Home Categories youth city as beautiful as possible

Chapter 5 chapter Five

as beautiful as possible 亦舒 8799Words 2018-03-13
"Yipin, the pain was worse than I imagined, but the operation was more successful than I imagined. All the bad cells have been removed, and you only have one-third of the stomach muscle left. Maybe you don't need chemotherapy, and you can control it with acupuncture." One-third of the stomach is what urban fashionable women dream of, and they don't have to worry about getting fat from now on. The pain subsided a little, and Yipin tried hard to open his eyes. Dr. Li stood with the backlight, and the sunlight from the window shone on her back, illuminating her figure, making her look like an angel.

Yipin laughed, good doctors are angels. Dr. Li encouraged and said, "We should be optimistic. Emotions affect the condition." "I didn't expect it to hurt like this." Dr. Li smiled, "It's called not knowing the pain until the needle pricks the flesh." Yipin said: "From this we can see how brave the plastic surgery patients are." "Not bad, still retaining a sense of humor." At this time, someone pushed the door and came in, "Doctor Yang, you are awake." It is Yipin's own nurse, Peng Gu. "I'm here to serve you."

Yipin nodded, "Alright." "Doctor Yang, another Doctor Yang is here." "Why don't you come in?" "She's afraid you'll be angry." "nonsense." "I'll call her right away." Dr. Li said, "It's good to have a sister. She has been watching over you and weeping. This kind of friendship must have great power and will make you recover." Yipin nodded. Er Jing came in, without saying a word, she held her sister's hand and buried her head in tears, her face was already swollen from crying. Erjing was also like this when she was a child, her skin was fair and swollen, and a little red and swollen was very obvious. In the middle of the night, she had nightmares, woke up, and always got up to look for her sister. She told stories to comfort her.

It's all like yesterday. Sisters never give birth. She said softly, "Hey, it's not time to call out the sky yet." "Why didn't you tell me earlier." "I also just learned that those who can heal others don't heal themselves. It's ridiculous. Don't let my mother know, she can't be hit again." Er Jing nodded desperately.Yipin really didn't expect her to be such a bad patient. The nurse Peng Gu insisted that she get out of bed and walk, but she said, "No, it hurts so much, I won't walk." "If you don't learn to walk, you won't be able to walk forever."

"Then spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair." "Doctor Yang, I really didn't expect you to be such a person." Peng Gu pulled her off the bed, Yipin said like a butcher, "No way, when I stand up, there seems to be an iron on the wound." Finally, she was dragged through the corridor, staggering like an old woman. Has Yang Yipin survived this calamity?It's too early to tell, but Yipin is confident she will make a full recovery. When Er Jing came to visit her, she said, "Mom, I want to see you." "I just saw her the day before yesterday."

"Mothers all have the sixth inspiration, which is so powerful. She said that her left eye twitched for three days for no reason, fidgeting, and asked me where you are." Yipin felt sorry, "Erjing, if I really can't do it, mom doesn't know what to do." "I don't think she can survive. I'm an orphan." When the nurse Peng Gu came in and heard it, she scolded sharply, "What are you talking about? A dog's mouth can't grow ivory. You two are doctors." After she went out, Er Jing said again: "Call Mom." "Alright, it's only a matter of time."

She pretended her voice was very calm and happy, and added a bit of impatience: "Mom, what do you want from me?" "Aunt Qiu and the others would like to ask you for the details of plastic surgery." "I promised to hold lectures for them as soon as I could." "Are you all right?" "I'm in the hospital every day, I can't breathe." This is a fact. "Come back when you have time." "Yes Yes Yes." After the phone call, I was already sweating down my spine. Peng Gu took a shower and looked closely at the wound, "It's a good job, but it can't compare with Dr. Yang's manual work, so many female patients come to us to ask for wound reconstruction."

"It's all trivial." "Dr. Yang is open-minded by nature, so he said that." "Sooner or later, body and soul will be separated. Beauty is the second priority. Health is the most important thing. Now I really know." Peng Gu sighed. The acupuncture and medicine were overbearing, and Yipin lost his appetite and vomited from time to time. After waking up from a nap, there is a burst of aroma in the nose, like being in a field of purple lavender. Hey, who is here? "Doctor Yang, it's me, Eli." Ah, it turned out to be a big star. "How do you know I'm here?"

