter 4 The world is not good, so we have to hug each other

Liu Yong·Yangmou Master 纪连海 11816Words 2018-03-08
The large-scale immigration activities in the Ming Dynasty had deep political background and natural reasons. The large immigration in the early Ming Dynasty was related to the wars between Song and Jin, Song and Yuan, and Jin and Yuan, but its nature was no longer refuge in the war, but reconstruction after the war.During the Northern Song Dynasty, the development of China's population, economy and culture all reached the peak of prosperity in the Middle Ages. At the beginning of the 12th century, the Jin Kingdom established by the Jurchens, which arose in the lower reaches of the Songhua River and the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River, destroyed the Liao Dynasty established by the Khitans and then the Northern Song Dynasty.A large number of northern populations migrated southward, resulting in a large reduction in the population of northern China. In 1141, the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty concluded a peace treaty, and the Jin Dynasty ruled the vast area of ​​North China from the Qinling Mountains in the south to the north of the Huaihe River.During the confrontation between Song and Jin Dynasties, although the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River were the dividing line between the two regimes, in fact, wars continued between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, making this area a sparsely populated area for a long time.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, all heroes rose together. Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng and other generations of heroes all rose from the Jianghuai area, and most of the wars were carried out in this area.

North China under the rule of the Jin Dynasty was sparsely populated.The Jurchen aristocrats continued to seize the land of the Han people and allocated it to military households in the fields. After a period of time, the fertile land turned barren, and barren land turned barren.By the beginning of the 13th century, even in a year of good weather, the deserted fields in North China were often hundreds of miles away. At the beginning of the 13th century, under the leadership of Genghis Khan, the newly rising Mongolia began to fight. In 1234, gold was destroyed.At the same time as the Mongols' battle against gold, a large plague epidemic occurred in the north, and many people died.When the Mongols entered the Central Plains, they didn't know the importance of agricultural production. Some people suggested that "the Han people are useless to the country, but they think they are pasture land."The dark and chaotic rule of the Yuan Dynasty lasted for more than half a century, and northern China suffered the most damage.The tranquility of the northern region lasted for about a century. In the middle of the 14th century, the Mongolian Plateau and North China fell into an unprecedented disaster.The plague epidemic not only caused a large number of deaths in northern China, but also triggered the most serious Black Death epidemic in European history as the Mongols fought.To this day, in many places in North China, there are still legends about the prevalence of plague during this period.For example, in Chiping County in the west of Shandong Province, it is said that the plague was prevalent in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, and red-headed flies flew around.In the northern Jiangsu area, it is called "scattering red flies".In Liangshan, Shandong, it is said that at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the area was shrouded in dense fog, which lasted for seven days, and a large number of people died.Egyptian writers at the same time also recorded the legends heard from merchants that the poisonous fog was thick in northern China and the plague was rampant.

The confrontation between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Mongols lasted for 45 years.At first, the Southern Song Dynasty united with the Mongols to destroy the gold, but was later destroyed by the Mongols.The fierce battle between Mongolia and the Song Dynasty mainly took place in Sichuan and the adjacent areas of southern Shaanxi and western Hubei. At the same time, large-scale plagues also occurred. Most of the population of Sichuan died of wars and plagues.In Changsha Prefecture in northern Hunan, the war also caused mass death.In the approximately 250 years since the Jurchens went south, the Han people have always adopted a defensive posture in the face of the attacks of the northern minorities, and have never achieved a real strategic initiative.

The Yuan Dynasty ruled in China for only 89 years. Although it was very prosperous for a while, it "only knew how to bend the bow and shoot the big eagle". Floods, droughts and locust plagues continued, and the people were in dire straits, making Henan, Shandong, Hebei, northern Anhui and other Central Plains "blocked with roads and cut off the population", and the people could not live on. They had to rise up and resist the brutal rule of the Yuan Empire. More than a hundred anti-Yuan uprisings took place in Shandong, Hebei, Huguang and other places.Afterwards, people's uprisings became more frequent and stronger: in 1348, Fang Guozhen revolted in Taizhou; in 1351, Liu Futong revolted in Yingzhou, known as the Red Turban Army; Xu Shouhui revolted in Qizhou; Uprising; in 1353, Zhang Shicheng also revolted in Taizhou, Jiangsu.In the following ten years, Liu Futong's Red Scarf Army fought decisive battles with the Yuan Army in Lianghuai, Henan, Shandong, Hebei and other places. The peasants responded one after another. , looting and killing, and doing all kinds of cruel things.

In these battles, the Yuan army and the landlords armed the land occupied by the peasant army, mostly "pulling out the land and slaughtering the city", causing the people in Henan, Shandong, northern Jiangsu, and northern Anhui to die seven or eight out of ten. The famous city of Yangzhou was at that time Only 18 families were killed.Henan has also reached a situation where "the spring mud returns and there is no habitat, and the red land is thousands of miles away and there are few people." Later, Zhu Yuanzhang sent troops to the Jianghuai River, sent Xu Da and Chang Yuchun to the Northern Expedition, entered Shandong, recovered Henan, set Kyoto in the north, and the Yuan Emperor fled to Mobei. In this way, the 16-year military turmoil at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was over.

