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Chapter 23 Episode 3 Xu Xiaobo

Xu Xiaobo's friends like him very much. He doesn't talk much, but he can do what he says, he is generous in what he does, and he is righteous to his friends. They all have a little money, but they are not that rich. That is to say, it is no problem to buy a BMW Brilliance worth 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, but it is difficult to buy a BMW X5 worth more than one million yuan. This is a high-consumption city, so they don't want to enjoy eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Xu Xiaobo is a little different from them. He doesn't raise women, doesn't gamble, doesn't have K fans, doesn't collect wine... It can't be said that he has no hobbies. He likes to read. It is said that there are several cabinets full of books at home, but this hobby does not cost money. , and this hobby is weird enough, now even university professors are too busy making money to read books, and he, who doesn't even have a high school diploma, actually likes to read?

Often when a group of them were drinking to the fullest, the women around them began to let go, and Xu Xiaobo got up to leave. At first, everyone didn't understand him, and some people even looked down on him, but after getting along with him for a long time, he gradually got to know Xiaobo's personality, and thought he was very nice, and wanted to introduce his cousins ​​to him, but Xiaobo always Smiling and refusing. Everyone was wondering, what kind of guy does Xu Xiaobo want to find? Xu Xiaobo is also asking himself this question, what kind of woman does he want to spend the rest of his life with?

It is not difficult to find a virtuous woman to form a family, just like Brother Li, but he has more expectations in his heart. Under Li Ge's persuasion, he also got along with a few girls, and they were quite happy with each other, but he always felt that something was missing. Brother Li asked him, "What's missing?" Xiaobo couldn't answer again. Brother Li shook his head and sighed, "Did you compare them with Qiqi unconsciously? Qiqi and you have known each other since we were young. When we met, our temperaments were not stable. When we grow up together, we will influence each other. It is inevitable that we will be more than others. We have a tacit understanding, if you want that feeling, you must be missing it.”

Xiao Bo was a little unhappy, and he didn't hide it from Brother Li, and directly expressed it on his face, "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't say that Qi Qi left a long time ago, even when I was here, I always regarded her as my younger sister." Brother Li didn't speak. Was Qiqi ten years old when she met Xiaobo?That was the time when a girl's personality gradually took shape, and Qiqi was very convinced of Xiaobo, and she was very dependent on Xiaobo psychologically. Qiqi's character was almost transformed and grown under the influence of Xiaobo, becoming what Xiaobo wanted her to be.Even Xiaobo's final breakup of friendship only contributed to Qiqi's transformation and growth again. To put it an exaggeration, that girl was cultivated by Xiaobo himself according to his own expectations.It's just that Xiaobo himself didn't realize it.

In the end, Qiqi became what Xiaobo hoped she would be most — self-respect and self-love, hard work, intelligence and self-confidence, reason without losing sincerity, toughness with gentleness, and under all the beauty, Qiqi still hides her stubbornness Extremism, even low self-esteem and ruthlessness, that is something hidden deep in Xiaobo's heart. Brother Li stood up and patted Xiaobo on the shoulder, "Your sister-in-law will take her son back to her parents' house tonight, and I'll be single again, so I'll call Squid to play ball together." Xiaobo was about to make a call when the phone rang.

"Brother and I were talking about you, saying that we were going to play together at night, would you like to take a vacation with Sister Yaoao?" No, I'm with her, we're both 'on the water side', you guys hurry up, I have good news... no, I have a big surprise for you. " Xiaobo laughed: "What kind of surprise?" "You'll know when you come here, hurry up!" Xiao Bo hung up the phone, went downstairs with Brother Li to pick up the car, and carried another case of beer on the way. When I walked into "On the Water Side", the door of the store was closed, so Yao Yao and Squid sat inside and chatted.

Brother Li put down the beer, smiled and said to Yaoluo: "You help us order some barbecue, we will eat while playing ball later." Yaoluo agreed, but didn't move, and looked at Xiaobo with a smile. Xiao Bo looked at the squid: "Your expressions make my scalp tingle." Squid asked Yaoluo: "You say it or I say it." "Speak!" But just as Squid was about to speak, Yao Yao immediately said, "Let me speak! Xiaobo, sit down first." Xiao Bo pretended to be cautious on purpose, sat on the edge of the sofa, lowered his eyebrows and said pleasantly: "Sister-in-law, tell me!"

