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Chapter 17 Chapter 17

coward 饶雪漫 1079Words 2018-03-13
On the window sill of the hospital, there was a bunch of plastic lilies from nowhere. Looking closer, each stamen was covered with a thin layer of dust. I stood by the window for a long time before I approached her hospital bed and sat down. She was still sleeping, and her eye sockets looked swollen badly, as if she had just cried a lot.The left hand with the drip on was placed on the white sheet, curled up weakly. Xiaomi told me that she is not feeling well these days, she has poor sleep, and she fell asleep after taking a sedative before.Months had passed since the plaster cast was removed, and her left leg hadn't fully healed and she couldn't walk normally.The burned parts on the face and neck are still covered with gauze, waiting for the third operation.

Not only that, her lungs and airway were also severely damaged, and she almost lost the ability to speak permanently. Fortunately, God did not cruelly take her away from me this time.And now I am her god. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her for a while. Green hair roots had grown on her head, which was weak and not long.There is a patch on the back of the head that is still bald and is covered with purple lotion. The doctor said that within a year, or even longer, no hair will grow there. I remember her waking up after the first operation and trying to feel the back of her head by herself.The doctor went up and held her down, not allowing her to touch the wound. Her eyes blinked desperately, but the tears still fell, one by one falling on the back of my hand.

She loves beauty more than anyone else.From those big eyes that will never age, I suddenly saw despair and fear. I have always kept a photo of me and her in my wallet. At that time, she was in her thirties. She had long flowing hair and dared to wear a white skirt. She squatted beside me and smiled like an angel. I once thought she was not afraid Time passed. Even though she is wearing the jumpsuit that I don't like the most, she is still a graceful beauty. It's a pity that the beauty is unlucky, obviously, the youth has evaporated on her at this moment, and what has disappeared is also love, courage and health.

"Auntie will be fine." Xiaomi comforted me.Xiaomi is from my hometown, and she can be regarded as a distant relative of mine. I had to get some support from her to barely finish high school.After her accident, relatives took turns to visit at first, but the medical expenses were a bottomless pit, and everyone was afraid of trouble. As time went by, Xiaomi was the only one left in front of the hospital bed.Fortunately, Xiaomi people are very diligent, and they say less and do more. If it weren't for her help this year, I might not be able to survive. "I will pay the hospitalization fee in two days. This is your salary." I pulled Xiaomi out of the ward and handed her an envelope.

"If you're nervous, I don't need the money for the time being." Xiaomi stretched out his hand and pushed the envelope, "Did the doctor tell you that you need to prepare at least 100,000 yuan?" "Not bad for you." I threw the envelope into her arms, lit a cigarette and asked, "Is she still so bad-tempered?" Xiaomi nodded, blocked me with her body and said, "Smoking is not allowed here, the nurse should scold me when she sees it." "Is the nurse fierce?" I asked. "Of course." Xiaomi stuck out her tongue, "You scared me this morning, saying that if you don't pay the bill on time, you will definitely drive us out."

I put out the cigarette, said goodbye to Xiaomi, turned around and hadn't reached the elevator, tears could not help but flow out of my eyes, I raised my head and took a deep breath, trying hard to force them back into my body. Tears are too stupid and powerless for me.I cannot let them crush my strong arms. It turns out that disasters can really change a person—for example, from a coward in the past to this fearless Dragon Si today.
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