"Peng Gu's words were flickering, and after I pursued and beat her hard, she only revealed a thing or two to me." "Ugh." Yao Yili approached her bright pretty face and giggled, "The doctor also lost the battle?" "Not really." "I brought you champagne caviar." "Hush." ​​Yao Yili smiled, "I still have some pajamas and nightgowns!" "what?" "Hospital pajamas are ugly." She opened the big brocade box she brought, and shook out the pink pearl gray and lake green satin dress. "I'll replace it for you."

Yipin was moved, tears filled his eyelashes. Unexpectedly, Yao Yili was so considerate, she gently helped the doctor change into new clothes, took out a light-colored sheepskin shawl and put it on Yipin's shoulders, and put on a satin pillowcase, "Sleeping on this, my face won't get wrinkled." Finally, comb Yipin's hair with a silver comb and braid it into a braid. "If you have a disease, you can't be a disheveled ghost." "Thank you." "Doctor, when will you leave the hospital?" "I can go home and recuperate in a few days."

"It's better to live in the house. I'll ask the workers to cook bird's nest porridge for you." Yipin smiled, "I will take care of myself." "Okay, I still have to catch up with the show, let's take a step first." "It's better to leave." At this time, a lot of staff members heard the news and waited outside the room to see the stars. Yao Yili left for a while, but the fragrance was still in the room. Yipin read novels on the satin pillow. In the evening, Dr. Li came to see her and said, "Yang Yipin, you are a very lucky person, you can be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow." The same is true for Yipin self-awareness. "Hey, there are such beautiful pajamas in the world, like a layer of fog." Yipin is silent, this is one of the props for beauties to forage. "However." Dr. Li said, "Be careful not to get cold." The nurse, Peng Gu, opened the door and came in, putting down a stack of mail. One of them was sent by junior sister Li Benling, Yipin quickly opened it and read it. A photo says it all. The pair of conjoined twins Ziyu and Jixin have been successfully separated. The mother smiled and held one in each hand, and smiled when she saw it. In addition, there are their work reports, photos of the children before and after the operation, and finally, a greeting from Zhou Yan. Yipin regained her spirits. She used to say that the patient's mood can affect the condition, but now she knows how important spiritual support is. Just put down the letter, Yipin heard the sound of footsteps. She looked towards the door, "Bello." Little Bello came over and fell on her chest. Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim and  appeared at the door. They came to say goodbye, "Yipin, don't forget our family of three." Yipin's eyelashes filled with tears. "We decided to take the cat there too." Yipin nodded. They put down a pot of orchids and left. Yipin asked Peng Gu, "You tell everyone I'm in the hospital?" "It's not everyone. Miss Huang, Mrs. He and I didn't say it. It's a good thing for friends to visit. Talking and laughing will help recovery." "I'm afraid my mother will know the news." Peng Gu said, "Don't be afraid, you will be discharged from the hospital soon." "Peng Gu, life is like a dream." "Is that so, your dream hasn't started yet." The next morning, Yipin woke up slowly. He hesitated about being discharged from the hospital, and did not open his eyes for a moment. The wound still hurts so much, she is worried about herself, but hospitalization is really not as convenient as home. Yipin finally opened his eyes and saw someone standing by the window looking at the scenery. Those broad shoulders seemed familiar, but Yipin had no hope. The man turned his head. "Yipin, morning." Sure enough, it was Xiong Zaihao, he approached, sat on the chair by the bed, and held her hand. Fortunately, Yipin has changed out of his sexy pajamas and put on homely sportswear. "How is your Proto-Reptilian?" Yipin smiled. "Very good, Toray, it turns out it has eight toes, not five as originally thought." Yipin nodded. "You must be dizzy with excitement." "Good guess." He nestled Yipin's left hand in it with both hands, and said for a while, "It's like three autumns if we don't see each other for a day." Yipin said leisurely, "Our sisters are fighting because of you." Xiong Zaihao was very frank: "I really didn't know that the two doctors Yang were sisters." "Doesn't it look alike?" "Totally two people." "Second Crystal is much more lively." "You finally know I'm sick." "It was Erjing who informed me to come." Yipin is silent. At this time, someone pushed the door and came in, "Sister Pin." Yipin saw that it