Seeing this, Brother Li also became interested, and sat beside him with a smile. Yaoluo held a piece of paper in her hand, folded it up and opened it up, "An old friend came to the shop today, guess who it is?" Xiao Bo smiled and began to guess, guessing from Zhang San, Li Si, to Wang Er Mazi, the enchanting smile kept shaking his head. Seeing the appearance of Squid and Yaoluo, Brother Li shuddered violently. If he was an old friend, since Squid, Yaoluo and Xiaobo all knew each other, they should also be his old friends, but Squid and Yaoluo didn't care about his reaction. , obviously this old friend has a better relationship with Xiaobo, and he is someone Xiaobo cares about. Xiaobo is very strict with himself, with a cold face and a cold heart. He seems to be buddies with everyone, but he actually picks friends very well, which can make him care There are not many people.

Brother Li stepped on the squid under the table and asked him with his eyes, the squid nodded slightly. Their movements were very slight, but Xiaobo has always been delicate in his thoughts. In such a short period of time, he had already thought of what Brother Li thought of. He was still smiling, but he couldn't speak, the name was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't get it out.Maybe because I cared too much, I started not to believe my own judgment, for fear of being wrong. For a while, the room fell into silence, and no one spoke. More than ten years ago, when they were green teenagers, Li Ge, Squid, Xiao Bo, Yao Yao, and Qi Qi were like a small family, playing together, making troubles together, making troubles together, taking responsibility together, taking care of each other, and caring for each other, but since After the squid went to prison in an accident, they never got together again. Either one was missing or the other was missing. In the most difficult time, only Brother Li and Xiaobo were left.

Afterwards, Squid came out of the prison. After working hard and overcoming many difficulties, he found Yao Yao back. They were reunited again. Although Qi Qi was missing, it was nothing. After all, the days passed as soon as possible. Everyone mentioned her less, just As they seldom recall everything in the past. However, this night, Qiqi's name was like a spell, awakening everything they thought they had forgotten. There are laughter, wantonness, and so many years of hardship and bitterness. Between Qiqi's departure and her return, more than ten years have passed by in a flash. However, they have experienced the ups and downs in life, failures and successes, separation and reunion, bitterness and sweetness.

