Home Categories youth city Indus so hurt

Chapter 8 2. Bai and Chu are both characters I like; and they have become your name.

Indus so hurt 乐小米 6940Words 2018-03-13
Since I have never been to the community where Huang Xiaoshi's family is located, Huang Xiaoshi's stepmother has always been a mysterious and strange figure in the eyes of Mai Le and me.Our clearest memory of her is just that night when her face was smeared with sea mud, and we couldn't identify the exact model of her facial features.Later, she was unwilling to mention this woman in front of Huang Xiaoshi, because when her stepmother was mentioned, Huang Xiaoshi's tears flowed very smoothly. Just when I was immersed in the violent high school days that I and Mai Le created to protect Huang Xiaoshi, my classmate Mai Le, who was still discussing Huang Xiaoshi's sturdy stepmother with me just now, stretched out his hand, put the coffee cup on the table with a clatter, and stared at me. Light up, as if remembering something.

She said, Mo Chun.I finally remembered that when I was young, there was indeed a "superstition" that was true and did not harm our thinking. I looked at her curiously.She was dancing with excitement, as happy as if she had successfully robbed a bank. Mai Le said that when they were young, they said that stepmothers were not good people and would abuse children.Now, judging from Huang Xiaoshi's body, the "superstition" of childhood is absolutely right! Speaking of this, she couldn't help but started talking nonsense again, oh, Mo Chun, tell me, if in the future, Bai Chu married Xi Lan and gave birth to a baby, if Xi Lan, who was sick and troubled, died It's lost, if Baichu marries you again as the sequel, you'll be a first-rate stepmother!

Later, I told Bai Chu about my discussion with Mai Le in the coffee shop on the topic of "childhood superstition".Of course, I didn't tell him that in the near future, according to Mai Le, I will most likely become the stepmother of your son or daughter who will be born in the world in three to five years. Bai Chu gave a symbolic answer, and buried himself in his drawing without raising his head.His brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about the color palette of the painting; the thick black hairline at the corner of his forehead was like a spring ivy, tangled and tangled, tangled into my line of sight, with velvet hair Roots, with soft green leaves.I like to see boys at work, and I like to see Bai Chu at work even more.

His hand holding a paintbrush is long and beautiful, and his nails are round and clean, making a girl like me jealous. Mai Le said that I was immature and childish, and she said, Mo Chun, how beautiful can a man's hands be?No matter how beautiful and slender it is, it can't be worth a pig's trotter!Pig's trotters can satisfy hunger, but can the man's hands satisfy hunger? Mai Le said a lot of philosophical words, but this time it was not philosophical enough.Bai Chu is an upstart talent in this city, and the paintings drawn by those slender hands can exchange countless pork knuckles for the girls around him.After this imagination, I fell in love with Bai Chu's beautiful hands even more. He always showed me countless pig's trotters, filling my "hunger".

Bai Chu, who was immersed in the painting, didn't pay attention. My two green eyes were staring at his beautiful and slender fingers with hunger. After a long time, he remembered that there was a big living person like me dangling in front of him, so he raised his head , looked at me and said, Mo Chun, what kind of education did you and that Mai Le have when you were young?How come I don't feel like I'm entangled in those so-called superstitions? After Bai Chu finished speaking, he put the new painting on the table and stretched himself. Before I could answer, he looked at his watch, frowned, and asked me, Mo Chun, why did you come to my studio at this time?I don't think I let you come, do I?Do you have no class today?

Bai Chu's words are sometimes quite uncomfortable.In fact, I just had nothing to do, wandering from school to his studio. A person like Bai Chu, who is in a happy state of life, naturally can't remember what happened when he was a child.Or, his life has been so smooth, these tedious things are not ridiculous to him. So, that day, after I poured a full glass of white water for Bai Chu, I left in a calm manner. When I left, Bai Chu was staring out the window in a daze, the hot steam in the cup rose into the air, soaking his slightly long and thick eyelashes and thick eyebrows. In fact, that day, I just mustered up some courage and wanted to tell him a fact that was mixed with a joke.That is, I was also superstitious when I was a child, and I was superstitious about a tree called sycamore.When I was young, my grandma once told me that the phoenix tree is the only place where the phoenix bird inhabits. Therefore, write down the people, things and things you think about on paper and bury them under the phoenix tree, and your wish will come true. .

