Home Categories documentary report Ten Years of Unannounced Interview · Season 3

Chapter 6 Chapter 5: Wolf Fighting in the Tomb

I continued the topic of digging the tomb and asked: "I don't understand. People have been buried underground for so many years. Why does the smell in the tomb still smell so bad? Has there ever been a tomb that didn't smell bad?" Uncle Gousheng stopped talking, I couldn't see his face in the dark, I don't know if he was embarrassed or thinking.After a few minutes, he said leisurely, "Once." I asked curiously, "What's going on?" Uncle Gousheng said, "Oh, that time I almost lost my life." I don't understand, there is no stench in the tomb, how could it almost cost my life?It should be the stench that is fatal.

Uncle Gousheng said: "Once, when I dug up the tomb, I felt strange while digging, and I couldn't smell the stench at all. I thought, maybe I made a mistake, but the soil here is mixed with charcoal and Quicksand, there must be a tomb. Do you know what's going on?" I thought about it, but I couldn't figure it out, how could the tomb have no smell?Later, I tentatively said, "Could it be that the tomb was dug up and the stench escaped?" Uncle Gousheng said, "No, this is a living pit." I asked, "Why is that?" Uncle Gousheng whispered: "This beast is back again, eavesdropping outside the window, listen to it."

The wolf came back again, and my heart felt tense.However, I can't hear any sound outside the window.Years of living in the wild turned Uncle Gou into a hunting dog. Uncle Gousheng then said slowly: "I continued to dig, and suddenly I went down with a pick and dug into the hollow. There was a hole in front of me, and the dirt fell down, and I almost fell. It turned out that I had arrived at the tomb. But Ah, this tomb is a bit weird. It doesn't smell like dead people, but it smells like urine. Also, the tomb is gloomy because it hasn't been exposed to sunlight or wind for hundreds of thousands of years, but this tomb is still warm. .I thought, something must have happened here that I don’t know about, and it must be something bad. I wanted to quit, but it was too late. I felt a gust of wind blowing towards me..."

Uncle Gousheng suddenly coughed violently. In such a cold midnight, the sound spread far away, which made people feel horrified.There was a sound of scraping corn leaves outside the window, and I knew it was a wolf fleeing from the window, accidentally stepping on the corn stalks piled up under the window sill. Sure enough, the wolf had been eavesdropping outside the window. What is it that jumped at Uncle Gousheng?I wanted to ask him, but my throat was tight and I couldn't speak.I felt like I was about to stop breathing. Uncle Gousheng held my hand in the dark and said, "Touch my shoulder."

There are three grooves on his shoulder, and I can clearly feel that they are three scars. Uncle Gousheng said that after the foreign pick was hollowed out, he also fell into the tomb, and the miner's lamp also fell.As soon as he stood up, he felt a gust of wind blowing in the darkness. He lowered his head instinctively, and there was a burning pain in his shoulder. He yelled, and his voice rumbled in the tomb.Uncle Gousheng said that at this point, he is more courageous than anyone else, who is not afraid of death.There is a man or a ghost in front of him, so we must bear it hard and beat it back. "Actually, it's useless for you to be afraid. If you are afraid, you will definitely die. If you are not afraid, you may not die."

Uncle Gousheng said that thanks to the pickaxe subconsciously held in his hand when he fell into the tomb in the dark, the pickaxe became his life-saving straw at that moment.At that time, he yelled and swung the pick in the dark like crazy.The foreign pick was chopped on the blue bricks of the tomb, and it was cut on the loess. He could feel the green bricks, which had become loose and crisp due to age, fall off like tofu, and the dust of the loess was flying in all directions in the tomb. It fell into his mouth a few times.Finally, he felt the foreign pick cut into the soft flesh, and then heard a scream, and then the tomb returned to silence.

Uncle Gousheng was sweating profusely. He didn't know whether he was tired or scared.He sat on the ground for a long time before he picked up the miner's lamp with trembling arms. He saw that it was a little wolf. Blood bubbles.The little wolf's eyes were still open, exuding the light of hatred. It was a little wolf less than half a year old. The wolf didn't kill Uncle Gousheng, but Uncle Gousheng beat the wolf to death. Uncle Gousheng's shoulder was always in pain. When he touched it, he felt a handful of sticky blood.Such a small wolf cub can be so fierce!Uncle Gousheng said that he felt very lost at that moment.After beating desperately for a long time, it turned out to be a little wolf cub.

