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Chapter 14 second quarter

Same door 亦舒 1287Words 2018-03-13
She also stood on the terrace, Qin Cong put his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulders. A flower boat specially designed for tourists floats on the river. A girl in purple, Thai, green and gold bracelets looks at the sky and prays. She sprinkles lotus petals on the river. Qin Cong said softly: "The Zhaobaiya River is their source of life. Rivers confuse me, like the Euphrates and Tigris, like the Yellow River and Yangtze River, like the Amazon, Mississippi, Ganges, Nile..." Jin Ping raised his head: "Where are you from?" Qin Cong was startled: "I'm just like you, I'm an orphan."

"But you should have some memory." The two had known each other since childhood, lived and ate together, talked about everything, and sometimes they didn't say a word, and they knew each other's minds. But Qin Cong didn't want to talk about his life experience. "I was washing glasses in a bar. The master thought I was diligent and took me home." As soon as he entered the door, he saw an angel-like little girl coming out with a smile. He thought she would be very proud and look down on him, but she didn't. The little girl was very friendly and cared for him.

His knuckles were rough and scratched, and she applied medicine for him; he didn't want a haircut, but she gently persuaded him, "Be shorter and more energetic." No matter how stubborn he is, he always listens to her. Even the master once said with a smile: "The golden bottle is Qin Cong's medicine." He likes machinery, he disassembles and puts back everything in the house, especially electronic products. The stereo, TV, and computer in the room were all picked up from a second-hand stall for ten yuan a basket, and have been repaired and processed, so I don’t know how much they can be used for.

Qin Cong's TV is just an inner tank, and he connects it to the antenna to watch global satellite programs. His room is like a science fiction laboratory, and then he reassembles a dead computer and enters another world. They watched each other develop, grow, and transform from children to young adults. Qin Cong once asked: "Will you block a bullet for me?" Jin Ping looked at his handsome face for a long time, stretched out his fingers to gently stroke his thick eyebrows, and then replied: "No." He deflated: "Why not?" "I only have a body and a soul, how can I block so much."

Jin Ping grinned. They have been inseparable for ten years. One day, he ran around the house with her on his back, stumbled and fell, and the two of them made a ground gourd, which was seen by the master when he came back. He looked at them both with a smile. "When you grow up, you should respect each other and set a good example for Yulu." This is enough to make the two of them vigilant, and they have been taboo ever since. The master also sighed: "I didn't expect the children to grow up so fast." Her friend laughed and said, "I wish they would grow up soon."

"But as soon as he grows up, he has the seven emotions and six desires, and gradually walks into the world of mortals, and suffers from then on." The friend kept laughing, not knowing how to answer. Sure enough, today, Jin Ping wants to leave the sect. Jin Ping said to Qin Cong: "You must remember your life experience, there will always be clues." Qin Cong smiled: "I was caught by you today, it seems that I have to say something." "It's more comfortable to say it." "I'm not sick." One night, his brown-skinned mother said to him: "Originally, he said he would marry me, but now he has disappeared without a trace. I miss home, and I can't take you with me, so I have to leave you with my friends. "

The man was the owner of a small bar, and that was how he survived in the dark storeroom until the master came and took him away. That day, when he was pulling the beer keg out of the basement, he heard someone softly say, "I didn't expect this kid to be so big." He suddenly realized that it was him who was talking, and immediately listened with bated breath. "What is your name?" "It's called San Miguel, the name of a kind of beer." "Be obedient?" "There is no obedient child in the world. He is very sensible, diligent, clean hands and feet, and he knows how to repair electrical appliances, which is more effective than many adults. I started paying him last year."

Yes, talking about him. "I'll take him away, what do you say?" "Miss Wang, if you say one, we can't say the other, but you can also see that we don't want to part with him. This bar has been in business since the 1960s. It was originally a US military business. I don't know how many joys and sorrows I have seen." He saw the woman speaking gently place a check on the table. The boss took it and held it tightly in his hand, but his mouth was still polite: "There is no need for so much, but he will eat whatever we eat."
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