Home Categories youth city Zhang Xiaoxian

Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Cemetery

Zhang Xiaoxian 交换星夜的女孩 1890Words 2018-03-13
At five o'clock this morning, she got up, jumped rope 300 times in white underwear and shorts, was tired, went back to bed, curled up, and slept for a while before getting up. She put on a green raincoat and left home, got into a goblin, turned off Raccoon Street, walked three blocks, and parked outside a small flower shop that had just opened. She got out of the car and wandered around the store. Finally, she picked out a bunch of white chrysanthemums and bought a few more white orchids. She went back to the car and put the white orchid next to the front air vent.Smelling the scent of white orchids, she drove through two tunnels, from north to south, onto Highway 5 heading to the suburbs.

The car left Highway No. 5 and walked along the beach.Fifteen minutes later, she came to the cemetery. She got out of the car, took the white chrysanthemum, and walked into the desolate cemetery. She walked through a row of tombstones, and finally stopped in front of a beige marble tombstone. She bent down and put the flowers on the grave. Here lay her parents Bai Qichi and Yin Weiwei. She looked at the black and white photo of her parents on the tombstone.Her mother was a frosty beauty, much prettier than she was.They didn't say a few words when their mother was alive.Her father had eyes that seemed perpetually frightened.She had tried to talk to him, but he was as afraid of her as of something he couldn't understand.

She was never close to her parents.But after they died, she missed them and felt that she had become close to them at last, and she could visit them whenever she wanted.There was no more secret between her and these two dead people. This day is their death taboo. After she left the cemetery, she drove the little demon back to the Special Crime Unit. She parks the car in her parking spot just in time to see Dak get out of the taxi. She got out of the car and stood beside the car waiting for him. "You're early!" she said. Da Ke has a driver's license, but he doesn't like to drive. No matter how far or near, he only likes to take a taxi.She used to make fun of him for having an unexplainable attachment to taxis.Others fetish, he loves taxis.

They walked into the office building together, and Da Ke said to her: "I compared the guest lists of Mrs. Merlin and Mrs. Yilan, and found that the names of three people appeared repeatedly." "Those who are superstitious about divination usually don't patronize only one psychic. They are like girls, and they don't only have one lipstick in their make-up case at home," she said. They got into the elevator.He suddenly asked her: "Did you wear perfume today? You smell good." "It's not perfume, it's white orchid." She turned her head to smell herself.

"Do you believe that a man becomes a star when he dies?" she asked him, turning around. "Can a man kill himself when he's dead?" he asked. "That is of course impossible." "Then a man does not become a star when he dies. Stars commit suicide." "You mean, the stars will commit suicide?" She was slightly surprised. He nodded: "It's like whales stranding en masse. It's actually whale suicide." She smiles: "It would be so sad if someone died without going to a beautiful place." She asked Da Ke again:

"Why did you study astronomy then?" He looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, but did not answer. "What? I don't think I ever asked you." When the two walked out of the elevator, he turned to her and said: "You invited me to dinner, I tell you. I've made an appointment for those three people to come over in the afternoon." "Dinner is dinner!" she said, "I'll go and see if there are any of them in Mrs. Yilan's horoscope." At two o'clock in the afternoon, the three people came one after another.Two women, one man.

Of the two women, one was a twenty-six-year-old office girl who kept falling in love.The other was a twenty-three-year-old neurotic. The average office girl sees a psychic every month, and there are seven common psychics.Why seven? "Seven is my lucky number," she replied with a smile. Xiaolu looked at her and finally understood why she had seven pierced ears on both sides. She was one of the guests on the day Mrs. Elan was killed. "She was fine when I left. She said my man would show up soon." At this moment, Xiaolu glanced at the natal chart of the office girl in the folder.Mrs. Yilan wrote a few small characters next to it:

"A lifetime of loneliness" Neurotic was originally Mrs. Merlin's guest. After Mrs. Merlin was killed, she patronized Mrs. Ilan instead. "They are all dead, so who am I going to find in the future? The people I am looking for are all dead, so I say that I am a witch, and those who approach me will end badly, and the boys I love are all dead." She complained say. Xiaolu glanced at her natal chart hidden in the folder.Mrs. Yilan wrote two words next to it with a pencil: "It's annoying!" She stifled a laugh. It was impossible for either of these two girls to kill Mrs. Merlin and Mrs. Elan, and they all had alibi.

Finally, it was the man's turn.He was twenty-seven years old. He seemed to be wearing all the clothes at home. He looked thin and bony. He wore a pair of black thick-rimmed glasses and his eyes were uncertain. Looking at his pale face, she felt as if she had seen him somewhere, but couldn't remember. "I've seen you." The thick-rimmed glasses stared at her for a while, and said, "You are the girl with the sixth sense." She didn't answer him, there was no expression on her face.It was not the first time that a stranger recognized her. Thick-rimmed glasses are a computer programmer.

"Can you tell me why you often go to divination?" she asked him. He quietly replied: "I want to know myself." This was the most beautiful and saddest reason she had ever heard.She suddenly discovered that he was actually not as weak as he looked on the outside. She glanced at his horoscope, and couldn't help showing surprise. Mrs. Yilan didn't write anything next to his natal chart, but drew a skull with a pencil. However, he also had an alibi. She let him go. At eight o'clock, she left with Dake. The two sat on the little demon.He asked her: "Where do you want to invite me to dinner?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go eat the zongzi!" He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "Go eat zongzi again? You really know how to save money." She smiled and turned the car out of the parking lot and headed east onto the overpass.Suddenly, she remembered where she had seen thick-rimmed glasses. She had seen him in the cemetery this morning.
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