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Chapter 299 Floating Journey · Epilogue

Floating Journey (Complete Works) 萧潜 1072Words 2018-03-13
Wow, I finished writing. When I wrote the words "End of the book", my whole body felt relaxed, and my heart was in a trance. It's over. But not long after, I felt a faint sense of loss in my heart again, and it ended like this?Indeed, that was the end of it! From writing in October 2002 to February 2005, a total of 28 volumes and nearly 2 million words have been written.from two Beginning in early 2003, it was published in Taiwan at the rate of one volume per month. When I started writing "The Journey of Invitation to the Wind", I made it clear that the purpose of writing was to write a book that is relaxing and entertaining.when

In today's society, competition is fierce, people are generally mentally tense, and life pressure is heavy. To be able to write a book that makes people relax and read, so that everyone can relax. It can be regarded as immeasurable merit, so my pseudonym is logically called Xiao Qian. Xiao Qian's purpose is to entertain everyone, and now it seems that this purpose should be considered achieved. Looking back on the writing experience of more than two years, I feel incredible. I don’t know how I persisted. Apart from going to work every day, I just buried myself In front of the computer, no TV, no movies, no holidays, no entertainment...

Sometimes I can't help but think, is this still me? You know, before I wrote a book, I was a gamer, and I liked playing everything, surfing the Internet, reading books, playing games, traveling, raising fish, Painting, designing, everything I like. After writing the book, I almost completely gave up all my hobbies. The only remaining hobbies are smoking and drinking tea. Other than that, I keep writing books. I wrote until my eyes felt dizzy and my limbs felt numb... Finally, I found out that entertainment——that was just given to readers by me, entertainment has nothing to do with me, my name is Xiao Qian.

Ha, Xiaocai complained. Although writing a book is hard work, it also brought me a new world. I never thought that writing a novel is so interesting. When they were born, they watched them gradually come to life, and showed their joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys along with their emotions. Although I can't perfectly express everything about the characters, the novelty of creating characters and the unexpectedness of plot development fascinate me very much. Mystery, especially the construction of an illusory world, makes me intoxicated even more. To be able to persist in writing "Journey of Invitation to the Wind", I must first thank my wife for her support and help. "Gone with the Wind" is my first novel.

Among them is her share of credit and hard work.After every book was written, she helped me revise word by word. She was my first reader and gave me a lot of inspiration. Many helpful suggestions and comments.Without her support, I might not have lasted this long. In addition, I would like to thank the editors and staff of Fresh.com for giving me the opportunity to publish the book "Gone with the Wind" and for giving me Lots of care and help. What moved me the most was the enthusiastic readers of Fresh.com. After each book was published, they would give me a lot of opinions and suggestions, so that I could read it in time.

I am correcting my writing direction from time to time. In the reception room of Fresh.com, I can see their messages every day. Here I would like to say, thank you for your support and encouragement , without you, it is also difficult for me to persevere. For more than two years, I have a deep understanding of the pain and joy of writing. In a word, that is-pain and happiness. Therefore, I Decided to continue this life.The next book has already begun to structure, the title is "Mega Evolution" and I hope to keep everyone entertained. Xiao Qian in Nanjing on February 28, 2005
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