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Chapter 100 Chapter 101 History of the Jin Family

daughter-in-law bottom line 甘草儿 1859Words 2018-03-13
Jin Liang's father recently found himself full of energy.He no longer beats his ribs now. When he stands on his balcony and looks out the window, he always tries to imitate the aura of his relatives—the emperors of the Qing Dynasty who ruled the world.Of course, the reference is still from the actors in the TV series that Jian Tian'er watched. The old man Jin has been drilling a hole all his life, and those noble temperament has long since faded away. Jin Liang's mother didn't give her wife any face these days, and she was actually angry in her heart. After all, what old man Jin said in front of his classmates in the restaurant that day was not pleasant to listen to, and he even swept his son's face.The way Jin Liang went downstairs in anger that day made her want to cry now just thinking about it.

So the old lady is always nagging the old man for being ugly in the western restaurant.Why don't you know how to drink red wine? I can't drink enough water for hand washing. When I'm done, I have to say, "Didn't you say that your ancestors are great? Why are you still the same as us rural people?" Jin Liang's father didn't respond, and sometimes he would retort when he was in a hurry, "I've been useless all my life, I still can't vent it!" If it happened to be calm and sad at this time, he would chant a poem, "Draw a knife to cut off the water and water!" More flow, raise a glass to relieve your sorrows and more sorrows."

"Why do you worry about smoking? I don't think you should pump any more. You owe it to yourself!" The old lady interrupted rudely, not understanding what the old man said. Noisy, noisy, on weekend afternoons, Jin Liang's mother was busy in the kitchen.Although she was very annoyed with her husband, when she learned that the old man was willing to bend down to reconcile with her son, she was so happy that she went to buy a lot of good food early in the morning, and planned to let the two of them chat in a down-to-earth way and talk about this paragraph. The time-neglected family affection was recovered.When the old lady was thinking about this, her brain selectively forgot about her daughter-in-law.Of course, she didn't even know that the old man Jin was also planning a huge plan in his mind at the moment, just waiting for his son to come to the door.

In fact, Mengmeng and Jin Liang had already arrived. At this moment, they were standing downstairs in the unit of their parents' house, looking at each other awkwardly. "Liangzi, don't think that I didn't hear your mother calling you that day. Tell me, what is your father planning to do when he invites us back for dinner today?" After being silent for a long time, Mengmeng finally spoke. "How many times have I told you that my dad is my dad and I am me! But I am his son, even if he said something wrong, I can't argue with him face to face..." On the way the two came They kept arguing, and Jin Liang was so annoyed that he was about to die.

"Then what's the matter, it's not that you haven't been mad, didn't you jump three feet when he bought a fund last time?" Mengmeng sneered, and then said, "If you want to buy a house, we bought it for them all over the city of Beijing." Looking for a good place, now that people are jealous and troubles are about to happen, how can we survive this day?" "Come on, my dad didn't force me, so it's not a matter of whether it will work or not. Let's go up first and make it work?" Jin Liang's head was about to explode. At this time, he just wanted to find a place to lie down and think about nothing.To be honest, he didn't want to come today either, and he also knew what his father would say to him, wasn't it just what his mother conveyed on the phone last time.

The two stumbled to the door and rang the doorbell.Although Mengmeng was angry with Jin Liang at the bottom, she still tried her best to put on a smiling face when the door opened, and raised the thing in her hand to the mother-in-law who opened the door. It was the yak bone strengthening powder that she bought at the store this morning. . "Sure enough, there is no good banquet!" After the young couple entered the door, Mengmeng observed today's posture and came to such a conclusion.Jin Liang's mother took the things and went back to the kitchen to get busy. Jin Liang's father nodded to his son and daughter-in-law lightly, and then turned his attention to the TV, where CCTV's "Jian Bao" program was being shown.This is his usual way, first to make a mysterious look, let the children think about it, and then throw out his own opinions, which hits the target.As everyone knows, his tricks have long been seen through.

The atmosphere during the meal was relatively peaceful. Jin Liang's mother urged her son to eat more, even brought vegetables to Mengmeng for the first time, and talked about some gossip that she had heard recently. Jin Liang's father occasionally interjected a few words, showing that What a united and harmonious family.Mengmeng sneered inwardly while eating unceremoniously.Isn't she being so courteous just for the sake of ecstasy soup for a while, she has completely seen through her in-laws. After eating, Jin Liang's father made a pot of tea, and then called Jin Liang and Mengmeng to sit down on the sofa, and said earnestly, "Xiaoliang, Mengmeng, do you know why I called you to dinner today? Dad I'll give you a history lesson about our family, I haven't told Xiaoliang for so many years, Mengmeng, you have been married to my Jin family for so many years, you also need to know some details about our family."

"Yeah, I know your ancestors were from aristocrats, but there's no need to show off like this, right?" Mengmeng said in her heart. Jin Liang's father didn't know that his daughter-in-law was slandering him, so he continued on his own: "Our ancestors were rich and noble people who had left great achievements. Food House..." Thanks to the old man Jin's good memory, he talked endlessly about the "glorious deeds" of his ancestors for a long time.Mengmeng wanted to doze off when she heard it. In her opinion, it was nothing more than how many houses, land, gold, silver and jewels the Jin family had back then, and how comfortable their lives were.These are not the first time I have heard of them.She just wanted to see how her father-in-law brought the topic to that matter.

"Yes, yes, Dad, I know that our ancestors have been rich for so many years, but what does this have to do with us now, can you just speak up if you have anything to say?" Impatient. "Xiao Liang, what Dad said so much is just to tell you how prominent our ancestors were, but these things were bought with blood. If a man is alive, he will be ninety thousand miles away. You belong to the Jin family. Children and grandchildren, shouldn’t you have the arrogance to do great things? You have to realize it, ah!” Mengmeng wanted to laugh when she heard it, but when she saw that Jin Liang was silent, a narrow thought came to her again.

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