In addition to military chaos, floods, droughts, locusts, and epidemics also continued one after another.The Yellow River and the Huaihe River breached again and again, causing the land of the Central Plains to "lost fields and houses without counting, countless people died, and most villages and cities became ruins."According to "Yuan History", only in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, there were 19 rain and drought disasters in Shandong, 17 in Henan, 15 in Hebei, and 8 in Lianghuai area.As a result, "people's huts are drifting away, and the dead are numerous", "the grain does not enter the ground, and people eat each other".Especially in Henan, there are catastrophic floods almost every year.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Central Plains not only suffered from serious floods, but also suffered frequent locust plagues. From 1341 to 1365, there were eighteen or nineteen major locust plagues.Daming Road in the Yuan Dynasty, in the summer of 1352, "11 counties in Yuancheng, Kai, Hua, and Junzhou, suffered from floods, droughts, locusts, and 716,980 hungry people."In the 40 years from 1335 to the end of the Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains, there were 15 major famines.As a result, the tragic situation of "people eating locusts and people eating each other" appeared.At the same time, the extremely harmful plague was prevalent in Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Shaanxi and southern provinces many times.

All of the above, combined with military chaos, floods, droughts, and locust epidemics, caused the people to flee, leaving the Central Plains sparsely populated and the land barren.Even in the Ming Dynasty, many prefectures and prefectures had to be downgraded due to the sharp reduction in human resources, and the famous city of Kaifeng was downgraded from an upper mansion to a lower mansion. In 1377, the prefectures and counties of Henan and other chief executives had "more food for households than they could count", and "every state was changed to a county by twelve, and counties were merged by sixty."By 1384, more than 30 states with less than 3,000 households were still reduced to counties across the country.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, officials from all over the country informed the Ming government of the desolation of the various places. The central plains were full of "manpower is not available, and it will be barren for a long time" (Vol. Few residents" (Volume 176 of "Records of Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty"), "mostly uninhabited land" (Volume 10 of Gu Yanwu), "taxes have not been collected for many years" (Volume 21 of "Records of Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty") .There was a serious shortage of labor force, large areas of land were barren, and fiscal revenue dropped sharply, which directly threatened the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

In Shanxi in the north and the vast areas in the south, it is a completely different scene.Here we just take Shanxi as an example to explain: the military turmoil and various disasters in the Central Plains rarely affected Shanxi, and there were no major floods, droughts and insect disasters in most areas of Shanxi. The economy prospers and the population prospers.Zhong Di, a native of the Yuan Dynasty, said in "Hezhong Mansion (Puzhou) City Repairs" that today "the world is devastated and burned, and the Honghe (Yellow River) is full of species from north to south, while the east side is crowded with residents, looking up and looking down. Although this is a beautiful word of feudal literati, it also shows that Shanxi is relatively stable. In addition, refugees from neighboring provinces flowed into Shanxi, making the southern part of Shanxi very densely populated.In the fourteenth year of Hongwu (1381), the population of Henan was more than 1,891,000, that of Hebei was more than 1,893,000, and that of Shanxi was 4,030,400. Fifty people, equal to the combined population of Hebei and Henan. (See "Ming Taizu Shilu" Volume 140)

In the face of internal and external troubles, Zhu Yuanzhang knew very well: "After the chaos, the Central Plains were wild and the people were scarce. The so-called opening up the fields and increasing the household registration are the urgent tasks of the Central Plains." The magistrate Su Qi (see "Ming Taizu Shilu" Volume 50), the household doctor Liu Jiunian (see "Ming History·Shidai Zhi"), Guozijian Song Na and others suggested that the policy of immigration and military and civilian settlements was adopted to strengthen the north. Frontier defense, reclamation of wasteland, food security for military and civilian use, and restoration of agricultural production.Ever since, a large-scale immigrant climax that has gone through the Hongwu, Jianwen, and Yongle dynasties and lasted for more than 50 years began. During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, a large number of immigrants began to immigrate. The agricultural production had just resumed, and the Jingnan Battle took place. The four-year war intensified the desolation of the Central Plains. For this reason, Yongle relocated people. From Zhu Yuanzhang (reign name Hongwu) first ordered immigration in October of the 27th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1367) to the last large-scale emigration by Zhu Di (reign name Yongle) in January of the 14th year of Yongle (1416), the Ming Dynasty The large-scale immigration activities in the early years of the dynasty lasted for 50 years, with a total of 18 times before and after.These 18 times are: The first time: In October of the twenty-seventh year of Yuan Dynasty Zhizheng (1367), Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the relocation of Suzhou Prefecture to enrich the people