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Chapter 98 Chapter 99: Ding Ling's Accident

daughter-in-law bottom line 甘草儿 2061Words 2018-03-13
Jin Liang and Mengmeng saw that a few of them had finally recovered their original value when the market rose to more than 6,000 points, so they quickly sold them like a hot potato.There is also one that was bought the most at the beginning, just like the American nuclear submarine, which has been submerged in deep water for several months and has not moved. Therefore, the total amount of funds of the couple is still lost. After the turmoil that day, the relationship between the two had eased a bit. Jin Liang didn't go home on weekends, so he would occasionally call to talk to his mother casually.He was still suffocating with his father, and the two families were calm for a while, but Mengmeng was always uneasy, because the more silent that old man Jin who likes to plan, it means that he is brewing a more deadly storm.

To be honest, Mengmeng and Jin Liang are really not very good at living.This weekend, when the two were cleaning up the family's finances, both broke out in a cold sweat.It is said that the monthly salary of the couple can add up to 15,000 or 60,000. Mengmeng can sometimes earn some extra money by writing manuscripts for other media, but after this calculation, the two houses are paid off and the loan is paid off. Once the property fee, heating fee and so on are gone, there will be eight or nine thousand left.The car has been used for seven or eight years, and when it breaks down, I toss it from time to time, plus the parking space fee in the community, it will fly another one or two thousand.The two of them are so busy every day that they don't have time to cook at home. They have to eat out for three weeks a month. In addition to the stink of white-collar workers, they don't go to restaurants that are too small and too low-end, and they don't buy clothes. You have to buy good ones, and then sprinkle some random ones. You can't save much money every month, and sometimes you spend it all.

The result after clearing the accounts was that, apart from the tens of thousands of dollars lost in the stock market, the fixed deposit of the two of them was only more than 10,000 yuan. Mengmeng and Jin Liang sat on the sofa blankly, you stared at me, but I silently stared at you.With this kind of expenditure per month, plus a deposit of 10,000 yuan, I am mixed up in this big city, carrying debts on two houses, and there are four elderly people above, and the two of them work and sign a contract every year. Although there is medical insurance, it is not a good thing to get sick after all, and this has not yet included children.Although it was planned before marriage that they would live together for a few years, but now that the husband and wife are both in their early thirties, it is unrealistic to think about it.

"It's okay." Jin Liang comforted Mengmeng with his arms around him, "We are old and still have two apartments." "Could it be that the two of us are going to be tired like this, just to have two apartments when we get old?" Mengmeng felt that she was at a loss right now. "Why don't we dink too!" Jin Liang said, "I can't figure it out either. Why do you want children? For fun? Or to raise children for old age?" "That's not to mention!" Mengmeng interrupted Jin Liang, "Look at your two elders, the problem lies in this. When raising children, they really sacrificed their whole body and mind to the children, leaving no escape for themselves. When the child grows up, he will rely on the child with all his heart. There are too many old people in the previous generation who hold this kind of thinking. I don’t want to. Don't just point at the kids."

"Yes yes yes! Our generation of parents must not repeat the same mistakes." Jin Liang said as if reassuring. Mengmeng glanced at her husband, but said nothing. In fact, she still has something to say in her heart, that is: sons, don't follow your parents too much, don't give your whole body to your parents, don't care about your wife and children, treat the elderly It is filial piety, not filial piety.This is really her recent realization.But as soon as this was said, Jin Liang probably wouldn't agree with it, and if he didn't do it, he would be bored. Here Jin Liang is still complaining, "But you said if we don't have a child, why do I feel like I'm living on stilts, not at all at ease?"

"You really want it! Then make a good plan now! Let me tell you, starting today, no one is allowed to eat out. Whoever goes home first will buy vegetables and cook, and prepare the next day's food at night." For lunch, the unit has a microwave oven, and it’s better to heat it up than to buy it outside, and your buddies and so on, don’t communicate with each other!” Mengmeng said, nodding Jinliang’s forehead. "How dare I provoke those grandchildren? How long has it been since you met with them? Since I took my parents to see the house!" Jin Liang muttered, "However, we have to plan to spend money ..."

Before the couple's plan to save money came into being, the phone rang again, but this time it was not from Lugou Bridge.The lively, tall and strong Ding Ling fell ill!When Mengmeng and Jin Liang heard the news, they rushed to Ding Ling's house that night and bought a bouquet of flowers on the way. Ding Ling suffered from hyperthyroidism, which was found out during the physical examination. At Ding Ling's house, Jin Liang accompanied Ding Ling's Korean husband Li Xuchen to drink in the outhouse. "You're almost drinking too much now?" Jin Liang wanted to brighten up the atmosphere.

"Tired, so fucking tired now." Li Xuchen said with red nose and eye circles. In the room, Ding Ling and Mengmeng complained: "Why do you think I'm so unlucky? I'm going to suffer from this disease. Originally, I said I was going to work and treat it at the same time, but my husband was worried and forced me to rest at home. It has quarreled with me several times." "Isn't he doing this for you? You are too!" Mengmeng looked at Ding Ling carefully.The complexion of my close friend is indeed not very good, but this is a common problem among white-collar workers. Which female white-collar worker can see her complexion after removing her makeup!Ding Ling's eyes are naturally protruding, and her temper is a bit explosive, so the symptoms of these hyperthyroid patients have never been discovered.

"But do you know? I was just going to be promoted to the middle class. For us women in their thirties, after this trip, how can there be a next time? As a result, I fell into such a disease." Ding Ling has always been very strong, Of course I'm not balanced right now. "What does the doctor recommend for your treatment?" "The doctor said that this disease needs time to be cured, so don't be tired. If the work pressure is too high, it is recommended to take sick leave." Ding Ling suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when talking about the illness. "That's the end of it. It's right for Lao Li to let you rest! What matters? Your body matters. The middle class and career are all fake." Mengmeng's words came from the bottom of her heart.

"Him? Humph, he's not a good guy either!" "Who? Your husband?" Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment, and then she taught her: "Don't yell at others just because you are sick. Everyone knows that Li Xuchen loves his wife a lot. A big man in Korea is just like this. This northern hot lady has been tamed, what else do you want?" "He? He's pretending to be docile, but he's ambitious!" Ding Ling spat angrily, and suddenly pulled Mengmeng and said mysteriously: "I've been thinking about this for a long time, you have to help me find out!"

"Ah? What...what's the matter?" "I suspect... Li Xuchen!" Ding Ling gritted her teeth, "At least she is also in love online!"
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