This is the tomb, and it is also the wolf's den. The wolf uses this tomb as a lair. Uncle Gousheng looked carefully in the tomb and saw the mud and sand left on the wall. He judged that it was a wet pit.This tomb was once filled with rainwater, but later the rain came out, and the tomb was connected to the outside world. "How can the rainwater get out of the tomb when it pours into it?" I asked puzzled. Uncle Gousheng explained: "In the northern soil, there is an animal called pangolin. This animal has hard armor all over its body, just like a general in armor. This animal has no teeth, but its armor is it. Its teeth, its sharp weapon. It likes to eat ants, and the ant hole is usually very deep. If the pangolin wants to eat ants, it must constantly dig holes and drill in the soil. In this way, the pangolin connects the tomb with the outside world Then, the rain in the tomb came out and washed the pangolin's hole open. After a long time, the wolf came here and used the tomb as a natural lair.

I deeply feel: nature is too fantastic. Uncle Gousheng's eyes adapted to the darkness, and he saw a coffin in the center of the tomb. The coffin was made of stone slabs, and there were carved patterns on both sides of the coffin. This sarcophagus proved that the owner must have a prominent background when he was alive. The light of the miner's lamp is getting darker and darker, and the power of the miner's lamp is almost exhausted due to the fight just now.He planned to go out first and change the miner's lamp. Uncle Gousheng said that when he was checking in the tomb, the voice of his accomplice came from above the shaft, asking him what he saw below.

Just as Uncle Gousheng was about to answer, he suddenly saw two green lights in front of him, which were the eyes of a female wolf... Wolves are very cunning and cunning animals. In order to prevent large predators from entering their dens, the entrances and exits of wolf dens are very narrow, and only female wolves and male wolves can get in and out. Imports can only be discouraged.There are also some sharp stones on the passage of the wolf den. If other animals force through, they will be scratched and bruised. When Uncle Gousheng saw the she-wolf, the she-wolf also saw him.The female wolf growled and twisted her body, trying to quickly get through the passage and enter the tomb.The dim mine light above Uncle Gousheng's head shone on the sarcophagus. Before he had time to think, he ran to the sarcophagus, pushed open the stone lid of the sarcophagus, jumped in, and then closed the stone lid again.