was the young Zhou Yan, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. She enjoys the stress-free camaraderie above all else right now. "Just got your letter." Zhou Yan warmly hugged Yipin as if he didn't see Xiong Zaihao. "It looks good, we're relieved." Yipin said, "I didn't expect so many friends to visit me." "I'm afraid you don't have much time to rest." "still alright." Yipin did not introduce them. Zhou Yan said, "I'll bring you a few novels by relatively unpopular new authors." Xiong Zaihao stood up knowingly and said goodbye. Yipin did not keep him. After he left, the clever Zhou Yan blinked mischievously, "I drove him away?" Yipin said gently: "It's his own business." "Who is he, a suitor?" "No, ordinary friends." "It seems more than that simple." Yipin suddenly said, "Come and eat." "what?" Zhou Yan didn't understand. "nothing." Yipin still smiled. "I'll read you a novel." "it is good." Xiong Zaihao just arrived at the corridor, Er Jing has already greeted him, "How is it?" "She is recovering very well." "Can the two of you restore your friendship?" Xiong Zaihao shook his head and took a long seat nearby. "She doesn't want to argue with me, and she doesn't intend to continue the past." After a while, Er Jing said, "It's my fault." Xiong Zaihao was helpless. "I will miss her very much." Erpin said softly: "All along, my sister is the protagonist. My name is attached to the word  Yipin and adding a few strokes to become Erjing counts. My mother always hopes that I will be a boy. I have my own psychological shortcomings." "Er Jing, don't feel guilty, you didn't destroy anything." "You guys have just sprouted a little feeling..." "Yipin is overly cautious about feelings, this is the inevitable end." Er Jing was depressed. "I'm going to fly to Hebei in the afternoon, and there will be a date later." Er Jing said sadly, "I'm sorry." "it's not your fault." He left gracefully. Er Jing pushed open the door of her sister's ward. Yipin asked, "Did you call him?" "He passed by." "Where are you going?" "Hebei Province." "If you really like him, go after him." "You're too sarcastic." "No, I'm telling the truth, you don't have to talk to me, I'll take care of myself." Zhou Yan raised his head. Look at your sister first, then at your younger sister. Yipin raised his hand, "Go, go." Er Jing walked out of the ward hesitantly. Zhou Yan asked, "Who is that?" "My sister." "Not at all." "I think our five senses came from the same mold." "The expression is different, so it doesn't look like it." At this time Er Jing came into the room again. "Sister, I—" Yipin laughed: "Go, go." This time Erjing nodded, turned and left. Zhou Yan asked again, "Where did you tell her to go?" This kid was very curious and straightforward, which made Yipin laugh out loud. Zhou Yan felt embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." "No, no, it's okay. Did you see the tall and handsome man in the first place? That's someone she likes. There was a little misunderstanding between them, so I encouraged her to chase after him and make peace." "I see." "Do you think they're compatible?" Zhou Yan replied: "It's a perfect match, both of them are enthusiastic and reckless." Yipin laughed again. This comment is very pertinent. Zhou Yan suddenly said, "You, it must be a misunderstanding." Yipin was stunned, he didn't expect him to be so smart, and immediately denied: "No, how could it be me." "Yes, it is often because the parties concerned are not firm in their hearts." "Look at them, will they reconcile this time?" "The chances are high that he will be moved by her sincerity." Well said. "Zhou Yan, what about you, do you still have contact with your girlfriend?" Zhou Yan immediately changed his appearance, he bowed his head and remained silent. "Well, the wound hasn't healed." "If you decide to separate, you won't see each other again." "Well done." Yipin praised her. "One day, my mother will pass away, maybe I will go to her, but I also hope that my mother will live to be a hundred years old." Yipin said softly, "You don't have to wait that long. Once you are financially independent and mature, you can pursue your ideal life." Zhou Yan thought about it, "Are you persuading me to go back to school?" "certainly." "My mother sent you to be a lobbyist?" "I don't know Lingtang." Zhou Yan was silent. "How can you be angry with your mother? Human children need years of care before they can live independently. From eight pounds at birth to fifteen years old, their weight has increased at least sixteen times. The birth mother confronted." Zhou Yan's eyelashes filled with tears. "This is just a small episode in your long life. Reason has overcome