Enchanting silently put the note in her hand in front of Xiaobo, "This is Qiqi's message to you." When her hand was empty, the first thing she did was to grab the squid's hand, which she had just touched , was held tightly in the palm of the hand by the squid. Time is like sailing a boat on a big river. Sometimes the water is gentle and the waves are flat. You can easily hold hands and laugh at the scenery on both sides of the river, playing and playing. Sometimes the wind is rough and the waves are rough. Sometimes, in order to protect myself and not to drag others down, I had to let go. After a huge wave, maybe we will be separated forever. When the wind is calm again, the boat is still moving forward, and we can only cry at the bow of the boat. People with new scenery laugh in the new scenery. Few people in this world have the courage to jump off the rapids and look back for the lost person. Who knows where that person was rushed to?Who knows if he has met new scenery and new people, and laughed in the new scenery?Therefore, you can only press the past into your heart and move on, there is no right or wrong, this is life. However, if you can not let go, if you can hold hands forever, how happy it would be! Enchantingly looking at the squid, there were faint tears in her eyes, and there were words in her heart that she would never say, "Thank you, thank you for not letting go, without you foolishly refusing to let go, there would be no holding hands today." Xiao Bo held the note, but didn't open it for a long time, only asked with a smile: "What does she look like now?" Squid said: "I don't know, we didn't see it, she left the note to the clerk and asked Yao Yao to pass it to you." Enchanting thought for a while and said, "I think I saw her." Xiao Bo smiled and said nothing, not only did not look at Enchanting, but lowered his gaze, staring at the folded note in his hand. Enchanting said: "I was talking on the phone with my sister at the time. I was afraid that the customers in the store would think I was noisy, so I didn't enter the store. I stood outside and said that I accidentally saw a woman staring at me. I thought she looked familiar at the time, but I was busy talking about things and didn't care." The squid said: "You are so stupid! You don't respond to people staring at you!" "Hmph!" Enchanting brushed her hair, smiled, very coquettish, "People stare at me all the time when I walk on the street, am I still curious about everyone?" Brother Li smiled implicitly, but Squid laughed out loud. Enchanting glared at them, and said to Xiaobo: "Although I didn't pay much attention, I still have a general impression that she should be living well and is more beautiful than before. She's not that rustic Qiqi anymore. Otherwise, I wouldn't fail to recognize her, didn't she make an appointment to meet tomorrow? You can go boldly!" Xiaobo was stunned, and pointed at the note enchantingly. Xiaobo finally opened the note. A beautiful and warm little bookstore, like a teenager's dream.Dreamers have forgotten what they thought about in the turbulent world of mortals, but they didn't expect that when they suddenly looked back, their dreams had come true. Xiaobo, I will wait for you by the river tomorrow, see you soon. Chi Chi I said be there or be square! Suddenly, Xiao Bo's heart beat faster, he didn't drink at all, but he felt slightly drunk. Brother Li didn't talk about gentlemanly demeanor with Xiaobo, so he leaned next to Xiaobo, read it with relish, and said with a smile: "Success, Qiqi is promising, and what you said is bold! Comrade Xiaobo, we will welcome Qiqi." The task of Qi’s return is entrusted to you!” Enchantingly said excitedly: "Tomorrow you are approved to meet alone, and the day after tomorrow we will all be together. Let's go to karaoke first, and then dance. Check if this girl has forgotten what we taught her back then." Squid said: "There is still a game of cards! Brother Li and I are still in the same family. Let you and Qiqi's family see who wins and loses." Everyone at the table laughed happily. Maybe they didn't have any great achievements, but they might overcome the cruel years and stay together all the time. This is the greatest miracle of life! Xiao Bo smiled and said nothing, Brother Li gave Squid a wink, the two stood up, went to play billiards, Yao Yao followed, each holding a can of beer, chatting in a low voice. Squid glanced at Xiaobo who was sitting alone under the lamp, and said in a low voice: "Qiqi came back, I thought Xiaobo would be the most excited and happy, but he doesn't seem to be very happy, on the contrary, he is full of worries." Enchanting glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Brother Li muttered while playing ball, "Xiaobo's cultural person has committed the old problem again. Before doing anything, he starts to think about all kinds of sour consequences. He is worried that seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other. Memories are beautiful, but reality is cruel." Yes, according to me, it is better for people to read less books, how many great thinkers are happy? They all think too much and do too little!" The squid said: "What do you mean? Not seeing? Not seeing what? Will he not go to see Qiqi? How can this be? It's not easy for people to come back from the United States!" Enchanting thought for a while, and finally understood Li Ge's meaning, glanced at the squid, and said to Li Ge: "They are all too smart, they were made trouble by being smart! You have to think before and after when you do anything! If my squid Reckless, I don’t care about you, I rushed to you first and asked clearly, if you don’t agree, I will knock you out and go home to resist.” Brother Li laughed, "Yeah, that's why this kid is lucky to be a fool!" Squid touched his head, looked at his wife, and looked at his elder brother, "I heard that what you said didn't seem to be a good thing, but it seemed to be praising me again!" Enchanting suppressed a smile and said, "I'm just praising you!" Squid asked, "What do you guys mean? Why doesn't Xiaobo go to see Qiqi?" Enchanting said: "If Xiaobo is like us, he will go to see him. If he finds that he is different from us, then he will have more things to consider, such as whether Qiqi is married, whether he has a boyfriend, whether