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Chapter 74 Chapter 3 Freedom Like the Wind (6)

sad coffee shop song 朱少麟 1736Words 2018-03-13
I have been unable to fly because there are too many burdens on my shoulders.Marty recalled himself in Sabina's time, disregarding the social pressure among classmates, living together with Jason indulgently, just because he believed in a word that was too profound: live for your own feelings, and don't care about other people's values.At that time, she didn't understand at all that faith alone was not enough, really not enough.As a result of not caring about other people's values, she also lost value in the eyes of her classmates, and the young Sabina suffered deeply because of this loss of group and low self-esteem.

After work, Marty fell into another predicament.Constantly changing jobs represents an unsteady heart. What you want, you have never dared to pursue boldly, and you can only wander absent-mindedly among jobs you don't want.This morning, when Marty was still in the office, staring absently at "My Reminder Sheet" on the desk, she suddenly felt disgusted with her own irresponsibility.What the hell am I doing?Marty scribbled this on "My Tip Sheet."What the hell am I doing?Knowing that I don't want to be trapped in this kind of work and rest, but still lazily passing by day after day, the result is that the better the work, the less responsible I am to myself.Marty then leaned over his desk and wrote a letter to Dr. Chen, recalling his life in the past few years while writing.

In the past few years, I always heard about the movements of some classmates and friends. Some of them went abroad to study, and Marty envied them; independent.And her condition, in a word, is involuntary. Involuntarily, falling into a dull marriage; involuntarily, spending time in work that I am not interested in.Why not be independent?Because life has to live, because everyone else lives it too, because quitting a job too casually, you won't be able to explain to others... God, who am I kidding?Marty wrote in a letter to Dr. Chen: I am lying to myself, Dr. Chen, I have never dared to face myself seriously.I'm not brave, I'm not responsible, I'm not even honest.

The sea breeze blew through her drenched trousers, and Marty was shivering all over.She put the photo in her pocket, got up and walked back. Hai'an and Ji'er are probably still arguing, right?But that's okay too.For Marty, their sparring has become a warm, sad coffee shop image.Now Marty needed a warm campfire, and she walked toward it along the shoreline. Coming out of the darkness, like the flame of a lamp, and the shining of headlights, Marty's friends were enveloped in a halo like heaven.Marty heard music on the wind. Xiaoye drove Hai'an's sports car to the fire, and turned up the car's stereo to the maximum volume. The pair of extremely expensive speakers on Hai'an's car played a song "Moonlight in the Desert" that Marty liked very much with clear sound quality.

The desolate rocky beaches, deserts, and the moon, no matter how lonely and desperate, are now purified by the wind, and the sad associations are removed, leaving only the pure beauty of the outline of heaven and earth.In the desert moonlight, Haian and Jier are dancing freely.Hai'an was still bare-chested, and Jill was barefoot. They both closed their eyes, danced in the wind, and swirled their pendants gently, like two falling leaves. "Finally saw Jill dance. Lucky night," Marty said, and she sat down beside Su Yuan. "The most beautiful pas de deux. I want to remember it." Su Yuan said softly, as if afraid of disturbing the dancers.

Xiaoye also came over and sat down beside them. "It's all the same. Primitive people squatted on the cliffs and stared at the sun, while modern people look at the moonlight in the desert." Marty said. "What are you talking about?" Suyuan asked. "I said, it's freezing to death, what should I do?" Marty rubbed her wet trousers. "Come here, drink some wine to keep out the cold." Teng Tiao and Xiao Mei came from their car, holding various wine bottles in their arms. "Handcuffs, where is the hotel?" Xiaoye was happy. "Be prepared. Come, one bottle per person, you're welcome." The rattan passed the bottle to everyone.Hai'an and Ji'er walked back to the fire hand in hand, and both took a bottle of wine.

The bottle of wine that Marty was given was a rare low square column shape.She turned the bottle around in the firelight, and saw the French name of the wine, Cointreau, with a proof of forty.Xiaoye helped Marty unscrew the cap of the bottle, she raised her head and took a sip, it was very spicy, but also sweet and greasy.Teng Tiao looked at her with a smile and said, "Drink less, don't force it." How could it be forced?This sea breeze, this starlight, and the music played from Hai'an's car, just took a sip of 40% alcohol Cointreau wine, the first spicy and then sweet taste washed into the blood vessels of the whole body, Marty was still shivering from the cold, but Shaking thoroughly, cold with joy.

"It's easy to get drunk like this. It's a pity I didn't bring anything in the car to drink." Cane said, he was dryly sipping a bottle of brandy. "Tacky," Jill said, holding up her whiskey. "Wine tastes good when it's drunk alone." "Good wine goes with poetry," Marty said. "Okay. Let's write poetry." Su Yuan repeatedly agreed. "Doubly vulgar. Poetry and wine are not separated? An excuse for lack of talent." Jill said again. "Let's write poetry." Su Yuan said with a smile.For Jill, she has her own way of getting along, which is to gently ignore her sharpness.Su Yuan always knew how to make a gentle lining.

"It's so difficult, we're not poets." Xiaomei's pretty face showed difficulty. "Then write a very simple poem. Within fifty characters, you will be fined if you exceed it." Su Yuan was very happy with this idea. "Then you demonstrate." Xiaomei and rattan said in unison.
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