I once buried the names of two people under the plane tree, one is Yu Yuanfang and the other is Baichu. Yu Yuanfang is my father, and Baichu is the man I like. When I was eight years old, I buried my name in a distant place, and I have been waiting under the plane tree for this man who had given me warmth countless times, but left without saying goodbye, to go home. When I was fourteen years old, I ran out of the city and found a sycamore tree in such a remote place. I was out of breath and my heart was beating violently, and I buried Baichu's name. Yes, Bai and Chu are both words I like.A long time ago, the Chinese teacher told us that Chinese characters are full of warmth and color.Therefore, Bai and Chu carry all the fantasies about young men and Mr. Pian Pianjia at my age, such as Bai Yunfei and Chu Liuxiang.

However, Baichu is such a coincidence that it happens to be your name. I just happened to confuse life with reverie.The ignorant feeling in the ignorant age Baichu was thrown down to me by God. Michael said I was an idiot. But what to do?Just right, just right, the man I met had the temperature of my heartbeat and the color of my blush in his name. Of course, later, because of the appearance of Xilan, I stopped being such an idiot to bury the names of the people I missed under the plane tree. I wrote gold, silver, ingots, yuan, dollars, and pounds on the note, hoping that my dream of getting rich could be fulfilled. accomplish.

Even though Xi Lan appeared, I still miss Baichu, and the tenderness and light in his eyes when he smiled at me.His beautiful hands can not only draw beautiful pictures, but also make the most delicious chicken soup in the world.Of course, I only tasted this delicious chicken soup once, and it was when I had a fever and a cold. It's been a long time, I still remember it.At that time, Baichu came in with snowflakes all over her body, with white spots on her brows, blue eyes, and a fat little rooster in her beautiful hands. Grandma was at home at the time, but Bai Chu insisted on cooking in the kitchen himself.So, in this dark building, I reclined in bed, listening to the ping-pong of the kitchen.

Grandma knew that I was learning to paint from a young painter.However, she didn't expect this painter to be so young and so good-looking.So, my always warm-hearted grandma came up to me and asked, how old is this young man?Don't have a wife yet?If there is no wife, shall I find some for him? Although I had a fever at the time, fortunately I didn't get burned.If I get confused, I must tell my grandma, don't introduce him to me, when I grow up, marry me to him! Later, because I was afraid that grandma would really find a girlfriend for Bai Chu, I never let Bai Chu come to my house again.Of course, there is also a little girl's unknown self-esteem and vanity in it-I really don't want this noble man to see such a dilapidated building and such a small home.

