Home Categories historical fiction Zeng Guofan·Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 17 Section 8 Zuo Zongtang recommends the virtuous

Zeng Guofan·Blood Sacrifice 唐浩明 1157Words 2018-03-06
When the Taiping Army withdrew from Changsha, the officials and gentry in the whole city breathed a sigh of relief, but the poor people felt deeply sorry.They hope that the army will come into the city, kill a few more corrupt officials and evil gentry, and avenge the poor.I heard that the jade seal of the Ming Dynasty was found in the Yaowang Temple. The people in Changsha City and the four townships all believed that the future of the country belonged to the Taiping Army, and they had hope for the future.Many young people with no care in their families left with the Taiping Army.They want to follow Hong Yang to conquer the world and build a new dynasty.

Zhang Liangji held a banquet in the name of the governor to reward all the officials and gentry who have contributed to the defense of Changsha City over the past two months, and specially invited Huang Mian, Sun Guanchen, He Yuan and Ouyang Zhaoxiong to sit at the first seat, and promised to report immediately The imperial court repays the 120,000 taels of silver they borrowed.He also named the cannon king who had made great achievements "the red-robed general".Following Bao Qibao's request, he rebuilt the statue of the City God Bodhisattva and named him "Dingxiang King".Zuo Zongtang was also asked to quickly draft a memorial titled "Changsha's Great Victory Bandit Fleeing North", asking for credit and reward from the court.

Zuo Zongtang was not as happy as Zhang Liangji, he was thinking deeply.Over the years, Zuo Zongtang, as a bystander, has seen very clearly the corruption of the imperial court, the filth of the officialdom, and the corruption of the green camp.He knew that Hong Yang's rebellion was forced to go to Liangshan because he had nowhere to go. His combat effectiveness was extraordinary, and he won the support of the people.The defense of Changsha City was not due to the strength of the officers and soldiers, but because Hong Yangzhi was not here.The world will be in chaos from now on, so don't be too optimistic.After the failure of the Battle of Hexi, he thought that he could not count on the green battalion to fight Hong Yang in the future.It seems that they can only imitate the way they fought against the White Lotus Sect in the past, organize group training, and develop a strong team from the group training.Now that the long hair has retreated, it is necessary to hurry up and make preparations for this matter.All counties have to build regiments like Xiangxiang, Xinning, Xiangtan and other places, and the provinces are led by one person.Who will organize this matter?He first thought of Luo Zenan.

Luo Zenan is a well-known Neo-Confucianist, but he does not just talk about rationality, but pays attention to the practicality of the world. Among his disciples, there are many capable people.Since last year, he has hosted group training in Xiangxiang, gathering more than a thousand people.Because of his meritorious service in practicing bravery, he has been recommended as an alternate trainer.However, although Luo Zenan has experience in group training, he is humble after all, and Changsha is not Xiangxiang, so it is difficult for him to gain a foothold here.Come out yourself?I also feel that my qualifications are still low, and I am afraid that others will not accept it.Who will take on this great responsibility?He thought of Jiang Zhongyuan, but Changsha City Defense could not do without him.What about Guo Songtao?He is a typical scholar who can't bear drama.Where's Ouyang Zhaoxiong?This man is too unruly to be a leader.After much deliberation, no one is suitable.Zuo Zongtang paced back and forth in the room, suddenly slapped his forehead, and said happily, "Why did I forget this person for a while!"

He hurried to the signing room, and said to Zhang Liangji with rare excitement: "Zhongcheng, there is someone who will host the provincial team training." "Who?" Zhang Liangji asked happily. "Look, Zhongcheng, what about Zeng Disheng, who is guarding the system in his native place in Xiangxiang?" "Which of the Minister of Disheng died?" "His mother passed away in June. He returned to his hometown for the funeral from the post of chief examiner in Jiangxi. It has been two months since he returned home." "Shangmao has been so distracted these days, and I don't know that brother Disheng has returned home. I'm really sorry. It would be a great thing if he were to host it."

After a short pause, Zhang Liangji said, "However, I heard that Zeng Disheng has always been a cautious person, and he is the most respected. He is in mourning, can he go out to work?" "I have also considered this point. Mo Yu joined the army, and there are ancient instructions. The body and life value fame and education, but even more fame and career. As long as the adults write a letter and report it to the court, and ask the emperor to issue an edict, I think he will come out of the mountain .” "Okay, I'm going to fix the book right now, please draw up a notebook."

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