and enrich Haozhou (now Fengyang, Anhui). , thus kicking off the prelude.Since then, it has been continuously improved, comprehensively promoted, and developed in depth. The second time: In May of the third year of Hongwu (1370), the Agricultural Department was established in Henan to discuss the granting of land to the people and be responsible for immigration and land reclamation.In June, the five prefectures of Su, Song, Jia, Hu, and Hangzhou were narrow and densely populated, while Linhao, the birthplace of Huangming, was mostly abandoned, and more than 4,000 poor households without land were moved to the five prefectures to farm. The third time: In March of the fourth year of Hongwu (1371), 17,000 households of the people who moved the mountains went to Beiping to cultivate. The fourth time: In June of the fourth year of Hongwu (1371), 35,800 households and 197,200 people from the back of the mountain were naturalized in various health centers and prefectures and counties in Beiping. The fifth time: in the fourth year of Hongwu (1371), 32,860 households of the old Yuan people who migrated to the desert went to Beiping to open up wasteland and farm, and settled in Daxing, Wanping, Liangxiang, Gu'an, Tongzhou, Sanhe, Wuqing, Jizhou, Changping, Shunyi and other places. The sixth time: In November of the ninth year of Hongwu (1376), the people without property in Shanxi and North Zhili Zhending were moved to Fengyang to cultivate fields. The seventh time: In September of the 15th year of Hongwu (1382), more than 24,400 people from the tribe of He Zhen, the Yuan general, moved to Panyu, Dongguan, and Zengcheng counties in Guangdong to settle in Sizhou. The eighth time: In October of the 20th year of Hongwu (1387), the people in Changde and Chenzhou, Huguang, who had more than three dings, were ordered to send one ding to cultivate Yunnan. Ninth time: In August of the 21st year of Hongwu (1388), poor people from Zezhou and Luzhou in Shanxi were moved to Henan to farm. The tenth time: In April of the 22nd year of Hongwu (1389), people who had no land moved to Su, Song, Hangzhou, Jia, Hu, Wen, and Taiwan to open up wasteland in Chu, Heerzhou and other places. The eleventh time: In September of the 22nd year of Hongwu (1389), people from Choufu Prefecture and counties in Shanxi were recruited to farm in the sparsely populated areas of Beiping, Shandong and Henan. The twelfth: In July of the 24th year of Hongwu (1391), more than 14,300 rich people from Zhejiang and other provinces and Yingtian provinces were ordered to relocate to their homes and realize the capital (Nanjing) . The thirteenth: In February of the 25th year of Hongwu (1392), 5,635 poor and proletarian households moved to Deng and Laizhu prefectures in Shandong, and went to Dongchang and other places in the province to register and cultivate. Among the more than a dozen immigrations listed above from October 27th to February 25th, Hongwu, there were 7 times with household registration data available. If calculated based on five households per household, the total is about 590,030. One hundred and seventy-five people.During the time of Taizu, the largest number of people immigrated.After Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, the immigration movement continued. The fourteenth time: In September of the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), those who migrated to Shanxi without land went to Beiping to farm, and no tax was collected for five years. Fifteenth time: In August of the first year of Yongle (1403), after the end of the Jingnan War, Ming Chengzu sent those who committed the crime of exile to reclaim land in Beijing. The sixteenth time: Moved to ten prefectures including Suzhou and nine provinces including Zhejiang to enrich more than 3,000 households and fill Beijing. The seventeenth time: In September of the second year of Yongle (1404), 10,000 Shanxi residents were moved to Beijing to work in agriculture. Eighteenth time: In January of the 14th year of Yongle (1416), unemployed refugees migrated to Shandong, Shanxi, and Huguang to open up wasteland in Baoan Prefecture, free of rent for three years. In short, except for some border residents and former Yuan officials and soldiers, they all moved from areas with more people and less land to areas with less people and more land.The number of immigrants in the Hong and Yong dynasties is about 2 million according to available figures, but the actual number may be about 4 million.In addition, a large number of troops marched into the border areas to farm and engage in production for a long time, and some people stayed there for generations, in fact, they were no different from immigrants. There were four categories of immigrants during this period: One is military immigration in frontier areas.Zhu Yuanzhang moved all the population at the northern foot of Yanshan Mountain to the south to the north and central part of Hebei, and set up a large number of guards along the border. There are 1,120 sergeants in one guard, and 5 guards with a total of 5,600 people in one guard.Soldiers in the guard station must bring their family members with them. Soldiers and their families constitute the main body of military immigrants.In terms of regions, there is a Liaodong capital in Liaodong, a northern parallel capital in the north of Yanshan Mountain, a Shanxi Xingdu in the north of Shanxi, and a Shaanxi Xingdu in the west of Shaanxi today in Ningxia and Gansu.The total number of the military population in the north is as many as 1.1 million, and they have only one enemy, the Mongols who are unwilling to fail.In addition, more than 700,000 military immigrants moved to Yunnan and Guizhou. In 1391, the country's military population was as high as 6.2 million. Except for the soldiers in densely populated areas who came from the local