The chicken soup that day was really delicious, Bai Chu carefully chopped the rooster into fine pieces, laughed, saying it was convenient and delicious.At that time, I kept staring at his slender fingers in a daze, and he gently blew cold spoonful by spoonful, and put spoonful by spoonful to my mouth.Then, he lightly told me some interesting little things in the studio.Finally, with a slightly distressed tone, he complained, why are you so careless.In winter, why drill into the water? I'm not a fool. If it's okay, of course I won't go into the water.At that time, I also acted bravely and carried forward my style.If you want to talk about the fact that I fell into the water, it has to be Hu Weile, a good friend of my younger brother Mo Fan. Hu Weile has a typical character of looking for nothing, severe schizophrenia.Since he came back from the United States at the age of thirteen and appeared in my sight, I have already discovered this characteristic of him.He followed Mo Fan to my house for the first time, looked at me who was feeding the puppy Baylor and the prince, and said to Mo Fan, this girl is your sister?Why is it a little big and small eyes, long and short legs, it seems that the ears are still protruding. At that time, I was only fifteen years old, and a man named Bai Chu had just appeared in my life, and it was the period when I was in love with beauty.You think, if someone slanders me like this, can I not be angry? As soon as I got angry, I took the dog bowl and beat him.Hu Weile was so frightened that he backed out of the door, stepped on the ground, rolled down the stairs three times, and fell almost unable to move. At that time, he was lying there quietly, waiting for Mo Fan to go downstairs to help him up, and waiting for me to panic and confess my mistake to him.However, what he didn't expect was that he fell like that, and I didn't let him go.I jumped straight down the stairs and stomped on his feet again.And his good brother, Mo Fan, can only watch from the sidelines, and dare not step forward to persuade me. That is, from that day on, Hu Weile felt awe of me. He had seen fierce girls, but he had never seen one as fierce as me. Speaking of Baichu complaining about my falling into the water in the winter, it was also because of Hu Weile's "seeking smoke for nothing".He started to grow beards at the age of fourteen, so he teased those twelve or thirteen-year-old girls on the road, saying that they also had beards on their mouths, and that they were typical endocrine imbalances.Think about it, the little girl nowadays is not a powerful master.So, those powerful masters worked together to push Hu Weile into the roadside lake. And I just happened to pass by there. Hu Weile can't swim, what's more, those little girls can't swim either, and what's more, I can't swim either.However, the bad luck is that I am naturally warm-hearted. In this regard, I follow my grandma.As a result, my heart became hot, and I forgot the fact that I couldn't swim.Just jumped off the bike and jumped into the lake. The lake is icy cold, colder than the iced Coke in KFC. Hu Weile, who was struggling fiercely on the side, saw that I was so heroic and generous, and probably felt that my death was a worthy death, so he didn't struggle much. He saw a string of small bubbles emerging from the small lake with thin ice, and he sank. It's over. At that time, the little girl on the bank must have been frightened and stupid, and she watched me and Hu Weile struggle and sink to the bottom with blisters. I don't know how Hu Weile and I were rescued in the end. My nerves at that time were probably stunned by ice, and I actually felt that under the snowflakes flying all over the sky, a beautiful prince only in comics descended from the sky, and gently picked me up from the bottom of the lake, wet, into the pumpkin carriage, and carried me to the A warm and luxurious palace.A raging fire was crackling in the fireplace in the palace, and in front of all the waiters, the prince gently hugged me to the fire again, just as I wondered whether I should undress under the prince's affectionate gaze, When drying clothes by the fire.The prince actually lowered his head, leaned over and kissed me.My eyes widened and I didn't know whether to cater or refuse or whether I wanted to refuse... At this moment, I only heard a dog barking, and I woke up from this gorgeous coma-opening my eyes, I was already lying on the bed. I'm in the hot bed at home, the prince is lying on the left and Baylor is lying on the right, and the two dogs are scrambling to lick my face. When I saw it, I was filled with grief and indignation.It turned out that the prince in the dream was actually these two little guys. When I pushed them away with a wave of my hand, I realized that my right hand was tightly holding an unusually exquisite cuff button, which was introverted and quiet silver, with carefully indented patterns on the floating surface, surrounded by diamond-like lights. Gems, like shattered stars.There is a capital letter J embossed in the center of the cufflinks, I don't know what special meaning it has.On the other side, there is also an extremely delicate English word mark: Cartier. I have only occasionally seen this kind of chic and elegant cufflinks in the "Ruili" magazine that I snatched from McLean. At that moment, the mood suddenly became ups