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Chapter 23 Chapter 23

coward 饶雪漫 1660Words 2018-03-13
Autumn in Beijing is as short as a pigeon whistle. When it rains, the temperature drops by ten degrees.Ziwei was wrapped in my mother's coat and watched TV. I turned the house upside down, but I couldn't find the real estate certificate. "It's useless to find it." Ziwei said, "You need your mother's signature to sell it." I sat on the floor and gasped for breath. We both had less than one hundred yuan of money together. If this continues, we will starve to death first. Ziwei is always better than me. As soon as the mobile phone is turned on, the job comes. The advertising company she mentioned made an appointment with her, but it was still urgent.

"When will the deposit be paid?" She asked really directly. The other party's answer must have satisfied her, she hung up the phone and said to me: "Go, see the job!" It took her two hours to dress up. This is the rule in this industry. No matter how young a celebrity is, he must have a neat appearance. Those who are not professional will only die ugly. Seeing that I wrapped myself up like a zongzi, she criticized me for being unfashionable, and forced the LV bag that my mother left in the corner into my arms and asked me to charge a lot of money. I reluctantly carried it in my hand, but no matter how I looked at it, it looked like I was holding a black plastic bag.

She spit out again: "I really wonder if your mother picked you up from the garbage dump?" In the end, I honestly changed my canvas bag and went out with her. She taught me along the way, women, the most important thing is temperament, with an elegant temperament, a man should not only lie down in front of you, but also lie down. In her mouth, falling in love sounds like playing taekwondo.It's just that I haven't seen her win a round so far. What we are going to is an advertising company that sounds reliable. They don’t know where to read her information, and they think she has a unique image. They want to ask her to speak for a new brand of clothing. My task, To put it bluntly, it is to blow her up like a flower, say how busy her schedule is and how popular she is, and then take the opportunity to drive up the price.

Our agreement is that she touches her chin with her left hand, which means she is satisfied with all the conditions.Otherwise, I will continue to find various reasons to continue messing around with the other party. To be on the safe side, we even rehearsed briefly before going out. "There is no unparalleled road." Ziwei patted me on the shoulder and said, "Long Si, I think I'm about to get rich!" Ziwei's most powerful is this kind of mentality.Back in the day, when faced with such a crush, she could love like that regardless of her own life. The other party received us with two people.A chief editor, female.A design director, male.

It took less than five minutes for us to go in, just a simple exchange of greetings, and the conditions have not yet been discussed. Ziwei's left hand was already attached to her chin, and she was still rubbing it. I secretly rolled my eyes, deeply wondering if her brain is broken.She winked at me, and then said to the other party in a charming manner: "Cooperating with your magazine has always been my greatest wish. I am extremely honored, grateful, and hopeful. Money is not important, what is important is feelings, of course. , and my own development, which is also very important, hahahahaha!"

Her smile was fake, and she didn't have any of the big-name momentum she wanted to flaunt before.It is conceivable why her previous acting career suffered repeated setbacks. Resentment rose in my heart, and at the same time I interrupted angrily: "We still need to discuss the price." "This is?" That Kimi pointed a pen at the tip of my nose very impolitely. "Her name is Long Si!" Ziwei answered for me, "My manager." "Who is your manager?" I muttered angrily. Ziwei stomped hard on my foot, and I immediately fought back: "Why step on me?"

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes at me.Anyone with a discerning eye will know that we have never seen the world, and we are really naive to death. "My name is Kimi." The man leaned forward a little, and suddenly asked me an inexplicable question, "Are you also a model?" "No." Ziwei said nonsense, "To be precise, she is an actress. She has acted in many plays, and of course, she has also acted in many plays. If you don't believe me, ask her yourself!" "I'm going to the bathroom." I felt that I was going to lose my temper, so I quickly found an excuse to run out, but Ziwei quickly followed, giggling, and whispered in my ear, "You're having a convulsion! This is what I'm doing." It must be accepted! Contact me quickly!"

"It's you who are convulsed. You love white stickers so much, the more you post, the less valuable you are!" I said angrily. "I'm happy this time." She was in a mess, pointing her chin at the tip of my nose, "Didn't you see that he is so handsome? Tall, handsome, and full of connotations!" "Who?" "Kimi!" Ziwei said. That's right, I zipped up my clothes tightly, and said to her viciously: "I only recognize money, not people. If you can't make money this time, you will eat your ass, and I will pull mine." !"

Thanks for the swear words, which gave us the last bit of courage to be angry as the bottom of society. She has always hoped that I can be a lady, pampered and carefree.I can't imagine how sad and disappointed she would be if she saw me now. But I can't help it.The sky-high medical bills, the old Mrs. Xu who chased after us to kill us, and the embarrassing life without income, all these were like an invisible big hand tightly choking my throat, holding me under the water, unable to breathe There is no escape. After much calculation and calculation, the only life-saving straw at present is Lao Xu, but I still need to think about how to fight him.Without Ziwei, I'm still not sure if I can do it.

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