he is worthy Not worthy, is it possible, how big is the possibility, will it hurt Qiqi..." Squid was dizzy when he heard that, "Won't he ask? You'll know if you meet him! What's wrong with you?" Enchantment looked at Brother Li helplessly, with a look of "Look, I'm sure I'm right", Brother Li smiled and pulled the squid, "Hurry up and play, don't think about it anymore." Xiao Bo walked over with a smile, "What are you talking about?" Brother Li said: "Just talk about you! Hurry up and get the pole!" Xiaobo went to get the pole, watched the battle, and waited for the next round. Enchanting looked at the three of them, smiled and went out to help them buy barbecue. The three brothers played billiards all night, drank a case of beer, and finished three bottles of liquor. Brother Li deliberately got Xiao Bo drunk. When Xiao Bo woke up the next day, he found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. His forehead was sweating, and he hurried to take a shower, scolding himself while taking a shower. After taking a shower, I saw Li Ge sitting in the living room, stretching his waist and said to him: "I haven't eaten all day, let's go have dinner." Xiao Bo glanced at the clock on the wall out of the corner of his eyes, but said nothing. Brother Li didn't notice his expression at all, he pushed Xiaobo out, and happily called Squid and Yaoluo to have dinner together. After tossing and tossing for a long time, the four people gathered at the restaurant, and Yao Yao even brought the child along. Because of Xiao Bo's good temper, he has always been attracted to children. When the little guy sees him, he will crawl on him. Xiao Bo can only cheer up and coax the little guy to play. A meal was full of turmoil, the plates were knocked out, the chopsticks were dropped, and the child was crying. At first, Xiao Bo was patient and looked at the watch on his wrist from the corner of his eyes. Accepting fate with a cold heart is like rowing a small boat against the current in a torrent, sweating profusely, but finds that the oar in his hand is too thin to resist the torrent. Slowly, he Start resigning yourself to fate, just go with the flow! After dinner, it was almost eight o'clock when the four of them walked out of the restaurant. It was dark and late, the sun had not yet set, the sky was a warm blue, with wisps of clouds floating in the sky like the scales of goldfish. Enchanting hugged the child, looking up at the sky, the child was tired from playing, and fell asleep on his mother's shoulder. While covering the child with a small coat, Squid looked at what Xiaobo wanted to say, Brother Li waved his hand at him, and said: "Squid, take Yao Yao and the child home, and I will send Xiaobo off." Brother Li concentrated on driving the car, while Xiao Bo looked ahead, but Shi Shi didn't have any focal length. The two brothers sat side by side without saying a word. When Xiaobo found out, Brother Li had already driven the car to the river, and he parked the car beside the embankment. Xiaobo looked at him puzzled, "Didn't you say go home?" Li Ge opened the door, "Come down!" His expression was very serious, revealing the majesty he had when he was the eldest brother. Xiao Bo got out of the car silently, and Brother Li led him along the embankment, walking slowly. Walking to an open place, Brother Li gave Xiaobo a cigarette, and the two of them lay on the railing, looking at the river, and smoking. "Xiao Bo, I got you drunk on purpose last night. You are good at everything, but you are too thoughtful. I don't want you to think about this matter over and over again." "I know." Xiaobo's expression was very calm. "Tell me the truth now, what do you think?" "I don't know, I haven't thought about it." "Then think about it now, start from the beginning." Xiao Bo silently smoked a cigarette, and after a while he said: "Back then I really regarded her as my younger sister, or as another me." "what about now?" "I don't think of her very often these years, but every time I'm the happiest and saddest, I always think of the days when we were together. Two people read a book in the same room without saying a word, but they can see each other when they look up , very reassuring. And riding a bicycle, we went to the alley together to find snacks. Both of us were stingy, and we bought peanut candies one by one, but we were all very happy. She likes to listen to old songs from old Shanghai, She always pulled me to listen with her, so I gradually began to like listening to these songs." The valve of memory opened, and all the past came rushing forward, "Once I was helping my mother turn gloves at home, she came to me, the house was stuffy and hot, but she kept helping me turn gloves, after we came out, I said Invite her to eat popsicles, let her choose whatever she wants, don’t be too polite, she pretended to choose for a long time, and finally chose the cheapest one, and said she just loves this. I will go to see it. Once the list was torn apart by someone, and I couldn’t see my ranking. She tiptoed and counted up with two fingers one by one to deduce my ranking. I happened to meet it, from the back I patted her on the head and asked her what she was doing. She turned her head and said nothing, just smirked at me. But you call her stupid. At that time, I always thought about going to college in the future, and I wanted to part ways with you, and I didn’t want to owe you There are too many favors, but she specifically reminded me not to do this, it will hurt your heart..." After Xiaobo spoke, he gradually lost his voice, just staring at the sparkling river in a daze. Brother Li didn't pay attention to him, and let him think about it slowly. After a long time, Xiao Bo said softly: "I think you are right. I have been comparing all women with her unconsciously these years. I always want to find that feeling of peace of mind without saying a word, even Positive to be penniless and still able to laugh heartily, one glance at each other in the noisy crowd can understand the tacit understanding of the other party, no matter what happens, you know that the other party will not abandon you and will never leave you." Xiao Bo raised his head and stared at the tree. A red floating cloud on the top of the tip, "If I never had it, I might have been married