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Chapter 42 What can make me happy is the fact

Life is especially difficult for people in their twenties because at this time the philosophy of life has not yet been established.If one goes through a tough time in their twenties, it's hard to escape world-weary thoughts.People who see the world with a dark perspective will only become more and more unhappy.There was a time when misanthropy attracted many intellectuals with its unique charm.I heard that almost no one who went to university before the 1990s did not admire Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. It seems that it is understandable that optimists were called "people without ideas" at that time.

However, the thinking of young people today has changed, and now young people in their twenties hate those troublesome problems even more.People of the previous generation are always worried about this change in young people, but this change is not necessarily a bad thing.Young people become more innocent and make themselves happier than people in the past.As a modern person in your twenties, you should acquire a "positive way of thinking" on pure soil and amid the sound of blessings.Because the positive way of thinking comes from this simplicity.Some people may think that it is inappropriate for me to interfere with other people's philosophy of life.However, no matter how you think about it, a positive attitude towards life is definitely "this world is a place to live, and I am also a person who lives happily".

In fact, the world can also be seen as a horrible place that shouldn't be, if one looks at the facts alone.Just sitting and watching the nine o'clock news, we can sigh: This world is really not a place for people to live.However, the facts are also relative and complex.That being the case, it's better to take the things that make you happier and put you in a better mood as facts.Watching the news every day and worrying, it is better to think: "That kind of thing is not so easy to happen, otherwise can it be on the social news?" A truly kind fortune teller will not directly tell others about the bad luck.For example, if a person is not filial to a child, instead of telling him the reality directly, it is better to persuade him indirectly: "In the future, we should pay special attention to our children and communicate with them more." Maybe fate will be changed by people's will, Maybe what a person thinks and believes will become a fact. If a fortune teller changes his own words, the fate of that person will become an established fact.

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