area, the military population in other areas were all immigrants.The surrendered Mongolian army and their families, with a population of hundreds of thousands, were scattered and placed in various guards. The second is political immigration from the capital.Zhu Yuanzhang set his capital at Nanjing.Nanjing became the focus of immigration in the early Ming Dynasty.Dissident intellectuals, wealthy households, craftsmen, soldiers and their families moved into Nanjing in large numbers, making Nanjing a huge city with a population of about one million.However, the largest number of people in the capital are soldiers and their families, totaling as many as 700,000 people.Zhu Yuanzhang also established Zhongdu in his hometown Linhao and built the capital.A large number of wealthy households from the south moved into this area, with a military population of nearly 200,000.Ming Chengzu Zhu Di moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, followed by another large-scale immigration. Beijing had a population of more than 800,000, of which about 700,000 were soldiers and their families.Nanjing then declined. The third is economic immigration in general areas.The government organized immigration to North China and other areas.The legend of the big locust tree is related to this kind of immigration.From the monuments of immigrants in Qi County that have survived to this day, we can see that the government is strict in organizing immigrants. 110 households are a village with a head.This kind of immigrant settlement is widely distributed, and today it has become a common and important suffix word in northern place names.The government issued letters and seals to the immigrants, and the immigrants came from all over Shanxi to Hongdong County to receive the letters and seals under the big locust tree, and then went to various places.The nature of other immigrant place names is roughly similar. The fourth is spontaneous immigration.People from densely populated areas moved to sparsely populated areas without the consent of the central government.For example, after a large number of Jiangxi population moved into Changsha, it was not until the Yongle period that the household registration was settled.Immigrants from Shanxi and Jiangxi who moved to Nanyang in Henan and Yunyang in Hubei were not so lucky. Until the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the government regarded them as illegal "refugees". According to records such as "Records of Ming Taizu", "Ming History Shihuo Zhi", "Li Shanchang Biography", and "Yunnan Tongzhi" newly compiled in the Republic of China, in the early Ming Dynasty, people moved mainly from Inner Mongolia, Susongjiahuhang five counties, Shanxi and other counties. Scattered areas moved out.The principle is to relocate according to the ratio of "one for a family of four, two for a family of six, and three for a family of eight". Since we want to immigrate, we must have an immigrant distribution center.In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the government established a total of eight famous immigration distribution centers.They are: the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi; Changmen, Suzhou; Washiba, Jiangxi; Xiaogan Township, Macheng, Hubei;There are tens of millions of people who departed from these 8 places in 66 times and went to all parts of the country. Among them, there are 18 relocations from Hongdong, accounting for 27% of the 66 relocation records in the early Ming Dynasty.Therefore, what we introduce to our friends here is only some content related to the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi. First of all, the following two points need to be explained: First, the relocation of Hongdong pagoda trees did not start from the Ming Dynasty.It began in the Song and Jin Dynasties, continued in the early Yuan Dynasty, and formed a large-scale government-organized immigration activity in the early Ming Dynasty.The emigration activities in the Ming Dynasty continued in the Ming Dynasty, but mainly in the Hongwu and Yongle years.During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, this kind of activity continued, but it was sporadic. Second, Hongdong Dahuaishu did not only relocate people from Hongdong. Hongdong Dahuaishu was a gathering place for immigrants from Shanxi.In the early Ming Dynasty, Shanxi Province administered five prefectures, three Zhili prefectures, sixteen San prefectures, and seventy-nine counties.The immigrants recorded in the history books in the early Ming Dynasty mainly included 51 counties in Shanxi Province, including 29 counties under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture. The question is: why did you choose Hongdong Dahuaishu as the distribution center for Shanxi immigrants?There is another story here. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a grand Guangji Temple in Jia Village, Erhuali, north of Hongdong City.Next to the temple, there is a Chinese locust tree with "several sides of the tree and several acres of shade", and the road of carriages and horses passes under the shade of the tree.Old ravens (commonly known as crows) on the Fen River beach build their nests on the trees, dotted all over the place, which is very spectacular.Because of the ancient post road at that time, Hongdong was connected to Youyan in the north, Qilu in the east, Qinshu in the south, and Helong in the west. In addition, the wide courtyard of Guangji Temple made it easy for the government to set up bureaus and gather immigrants.