Home Categories historical fiction Zeng Guofan·Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 43 Section 6 A wealthy customer came to Lisheng Silk and Satin Shop

Zeng Guofan·Blood Sacrifice 唐浩明 4495Words 2018-03-06
This morning, a customer walked into Lisheng's silk and satin shop in Changsha.This man was about twenty years old, wearing a brand new azure-blue satin gown with maroon color and a bright black felt hat with a crystal-clear ruby ​​embedded in the brow of the hat.He has a slightly proud face and a high-spirited appearance, followed by two middle-aged servants.The accountant in the silk and satin shop saw the person's attire and appearance, and knew that it was either a nobleman or a rich young master, so he quickly got up and went to greet him: "Master is here, please sit down, please sit down!"

The accountant brought someone into a living room next to him, poured tea and passed cigarettes, smiled flatteringly, and asked tentatively, "Master, are you here to see the goods?" A servant replied: "This is the nephew of Master Qinglong of Longzhi." "Oh, so it's Master Long, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The tent was full of obsequious smiles. Long Zhiqing's father used to be Wailang, a member of the household transfer department in the central government, and was later sent to Jiangxi to Taiwan. He served as a local official for more than ten years and saved tens of thousands of wealth for the family.Long Zhiqing also served as a small official. He became an official at the age of forty. He built a large house at the foot of Tongguan Mountain in his hometown, and managed hundreds of acres of paddy fields and more than ten shops in Changsha, Xiangtan, Xiangyin and other places.All major businesses in Changsha knew that Tongguan Long's family was a rich and powerful customer.

Master Long crossed Erlang's legs, holding a teacup and asked, "Where's Boss Sun?" "Boss Sun has something small to go out." The accountant glanced out the door and saw that several shop assistants in the shop were busy dealing with customers, so he got up and cupped his hands and said, "Master Long sit down for a while, and I will go and call Boss Sun in person." .” While waiting for the boss, Sun Guanchen, to be free, Master Long browsed the living room.The room is not big, but it is neatly and elegantly furnished, without the vulgar smell of the living room of a general store, which shows that the boss is from a scholarly family.The decoration on the front wall especially caught Master Long's attention.There are three calligraphy and paintings hanging here: in the middle is an ink painting, which shows bamboos of all sizes and sizes all over the mountain, with straight bamboo poles and dense branches and leaves. There are three or four cuckoo birds flying, the whole picture is quiet and full of vitality; four words are inscribed in the upper right corner: Canglong Valley Picture.Master Long blurted out: "What a painting of ink bamboo! It's no less than Banqiao's handwriting."

There are two characters on the left and right sides of the painting.Master Long didn't intend to look carefully, but he caught a glimpse of the five characters "Disheng Zeng Guofan" on the upper one and the seven characters "Zuo Zongtang, farmer from Shangxiang" on the lower one, and he became interested immediately. He first looked at Zeng Guofan's handwriting, which was a seven-character ancient style, titled "Inscription Cangyu Valley Picture": My family lives in Mount Gaomei in Hunan, and the hut has 10,000 poles of bamboo. In the spring breeze, the jade plate is hoeed in the morning, and in the autumn breeze, the night hall sings the Langshu.

From Beijing to China, there are horses and chariots full of vulgarity that cannot be deleted. Reminiscing bitterly of my hometown, the good forests and valleys, dreaming that this king has no way to climb. The painter of Qiantang is swayed by the sky, and the Xiangyun is cut here by hand. The wind branches and rainy leaves fight against the cold blue, and the bright window is almost empty. The dust in the books is not satisfactory, and it is enough to be engraved with stubbornness. Return this painting to the king and make an appointment with the king, and borrow it ten times a month to read it.

Looking at Zuo Zongtang's handwriting again, it is also a seven-character ancient style, also has sixteen sentences, and is also titled "Inscription Cangyu Valley Picture": The world knows that Xiangshan is suitable for bamboo, and the small ones are especially prosperous. Frozen thunder pierces the ground, the cones fall down, and thousands of mountains and thousands of mountains cry cuckoos. The cuckoo's voice is full of sorrow, and there are guests who can't return to Chang'an. The painter came from Xunxiang to cut Xiangyun paper for Xiangyun people. I suddenly saw Jiashan in my eyes, and several old houses were uneven.

