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Chapter 12 Chapter 12

coward 饶雪漫 1366Words 2018-03-13
The last class in the afternoon is physical education. I was still fully dressed, and I was doing preparatory exercises before free activities with everyone. The setting sun shone on the empty playground, and everyone quickly dispersed to form teams to choose the sports they wanted to play. Dandan said: "Long Si, do you want to take off your coat on such a hot day?" "No." I said. "Are you sick?" She touched my forehead with her cool little hands, and then touched her own. I can't stand someone caring for me like this, even though I always complain that I don't get enough warmth.

That's how I am, I can't take kindness for granted like other cute little girls. I shook my head, and finally turned away without saying a word. Dandan sighed and went to play badminton with others. She should have given up on me long ago, and I don't blame her at all. Everyone is in groups, but I am alone.But it doesn't matter, they play their game, and I don't die alone. Although I sometimes hate my easy-to-satisfy character. I walked under the big tree next to the playground alone, and sat down in a corner where the physical education teacher could not see. I just want to be alone for a while.Don't want to bother anyone or be bothered by anyone.But even if I hid so far away, a football rolled to my feet.I glanced at it and turned my head to look at the sky, ignoring it.

Someone on the other side of the playground yelled, kick over, kick over.The person who shouted was Yu Jingwen from our class. She is obviously a girl, but she makes herself look like a boy, which is really incomprehensible. Some people said that she liked girls, and others said that they had seen her kissing different girls behind the rockery in the small garden of the school. I feel disgusted, so, I never talk to her. "Kick here, idiot." Seeing that I was not moving, she cursed a very rough word.I pretended not to hear, and continued to look at the distant sky.Because I don't want to stand up.

Like I said, I don't want to bother anyone, let alone be bothered by anyone.She finally ran over by herself, but instead of getting her football, she walked up to me, stared at me and said, "Are you deaf?" I continued to ignore her, but I got up and walked a little away from her. If you can't provoke me, can you still hide? "Protect yourself wisely and follow the trend" is the first life rule of Long Si's life, and it will always work. Who knew that she would follow me without giving up, and began to tear my clothes without saying a word.She moved so fast and with great strength. Before I could understand what was going on, my coat had already been ripped off.

Then she started to tear at my school uniform, cursing fiercely like a man while doing it: "Saint, I tell you to pretend to be B all day long!" I was stunned by her vicious language and rude actions, and felt my consciousness was blurred, so I could only stare at her with surprised and unclear eyes, completely ignorant of resistance.I wanted to push her away, but I had no strength at all.My body seemed to float up, floating in the air.I saw that wine glass was upside down, hanging in the air, and I ordered it to fall down with my consciousness, but it deliberately opposed me, just to hang there, to show me.

The heat that had built up on me all afternoon dissipated in the air. Together with it, there is my hard armor, the determination and courage to fight the outside world to the end. I weakly let her tug on the collar, and at this moment, the lace of my underwear was already exposed. Until Dandan rushed up from behind, pushed her away, and hugged me into her arms.Scolded her loudly: "Crazy!" Yu Jingwen was held back by a few classmates who came from behind, but I could still see her standing not far away, pointing her finger at my face, and she was about to twitch with a smile. I couldn't fight back, and I couldn't throw her down and smack her face, which was almost contorted with laughter.I can only stare at her.

Staring at her increasingly masculine face with all my anger, then I seemed to see those malevolent peeping eyes from the bathroom window, and then the physics teacher's young but smiling face. Very wretched face. They were all looking at me, laughing at me to their heart's content, even laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten up. Even the boys and girls standing aside, although they didn't smile or speak, I knew from their eyes that they were just passers-by, indifferent and distant passers-by, each walking their own way.
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