Home Categories youth city ten years flicker

Chapter 21 Section 20

ten years flicker 艾米 3546Words 2018-03-13
Amy woke up around nine o'clock the next morning. Although she wanted to go to the bathroom, she didn't want to move around for fear of waking ALLAN, but he opened his eyes quickly. "Did I wake you up?" Amy asked curiously, "but I didn't move." "I know you didn't move. It's very strange. I knew it as soon as you woke up. It's like someone told me in my sleep." "Have you been awake all this time?" "I'm asleep, maybe your sleeping nerves are connected to me. Are you going to the toilet?" He pressed lightly on her lower abdomen, and she screamed exaggeratedly.He covered her mouth and said with a grin, "Go, don't wet the bed."

She put on her pajamas, went to the bathroom, checked the situation by the way, and found that her parents had already left, so she yelled wantonly: "It's safe and sound!" She hurried back to the bedroom, took off her pajamas, and threw , Get into the quilt again.But ALLAN got up and began to dress.She asked disappointedly: "Aren't you going to sleep?" "Well, I'm hungry. I just drank and didn't eat anything last night. What do you want to eat?" "casual." "Just eat noodles, let me cook noodles for you to eat," he put on his clothes, lifted a corner of the quilt, lowered his voice, and called out pretendingly, "Everyone come and see, there is a little girl here without clothes! Come and shame her—"

She jumped out of the quilt and hung it around her neck: "I'm afraid of being seen? I'm not afraid of going to the street with you like this—" He quickly put her back under the quilt: "What a fool, what should I do if I catch a cold?" When he finished cooking the noodles, he brought a bowl to her. She smelled a fragrant smell of sesame oil, saw that there were finely chopped green onions in the noodle soup, and the noodles were covered with mustard shreds and shredded pork, and she exclaimed: "It smells so delicious !" I hurried to wash my face, brush my teeth, wrapped myself in some clothes and sat under the quilt to eat. "I don't get up all day today," she said while eating, "you come back to the quilt after eating, okay?"

"I'm back in the quilt? Then you still have a good life? Don't you have to suffer twice and suffer twice?" "Today I am determined not to be guilty, just lying on the bed and talking—" "Being an anti-Japanese hero?" She thought for a while before she understood the meaning of his joke. She grinned and said, "Disgusting, why use such a verb? It's so ugly." "It's just a dirty joke, I heard it in the dormitory." She was about to ask him what the joke was when the phone rang. She ran to the living room to answer the phone. It was a woman's voice, very haggard and hoarse: "Excuse me, is Cheng Gang in?"

"He - er -, is not here, do you have anything to do with him?" "If you see him, tell him that Jian Hui's mother is looking for him and there is something urgent." "Okay, I'll tell him when I meet him." Amy hung up the phone and said in surprise: "It's JANE's mother, who is looking for you, saying that there is something urgent. Strange, how did she know you are here? The call came here, and we were exposed?" "I don't know either." ALLAN hesitated, wondering if he should call Aunt Jane from here, "What's the matter she didn't say?"

"No, she only said that there was something urgent, but listening to her voice—as if she had been crying, it was very hoarse—" "Then I'd better call her from here." Allan said, and went to the living room to call Jane's mother. She saw that Allan's expression became very anxious: "Is she okay now? Which hospital?" Then Allan hung up the phone and said blankly, "I was fine yesterday, why are you so sick today?" Amy asked, "Who's sick?" "Aunt Jane said that JANE was hospitalized, but she didn't tell her which hospital she was in. She just told me to go home first." He hurried into the bedroom, carried his coat and walked towards the door, "I'm going back now, you are at home Wait for me, it's done over there, and I'll be right over."

"I'll go with you," said Amy eagerly. "You don't want to go, there's nothing fun in the hospital—" He saw her pouted and knew she was being dragged again, so he had to tell her, "Hurry up and get dressed." The two rode to the school gate, and Allan said: "Forget it, take a taxi, you are too scared to ride a bicycle, don't panic and get into trouble." They put the car in the shed, called a taxi, and came to Jane s home. Many people gathered in front of JANE's house. When they saw ALLAN, someone blurted out: "He's coming! He's coming!" Amy didn't know what they meant by saying that, and felt that the audience were all looking forward to him as a big actor. It's the same as the appearance, very similar to the wedding in which movie, the guests are all here, the bride is also dressed, and she is waiting for the groom who was still looking for flowers and flowers outside on the eve of the wedding.

The onlookers stood in front of Jane's house all the way to a place far away. I don't know if all the onlookers knew ALLAN, or heard the words "he's here", or just relying on a kind of intuition, in short, everyone automatically Making way, Amy followed ALLAN and enjoyed some special treatment.The two of them ran from the automatically formed welcoming crowd to the door of Jane's house. Before reaching the door of the unit, Amy smelled a smell that she had never smelled before. It was indescribable, and she just felt nauseated immediately. , going to spit it out. Allan stopped her and said decisively: "Don't go in, go back, or I won't talk to you anymore."

