Home Categories youth city Channel A Ⅳ We are all ugly ducklings

Chapter 9 Chapter Seven Postcards

"Tonight, he hugged me! I mean Rongbao! It's a pity you can't see it." Xu Kesui hugged Jiji on the bed and said, "But, he didn't kiss me! He seemed to be hugging a friend Holding me like that, telling me not to cry, not seeing me as a girl at all." She looked out the window, there was a light on the other side of the sea, maybe it was a night flight.It was a strange night, heaven and hell came at the same time, first her father, then Rong Bao, one man made her cry, the other made her laugh. She always felt that there was someone in Rong Bao's heart.She didn't know who that person was, but she roughly guessed that the relationship between that person and Rong Bao was unstable, maybe it hadn't started yet, maybe it had ended.A man in love will not have Rong Bao's lonely expression.

"At least it's a start!" she said to Gigi. The twilight of the morning dispelled the darkness of the long night, she got up, took a shower, changed clothes, and took Gigi to the beach for a walk.This is a non-swimming beach, the water is too deep and the waves are too big.Since moving here, she likes to take Jiji for a walk every morning, because Rong Bao also runs on the beach at this time of day.Naturally, her walking speed with Jiji couldn't keep up with Rong Bao's pace, so she could watch him back and forth around her.She likes this feeling, as if this man has walked past in the lens of her mind and then retreated, there is a kind of expectation in the middle.

That day, when Rong Bao walked by her, she said, "Thank you last night!" "Don't drive so fast in the future, it's dangerous!" he said. "You are annoying!" Then she asked, "How can I repay you?" "There is no need to repay." "I invite you to have breakfast!" "Not today! I'm going to the farm today." "farm?" "It's an organic farm. I planted some pumpkins and they just harvested today." "I want to see it too." "OK!" "Do you drive your car or mine?"

He smiled: "Mine is safer." That farm is nearby, and Rongbao's pumpkins have grown big enough. "It's a pity that Halloween is over, otherwise, it can be used as a jack-o-lantern." She said. "It's for eating." "It's weird what you eat, too," she said, picking pumpkins. "Strange?" He took the pumpkin Xu Kesui picked and put it in the bamboo basket beside him. "I mean what you eat and you live a very healthy life like someone over 30, not at all your age." "When I was young, my family had a piece of farmland. My mother liked planting. We planted whatever we ate. After eating watermelon, we used watermelon cores to plant watermelons. After eating lemons, we planted lemons. My mother also planted roses. The red roses she planted were particularly large. ,Very pretty."

"My mother can't grow anything," she said. "But she can play the violin, which is not something every mother can do." "We didn't choose our parents, we didn't choose what we looked like." She never liked the way she looked. "Do you miss your mother?" she continued. "When I grow vegetables, I think of her," he said. "Do you come here every week?" "Ok." "Well, I'm coming next week too. I've always wanted to grow winter melons! I like to eat winter melons!" "I can't come next week. I'm going to Tokyo with some friends."

"Really? Oh! I'm going to Tokyo! When are you leaving?" "Friday." "Which hotel are you staying in? When I arrive in Tokyo, if I have time, I may find you." The next day, she hurriedly booked a plane ticket to Tokyo and a hotel, which was the one where Rong Bao lived.She has a very beautiful reason to go to Tokyo.She has always dreamed of opening a boutique, selling furniture as well as clothes, boutiques, magazines and books, all of which are her tastes collected from all over the world.She could go to Tokyo and see what good things are available. Rong Bao believed her completely.

"Have you found a berth yet?" he asked. She likes the area around the bar that Rong Bao often goes to, it's close to the downtown area, and it's a corner of its own, surrounded by some tasteful shops.Moreover, if you open a shop there, you can often see Rong Bao.She is such a person, once she likes a man, she will devote herself to the point that even she is surprised.If the other party is indifferent to her, she will persevere.When the other party falls in love with her, she will shrink back instead. She never believed that she deserved to be loved. However, Rong Bao is different, she hopes that this time she will not back down again.

The next day, she gave Rong Bao a book. "I bought two copies," she said. Rong Bao looked at it, it was a travel book, the title of the book was "Handbook for Loving Tokyo". "The information in it is very rich, I think you will need it." Rong Bao departed on Friday, and she booked a flight for the next Monday. The suitcase was spread out on the bed, and Gigi was lying on the edge of the bed. "I'm going out again! You're going back to the big house for a while," she said. Jiji looked at his master reluctantly, as if knowing that it was time to part again.He is different from other dogs. For more than ten years, he has no parting anxiety, because parting is just a way of life between him and Xu Kesui.

"Guess what happened in Tokyo?" She bit her finger, asked Jiji, and said, "It's really hard to tell when two people are alone outside!" She came to Tokyo with high hopes. When she arrived at the hotel, she first asked the counter what room Rong Bao was staying in, and then asked for a room on the same floor. At night, after Rong Bao came back, he made a phone call to her room. "What a coincidence! We live on the same floor," she said. "That's right!" His voice sounded tired. She had been waiting for him for several hours, and she really wanted to ask him out for a bowl of noodles or something, but at this moment she said wittily: "I'm exhausted after flying for a long time, do you have time tomorrow? We can Let's go shopping together."

