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Chapter 99 Floating Journey·Chapter 3 Getting to Know the Spirit Body for the First Time

Floating Journey (Complete Works) 萧潜 5953Words 2018-03-13
The God Envoy Kaben knew very well the power of Tianlei Town Tower, and this is a special trick used by Tianji Peak to guard the wilderness.The most powerful trick of Tianji Peak is the sky-killing thunder with nine interlocking rings. Even Sanxian must avoid its edge, and ordinary practitioners cannot compete at all.He didn't know that Li Qiang had already seen this kind of terrible thunder, and suffered a lot. Before Nashan roared again, the thunder of killing the sky struck down. In an instant, everything stopped, as if even the heaven and the earth stopped turning.An extremely dazzling white light flashed, "Kla...Boom!" Nashan and Paben were so shocked that their eyes were filled with stars, and their whole bodies trembled.Nashan retched, grabbed Pa Ben, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but he couldn't even say a word.

The four interlocking thunderbolts shattered the soul refining formation with one blow, and broken flags and a lot of water vapor were flying all over the sky. The strange thing is that some things that should have appeared disappeared, and the countless soul refining formations all disappeared. Disappeared, the lake looked only half as deep as it was, and looked cloudy.A huge altar was exposed on the small island in the middle of the lake. There was a deep hole leading to the ground on the altar, and black smoke came out from it. There were only eight bones of ghost spirit masters on the altar, and everything else was gone.

Geng Feng cursed: "Coward! You will run away! You bastard, it made me happy for a long time." There are countless corpses beside the altar, and it is not known whether they were killed by the spirit ghost master or by the thunder that killed the sky.Except for the eight bones on the altar, other places are full of corpses, and there are many in the lake.The group of cultivators slowly descended to the lake, and someone said, "Let it run away again. It seems that the magic wand is about to be cultivated into a magic treasure. Strange, it seems that some cultivators were used by it this time."

Nashan looked around, he said: "Old Pa, I feel that the boss has gone, hey, I have never had such a clear feeling, yes, the boss is gone." A very mysterious feeling passed in Paben's heart, He said: "It's strange, I also have the same feeling, the master is gone." The envoy Kaben said: "What are you two talking about, where is the boss?" Hongqian said: "Don't look for it, the boss is leaving Yes, I feel it too." The divine envoy Kaben said: "It's terrible, will the boss come over? It just so happens that the friends from Tianji Peak are here, and I plan to invite the boss to go to Tianji Peak to discuss matters in the wilderness." Na Shan spoke quickly and yelled Said: "What kind of Bird Mao Tianji Peak, it only bullies the few with the more, and set up a trap to make the boss suffer a lot..." Hongqian hurriedly shouted: "Nashan, shut up!" He continued to say, "Boss said, he will go to Tianji Peak to seek justice..."

Hongqian was in a hurry, knowing that things were in trouble.The God Envoy Kaben was so startled that his heart stopped beating, and it took him a long time to recover. He had read countless people and knew that Li Qiang was not a domineering person, and it was almost certain that the people from Tianji Peak caused the trouble.He couldn't help groaning inwardly, knowing that Li Qiang's background is really terrifying, not to mention the huge Chongxuan sect and Yuanshi sect behind him, the most terrible thing is that he now has a scattered man who is rarely seen in the cultivation world. Immortal Master.Carbon had witnessed its power with his own eyes, and his old man was about to start a surge... Carbon could hardly think about it anymore.

Because Hongqian had talked with Li Qiang, he knew what he was thinking.Although Li Qiang was very angry, he didn't want anything about Tianji Peak. He just disliked Tianji Peak's approach and was very annoyed at their arrogance.Hongqian said: "It's not that serious, Master Uncle is just talking." He told the story of Li Qiang and Ming Lingzi's grievances in detail. The people from Tianji Peak beat Li Qiang to death, so there is no way to settle the debt. Geng Feng listened from the side, his eyes narrowed slightly, a gleam of light flashed, he was wondering which side he would stand in if there was a fight.Suddenly he smiled and said: "Miss Kaben, hehe, you have to deal with this matter well, otherwise, hehe, I know that Tianlai City will definitely not allow someone to bully the little lunatic, and besides, my old lunatic can see On the face of the little lunatic, I only helped Tianji Peak, if... hehe, don't blame me for being crazy." The envoy Kaben suddenly felt dizzy, and said: "Everyone, don't be impulsive, I will deal with this matter immediately. Just do it, and give the boss an explanation, okay?"