it. It's time to reconcile with your mother." Zhou Yan nodded, "What should I say?" "What's the use of talking, just throw the dirty clothes at home, and everything will go on as usual." "Yes, a good way." Yipin looked at him, "You are the only son, right?" "You guessed it again." He took out the photo from his wallet and showed it to Yipin. It was a photo of him and his parents. Yipin looked at it and was surprised. It turned out that his father was Zhou Daojian, a well-known real estate developer. "Go home, take a good shower, get some sleep, and report to school tomorrow morning." Zhou Yan nodded, "Sister Pin, when will you be discharged from the hospital, I will pick you up." "No, I'm very happy that you have repaired your relationship with your family." He reluctantly left. The caretaker, Peng Gu, came in at this moment, "That kid has been talking for so long, aren't you tired?" Yipin shook his head. "I have a hairy beard and want to pursue you?" Strange that everyone is so forthright and bold today. Yipin smiled, "Nothing." Two days later, when she was discharged from the hospital and returned home, her mother kept calling her. Yipin's wound is still painful, his Qi is insufficient, and he is obsessed with promises. "Er Jing is going to Hebei, do you know?" "She told me." "What are you going to do?" "Her boyfriend is on business over there, so she's going to accompany him." "Boyfriend, but that Wu Heshu?" "No, it's not him now, someone else." "When did you change?" "it's been a while." "Have you seen that person? How does he look like, and how is his temperament?" "It's all good. It seems that both parties are interested in developing." The mother pondered. "Didn't you always want her to have a family?" "It's not just her, it's both of you." "Then let nature take its course and wait and see what happens." Mrs. Yang sighed, "Yipin, you are right." Back home, Yipin walked slowly from room to room, fell down on his own bed, and murmured, "It seems like a lifetime away." It was like returning to the soul, almost unable to return to the physical body. Then, Yipin noticed that she lost a lot of hair and her nails were raised. These are trivial things for doctors. If the patient is trivial, he will be reprimanded by the doctor. He really didn't expect that once it happened to him, he would be so shocked. Yipin no longer dared to laugh at the patient. When the activities are free, it is already autumn. The clinic resumed business, and everything gradually became normal. Yipin readjusted and took time to heal his body. Because he paid special attention to his diet, he gained a little weight. Her mother was kept in the dark from beginning to end, and Yipin was very successful. Peng Gu said comfortingly, "The treatment is over, and we can start dating again." who to date? Peng Gu also said: "The body and mood will gradually recover, so young, don't be discouraged." Yipin no longer refuses customer requests. While the physical body is healthy, strive for excellence, why not. A middle-aged lady said: "Doctor, I am getting old, and my earlobes are elongated. You can tell the old man at a glance. Please make my earballs smaller." One product at a time agreed. She carefully repaired the ears of the middle-aged wife into small shells, and even sewed the holes of the earrings that had fallen too long.As soon as the gauze was removed, the middle-aged wife's ears flushed with joy and shed tears. It is said that it is enough for the ears to be able to hear, no no, ladies who love beauty don't think that way. Another wife hesitated to speak when she came to see the doctor, and finally stammered out her request. Yipin nodded! "It can be tightened, I understand that there is indeed a need for this." The patient was so grateful that he could not speak, "I have always had low self-esteem, so..." "No problem, I can help you." Throughout the autumn, Er Jing did not come back, leaving only a message: "Everything is fine, please don't worry about it." Mrs. Yang said to her eldest daughter, "What is Er Jing doing? Can the pursuit be successful?" "I think it's a success, otherwise I would have come back with a gray head and a gray face." "Being able to stay in Hebei for so long, probably has cultivated feelings." "Not really." Mrs. Yang stared at Yipin, "Recently, you have been in poor spirits and your eyes are swollen. You are not sick." "too busy." "A girl who earns a lot of dowry, it's time to stop." "I do want to push the clinic out." "Ah." Mrs. Yang was delighted. "Then, get a job with regular hours." "Yes, it's convenient for a date." Yipin laughed again. "Did you go out for a walk?" Once, a customer, Mrs. Yuan, introduced her cousin who was