Rong Bao readily agreed. When she was in Hong Kong, she lived next door to Rongbao. Now she is on the same floor as Rongbao, separated by more than a dozen rooms. Her heart is beating fast.She imagined the man a dozen rooms away, maybe still awake, maybe thinking the same thing as her.At night in a foreign land, she was embraced by a longing for love. She slipped into sleep with such sweet dreams. The next morning, she and Rong Bao were already at Jixiang Temple. A few of Rong Bao's friends flew to Okinawa to dive, but Rong Bao stayed in Tokyo for some unknown reason.At first she thought that Rong Bao was staying because of her, but gradually she found that Rong Bao seemed to be looking for someone in Tokyo, looking for someone who he didn't know if he would show up or not.

On the way, she stumbled across a postcard shop called 'Billboard', which had more than 6,000 kinds of postcards, and she picked a large stack. "It's also good in my store," she said. “Except for the postcards from foreign pen pals when I was a child, I haven’t received a postcard for a long time,” he said. "My mom sends it to me sometimes." "Actually, she's very nice!" "She's a great musician, but not a great mother." Later, they went to Daikanyama again.She knew from the "Love Tokyo Handbook" that there is a "Petit Loup" teddy bear specialty store, customers can order "personal teddy bears", commemorative years, months, days and personal names can be sewed on the bears, and attached I will make a certificate online, but it will take two weeks to complete. "I may not stay in Tokyo for two weeks. I am afraid that the mail will be lost. What about you? When do you plan to go back?" Xu Kesui said. "I haven't decided yet." "Are you waiting for someone in Tokyo?" Finally, she asked. "No!" He shrugged. She didn't believe it at all.The other party must be a woman to be so entrenched in a man's heart.She suddenly felt sad, full of jealousy and sorrow of wanting to have him. "Will you help me with my stuffed bear then?" she asked. "of course can." She picked out a black furry bear, and the date of the day was sewn on the bear's back. At night, they ate at an izakaya in Shinjuku.Rong Bao ordered a bottle of sake. "Didn't you only drink π water? Alcohol is unhealthy." "When traveling, there are some exceptions." He smiled and took a sip of sake. "How is the opening of the store going?" he asked. "Looking for a berth, is there anything you can do?" "Which area are you looking for?" "It's near the bar you took me to, but I don't see any vacant berths." "Let me help you find a way." He said confidently. "Then please. Are you interested in working with me?" "I?" "Yes! I can't handle it alone. Your taste is also very good! Although not as good as mine." He giggled. "I want to open a health food store." "My boutique is also going to sell some health food, so let's decide." Rong Bao didn't know how to refuse, her dream became the dream of both of them.Thinking that in the future, we will be able to face each other day and night.She smiled intoxicated. "Then we have to hurry up and prepare," she said. The trip to Tokyo turned into shopping for new stores.After five days, she left.She was in no rush to go back, but she knew it would be memorable to leave when the time was right.When boarding the special car to the plane, she said to Rong Bao: "Remember to help me get the teddy bear!" He nodded. She was sitting in the front row. When the car drove away, she waved to him and turned her face away. She was used to not being the last one to wave. She disappeared from sight. As long as Rong Bao remembers to help her get the stuffed bear, no matter how long he stays in Tokyo, and no matter who he thinks about, she still occupies a place in his memory. On the day she came back to Hong Kong, she went to pick up Jiji first.The servant said that the aunt had called her many times, and it seemed that it was urgent. Auntie looked for her, maybe it was her father who wanted to see her, so she was not interested in talking to them. After a few days, she lazily called her aunt. "Why are you calling back now?" Auntie said hoarsely. "What's the matter?" "Your father—" Her heart suddenly flustered, but she pretended to be indifferent and asked: "What's the matter with him?" "He passed away." Auntie sobbed on the other end of the phone. She froze. "It's cancer. It's been discovered for a while." The aunt said. She held the microphone, didn't say a word, didn't shed a tear. Soon after, she received a notice from a lawyer that Xu Yuanhao left all his inheritance to her. When she left the law firm, she was walking on the street, feeling desolate inside.Is she too ruthless?She couldn't even squeeze a single tear. She finally understood why Xu Yuanhao wanted to see her after fourteen years, and finally understood why he was so old that day.She shouldn't lose her temper with him, that was the last time father and daughter met.She thought there was another chance in the future. Xu Yuanhao didn't suddenly remember that he was a father, but wanted to make amends before he died, but she didn't allow him to do so.She just wanted to see him suffer and feel guilty. Only in this way could she make up for the father's love she had lost in the past fourteen years. During the Mid-Autumn Festival when she was nine years old, Xu Yuanhao agreed to pick her up.As a result, she waited and waited outside the practice room of the choir, but couldn't see him, and finally followed Meng Songen home.From then on, she decided not to have any thoughts about her father, which is bound to be disappointing. Does dad really not love her?When he was a child, he always liked to hold her on his lap and read books, and he could read for hours.She likes to read books, also because of her father.After fourteen years of irreparable time, this scene still remains in her childish memory. She refused to even give her one last chance to repent. How cruel is she?She cannot forgive herself. At night, she made a phone call to her mother in Germany. "He's gone," she said. "Who? Who are you saying is gone?" Finally she said, "Dad." How long has she not said these two words? Shen Kaixuan was silent, and the two mother and daughter mourned a man who had appeared in their lives and would never fade away from their memories. He's a good guy, just not cut out to be a dad.He is a prodigal son in his bones, and she deeply knows that she also has this inheritance. She hated him so much, he never gave her time, not before, nor in the future.She had no chance to act like a baby to him before, and she would never have the chance to forgive him in the future.
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