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty government set up a bureau in Guangji Temple to handle immigration intensively, and the place under the big pagoda tree became a gathering place for immigrants. It is said that at the beginning of the immigration of the big locust tree, the Ming government issued a notice in the three Jin Dynasties: "Those who do not want to emigrate, gather under the big locust tree in Guangji Temple, Hongdong, and arrive within three days. Those who wish to emigrate can wait at home." The news spread widely. As soon as they left, people from northern, central, and southern Shanxi flocked with their families, children and daughters. Within three days, hundreds of thousands of people gathered under the big locust tree.At this time, a large number of officers and soldiers swarmed up and surrounded the unarmed people tightly. The officials announced: "The emperor of Ming ordered that anyone who came under the big locust tree will be moved away!" Young and middle-aged people were forcibly registered, forced to issue certificates, and each family was tied with their hands behind their backs and tied with ropes. Hundreds of thousands of people drank with knives and sticks, swallowed their voices and hated, and embarked on the journey of migration.It is said that in the next few large immigrations, the government also adopted coercive methods. Another legend is that in the early Ming Dynasty, Hongdong County in Shanxi was overcrowded and famine was also happening.The food was gone, but no one died of starvation, and all of them died of an old locust tree.The old locust tree is seven or eight arms thick, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and it looks like a big umbrella standing on the ground from a distance.In autumn, people from far and near flock to pick up locust beans under the old locust tree every day.It's strange to say that no matter whether you come early or come late, each person can only pick up one bowl (bean seeds) a day, and no one wants to pick up more.It is said that in order to save Hongdong people, the locust tree fairy always distributes it fairly. A bowl of beans is enough to save the hungry, and no one can be greedy for too much.Therefore, people were moved, and there are always many good men and women who burn incense and bow to the old locust tree every day. In the autumn of the first year of Hongwu, Xiao Jiuzheng, the magistrate of Hongdong County, received an imperial order: "5,000 electors from Hongdong will be moved to the east of Taihang Mountain." It's like heaven, but it's hard to leave the homeland, who wants to move?The notice was posted for several days, and there was not even a single sign-up.This is difficult to destroy Xiaozhi County, the imperial court's will cannot be disobeyed, once the deadline is over, it will definitely be difficult to protect the black hat.Since there were no voluntary relocations, they had to be forced to relocate.But escorting so many people one by one is not an option.So he frowned, thinking about it.On the second day, Xiaozhi County carried out a large-scale activity. On the one hand, they bribed the local gods and witches, and went to various places to lobby: "The locust tree has appeared, and the gift of the day after tomorrow will give each person a bucket of locust beans, which will never be given again." .On that day, as expected.All the villagers in Hongdong went out with their families.For a while, under the pagoda tree, it was bustling with people, very lively.Those who carry baskets and pockets are only waiting for the Sophora Immortal to give them beans.At noon, thousands of people knelt on the ground.At this time, a group of people ran from the south, like a tiger descending a mountain, like a dragon going out to sea, they came straight towards the old locust tree.When everyone was wondering, they saw a knight dismounted and grabbed one end of a coil of rope, and another knight grabbed the other end of the rope.At that time, when people saw such a scene, they didn't know what kind of medicine was in the stuffy gourd, and they were all dumbfounded, and they dared not leave.I saw the two knights holding the rope quickly circled the locust tree and descended into the sea of ​​people, surrounding everyone.Immediately, the cavalry moved at high speed, forming a tight circle.This frightened the villagers, they were all dumbfounded, the adults looked at each other in blank dismay, and the children were crying and screaming.At this time, Xiaozhi County rode on a horse and read the "Relocation Notice": "Taihang Shandong, fertile and wild thousands of miles. Years of floods caused by soldiers, resulting in less people and barren land. Today, peace is underway, the emperor's grace is great, and the people of Jin Dynasty moved eastward and moved to The blessed land of Yanzhao. I hope that the villagers who have been relocated will go east immediately and must not resist." People understood the truth from the esoteric words, and everyone wept together.Immediately, people were lined up under the tree, and the villages were identified, their household registrations were counted, and more than 1,000 households were selected from them, totaling more than 5,000 people.After registration and bookkeeping, after everything was ready, officers and soldiers escorted them, took their children and dragged their daughters, and walked eastward. When the immigrants left, they stared at the tall ancient locust trees, and the old ravens living among the branches of the trees kept whining, which made the immigrants who left their homeland cry. They looked back frequently and could not bear to leave. In the end, they could only see Old raven nest.For this reason, the big locust tree and the old bird's nest have become symbols of immigrants saying goodbye to their hometown. "Ask where my ancestors came from, the big pagoda tree in Hongdong, Shanxi. What is the name of the ancestor's hometown? The old bird's nest under the big pagoda tree." This folk song has been widely circulated in many parts of our country for hundreds of years. Their ancestors started from under the big locust tree