Every year, soldiers encircle Huxiang, and wolves are driven away in the suburbs. He will bind Xiangyun to make a broom to sweep away the dirt in the area. Come back and sleep together on the Cangjiang River, lie down and watch the cold clouds return to the mouth of the valley. Master Long looked at it, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Young Master Long is here, I'm so sorry that I didn't have time to welcome you!" Sun Guanchen greeted loudly as soon as he entered the living room. Master Long stood up and answered, "Boss Sun, I'm sorry to bother you. My brother-in-law plans to marry after the Duanyang Festival this year..."

"Congratulations!" Boss Sun knew that the God of Wealth had entered the door as soon as he heard it, and asked with concern, "Which family did your younger brother marry?" "The granddaughter of Duke Li Wengong of Xiangyin." Mr. Li Wengong was Li Xingyuan who was the governor of Liangjiang.Another well-known rich family, Sun Guanchen was very happy, and said to Master Long: "I guess you haven't eaten yet?" He turned his face and told the accountant, "Hurry up to Caigenxiang and order a table of vegetables!" "My uncle asked me to go to Changsha and Hankou to buy some silk and satin jewelry." Master Long said slowly, "I have heard that Delisheng shop has a full range of silk products. Boss Sun is a kind person, so I came to Baohao to visit and see the goods."

"Master Long's visit is the blessing of the small shop. Although the small shop is not complete, it is not my boast, but it is the first one in Changsha City. I have been in business for many years, and I have always regarded reputation as more important than life. There are visitors from all over the world, I treat them not only as customers, but also as friends. After a short meal, I will accompany the young master to look at the goods. If there is anything missing, the young master only needs to make a list, and it will take less than ten and a half months. The goods must be ready."

"Boss Sun is indeed a hero in the business world, no wonder he has enjoyed a high reputation in Changsha for a long time. I heard that Boss Sun generously donated a huge sum of money to keep Changsha City alive when Chang Mao besieged Changsha the year before. Every time my uncle mentions this, he always praises him." The year before last Sun Guanchen had no choice but to lend 30,000 taels of silver, and when he returned home, his wife cried for days and nights, and the accountant also said that he had lent Jingzhou, but he never returned, and his heart ached for a long time.Later, when the Taiping Army left, Zhang Liangji fulfilled his promise to return the money with interest of 300 taels of silver. He also said that after the whole territory of Hunan was at peace, he would cast a bronze bell and engrave his name on the Red Archway to commemorate it.Together with Huang Mian, He Yuan, and Ouyang Zhaoxiong, Sun Guanchen immediately became a highly respected hero in Changsha.The wife and accountant also praised him for his vision.Sun Guanchen was very proud and respected Zhang Liangji and Zuo Zongtang.

