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Chapter 6 Chapter 06

coward 饶雪漫 558Words 2018-03-13
When I walked downstairs to my house, I saw the car I didn't like very much, and that annoying license plate number: 9414. You are the one who is "going to die", you are the one who is "going to die". I hesitated for a long time, looking at the slowly darkening sky, I could only go upstairs. The elevator went up to the twenty-fifth floor, and I could feel myself getting off the ground bit by bit and going up into the sky.But alas, this time I'm going to a place that I don't like at all. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door with the key.Sure enough, I saw him sitting on my sofa watching TV.

He feels very much like the owner of the house, while I am a small character who occasionally passes by. "Long Si!" He called me, "Your mother went shopping for vegetables." I ignored him and went straight into my room with Doraemon in my arms. "Hey, Long Si, I have good news for you." I closed the door and continued to ignore him. He is ten years younger than my mother. He doesn't have a job, and he owns nothing but that wrecked car. It's such a useless person, but he can still fascinate my mother. Everyone knows that he is with my mother just to get my mother's money and house.

It's a pity that my mother didn't know--she smiled all day long when talking about him, and she even wore jumpsuits like young girls to please him.Just thinking about it makes me want to kill. My mother called me during dinner and I didn't want to eat it.My mother brought the food to my room. Doraemon is so big that there is no place to hide it.She found it almost as soon as she entered the door. Seeing her stop at the door, her eyes fell on the Doraemon I placed in the corner of the bed, I could only lie and say: "Some classmates in my class transferred to other places, she doesn't want this thing." so give it to me."

But she also asked: "Boys and girls?" "Girl." I had no choice but to lower my head and continue lying in humiliation.
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