Home Categories youth city daughter-in-law bottom line

Chapter 58 Chapter Fifty-eight

daughter-in-law bottom line 甘草儿 1138Words 2018-03-13
Jin Liang's parents really packed it every now and then. After two or three weeks, they packed a small package, and Jin Liang drove it to Lugou Bridge.After a few weeks, Jin Liang would make another trip after packing up the bedroll.In a blink of an eye, it was already June, and the family hadn't moved out yet.The old couple are like this, one is to save money, how expensive it is to find a moving company.The second is really reluctant to leave.Jin Liang's parents have always regarded this house as their own to live in, but now it's a good thing, as soon as they say it, they let them move, they are holding their breath, and they are also nostalgic.

No matter how much you linger, the things are finally packed, and in one week, the in-laws will move out completely. Before Jin Liang's parents left, they walked around the neighborhood with each other's arms.At home, Jin Liang's father gently touched the walls, tiles, and furniture of the house with his hands, while Jin Liang's mother was in the kitchen, making dumplings every day. There must be hundreds of dumplings in the bag. She knows that her son likes to eat the dumplings made by herself. How many young people can make dumplings now?Really!After she moved away, her son was cured when it came to eating and drinking, she thought bitterly.

"Oh, I'm leaving." Jin Liang's father stood on the balcony, looking at the high-rise buildings outside, feeling very uncomfortable. He really regarded this place as his home. Remembering the glorious memories of his family in the past, he is living a difficult life in reality. Because of his background, he has suffered a lot of stares and unfair treatment.In his later years, he followed his son to live in this house, in the golden zone of Beijing!This house and his son have given him back his confidence and his sense of glory in the past, but now, he has to move out.He was full of reluctance, and at the same time felt that his self-confidence had collapsed. His old colleagues and relatives in Houpu Village knew that he lived in the golden zone, but now he suddenly returned to Lugouqiao.Although Lugou Bridge has developed well in recent years, in the eyes of relatives and colleagues in Houpu Village, Lugou Bridge is just a "village" in this metropolis.

Jin Liang's mother had red eyes and was in the kitchen making dumplings for her son one by one. She didn't think as much as the old man did. She just thought that she was "a daughter-in-law who has been married for many years and has become a mother-in-law". But I didn't become a wife after all. After moving here, I couldn't let go of my anger. There were more and more conflicts with my daughter-in-law, but I was going to move out, and I still didn't want to give up.The old lady knew it herself, she kept saying that she was here to take care of her son, but in fact she couldn't do without him, she just wanted to live with him!As the old saying goes, raising a child to guard against old age is just to live with the son and enjoy the care of the son.

Mengmeng has been beaming with joy these few days, and she is beaming with joy when talking, which makes the old couple feel even more unhappy when they look at it.Mengmeng made an appointment with an hourly worker, the old couple left, and the hourly worker came to clean up the house. Mengmeng thought to herself, how many plastic bags, waste bottles, rotten ropes, etc. have to be cleaned up under the bed. Jin Liang's mother saw it in her eyes and was angry in her heart. On the day of moving, she scolded Jin Liang in front of Mengmeng: "Cancel the hourly work for me!" "Why?" Jin Liang was puzzled.

"People walk on the front foot, and you clean up the house on the back foot, do you know what this is called?" Jin Liang's mother said angrily: "This is called sweeping out." "Okay, okay, Mengmeng, cancel quickly, cancel quickly." Jin Liang shouted. Mengmeng didn't say a word, didn't move, she thought to herself, everyone is gone, and we have to restrict this and that of us, it's all right! The old couple just got into the car reluctantly, and Mengmeng also went to see them off. Everyone was silent all the way, and the atmosphere was so depressing that the air seemed to condense into lumps.

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