in the clothing business to her, and we had a meal together.That Mr. Lu was married once and divorced once. She is very experienced with women, and her posture is quite generous. She has no extra thoughts about relationships, but longs for companionship. He has a surprisingly good impression of Yang Yipin, who is beautiful in appearance, and admires her as a practicing western medicine doctor, and treats her meticulously. After being ill, Yipin appreciated this kind of carefulness. One month later, he invited her to Japan for vacation, and she actually agreed. Lu Yongzhong is an expert in Japan and fluent in Japanese. They live in the Hakone hostel, and every day he reads the newspaper alone in the coffee room and waits for her to come down. He took her to see the open-air sculpture gallery, which was full of amazing collections. "Are you interested in art?" she asked. He was very frank: "I don't know anything, but I guess you will like it." Yipin nodded, she was extremely self-centered and admired Lu Yongzhong's self-sacrificing spirit. Lake Hakone is full of autumn colors. Yipin was very tightly dressed, and he took many photos of her under the brown and red autumn colors of the woods, and she did not refuse. Yipin has never been a girl before, and it was the first time for her to be photographed for a photoshoot after eight years of medical practice and five years of practice before going public to practice medicine. She felt that there was nothing wrong with it. They had dinner at the most elegant restaurant, and he told her about his life. "... I didn't like reading since I was a child, and I was a headache when I saw textbooks. I barely graduated from middle school. I inherited my father's small garment factory. Now it is not small. It employs more than a thousand employees in Shenzhen and has a sales office in New York. .” Yipin is a bit tired, but loves to listen to him talk. Seeing that Yipin was interested, he felt honored, and continued, "The reason for the divorce is that I left the other party in the cold because of quarrels. Fortunately, I don't have children, but today, ten years later, I regret that I don't have children." Yipin nodded. Lu Yongzhong suddenly said: "You have always been quiet?" Yipin replied: "Sometimes you can be very sharp-tongued." He blurted out: "You are so weak, how can you use a knife?" Yipin couldn't help laughing. "I wish I could talk to you from time to time." It is actually very easy for a man with his condition to find a pair of loyal ears. He seemed to know what Yipin was thinking, he said softly: "I am quite clean and self-loving." After all, I was a little embarrassed and coughed twice. He wanted to invite her to watch a Noh play, "Tickets are hard to buy." Yipin shook his head, the culture of this country is completely inferior, either copying China, or imitating Europe and the United States, nothing new. She suggested: "Take me to Comic Street." Lu Yongzhong smiled, "Then we have to go to Tokyo." He accompanied her by train to Tokyo bookstore to read comics. Stand in a corner and type a book, and translate the funniest parts to her. Without hesitation, Yipin pointed out the yellow comic text, "What are you talking about? This needs an illustration?" Lu Yongzhong said embarrassingly: "These are not easy to translate." Yipin was very happy, for a moment he forgot that he was suffering from a serious disease, and there was a danger of relapse at any time.Yipin felt lucky. Lu Yongzhong appeared beside him at such a time. His career has already established a solid foundation. He is qualified to enjoy life with just a remote control. "Do you like snow scenes?" Yipin nodded. "My company has a vacation home in Whistler, a ski area near Vancouver. Would you like to take a look at it?" Yipin nodded. "So, how about going in November?" Yipin smiled, "No problem." "I'll arrange it right away." His eyes were full of joy, Yipin felt that it was a good thing to be able to make a person so happy. On the return journey, they have become old friends who talk about everything. But somehow, the two of them never shook hands. He dared not do it, and she didn't mean it. At the airport, they meet an unexpected person. It was Lu Jun who saw her first, "Yipin, there is a middle-aged lady over there who keeps watching you smile." Yipin took a closer look, "Mom!" Mrs. Yang came over to greet them. "Whose plane will Mom pick up?" "A preacher, Ms. Liu." Lu Yongzhong quickly said, "Does Mrs. Yang have a car? Why don't I leave the driver for you to use." Immediately ordered his subordinates to help Mrs. Yang. He helped Yipin get the luggage and walked to the exit, and someone else drove a car to pick