in Hongdong County, Shanxi 600 years ago. When they left the village, they all turned back to see the big locust tree and the old raven nest on the tree. It was a long-lived tree that covered several acres. A hundred-year-old Hanhuai tree.Everyone told each other to take care of each other, to live a long life like the big locust tree, and to get together under the big locust tree in their lifetime.Everyone said: "If the poor don't help the poor, who will take care of them? Let us have a vine for millions of bitter gourds!" In the early years, the long-lived Han Dynasty pagoda tree and the nearby Guangji Temple were washed away without a trace by the Fen River, but before that, it gave birth to the second generation of pagoda tree. The second-generation locust tree lived for 400 years and was blown down by a hurricane in 1974, but before that, it also gave birth to the third-generation locust tree with foresight. All of these are reproduced from generation to generation like immigrants. Today, the immigrant descendants of the first generation of locust trees have built a stele pavilion with the words "place of the ancient locust tree" written on the stele, and the incense has been burning for many years. The second-generation dead locust tree was fixed in its birth position with cement nails by the descendants of the immigrants, and became a "tree nai", accepting the worship of wanderers. The third-generation locust tree is in its prime, and Kazuki's red characters entrust the wishes of wanderers. The location of the three big locust trees was built with donations from the descendants of immigrants, and now it has become a national AAAA-level scenic spot, scientifically named "Hongdong Big Locust Tree Ancestral Worship Garden". Since the Hongdong Big Sophora Tree Ancestral Worship Festival in 1991, during the festival every year, there will be countless birds flying around and flying on the big locust tree for a long time.The local old people said that the birds are the souls of the immigrants and their descendants.They can't come back in life, but they often go home after death to see the land of their hometown and listen to the long-lost local accent! Countless birds flew to the dead second-generation locust tree and the thriving third-generation locust tree, flying around and chirping in the air above the busy kowtowing crowd, amidst the curling incense: " Ask where my ancestors are? The big pagoda tree in Hongdong, Shanxi!" In the second year of the Republic of China, Jing Daqi, a native of Jia Village who traveled in Shandong, raised funds to build stele pavilions and teahouses after returning to his hometown.The stele pavilion was built at the original ancient pagoda tree. Although the pavilion is not big, it is exquisite and exquisite with carved beams and painted buildings, flying eaves and brackets.A blue stone tablet is erected in the pavilion, engraved with five official script characters of "the place of the ancient big pagoda tree".On the back of the stele pavilion, there is an inscription engraved with a brief description of immigration.On the west side of the front of the pavilion, there are three tearooms for tourists who seek their roots to have a rest and drink tea.There is a memorial archway more than 20 meters south of the stele, with "Yuyanjia Tree" engraved on the banner, and "shade for all living beings" engraved on the other side.In the early 1980s, the Hongdong County Government rebuilt and expanded Dahuaishu Park. There are also some stories about migration here.After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai ordered Shanxi Governor Zhang Xiluan to lead Lu Yongxiang's third town troops to attack the Shanxi Revolutionary Army, looting everywhere they went.After arriving in Hongdong, the soldiers came to the ancient big locust tree, got off their horses and worshiped each other, saying to each other: "I have returned to the hometown of the big locust tree." Not only did they not loot, but they also put their belongings under the big locust tree.The great locust tree is praised for its "disaster prevention and disaster resistance". The imperial court issued several edicts to relocate the poor and refugees to reclaim wasteland, "relocate large households to Shijifu", and garrison fields to guard the border, so that millions of people bid farewell to the big locust tree in Hongdong, and bid farewell to the rich land of fish and rice, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and the coast... There are few lands and many people The residents of the "narrow township" moved to the "wide township" with more land and less land - the northern region and the Huaihe River Basin.This formed a large population migration in Chinese history. There is also a unique sign, also known as the anti-counterfeiting trademark, that is, the toenails of the immigrant descendants of the big locust tree are incomplete and divided, because the Shanxi people have the blood of the Qiang people.Today, people still living in Hongdong County have incomplete toenails and split them.Legend has it that when they immigrated, the officers and soldiers used a knife to cut each person's toenails as a mark.So far, the small toenails of the immigrant descendants of the big pagoda tree are complex (two petals). "Who is the person who came from Guhuai? Take off the little toe to check the shape of the nail." If you are interested, you may wish to check it yourself. At that time, in order to prevent the migrants from escaping, the officers and soldiers tied them behind their backs, connected them with a long rope, and escorted the migrants on the road.People looked back step by step, and the adults looked at the big locust tree and told the children: "This is our hometown, this is our hometown." Up to now, no matter where they live, the descendants of immigrants