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Chapter 43 2. Xiao Qiang

farewell to heaven 笛安 358Words 2018-03-13
On the evening of July 9th, 1997.Jiang Dong came to drink with me.He ended up smashing the beer bottle on my counter.Crystal green shattered bones, with beer white, cool foam.He said, "Xiao Qiang, from now on, I'm not your buddy." In fact, before he left, he also said something that made me want to die: "I am really delusional. How can I expect a person who uses Wong Kar Wai's "Evil in the West" as a Bible to be brave?" I hated him obstinately for that statement.For this sentence, the guilt I once felt towards him has long since disappeared.Until two years ago, I saw him on the street.He froze for a moment when he got in the car.There is a dusty air between his brows.But not the kind of annoying, wretched prostitution.Looking at him like this, I am also a little confused, the hatred I have accumulated for so long seems to be unable to take a seat at once.

That's when he said, "Dude, are you free? Let's have a drink." So I forgave him.Forgave him in an instant.I think we are destined after all, at least we have the same vision for "women", the same taste, and more importantly, the same vision and dream.
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