him up. Yipin was surprised, she always knew how to take care of herself, but she didn't expect to be so comfortable being taken care of. In an instant, Lu Jun mobilized the heavenly soldiers and generals to settle everything. Although it was the details of life, these were the most annoying things in daily life. She said, "Thank you." He shrugged, "What else can I do, and I don't know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy, or painting." Yipin laughed. He takes her home. As soon as the door of the apartment was opened, he exclaimed, "A girl is so capable living in such a big place, no wonder there is no place for men." A pinch of laughter is unreliable. "Please sit down and have a cup of coffee." "Why is the house so empty? Is it minimalism?" "I like this." "very special." At this time, Yipin was a little tired, so he said goodbye wisely. Yipin was about to take a nap after showering when someone rang the bell. There were two maids outside the door, smiling all over their faces, "Mr. Lu asked us to come." One of them was holding a vegetable basket, and the other was holding a plate of orchids half a person's height, which was hard to refuse. "Doctor Yang, just take a rest, we are very quiet and won't disturb you." Yipin simply handed over the apartment to them. She fell asleep after reading a few pages of the book, and vaguely heard the phone ringing, but someone answered it. Woke up feeling tight in the chest and dry mouth. Immediately, someone knocked lightly on the door, came in and offered a cup of drink, "Dr. Yang, Chuanbei tea, promotes body fluid to quench thirst." After drinking one product, you will feel the fragrance in your mouth, hey, you are enjoying the blessing.It felt as if only a concubine could live such a life without shame, but patients seemed to have similar privileges. When she walked out of the living room, she felt that it was extremely clean, and she could see how lazy the hourly workers in the past were. Lu Yongzhong sent many potted plants, which made the living room a lot of color. The maid came over and said, "My name is Ah Chang, does Dr. Yang want to eat?" Even a set of exquisite rice bowls and a pair of ebony inlaid silver chopsticks were brought from Lu's house, which is amazing. "I made a sour bamboo shoot soup, very appetizing, please try it." Take a sip of each product, "Oh! It's delicious." Ah Chang was very happy. "Go back and tell Mr. Lu that I am very grateful for his concern, but I am not used to such a luxurious life, so you don't have to come tomorrow." "But---" Yipin smiled, "I am used to eating well and living well. How can I serve patients when I am lazy." Ah Chang stepped back, "Yes." She cleaned up the kitchen and said goodbye. When the doorbell rang, Yipin thought she had forgotten something, and went to open the door, but it was Peng Gu who was taking care of her, and she put down a stack of mail. She looked surprised, "Doctor Yang, I called just now, and someone claimed to be your housekeeper." "left already." "Doctor Yang is also capable if he wants to hire a housekeeper, but it seems that being old-fashioned and serious about enjoying life is not your temper." "Yes, how about Dr. Li's report?" "Bad cells have been completely eliminated." Yipin breathed a sigh of relief, sat in a daze, couldn't make a sound for a while, and suddenly had a sore nose. Peng Gu said softly: "This can be regarded as a doom, but it has been passed." Yipin nodded. "The wound still hurts." Yipin answered yes. Peng Gu sighed, "My daughter is 18 years old. The surgery she had when she gave birth back then still hurts a little." She kept holding her anger and didn't speak.Knowing the good news today, I couldn't help telling it over and over again: "Hey, so many beautiful flowers, did Miss Yao send them?" Yipin is noncommittal. "Ah, this pot of orchids has a famous name, it's called Yipinlan. It's not like Ms. Yao's handwriting. At most, she just gave yellow roses." "Same name as me?" "Yes, the orchid is a gentleman flower, which is the best, so it is called a pineapple." Lu Yongzhong was so careful, Yipin almost ignored his kindness. At this moment, Peng Gu said, "I'll go back to the clinic first." "Are there any guests?" "Yes, a lady wants to change her whole body's skin, even the skin bag is gone." Yipin smiled, "I hope no one wants to change their souls." "There is also a male guest who thinks so and so, so and so, to strengthen a certain function." "This is not within the scope of my work." Yipin smiled.After Peng Gu left, Yipin opened and read the letter. One of them, sent by the Kims, "Bello has received a lifelike prosthetic eye, fitted with a titanium snap button, and it