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Chapter 16 Chapter Fifteen Confession

youth hormone 莫熙儿 3435Words 2018-03-13
Everyone is working hard for the competition in the city.Yu Xiaoman's injury gradually improved, and he joined the intense rehearsal.In the rehearsal hall, Murphy was designing the entire dance, discussing with Yu Xiaoman from time to time how to make the dance more exciting.The two danced while comparing pictures, and they were very intimate with Le Rongrong.As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. This is absolutely true! Jiang Chao took the initiative to find Junhao: "Hey, can I ask for a more sexy dance step!" Junhao began to demonstrate one by one without saying a word, and the two swayed handsome and passionate dance steps together.The rehearsal hall is always full of youthful atmosphere. After training, Jiang Chao picked up a bottle of water from the ground and threw it to Junhao: "Thank you!" The two drank the water and smiled knowingly.

The other students are also practicing hard.Zheng Zhi followed Lin Miaomiao like a bug all day long, caring for her meticulously at all times. Seeing Lin Miaomiao sweating profusely, he quickly picked up a towel to wipe Lin Miaomiao's sweat. After "transformation", Shi Xiaotian is no exception. He is concentrating on admiring Nikita's moving dance, clapping his hands from time to time, looking at Nikita who is dressed as sexy as the dance, Shi Xiaotian's face and heart are flattered .Jiang Chao sat on the side resting, watching Mo Fei silently, watching Mo Fei walk to Jun Hao's side, the two were talking and laughing, that kind of laughter was so unscrupulous, but why had he never seen such a smile ?Why couldn't he make Murphy smile so happily?Thinking of this, I feel sour.

Seeing Jiang Chao's preoccupation, Yu Xiaoman felt inexplicably sad. She walked to Jiang Chao's side and stared at Murphy's direction: "Since you like it so much, try your best to fight for it. There is still a chance!" Jiang Chao Just said lightly: "Forget it!" Turned and left. In fact, Yu Xiaoman has long been used to his indifference, but she is heartbroken.It hurts for Jiang Chao, she feels love, so she should speak out loudly, instead of torturing herself in her heart.It is true that Jiang Chao does not accept her love, and there is nothing she can do about it, but she hopes to see Jiang Chao happy... Maybe this is the greatest love in the world.

This day is the day when Murphy and Cui Junhao meet to take care of stray dogs.The two walked side by side on the tree-lined path of the school and came to the old place.As usual, Junhao set up the rice bowl, filled it with prepared dog food and water, and the two happily watched the dogs scrambling to eat.Mo Fei stroked their little heads and sighed: "These puppies are actually pretty good, they are free, and they can meet such a kind person like you to give them food and warmth." Junhao was puzzled and frowned: "Do you think you are not free?" Murphy hugged his knees: "Well, my mother died when I was young, and my father is a lawyer. He is usually very busy and never has time to listen to me. The meaning of my life decides my life. The most unbearable thing for me is that he even forcibly interferes with my hobbies and insists on not letting me learn to dance. "

At first when she said these words, she still had an angry tone, but in the end, her emotions became more and more depressed.As soon as she mentioned her father, her mood would be extremely low.Junhao nodded thoughtfully, but suddenly shook his head: "Then how did you come to our school?" She playfully asked Junhao to put his ear close.She covered her mouth with one hand, and whispered into Junhao's ear: "I'll tell you a secret. I had someone pretend to be my father and secretly transferred to another school behind his back. I don't know if he found out now, but I do know It would be better if he can't find me, and see if he's worried." Junhao's expression gradually became stiff when he heard that.Junhao, who is usually sunny and gentlemanly, suddenly increased his decibel and shouted angrily at Murphy: "How can you lie to your father? And make him worry about you? You have a father who loves you, but you don't know how to cherish it. Do you know how anxious he is now?"

Faced with this sudden roar, Murphy rushed to her inexplicably. She didn't understand why Junhao acted so excitedly. After speaking, Junhao ran away without even turning his head. Murphy froze on the spot with a puzzled expression. Everything that happened suddenly made her confused. Why did Junhao lose his temper so much?The more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became, so Murphy decided to go to Cui Na to find out.She ran to the cafeteria and saw Cui Na was preparing cooking materials there. Murphy panted heavily, "Nana, I'll help you!" Still, Trine caught the trick: "Fei'er, it's so late, what are you doing looking for me? Is there something wrong?"

Mo Fei, who couldn't bear it anymore, went straight to the point: "Nana is smart, you can tell it at a glance! Actually, I want to ask you something! Regarding Junhao, I want to know how his relationship with his parents is. Like?" Cui Na was a little puzzled: "Why did you think of asking this?" She was helpless and wronged: "I had an argument with Junhao just now, and I said that I secretly transferred to another school behind my father's back, and he lost his temper with me inexplicably, which made me very angry. I don't know why!" Cui Na sighed, with a trace of sadness on her face, and she paused for a long time before she said, "My parents died in a car accident when we were young..."