say that the ancient big locust tree is their hometown. . It was a long journey from Shanxi to Jiangnan. The imperial court was worried that these immigrants would not go, so they sent people to escort them forcibly, and tied their hands with a rope, tied a knot, and walked in a file one after another.They were tied together with their hands behind their backs, escorted by officers and soldiers, and traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, long distances, to their new homes.Because the immigrant's arms were tied for a long time, their arms gradually became numb, and they soon got used to it. After arriving at the destination, they had developed the habit of carrying their hands behind their backs and passed them on as genes to their offspring.Later, most of the immigrants liked to walk with their hands behind their backs, and their descendants also followed this habit. The colloquial term "relieving hands" is understood by both adults and children, and it means "convenience".Who would have thought that the origin of this colloquial language contains suffering!How about everyone wanting to be "handy" throughout the long walk?The immigrants asked the escort officers to untie the ropes that bound their hands. Often, some people had to report to the officers and soldiers: "Master, please relieve me, I want to urinate." The more times, the verbal requests tended to be simpler. As long as you say "Master, I relieve you", you will know that you need to urinate. "Convenience" is then tied up again, so "relieving hands" has become a synonym for "convenience" among immigrants.Since then, "convenience" has become synonymous with urination. Due to the long duration of this immigration and tens of thousands of people, the word was used by a large number of people, and it gradually became a special spoken language and was handed down. In the genealogy of a Liu surname in Caoxian County, Shandong Province, it is recorded that their ancestor was "Grandpa One Ear".The one-eared grandfather had one ear cut off by officers and soldiers because he escaped many times during the migration.The immigration law of Ming Dynasty also stipulated that people with the same surname and clan cannot move to the same place. "Don't change your name when you walk, and don't change your surname when you sit down" is a kind of personality style advocated by Chinese culture. This clear law forces some brothers of the same clan to change their surnames in order to live together.For example, in Huangxian County, Henan Province, there are Wei and Ma surnames, Chen and Shao surnames, Zhou and Shan surnames, all with different surnames and the same family.There are too many cases like this in Hebei and Shandong. In eastern Henan and northern Shandong, the legend about "beating pot cattle" is also widely spread.According to legend, there were five brothers of the Niu family in Hongdong County. After gathering under the big locust tree, they realized that the same surname could not be moved to the same place.The five brothers knew very well that from then on, they would have to divide the labor and swallows, and they would be separated from each other in the sky, so they hurriedly smashed a cauldron into five petals, and each held one piece, which would be used as a symbol of the ancestral family in the future.Time is the best medicine to heal the trauma of the soul.But now, after six hundred years of ups and downs, some elders in the rural areas of Yulu who have never met each other with the surname of Niu still ask: "Do you want to make a pot or not?" Recognized as the same family. After several generations or more than a dozen generations, most of the descendants of the relocated people at the ancient pagoda tree did not know what village or place they were before they were moved, but they all knew that "the big pagoda tree is their hometown", which no one has ever forgotten.Immigrants were reluctant to leave the big locust tree, and when they arrived at the new settlement, most of them planted locust tree to express their nostalgia for their hometown. The ancestors of the Gao family in Shenlu Village, Hejian County, Hebei Province planted a memorial pagoda tree in front of their house; Xie Dexian opened a pickle shop called "Old Huai Mao" in Xiguan, Baoding Prefecture; there is a pagoda tree temple in Queshan County, Henan Province Village, Dahuaishu Village, Huaishuzhuang Village; there is Huaishu Street in Mindian, Chengguan Town, Yichuan County, Henan Province.It is said that during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court moved people from Hongdong County, Shanxi Province to the south of the Yellow River on a large scale. Among the immigrants, one was surnamed Wang and the other was surnamed Li. They had similar temperaments and became good friends.The two met and came to a ferry on the west bank of the Yihe River in the south of Longmen Mountain to build a stove and a nunnery, and open up wasteland for farming.Because they set off from the big locust tree in Guangji Temple, Hongdong County when they left their hometown, they have a deep attachment to the locust tree.After they settled down, they planted a few locust trees at the head of the village. Over the past few years, the locust trees covered the sky and covered the sun and were lush, so they combined the locust trees with the ferry and named the village Huaishutu.Later, the population increased, the village expanded, and streets were formed, but the ferry was abandoned for a long time, and Huaishu Ferry gradually evolved into Huaishu Street. In addition, there are eight ancient locust trees in Leting County, Tangshan, Hebei Province, distributed in six places.According to the elderly people in Beichangtuo Village, their ancestors also came from the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi. During