fits seamlessly. She still has to undergo a series of orthopedic operations, but her life is no different from ordinary people... " Yipin put down the letter when the doorbell rang again. "Hey, Mother made a surprise inspection." It was Mrs. Yang standing outside the door. She smiled and asked, "Is there no guest in the house?" "Come in, mom is the rare visitor." "If you don't want me to come, I won't come." Yipin smiled, "I'll pour you a good cup of tea." Mrs. Yang looked around, "Who sent this big pot of pineapple?" Everyone is incredibly knowledgeable and knows the name of an orchid at a glance. "Is it from that ugly boy?" Yipin disapproved, "Mom, judging people by their appearance, Ziyu is lost." "Yipin, that person's appearance is really wretched. I'm here to tell you that you are only in your twenties, so there is really no need to rush to be with such a person." "He's kind-hearted──" "Well, the shot is also generous." Yipin laughed, "Does Mom suspect that I'm greedy for other people's money?" "I really don't understand how an urban businessman can have the face of a farmer in the Great Northern Wilderness. Moreover, you can see that this person is thoughtful and well-planned. He is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp." "Mom, we're just friends." "In the future, my grandson will be so ugly, how can I hug him out?" Yipin got angry, "I'm old, I can't make sense when I'm old." Mrs. Yang looked at her daughter, "You think I'm confused? I know all about your thoughts." She sighed, "Take your time, don't worry." Yipin sat down, "It's lonely after work, dating is fun, I don't want to get married." Mrs. Yang thought about it and asked, "There is still no news about Erjing?" "She's fine, don't worry." "If you're not worried about you, who are you worried about?" "Mom, I have something else to do." Mrs. Yang poked her head over, "Yipin, your skin is brown and needs careful care." "Yes yes yes." Yipin finally pushed his mother out of the door, heaving a sigh of relief. She wanted to pack her luggage, but found that the clothes had been tidied up, and even the missing buttons were nailed together. To have two such competent domestic helpers, with one pair of hands who have nothing to do but wash their faces.In that way, Yang Yipin would lose himself. The call came, "Yipin, I'll take you out for a walk." "I'm tired." "Then, let's get some sleep first, and then come to see you." What Yipin admires is this feeling of no pressure, comfortable and relaxed, like a long-time wife, knowing each other and knowing each other. This is probably because of not loving him. Not loving each other has the advantage of not loving each other. Sleep with one product and clothes.When I heard the doorbell, I opened my eyes, and it was already dark.She opened the door and saw Lu Yongzhong. She invited him in without turning on the light.Lu Yongzhong's eyes were burning, and he noticed that her hair was wet, "Next time I dry my hair before going to bed to prevent headaches." Yipin smiled, "This statement has no medical basis." Lu Jun picked up the coat for her, "Come on, let's go to the boulevard." Yipin had a feeling that he wanted her to see something. Sure enough, it was a construction site, and it could be seen that the construction of this small independent bungalow was in full swing.Boulevards commanding heights, views of the harbour, somehow, in any city, the hills are the hills, and the hills are the hills. The balcony has not yet installed the railings, Yipin stood out to look at the blue sky and white clouds, a little envious of the future hostess: everything is ready, just walk in with a toothbrush.Lu Jun said behind her, "How is it?" "very good." "One less mistress." Yipin couldn't help laughing when he heard the dialogue in this literary novel. "This is real." Yipin folded his arms in front of his chest, noncommittal. Lu Yongzhong took a deep breath, "Yipin, are you willing to be the hostess of this hut?" Yipin was surprised. She didn't expect him to propose marriage. When she opened her mouth, the answer was even more absurd than the author's arrangement: "You don't actually know me." Lu Yongzhong just smiled, "I know you are a rare treasure." He took out a blue velvet box, opened it, and showed a diamond ring, not too big or too small, and of good taste. "Yipin, please consider." Yipin gently closed the lid of the box and put it back into his pocket, "It's not the time yet, I haven't even thought about it." At this moment, they suddenly heard the sound of a foreign object falling to the ground, the workers exclaimed and commotioned, and someone called for help.
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