Home Categories youth city secret fruit

Chapter 2 second quarter

secret fruit 饶雪漫 3069Words 2018-03-13
"Teacher Little Ear!" I shouted, she turned her head, patted her chest with her left hand, and said in shock, "Don't you know to knock when you come in?" "Knock." I lied. "Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I didn't hear." Her face was slightly red, she looked really cute. I took the composition text out of my back and handed it to her. She took it and asked me, "Why do you do such a boring thing as plagiarism?" "Because your composition title is too earthy." I said. She didn't mind my deliberate provocation at all.Instead, he smiled and said, "Is this an excuse for your plagiarism?"

"Half right." I replied. "Oh?" she asked curiously, "there's still half of it?" "Guess." After dropping these two words, I fled in panic. Walking out of her office quickly, the autumn afternoon sun made me unable to keep my eyes open.I'm really afraid that if I stay there for another second, I can't help but say some shit that must never be said, and then I will be slapped to an alien planet by her. But can it be my fault? She is so beautiful, so beautiful that I can completely delete the word "control" from my dictionary.

Yes yes yes yes, I have to admit that because of her, I can't control myself. I finally got to see that legendary Land Rover and that legendary handsome guy over the weekend.I stayed in the dormitory for a long time that day. It was almost seven o'clock when I arrived at the school gate. gone. By coincidence, I stopped a car and followed them. The handsome guy kept facing me with his back, so I couldn't see his face clearly.But just from her expression and the way she struggled with him, I could see that she was extremely unwilling to get in his car.I was sitting in the taxi, and the big schoolbag was like a big rock, and my heart was blocked.Thinking that something unpleasant happened to her, or that she might be bullied, I felt a pain like being burned in my heart.About 20 minutes later, the Land Rover turned into a residential area, but the taxi couldn't get in, so I had to pay the bill and get out of the car, standing blankly at the gate of the residential area, thinking about where to go.

Ten minutes later, I wandered into the community, and soon I found the car. It was parked downstairs in Building 24. The black body shone with dignity in the dusk.There is no doubt that this is a high-spirited car, like a Tibetan mastiff that is difficult to tame, and there is no doubt that the owner of this car is a high-spirited person.I sat next to the car and thought for a while: Should I cause a little trouble?For example, kick that car hard, when the siren blares through the sky, maybe she will come down, I can strike up a conversation with her by the way, if she happens to be okay, we can go to the Fairy Forest for a cup of tea and talk Talking about life or my essays that seem to be nonsensical but are actually full of connotations and thoughts, when I was doing boundless and boring fantasies, she suddenly came out of the corridor. She walked fast, like is running away.Seeing me, she stopped, evidently taken aback.

In fact, I was also surprised, but I pretended to be calm and said: "Hello, teacher." "Hi." She tried to smile, but any fool could tell she had just cried because her eyes were swollen and red. I lied to her loudly: "My aunt lives in this community." After I finished speaking, I realized that they didn't ask me why I was here at all. There is no silver three hundred taels here, so stupid and naive! "Oh." She replied casually, bowed her head and walked out of the community.I followed her, in order not to let her notice, I walked very lightly, but fortunately she never looked back.The strange thing is that she didn't take a taxi after leaving the community, but walked eastward with her head depressed. She walked really fast, and it took a little effort to keep up with her.At a traffic light intersection, she had no choice but to stop. As soon as I approached her back, before I could take my steps back, I heard her shout loudly without looking back: "If you are a man, don't follow me!"

I said nothing. She turned her head suddenly and found it was me.His face turned red in an instant. Apparently, she mistook me for someone else. "I'm going home." After uttering these three words, I pretended to look at her innocently, and had to admit that the atmosphere was not harmonious at this moment. She turned back and ran across the road, and I continued to follow.I don't know if she knew that I was still following her, but she didn't look back, but walked all the way to the small river, and sat on the old, outrageous wooden chair by the river.The chairs might be a bit dirty, but she didn't mind, and didn't even get out a tissue to wipe it down, which somewhat surprised me.It's late autumn, and she's wearing a light pink sweater and jeans.From the back view, it is no different from the girls in our school.Perhaps feeling cold, she pulled her hat up over her head.This action made me feel more at ease, because the hat blocked the corner of her eye, and the possibility of her spotting me was reduced by 66.6%.I leaned against the tree and looked at her from a distance of tens of meters, hoping that time would stop forever and that tomorrow would never come again.