the Yongle period, the four families surnamed Chen, Liang, Jia, and Zhao moved here to build the village with the "good omen" of longevity of the locust tree. The tree was planted and named "Changtuo", which means "living and working happily for a long time", and also entrusted the nostalgia for the hometown. The ancient locust tree grows up along with the reproduction of people, and the ancient locust tree has also become a witness of history.The Guhuai immigrants even inscribed commemorative words on the foreheads of their family temples and ancestral halls to express their longing.The wall stele of the Yuan Family Ancestral Hall in Gudui, Heze, Shandong Province was engraved with a poem written by Yuan Zhenggong in the second year of Hongwu: "In the past, he drove the Tartars from the army, and now he is in the east of Taihang. Hongdong Branch has an old family, and Caozhou lives in an old family style. Gu Gangzhi There are three or five locust trees, remembering the love of the elders in Jinzhong. The legend of lying in the snow has been passed down through the ages, and the later Kunxia is better than the Jinsong." The plaque of Liu's ancestral hall in Jiaozuo City, Henan: "Pai Yanhong Cave." In the hall of the Niu's Family Temple in Yanshi County, Henan The couplet reads: "Eighteen ancestors of Pingyang Shize, five hundred years of Boxi famous family." The couplets on both sides of the statue of the ancestors in Huzhai Village, Huzhai Village, Xicheng Township, Puyang County, Henan Province, the horizontal inscription is "Yongyan Xiaosi", the right couplet It is "remembering the pain of the ancestors when they left Hongdong for bicycles and horses in the past", and the leftist couplet is "the ancestors of Huai Shi lived in Caozhou and are flourishing today".The couplet of Sun's tablet in Dayao Village, Xiaodong Township, Wuzhi County, Henan Province: "Zu Hongdong branch moved to Qinzuo, native of Shanxi and descended from Yanhe River." The "Zhao Family Genealogy" of Koudian Hanzhai Village, Yanshi County, Henan Province said: The ancestor brothers The four people were named "Jing, Ying, Huai, Xian", "Xian" means "township", and together they are "managing Huai Township". Walking into Ranzhuang, Qingyuan County, Hebei Province, which is well-known at home and abroad as the birthplace of tunnel warfare, you can see the old locust tree and the ancient clock hanging on the tree at the first sight.In the movie "Tunnel Warfare", after Gao Laozhong discovered that the devils had sneaked into the village, he rang the ancient bell under the tree to call the police, and rang the grenade to die together with the devils and traitors who surrounded him.According to legend, this old locust tree was planted in the Ming Dynasty. When immigrants from Shanxi came to Ranzhuang, they planted the seeds picked from the big locust tree in Hongdong County at the head of the village to express their homesickness. After hundreds of years of ups and downs, It has grown into a big tree that cannot be hugged by two people hand in hand, supporting a green shade for generations of villagers.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, people hung the big iron bell that called the police on the tree, making it a sentinel to guard the village.According to the local people, this ancient tree that has guarded Ranzhuang for hundreds of years still had its old branches and leaves when the film "Tunnel Warfare" was filmed in 1965. After the mission of making the film was completed, the branches withered and the leaves fell, and he passed away forever. According to official histories such as "Ming History", "Ming Shilu", "Rizhilu Yuyu" and other official histories and notes, the immigrants who moved out from Hongdong, Shanxi and other places in the early Ming Dynasty were mainly distributed in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Beijing, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei and other places, a small part moved to Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia.Immigrants who moved from Shanxi to the above-mentioned places later moved to Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Xinjiang and Northeast provinces.Today, Hongdong Dahuaishu immigrants are distributed in 30 provinces and cities, 2217 counties and cities.其中河南123个县市;北京、天津、河北142个县市;山东109个县市;山西104个县市;江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南316个县市;陕西、甘肃、宁夏182个县市;黑龙江、吉林、辽宁171个县市;浙江、福建、江西227个县市;广东、广西、贵州248个县市;四川、内蒙古、青海274个县市;云南、西藏、新疆210个县市;海南、台湾111个县市。另外,海外移民主要分布在亚、非、欧、美、澳洲的100多个国家。 回到大槐树下进行祭祖活动,这是追念祖先最传统的实践,尤其到了清明时节,各地返回大槐树下寻根问祖的络绎不绝,他们并没有繁复的活动,但是通过跪拜、焚香、献供之类简单的仪式,一样表达着饮水思源的拳拳之心。在祭祖之后,很多人会折一小枝槐树,或者带一点泥土,甚至还有带一个瓦罐来,在大槐树前摔成碎片带回去分给不能前来祭祖的移民后代的。虽然迁民时的那棵大槐树在顺治年间即被洪水冲没了,大槐树边上的那座广济寺也早毁于兵燹。但是,迁民后裔们照样年年回来,在大槐树的附近举行祭祖活动。遂使这一象征符号超越时代、地域和阶层,成为中华民族凝聚力的生动体现。这一方面充分显示了根祖情结的深厚底蕴。另一方面,对于习惯于将内心情感外化成直观符号的人们来说,这毕竟是有所缺憾的,于是就有了一段重建大槐树迁民遗址的动人历史。 鉴于洪洞县民间祭祖活动的长期兴盛和祭祖现场的简陋不堪,1913年,为宦山东的洪洞人景大启起愿兴建大槐树纪念处,因资金不足未及成功。我们前面讲过,此时适逢辛亥革命爆发,袁世凯军卢永祥部在晋南攻打革命军,沿途烧杀抢掠,无恶不作。到洪洞后,士兵来到古大槐树处,不但没抢掠,还将财物供施于大槐树下。洪洞人民躲过这次劫难,更相信是大槐树的庇护。此时已回乡的景大启又联络很多同里士绅商人,集资修建了广济寺经幢、碑碣亭坊和茶室,一个以大槐树(据说是原来大槐树的二代子树)为中心的迁民遗址纪念处就此落成,延续至今。 改革开放以后,洪洞县人民政府受到民间移民祭祖活动的巨大感染,从1983年开始陆续修缮、新建迁民遗址纪念地的建筑设施,更于1991年4月1日至11日,在几百年来民间祭祖活动的基础上,由政府主持举办了首届“寻根祭祖节”,受到当地居民以及外地移民后裔的热烈响应,各方前来祭祖的人士超过5万之众。更为神奇的是,当地传说,“寻根祭祖节”期间,有数万只小鸟云集大槐树祭祖园上空,它们节始即来,闭会即去,不知从何而来,向何处去,人们普遍认为它们是祖先英灵的化身重回故乡。此后,该“寻根祭祖节”每年举办,节期不变,并以4月5日清明节为主祭日,来宾参与范围逐年扩大,海内外移民后裔踊跃响应,小鸟们也每年如期而至。2007年的“寻根祭祖节”,更是由省长主持、中央电视台直播,规模空前盛大。需要指出的是,这一节日并未全然衍化为政府行为,而是尽量吸收民间传统仪轨,呈现出官祭与民祭融合共存的良好态势。 从上述过程中可以看出,大槐树祭祖活动经过了一个“民间—地方士绅—政府”逐渐扩张的发展脉络,每一步发展并非后者替代前者,而是后者与前者的有机融合,其“寻根问祖”的宗旨以及以大槐树为核心象征的特点贯穿始终。从这个意义上说,见证了中国历史上可以考证的最大规模移民运动的大槐树,以其本身具有的“树根”的直观形态,被民间提炼为“根祖情结”的最佳象征,它蕴含着中华先民们艰苦创业的伟大精神,以及对于祖先和土地的热爱之情。这一象征符号是超越时代、地域和阶层的,具有族群认同的纽带功能以及协调人际关系的黏合作用,是中华民族凝聚力的生动体现。
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