and downs, and some seemingly distant and blurred images dangled in front of my eyes. Could it be that I really met the prince? After the prince rescued me, when he touched me affectionately, he found that I catered too much, and thought, damn it, is this a slut, so he abandoned me; or am I too reserved, the prince thought to himself, Isn't this wood? It's so boring, why did you abandon me?Or, the prince saw the handsome Hu Weile next to him, and the prince happened to be gay, so he took Hu Weile away? Just at this time, Mo Fan came home and told me that he had just returned from Hu Weile's ward, and Hu Weile had been rescued.I muttered, it turns out that the prince is not gay. Mo Fan picked up Baylor curiously, stroked its little head, and asked me, sister, what did you say?Do you have a fever and talk nonsense? I glanced at him and said, kid, get away! After Hu Weile recovered, he respected me very much. He didn't expect that I would be so arrogant and stabbed my brother's friend.He said, pure, pure, you don't know, how handsome your diving posture was at that time, even Guo Jingjing and Fu Mingxia can't compare with you! I squinted at Hu Weile, not knowing why, when he called me "Sister Chun", I always felt that he was calling me "pure" and "pure", the more he called me, the more impure I felt. Of course, the day Baichu came to visit me who had a fever and cooked me a stewed rooster, I didn't tell him that I fell into the water to save someone.I'd rather he keep thinking I fell overboard by accident. There is always a difference between the former and the latter. The former is too heroic. A man like Bai Chu will definitely not like this kind of tragic hero Mo Chun. Bar. That day, Bai Chu stayed in my room for a long time, repeatedly using a cold water handkerchief to reduce my fever, and resting his slender fingers on my forehead from time to time to check whether I had any signs of fever reduction.He didn't leave until very late.He clasped his hands together, sighed, and said, don't worry about the older grandma and younger brother taking care of you. Suddenly, he asked me very strangely, Mo Chun, where are your parents? Bai Chu's words made me unable to answer.In the end, I lied to him, I said, they work in a city far away... Baichu didn't ask any more questions, just stared at me blankly for a while, then said flatly, Mo Chun, you should have a good sleep, I'll be by your side, when you fall asleep and your fever subsides, I'll leave. In this way, I slowly fell asleep. Bai Chu was always by my side, his gentle eyebrows and eyes were so clearly reflected in the light of the small building, and then fell into my dream. Grandma said that Baichu left at dawn, and before he left, he made white rice porridge.It is said that it is better for people who have just had a fever to eat something light. Grandma asked me, are you very good in the studio, Chun'er?I thought, it must be excellent!Otherwise, you, Teacher Baichu, wouldn't be so concerned about you! Mo Fan, who was at the side, finished his meal in a hurry, picked up his schoolbag and ran. Before running, he bit his tongue next to my ear and said, sister, does the male teacher like you?After I finished speaking, I made a weird grimace and ran away before I killed him. The news that I fell into the water and caused a high fever did not reach Mai Le's ears until the third day. It's not that this guy is incapable of information, it's just that at that time she had been tinkering with her passionate online dating, and even under the pressure of the college entrance examination, she was extremely busy.It was Huang Xiaoshi who tied Mai Le, who was skipping class, to me from the Internet cafe. As soon as Mai Le entered the door, he first exchanged feelings with my two dogs, Baylor and Prince, and then ran to my bed to join Huang Xiaoshi who was complaining softly to me. She said, oh, that, Mo Chun, I heard that you committed suicide by throwing yourself into the lake for a handsome fourteen-year-old boy?What, are you still alive? I threw her with a pillow and said, nonsense, Hu Weile was kicked into the lake by the little girl first, and I went down to rescue him. Mai Le suddenly realized and said, ah, it turned out that it wasn't suicide by throwing himself into the lake, it was the husband and wife committing suicide for love! Huang Xiaoshi said to me, Mo Chun, don't bother with Yao Maile, she's broken up in online love. Huang Xiaoshi's words made me suddenly full of energy. I looked at Mai Le gloatingly, and asked, "Oh my goodness, Miss Mai, you are actually broken in love?"Why, people saw that you did not meet the ISO9000 international standard, so they dumped you, right? Mai Le looked at me disdainfully, and said, cut, how is it possible?I was the one who dumped that guy, it hurt my young girl's heart too much! Huang Xiaoshi and I looked at each other, Huang Xiaoshi asked Mai Le very curiously, that boy you said, isn't he very tall?Doesn't it fit your aesthetic taste?Don't you just want to find a tall boyfriend? Mai Le's face was immediately swollen like a wax gourd. She jumped onto my bed and said murderously, that guy has been boasting about his height of 184cm to me for a long time, but that guy didn't tell me, he My weight is also 184 catties!Yesterday, we met in Yellowstone Park, he said he was holding six lilies, I said I was wearing a