I remember seeing a line on the title page of Yu Chizi’s Chinese notebook before: “The song you like, listen to it quietly, the person you like, look at it from a distance.” At that time, it was so sore that my teeth hurt, and I laughed three times in front of her. , thinking that the girl is really a shameful animal of "idiot" and "nymphomaniac", and made her face go from pale to purple to blue with anger.It is only now that I realize that most people who fall in love are shameful, so there is no self-esteem at all.If Yu Chizi knew about the absurdity of me stalking someone today, she would laugh until my face fell off automatically.

I don't know how long I stood there, the night fell completely, and the lights came on.The wind began to blow by the river, and gradually there was a slight rain.And she has been sitting, looking into the distance, motionless.I took out the umbrella from my schoolbag, thanks to this umbrella, which I hardly ever use and it takes a lot of effort to open, so I could approach her boldly, and hold the umbrella high for her, blocking those who tried to wet her short hair the hateful rain.She looked back at me, without a surprised expression on her face, but said to me calmly: "Haven't you left yet?"

I said, "Teacher, are you okay?" "It's okay." She shook her head, "I just want to be alone. I used to come here to read when I was in high school. The river was much clearer then than it is now." I really wanted to say: "It's not just a clear river that is destroyed by reinforced concrete civilization." But I didn't say it.When necessary, pretending to be deep has the effect of highlighting mature masculinity, not to mention that in front of a lovable woman like her, it is even more necessary for me to maintain my good character of silence is golden.

It's just that she doesn't know if she recognizes that I am also a man, not just her student? While I was fantasizing shamelessly, she just looked at the river and continued: "I used to come here with a friend of mine." "Is it your boyfriend?" I finally couldn't help asking. "No, it's a girl," she said. "Her name is it. It's a very interesting name, don't you think?" "Don't tell me, let me guess." I said with confidence, "You must have fallen in love with the same boy later, and you have changed from friends to sworn enemies, right?"

She said, "Bullshit." "Or maybe you're all grown up and working. She's gone so far away that it's hard for you to see each other again, is it?" I don't know if she doesn't want to listen to my nonsense, she hesitated for a moment and answered me: "That's right." "Hey." I took a breath, and sent a comment that I thought was wonderful, "Life story, but that's it, there's not much new about it." "Student Duan Bowen." What discouraged me was that she didn't care about my short, sharp and temperamental comments at all, but said in a normal tone, "Thank you, it's getting late, let's go back quickly, and don't go back to your parents Don't worry about it." At first, I noticed that she said "we" instead of "I", which immediately filled my small eyes with an indescribable smugness, but why did she say that she shouldn't I shouldn't have added half a sentence, "Parents should be worried if I don't go back." At that moment, I wished for a kind of muffler that could eliminate her last half sentence that made me super upset. I raised the umbrella a little higher, and when she stood up, she said again: "My house is very close to here, just walk. What about you?" "I..." I stammered for a long time and finally said, "I, I will take a taxi." "Go to the side of the road and turn left. It's easy to take a taxi at the intersection." After saying this, she stood up, put her hands in the pockets of her sweater, and walked forward.I ran two steps after her with my umbrella in hand and said, "Teacher, this is for you." "I have a hat, so I don't need it." She said to me, "I have been in school for a week, and I have to go home early on weekends. Mom and Dad must have cooked delicious food for you." Which pot she can't open and which pot to carry! I had to confess to her: "I don't have a mother. She died of leukemia when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school." "Oh, I'm sorry." She looked a little embarrassed. "It's okay." I looked at her and said, "Actually, those unhappiness will be forgotten soon. Teacher, you are the same, so don't take things too seriously." She suddenly smiled.Then she raised up the index finger of her right hand, put it to her lips, and warned me softly: "Don't tell me what happened today." "Yes." I replied. She said seriously: "Thank you, Duan Bowen." The first time I met her face to face, I realized how small she was. Standing in front of her at 1.77 meters, I looked like a giant.But I know that this is not enough.At that moment, I wished I was a little stronger, a lot stronger, a lot stronger. But it is no exaggeration to say that if one day I am qualified to withstand the ups and downs of life for her, I am willing to give anything.
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