Uncle Gousheng said that the stone cover was extremely heavy, at least a few hundred catties. He didn't know how he had such great strength to push the stone cover away.And later, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the stone cover even an inch. I said that when people are in extreme danger, they will burst out potentials that they don't usually have.I once heard such a story, saying that a pilot landed in a primeval forest after a plane crash. Suddenly, a bear attacked. At the critical moment, the pilot jumped up, grabbed the branches in the air, and escaped. doomed.Later, the pilot was rescued, but never jumped to that height again. I also said that there is an idiom called "dog jumps over the wall in a hurry", which means that dogs can jump over walls that they can't usually jump over in times of crisis.It's ugly, but it's actually the same thing. Before the stone cover was closed tightly, the she-wolf pounced on her. Its claws scratched the sarcophagus, making an unusually piercing shrill sound, just like claws scratching Uncle Gousheng's eardrums.The female wolf growled, her voice full of anxiety and anger. Uncle Gousheng was worried that the she-wolf would rush in. He fumbled for weapons that could defend himself in the dark sarcophagus. However, anything he touched would turn into powder.The frightened Uncle Gousheng lay in the powder, helpless.Later, the wolf climbed onto the sarcophagus, however, it feebly pushed open the stone cover, and stuck its head in. A pair of small green eyes stared viciously at Uncle Gousheng, and its sticky saliva remained on Uncle Gousheng's face . "The wolf's saliva has a fishy and foul smell, like snot." Uncle Gousheng said. Lying on a corpse thousands of years ago, he was so distraught that sweat ran down his cheeks onto the sarcophagus, which he forgot to wipe off.There was an ancient corpse under his body, and a wolf on his body, and his whole body became limp from fear. Later, it was quiet outside, neither the wolf's cry nor the wolf's footsteps could be heard, and the wolf seemed to have left.However, he was still worried, he was still lying on the ancient corpse, motionless. Still later, shouts came from above the burial chamber, the voices were indistinct, but he could make out that they were asking about him.After all this time, and all this silence, he thought, the wolf must have left. Uncle Gousheng was short in stature, arched his body in the sarcophagus, pushed up the stone cover, and slowly moved aside a gap about half a foot wide.Just as he poked his head out of the sarcophagus, he suddenly felt a gust of cool wind rushing towards him. He lowered his head instinctively, and the wolf's paw hit the stone cover, sparks burst out. It turned out that the female wolf had been hiding in a dark corner waiting for him to come out. Uncle Gousheng hid in the sarcophagus like a tortoise, waiting in fear for what would happen next.There is a gap half a foot wide beside the stone cover, and a wolf can easily jump into such a gap. Uncle Gousheng turned his body nervously in the sarcophagus, looking for a weapon that could be used for self-defense. His clothes bumped against the sarcophagus, making a clang.Uncle Gousheng said that until this time, he didn't realize that he was wearing a mouse suit. He was completely shocked at the time, and he forgot that he was wearing a special mouse suit. I asked, "What is a mouse suit?" Uncle Gousheng didn't make a sound, he turned over and got off the kang, found a piece of clothing from the pile of firewood on the ground, and lit a candle for me to see. It's a black one-piece suit with a hood, a top, and pants, but the difference is that the whole thing is sewn together.I don't know what kind of fabric the clothes are made of. It feels heavy in the hand, like a waterproof raincoat. The waist of the clothes has many small pockets. "Do you know what these are for?" Uncle Gousheng asked me triumphantly. I shake my head. Uncle Gousheng said: "These are for holding all kinds of tools, and they won't fall out after being inserted." I asked, "What tools do you have?" Uncle Gousheng smiled and said: "No wonder the old man said that the knowledge of digging graves stumps even college students. Hehe, there are knives, axes, pliers, and screwdrivers inside. Enter the tomb. Some coffins are difficult to open, so these things are needed.” That day, the rattling sound of the rat clothes colliding with the sarcophagus reminded Uncle Gousheng that in the dark he drew an ax and a knife from his waist and held them in his hands.These things pinned to the mouse's clothes are very small, less than a foot long.Then, holding these tools in his hands, Uncle Gousheng suddenly became more courageous. If a wolf wants to jump into the sarcophagus, it must first grasp the edge of the sarcophagus, and then lean up to jump in.In the dark, Uncle Gousheng couldn't see the wolf's movements, but he could see the wolf's green eyes. Whenever the eyes appeared, he would take an ax to cut off the middle of the eyes, and the eyes would be destroyed. Hastily disappeared under the sarcophagus. The wolf and the human tried to attack and defend again and again like this, neither of them could take advantage of it, and the two sides were at a stalemate. There were shouts from above the tomb, they were worried about the safety of Uncle Gousheng.Uncle Gousheng shouted: "There are wolves, throw torches." However, the tomb was too narrow, and the rumbling echo spread up, and the people above couldn't hear what he said, but asked over and over again: "What? What?" Uncle Gousheng said that wolves have two fears, one is afraid of fire, and the other is afraid of iron objects. The people above the tomb probably couldn't wait any longer, and sent another person down. In the silent tomb, Uncle Gousheng could hear the sound of clothes rubbing against the loess of the shaft, and the sound of soil particles falling into the tomb.Uncle Gousheng shouted again: "Wolf! There are wolves!" This time, the person who was about to go down into the tomb finally heard clearly, and he shouted in panic: "Pull up, pull up." Those who went down to the tomb pulled up. After a while, a torch was thrown into the tomb.Uncle Gousheng said that when they were digging graves in the wild, they often dealt with wolves and knew what wolves were most afraid of. As soon as they encountered wolves, they would immediately light torches. The fire shone into the sarcophagus, and Uncle Gousheng stood up suddenly, majestically, and knocked on the knives and axes in his hands. The sound of irons colliding and the blazing flames made the wolf tremble. It hurried into the passage and fled to the wild. Uncle Gousheng was worried that the she-wolf would come in again, so he picked up the torch, put it at the entrance of the passage, and then sat down on the ground, exhausted and almost fainted. The previous companion went down to the tomb again, and Uncle Gousheng only had the strength to stand up at this time.They took the miner's lamp and shone into the sarcophagus, only to find that there was nothing in the sarcophagus, only some ash-like powder. I asked, "How did this happen? What about the funeral objects?" Uncle Gousheng said, "There are no funeral objects." I asked, "Are there many cases like this?" Uncle Gousheng said: "Not many, but there are still some tombs without any burials. These are poor people. Usually the sarcophagi are filled with rich people, but there is nothing in this sarcophagus. This is the first time I have seen it." .”
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