pair of festive red boots.As a result, not long after I arrived in Yellowstone Park, I saw a huge round vase with lilies rolling over in the distance.I counted carefully, God, it really is six!It really is that guy!I saw that with this body shape, even if I asked him to drink plain water, I couldn't afford it.So, afraid that he would recognize me, I took off my red boots and ran out of the park with them.Speaking of this, Mai Le almost had tears in her eyes, she said, Mo Chun, the temperature is below zero, I am wearing thin socks and running on the path of Yellowstone Park, the wind is whistling... As soon as I heard that Mai Le was so pitiful, I pushed all the supplements my grandma and Bai Chu bought me to her.Mai Le just sat on my bed with his legs crossed, eating happily, and didn't forget to show off his achievements to me.She said, didn't you get frightened by that 184 yesterday, and ran to QQ to break up with 184 today, but 184 said that Mai Le had tricked him, and didn't go to Yellowstone Park for an appointment, and refused to meet him, causing him to die in the ice and snow Waited for a long time.Mai Le just wanted to pay him back, if I met you, I would be frozen in the ice and snow for the rest of my life!At this time Huang Xiaoshi appeared and rescued her from the flames of the QQ war.Speaking of this, Mai Le looked at Huang Xiaoshi gratefully, but Huang Xiaoshi had an expression of guilt for delaying Mai Le's ability to express himself. Mai Le turned his head and said to me, Mo Chun, I will never go on QQ again, and I will never fall in love again. At this moment, grandma ran over to hug the prince and Baylor, planning to feed them. When she saw Mai Le and Huang Xiaoshi beside me, she didn't forget to show off, saying, "We, Mo Chun, have very good grades in the studio. That's called Bai Chu." The male teacher here values ​​our Mo Chun very much, and gave us Mo Chun a bed for the whole night here.After finishing speaking, the old lady ran out happily. Mai Le immediately pulled his eyeballs out of their sockets, smiled maliciously, looked at me, and said, Mo Chun, I can't see it, you did all this stealthy thing and came to your own house, and you didn't avoid suspicion? Huang Xiaoshi covered her mouth and giggled. Mai Le said, Mo Chun, tell me the truth, how far have you and Mr. Bai Chubai developed, sharing a room late at night?handle?Embrace? When I saw Mai Le talking so vigorously, I wanted to change the topic so that she wouldn't get more outrageous.So, I took out the cufflink that appeared inexplicably on the palm of my right hand from under the pillow, and put it in front of Mai Le. Mai Le didn't take a close look at the style of the cuff button, but just glanced at it briefly, looked at me with contempt, and said, Oh my god, it's not so fierce and wild!Did you tear off the buttons of that white shirt?You don't have to be so hasty, do you? Mai Le is indeed an unscrupulous master, I saw that she said so.I also don't have to discuss with her that bizarre hallucination about me being rescued by a comic-book prince to the hearth in a palace.After hearing this, she will definitely ask me with a wicked smile, Mo Chun, are you hiding something?Did the prince carry you to the palace bedroom instead of the fireplace?Why do I bother with this woman who was just irritated by netizens with a cube with a length, width and height of 184 cm? So, after a long time, I never talked about this bizarre cufflink with Michael.I asked about my grandma and Mo Fan, and they all said that I was rescued by the 120 and returned to the hospital. Gradually, I also almost forgot about this matter, forgot that there was such an unsolvable mystery in the palm of my hand.It's about a life-threatening fall into the water, and it's about an exquisite cufflink. What kind of man would have tied this delicate cufflink on the cuff of his wrist, falling into my palm from the position closest to his pulse temperature?What kind of posture did he use to lift me up from the icy water?And what kind of attitude gave me the hope of life? Later, I hung the cufflink tightly on my chest with a red thread and kept it hanging.Because I think it has given me the greatest blessing.I believe that it will keep me safe in the future. It is my talisman. Later, the little American devil Hu Weile saw this cufflink, because when I was jumping and jumping, I accidentally exposed the cufflink pendant on the outside of my clothes. When Hu Weile saw the cufflinks, he said, Oh, Mo Chun, where did you get these fake cufflinks?As he said that, he stretched out his hand to reach for it, and when he caught it, he muttered, as if it was true.But, Mo Chun, why do you have such expensive cufflinks? look. The little American devil Hu Weile actually used the word "expensive" to describe this cufflink. This point is undoubtedly a great comfort to a girl like me who is extremely money-worshiping.I think, it turns out that this "talisman" I hang on my chest is still very valuable. Perhaps, the prince really came. This kind of fantasy about a girl after falling into the water, I can gradually stop guessing and gradually forget it. However, I will never forget that this man named Bai Chu once lived my life with such vivid features and eyes.Even if he later fell in love with another woman named Xi Lan.
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