long ago, but because I have it, I know that this feeling really exists in this world, so I refuse to compromise." At that time, Xiaobo faced too much pressure in life, and his future was dark. It was good to be able to survive. He didn't have the heart to think about love at all, but when he started thinking about it, he realized that the most beautiful thing in his life was His love had already come, but when he realized it, he found that it had been lost. Brother Li took a deep breath and said, "Qiqi is very good, but you and her are people from two worlds. She is a top student at Tsinghua University and has drank foreign ink. What are you? You have graduated from high school There is no certificate! This is not only academic qualifications, but also represents a person's experience, vision, social status, and interpersonal network." Xiao Bo lowered his head, looked at his hands and said nothing. Brother Li said: "She and you used to have a tacit understanding. It was because she lived in the same world as you. What do you use to get a tacit understanding with her now? When she listens to English songs, can you accompany her to listen? She brings When you go to meet your classmates, how do you introduce them? Oh, a man who didn’t even finish high school? What will her classmates think of her? We are not children anymore, and we all know that people actually live in the eyes of others.” Brother Li patted Xiaobo on the shoulder, "This is a real world, and you are always sensible, so you should understand that it is impossible between you two!" Brother Li squeezed the cigarette butt, took a last puff, and threw the cigarette butt on the ground, "You ask A hundred people, a hundred people will tell you not to think about it.” Xiao Bo raised his head, smiled and said, "I know, I never thought about it, brother, take me home!" Brother Li stepped on the cigarette butt hard, crushed the cigarette, and suddenly punched Xiaobo twice, causing Xiaobo to stagger and take a few big steps back. Brother Li pointed at him and scolded: "You know what! Do you know how many people told me that you are too smart and told me to be wary of you? But I don't believe in that evil, I believe in you! When the squid just came out of prison , even we advised him to stop thinking about Yao Yao, he is doing well now, but Squid doesn’t care, he insists on looking for Yao Yao, what happened? You have seen it too! Our stupid brother who has been in prison is married to another The capable and smart big beauty is back! How many people were so surprised that they couldn’t close their jaws? How many people have advised you to leave me and start your own business in front of you these years, but why didn’t you do it? How the hell didn’t you do such an obvious good thing? Do?" Xiaobo remained silent. Brother Li yelled loudly: "Xu Xiaobo, have you lived in comfort for too long and forgot our origins? We are the ones who come out to mess around! A hooligan who dares to do anything! You are not those who are forward-looking Good people who care about you! Have you forgotten why you can survive and live better than others? You have nothing but courage and courage. The reason and rules established by those societies are not for people like us, old man According to the rules of those smart people, our group of people has already broken up! Who the fuck said that high school students can’t marry a doctor? Who the fuck said that a man from a small city can’t match a girl from a big city? Who the hell? Mother stipulates that we are worse than those elites? Whoever the mother stipulates is more noble than others? We also worked hard step by step, sweating and suffering a lot more than them! I am very proud of myself! You should be so fucking proud of yourself! Don't say she is not a princess, Luo Qiqi, even if she is a princess, you are worthy of it!" Xiao Bo stared blankly at Brother Li with a complicated expression. Brother Li said: "Get lost and see her! No matter whether she is married or not, or has a boyfriend, she should say what she should say and do what she should do. No matter what the result is, at least she has worked hard." , no regrets, a man can afford it and let it go, the road ahead is still long, there are many good days, and there are also many good women!" Brother Li stroked his hair with both hands, took a few breaths, and finally calmed down his anger. Xiao Bo looked at the sky subconsciously, the sun had already set, only the red glow in the sky reflected the last splendor. It's been a whole day, is Qiqi still waiting? Brother Li also looked up at the sky, and said gently: "I deliberately delayed until now. If the love for many years can't be repaid for a day, then there is no need to meet. If she is still the Qiqi in our memories , she must still be waiting for you, and she will definitely see you! No matter what you think in your heart and what will happen in the future, can't she wait for a day for you to see her?" "Brother..." Xiao Bo wanted to say something, but his voice was cut off in his throat. Brother Li stared at him, raised his leg to kick him, "If you don't want to go, do you really want me to press you down?" Xiao Bo dodged to avoid it, nodded at Brother Li, and walked quickly along the river bank. Brother Li watched Xiao Bo's back disappear into the night. He lit another cigarette, leaned on the railing, facing the evening wind, smiling while smoking. The red clouds all over the sky are gradually fading away the gorgeous Chinese clothes, returning to the darkness, and tomorrow is a new day. No one knows what tomorrow will look like, whether it will be cloudy or sunny?But that is not important, what is important is that there will be tomorrow after tomorrow, as long as life is not over, there will always be a next tomorrow, and we can always hope that the next moment will be the happiness we want. What really lights up life is not the scenery of tomorrow, but the good hope. We walk bravely with good hope, get up again when we fall, try harder when we fail, always believe that tomorrow will be better, always believe that no matter how ordinary we are, we will have our own happiness, this is an ordinary life The most splendid scenery in the world. ---End of publication---
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