"Master Long, you are being polite, this is my job." Sun Guanju was not without complacency and humility. "In the past, I only heard about Boss Sun's boldness and righteousness. Today, seeing the calligraphy and paintings hanging in the living room, I can see that Boss Sun is generous and noble, and he has a deep friendship with two famous people in Hunan." "The Sun family was family friends with Zeng and Zuo, and I have known them for many years. However, this painting and Zeng's and Zuo's poems are not directly related to me." "Then why is it hanging in the living room of Baohao?" Master Long asked strangely. Just as Sun Guanchen was about to explain, he suddenly saw that Cai Genxiang's dishes had arrived, so he hurriedly said, "Young Master and the two nobles, please sit in and let's talk slowly during the table." At the banquet, Boss Sun was courteous, and Master Long also tried his best to please, and the two were very close. "Young master just asked about this calligraphy and painting." Sun Guanchen wiped his mouth and said, "This painting was originally painted by my brother Dingchen in the capital, and it is about the mountain scenery of our hometown." "It's no wonder Boss Sun's family is Zhilanyushu, and Kunzhong joined hands with the high school. It turns out that your mansion is so beautiful. It's really an outstanding person." Young Master Long intended to compliment. "Young Master, you've praised me." Sun Guanchen was delighted, and continued, "Although there are two brothers in Beijing, but the longer they are officials and the longer they are away from home, the homesickness and nostalgia for the homeland cannot be eliminated. On the contrary, they are increasing day by day. Thinking urgently So, my elder brother asked a famous painter of Qiantang Danqing to draw this picture of Canglong Valley according to his own narration, and hung it at home. Straight green bamboo." "Brother Ling is elegant and sentimental, I'm afraid he is rare among the prominent officials in the capital!" "Although there are few, there are many confidants. The Minister Zeng Disheng is one." Sun Guanchen persuaded Master Long to drink and eat food, and then said, "That day, the Minister Disheng came to my brother's place and saw this picture of Canglong Valley. He kept talking, and stood in front of the painting for a quarter of an hour or two, and told his brother that he thought about Mount Gaomei every day and remembered the secluded green bamboos on the mountain, but it was a pity that he couldn't go back. Seeing that he liked it so much, my brother said I would give it to you The waiter Disheng didn't even dare to say that he didn't dare, but only offered to borrow it for half a month. After half a month, he returned the painting, and at the same time sent a piece of Qiyan Gufeng." "Looks like it's the one above." Young Master Long pointed to the opposite wall. "Exactly. Minister Disheng's poems, essays, and characters are all excellent. This ancient style comes from the truth, especially well-written, and the calligraphy is also very good. My brother valued it very much and asked someone to frame it. Last winter, my brother came home Visiting my relatives, I brought my calligraphy and paintings back with me. One day, Mr. Zuo came to visit. My brother took out his calligraphy and paintings, and praised the paintings and poems. Mr. Zuo only smiled slightly and remained silent. After a few days, he also sent a seven Speaking of Gufeng, the topic is the same, and the number of sentences is also the same." "Master Zuo deliberately wants to compare with Zeng Shilang." Young Master Long said with a smile. "Master Zuo really guessed Master Zuo's heart!" Sun Guanchen laughed so hard that his face was full of meat, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and his whole head and face looked like a big oily meatball. "My brother also said the same thing after reading Master Zuo's poem. My brother also asked someone to frame it. Before returning to Beijing, he asked me to hide it at home, and said: 'Zeng and Zuo are rare in this world. Talent, fame and fame in the future are limitless, and after decades, these two characters will be treasures." I said: "After ten or twenty years, the Minister of Disheng may have the hope of joining the cabinet, but Zuo Jigao has already Over forty years old, still a commoner, I am afraid that the future of this life will not be great." My brother said seriously: "You don't know how to judge people. Zuo Zongtang's prosperity is only in the past few years." Sure enough, he told his brother It's a hit. Luo Zhongcheng is obedient to Master Zuo now, and the emperor has praised him many times, Master Zuo is really going to make a fortune!" After speaking, he laughed again. "So that's the case, no wonder Boss Sun hung this calligraphy and painting in the living room!" Sun Guanchen didn't hear the meaning of Young Master Long's words, but still proudly said: "Since these calligraphy and paintings were hung, the business of the small shop has really boomed. Changsha officials, gentry and celebrities like to come and have a look and appreciate it. Many people said that although Shi Lang Zeng's poems are better than Mr. Zuo's, this ancient style is not as good as Mr. Zuo's. Mr. Zuo's spirit is vigorous and his rhyme flows smoothly. It seems that Mr. Zuo has won the competition!" Sun Guanchen spoke happily, got up and walked to the wall, pointed to Zuo Zongtang's poem "I will bind Xiangyun to make a broom, and sweep away the dirt in the district" and said: "Come and see, there are many The courage, the courage to defeat thousands of troops and sweep everything. Minister