Murphy was suddenly thunderstruck, and said extremely sorry: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that!" Cui Na said painfully: "It's okay! That was when my brother was 5 years old, and my parents took him to visit relatives. My little one was taken care of by my aunt at home, so I didn’t go with her. Unfortunately, a car accident happened. My parents died in that car accident, and my brother was also seriously injured. It was hard to rescue him. Since then, our brother and sister We depend on each other. It’s really not easy for my brother. There are many wild boys who bullied me since I was a child. My brother fought for me. Once my brother was cut on his arm to save me, and her tattoo was just to cover up the scar. I owe it to my brother. Too much..." Tears welled up as she spoke.Murphy grew up in a single-parent family. It was because of this environment that her character became rebellious, and she often longed for more warmth and care from her family.She often feels lonely and helpless, but compared to Junho and Choi Na who lost their parents since childhood, she is much luckier.Junhao must have the same feeling, perhaps he will desire that kind of care and warmth more than she does.At this time, Murphy was like the moment a chrysalis broke out of its cocoon and became a butterfly, as if tearing off a layer of skin.Many butterflies died of pain when they broke out of their cocoons.She hugged Cui Na tightly: "Nana, don't cry, you have to be strong!"

After leaving the restaurant, Murphy ran around the campus alone.Twilight had come quietly, and under the bright moonlight, pieces of leaves fell in the wind, swaying around her.There is only her lonely shadow under the moonlight, plucking the painful string in her heart, letting the tears on her face sway freely.She knew that her heart was bleeding, and her face was full of helplessness and sorrow. When she was young, she thought that the stars in the sky would always be so bright, the moon would always be round, and life would always be sunny, full of joy and happiness, but as she grew up, she witnessed too many joys and sorrows, about life, about Love, about commitment, is like the past.It was only gradually that she realized that where there is joy in life there is pain, and where there is a story there is an end.Life is a kind of experience. When you grow up, you must learn to be strong. Only after experiencing a lot can you understand life better.

Junhao's various actions are because he also longs for the love of his family, so he cherishes it even more, and cherishes every minute and every second with his parents.It's a pity that he has lost them forever, so he expects her to cherish them more.As I ran and ran, the bits and pieces of these days and those coincident times kept coming to my mind.The first meeting in the classroom, the happy time of learning to dance in the rehearsal room, the "kiss" during Chinese tutoring and truth or dare, Junhao fought with Jiang Chao by the lake to protect her, and fed small animals together... Is this love?Even she herself didn't realize that the tears flowed down so vividly.

In the past, she was always used to hiding in the corner to be sad and sad, squatting down quietly and hugging herself, letting the tears flow freely, hiding herself silently, letting the emptiness cover everything, pretending to be happy and temporarily forgetting herself, listening Sad music, trying to let the music take away all unhappiness, and even expressing sadness with a smile... But this time, she cried so thoroughly, the thing she wants to do most at this moment is to see Junhao immediately.The steps under her feet followed her thoughts and ran downstairs to Junhao's bedroom without knowing it. Cui Junhao didn't like this, he didn't have the heart to treat Murphy like that, although he overreacted to Murphy's words and actions, but there was a reason for it.In the second that followed, he began to regret what he had done, and immediately wanted to seek her forgiveness and understanding. Why didn't he feel remorse and sit on pins and needles. She ran to the door of Junhao's dormitory, she didn't have to worry too much, opened the door with a "bang" and shouted: "Cui Junhao..." The other four people in the dormitory were stunned, Cui Junhao hurriedly stood up: "Why? Already?" She touched the tears on her face, and shouted hoarsely: "I'm sorry...I love you!" As soon as the words came out, Xiaotian excitedly raised his hands and applauded non-stop, Everyone else stood up excitedly. Cui Junhao's Chinese is not very good at first, and he was too nervous. He heard it, but he was not sure if he heard it wrong. He tentatively shouted: "What? What did you say?" Murphy stood there and broke down in tears. Embarrassed, I can't laugh or cry, but now don't tell me when to wait?Big deal say it again. She raised the decibel and yelled in that substandard Korean: "Cui Junhao, Chalahei (I love you)!" At this time, the applause in the dormitory became more enthusiastic. Zheng Zhi applauded together.This time Cui Junhao heard it clearly, it was the first time she confessed to him in so long, and it was also the first time he felt such strong love from her.How long had he been looking forward to this day, but it all came too suddenly. Cui Junhao rushed to Murphy excitedly, hugged her with his strong arms and turned around several times on the spot, and the two embraced affectionately. Together.At this moment, Murphy burst into tears, but they were tears of happiness. Love is always like this, it will make each other reluctant, hurt and happy, and tears will always fall inexplicably.Cui Junhao hugged Murphy tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Murphy, you're black! TOO!" Murphy finally burst into tears, nodded vigorously, and the two hugged even tighter.At this moment, Jiang Chao smiled relievedly, this time he walked away without anger.Maybe he understood a truth, true love is not about having, but knowing how to let go when you can't love.Love is not necessarily a perfect match in the eyes of others, it is the mutual compatibility of hearts between people who love each other.In order to make the life of the one he loves a better life, he silently dedicated himself to letting go, so he can have more. At this moment, he felt relieved.
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