Amy felt that his eyes were very domineering and severe. She didn't dare to go any further and watched him go in alone.The crowd quickly closed, and Amy struggled to squeeze out.She ran to a trash can on the side of the building, vomited out the contents of her stomach, and thought, am I pregnant?How can I vomit?Maybe it was caused by the bad smell. She didn't understand how these onlookers could bear it. What kind of force made them crowd there tightly regardless of the bad smell? She was also worried about ALLAN. She could smell the smell outside the house. Wouldn't it be worse to go inside?What exactly does it taste like?Gas leak?still--?She suddenly realized that it was the smell of blood that was often mentioned in books, but she didn't expect the smell of blood to be so bad, and she always thought it was like the smell of fish.She didn't understand what happened. Allan said that Jane was in the hospital, but why did Jane's mother ask him to come to her house instead of going directly to the hospital?Where did this bloody smell come from?

It is difficult for her to squeeze in now, and she is also afraid of the smell, so she simply stands at the outermost edge.Even though the outermost people were still looking on tiptoe, she also tiptoed to Jane's house, but she only saw the head and nothing else. She asked a girl next to her, "What happened?" "I don't know, it seems to be gas poisoning." Another person said: "Where is the gas poisoning? It's the daughter of this family who has dystocia—the blood all over the place, tsk tsk tsk, now the neighbors can't live—" "And what about her—human? I mean—the daughter of the house?" she asked fearfully.

"Got to the hospital a long time ago, what happened last night——, you came late, and now you can't see anything..." "Is that man—is he still alive?" A spectator next to him interjected, "You're still alive, blood is flowing all over the house, can you still live?" When Amy heard this, she felt her stomach churning again. She couldn't dodge in time, so she squatted on the ground and vomited.I vomited up all the contents in my stomach, and I was still retching, even vomited out gall water.A middle-aged woman exclaimed: "Tsk tsk tsk, you have a weaker stomach than me, and I can't do it either, so I just stand and look at it from a distance..." A woman in her fifties said: "Hey, it's a crime, a girl's home, messing with people... I said this kid is too ruthless, just get it scraped off in the hospital, and he has to be silenced? Now what? , A man is not like a man, and a woman is not like a woman. I have already said that it is not good for Xiaohui's mother to let that man live in their house. See? Am I right?" Amy started to panic, why did she say "silence"?Is JANE dead?She knew that the woman said "that man" meant ALLAN. Could it be that ALLAN was "killing his mouth"? A young man scolded the woman and said: "Mom, don't talk nonsense here, you don't understand, what are you talking about? That girl cut her own pulse, she committed suicide, not homicide. If you talk nonsense, beware of being found." You trouble." "Am I talking nonsense?" the woman said, "That girl had her pulse cut for no reason? I saw her in good health the day before yesterday, and she greeted me with a smile on her face. How could she be like this after only one day—" Another woman interjected, "Is the daughter of Jane's family pregnant? I really can't tell. She's a teacher at the party school, why did she do this—" The woman in her fifties said, "Can't you tell? Let me tell you, my eyes are very sharp. Don't say I have a big belly, even if it's not big, I can tell if she has had sex with someone. Girls with yellow flowers have pointed buttocks, but women who have sex with men have round buttocks—" Amy's scalp exploded when she heard it, and she thought, it's over, this woman must have seen that I am not a virgin, is my butt round?I don't know if my mother can see it.She heard someone on the other side saying: "—Last month, it was said on TV that the case was solved, why did it happen again here? The method is the same, rape first and then kill, a knife in the neck is fatal..." "The barber's knife, isn't it fatal? To tell you the truth, every time I go to the 'No. 1 Scissor' to shave my head, I'm always worried. Old man Meng is in the dark—he must be sentenced to death this time, right?" "Don't be happy. Anyone who has had their hair cut at old man Meng's is a suspect. Haven't you ever had your hair cut there?" "What's wrong with my haircut? Why didn't the police arrest me, only the two boys from yesterday?" The more Amy listened, the more confused she became. She grabbed a person and asked, "What's going on?" No one she asked said she didn't know. Iron, there is no doubt that everyone explained to her patiently, but everyone gave her a different answer. Before she could figure out what to do, she heard the crowd yelling: "Another one was caught, another one was caught, Lei Zi's eyes are red." She looked in the direction of Jane's house following the line of sight of the crowd, and saw ALLAN coming out of the unit door.He was blocked by the onlookers, and she could barely see his face, feeling that he was pale and looking anxiously into the crowd.Knowing he was looking for her, she climbed onto a flower bed, raised her hands, and screamed, "ALLAN, I-MHERE! I-MHERE!" At this moment, all the onlookers looked at her. She saw that he was also looking in her direction, saw her, he pushed towards her direction recklessly, but was quickly pulled back by someone, pushing him towards a car, he turned his head to her Shout out: "Go back, DON-TTELL—PARENTS—" Someone beside her laughed and shouted: "Hey, you can fart foreign farts. They are exchanging codes - there is an accomplice here!" She saw a man who looked like a policeman raised a black stick-like thing and knocked on Allan's head, pushing him to go to the car, and some of the onlookers were beating him, she was angrily He shouted: "Don't hit him, why do you hit someone? I want to sue you—" But her voice was drowned out by the discussion and shouts of the onlookers
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