Zeng is indeed inferior." Sun Guanchen only said to himself, he didn't see the growing displeasure on Young Master Long's face.He walked up to Master Long and asked, "What do you think, Master?" Master Long realized his gaffe just now, quickly put on a smiling face and said, "Boss Sun is right, it seems that things that overwhelm Yuan Bai often happen." After the meal, Master Long turned to the topic. "My younger brother's happy date is set on the Duanyang Festival." Sun Guanchen had been waiting for Master Long to talk about the purchase, and at this moment he hurriedly answered: "Today is the first day of April, won't it be here soon?" "It's not far away, but what's annoying is that the place is not peaceful. A few days ago, several hundred long hairs came to Jinggang, and dozens of warships were moored on the Weishui River and the Xiangjiang River, which made people panic. My uncle has a heart I want to buy some clothes in Changsha, but I am afraid of being robbed along the way; and Changmao is in Jinggang, so how can I manage the wedding? The old man wants to postpone the wedding until the Mid-Autumn Festival, and wait for Wuchang to settle down before going to Hankou to buy.” Sun Guanchen was anxious when he heard that: "Master Long is too worried, how long can the long hair stay! Besides, if you go to Hankou to buy it, the money will be several times more expensive, so it's not worth it." "That's what I told my uncle. Besides, Boss Sun is a gentleman in business and reliable, so I have repeatedly persuaded my uncle to give up his intention to go out of the province to buy." "The small shop will still have to rely on the support of the young master in the future. Please, the young master must persuade the old master Huicheng to make this business." "I want to be a long-term customer with Boss Sun. You see," Master Long took out a piece of paper from the middle of the boot, "This is a check for one thousand taels of silver, and it will be placed here with Boss Sun as a deposit. You What do you think?" Sun Guanchen's eyes lit up, and he said repeatedly: "The young master is really an honest person. Whatever the young master wants, the shop will definitely buy it as scheduled, so that the young master can earn a full face in front of the master." Sun Guanchen took the check with both hands, seeing that it belonged to HSBC Bank, he carefully put it in his cuff. "Boss Sun, if this business is to be completed, it depends on your cooperation." "Yes, yes." Sun Guanchen replied hastily, "I don't know what orders the young master has for the goods?" "Boss Sun didn't understand what I meant." Master Long said, "I'm not concerned with the goods. I'm afraid that Jinggang and Tongguan will not be quiet, and my uncle will change his mind in the future, or go to Hankou or Shanghai to buy. , At that time, even though I wanted to make things perfect, I was powerless to help." "Young master is right." Sun Guanchen became anxious again, "This is quite difficult." "Uh, isn't Boss Sun very familiar with Zeng Shilang?" Young Master Long raised Erlang's legs and stroked the blue and white porcelain cup in his hand, as if suddenly remembering, and said casually, "You can ask Zeng Shilang to send troops! Ask Zeng Shilang to send troops to destroy the chief Mao, won't Jinggang and Tongguan be quiet?" Master Long looked at Sun Guanchen with piercing eyes.Sun Guanchen was in a dilemma: "I asked Zeng Shilang to send troops, can I make a move?" "Let me see, yes!" Young Master Long moved his face closer and said seriously, "Zeng Shilang was defeated by Chang Mao not long ago, and he was ashamed in front of the imperial court and Hunan officials. They will definitely send troops. Besides," Young Master Long said, pointing to the calligraphy and painting on the opposite wall, "he won't refuse your request just because of the calligraphy and painting on the opposite wall!" Sun Guanchen thought, if he dared not invite Zeng Guofan to send troops, it would be a disgraceful thing, and the business would not be done, so he had to do it well no matter what. "How many long hairs does Jinggang have?" Sun Guanchen asked. "My uncle is a township protector. He once sent a team member from the village to investigate the reality of the long hair. The water and land of the long hair will not exceed five hundred." Sun Guanchen thought for a while and said, "I will visit Zeng Shilang in two days." "Actually, there is a good opportunity tomorrow. I wonder if Mr. Zeng can seize this opportunity." "how do I say this?" "Boss Sun," Young Master Long said in a low voice, "tomorrow is the birthday of a long-haired leader, and all the long-haired people will eat and drink for a day. For soldiers, isn't this a good opportunity that can't be met?" "real." "It's still fake! Since yesterday, Changmao has been buying meat and wine everywhere, and organizing banquets." "Okay!" Sun Guanchen made up his mind, "I'll go see Minister Zeng this afternoon." "Boss Sun," Young Master Long got up, "If this business is completed, all the clothes for my sister's wedding in the twelfth lunar month will be in the treasure number." "A deal?" "It's a deal." Master Long took a casual look at the goods and left.After leaving the Xiangchun Gate, the three looked at each other and laughed.One person said: "Brother Guoxian, fortunately you are from our family, and you can really pretend to be a young master Long. We poor people can't learn that in a lifetime." Zhou Guoxian was very happy in his heart, and said: "I have really been a rich young master for twenty years, how can I not look like this?"
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