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  • youth city

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 49713

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Chapter 1 Chapter 01

coward 饶雪漫 390Words 2018-03-13
Before I lost you, I took the first step and lost myself. My name is Long Si.It's really unbearable for a girl to be called such a triad name. So I have a dream - that one day I can completely get rid of it and usher in a new life. When I was seventeen years old, when I asked my mother to change my name for the nth time, she was studying a pair of dusty high-heeled shoes that she took out from under the bed.It was a pair of very old-fashioned shoes, with a platform heel, and red. I don’t know the style that was popular hundreds of years ago, but she didn’t care about it at all. She wore them and walked around the room several times, then suddenly turned to me and asked: "Long Si, what is the most popular thing for girls to wear now?"

I thought about it and said, "Let's jumpsuit." "Yeah, isn't it inconvenient to go to the toilet?" I said, "I'm going to change my name." "Dragon Four." My mother sat down beside me, kicked off her high heels, and said with a long sigh, "Why do you have this idea again?" "always have!" "You grow up, mom will give you these shoes." She changed the subject slyly again, I don't want such weird shoes, I'm a member of the circus when I wear them. I don't know why I am called Longsi, and why I can't change my name.

If it's my mom's secret, I forgive her.
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