The envoy Kaben immediately went to the cultivators of Tianji Peak and discussed with them. Li Qiang went after Tian's magic wand. He sneaked under the altar for a while, and the thunder of the town tower in the sky rang.As soon as Li Qiang heard it, he knew that the cultivator from Tianji Peak had arrived.He had been hit by the tower sky thunder before, knowing that it was very powerful, he hurriedly dived underground at the bottom of the lake, and released the star-absorbing sword at the same time.It is reasonable to not use flying swords when walking on the ground, but his current star-absorbing sword is different, it is an atomized real sword energy, which is no different from using it in the air.

Tian's magic wand didn't wait for the final blow of the thunder from the tower. It seemed to be full of spirituality.The speed of Tian's magic wand is extremely fast. It drags a black tail and travels dexterously underground. Li Qiang's ground movement skills are obviously inferior to it. Fortunately, the star-absorbing sword released has an unexpected effect. People are shrouded in the sword mist, like a huge fish swimming in the water. Li Qiang wondered, didn't he cut it off outside the town?Why can't you see it at all now?Moreover, the altar on the lake can't be built in a few days. Could it be that Tian's wand is distracting?He really couldn't figure out the mystery.Gradually, the speed of Tian's wand became faster and faster, and Li Qiang desperately urged his true energy to chase after him.I don't know how long it took to chase it out. When he was about to lose track of it, Li Qiang found that it had passed through a corridor.

Walking to the edge of the corridor, Li Qiang stopped. He was very wary of things like the corridor now. He let go of his consciousness and found that it was a criss-cross underground palace, which seemed to live farther than the heavenly star Mo Huai. The star palace is much bigger.After hesitating for a moment, Li Qiang decided to go up to the ground and see where he was before making a decision. It began to rise very quickly, but when it got close to the ground, it was not good. A huge sticky force wrapped around his body, and Li Qiang felt like he was stuck in quicksand, unable to struggle.He reacted quickly, and immediately sank, he knew it was because the ground was imprisoned.In fact, above is Mangyuan, and Li Qiang has reached the hinterland of Mangyuan without knowing it.

What surprised Li Qiang was that he seemed to be stuck.He couldn't help laughing wryly, if he couldn't get out, wouldn't he be buried alive, and he found it by himself.At this time, the real and imaginary sword energy played a huge role, Li Qiang's whole body was like a sharp awl, spinning downward rapidly, and the real and illusion sword energy surrounded him, cutting apart the things around him.Just when Li Qiang was dizzy, he finally got rid of this terrible sticky force and fell into a corridor. Li Qiang muttered angrily: "He came in again, alas! I probably won't be able to get rid of the fate of a gopher mouse in this life. It's so hard to get into holes everywhere." Although he was a little annoyed in his heart, his personality has always been Feeling at ease, he calmed down, and carefully looked at this small corridor.The corridor is only one person high, the cross-section is circular, and slopes slightly downward. The air inside is cloudy, gloomy and without a trace of light.

Li Qiang sighed, and walked down. Now he doesn't need any light at all to know everything around him clearly. After all, he is already a master of the out-of-body stage, and his courage is many times stronger than before. However, He still put on the Lan Yun Battle Armor and the Sun Dazzling Ring.Since leaving Earth, he has seen too many incredible gadgets, and it is his principle to treat everything with care. The faint golden-blue light on the battle armor scattered, reflecting the uneven cave wall, and Li Qiang completely lost the trace of Tian's magic wand, and could not sense its existence.The surroundings are very quiet, and occasionally you can hear the sound of water dripping on the cave wall, and the sound of "da da" makes the cave even more silent and terrifying. Walking down the corridor, Li Qiang's spiritual consciousness also moved forward along this long and narrow cave wall.Turning a corner, Li Qiang saw a figure at a glance, he was secretly surprised, because his spiritual sense did not detect the existence of that person at all, and the star-absorbing sword immediately flew out, surrounded by a strange sword mist.He approached slowly, only to find that it was a half-kneeling skeleton. The body had already decayed, leaving only an empty skeleton, and some fragments of battle armor were scattered on the ground.Li Qiang immediately concluded that it was the remains of a cultivator, because there was a hole the size of a fist on the skull of the skeleton, which was the exit that exploded when the Nascent Soul came out of the body.Li Qiang retracted the star-absorbing sword into his body. "Crackling...wow!" The skeleton suddenly scattered and collapsed, the bones were scattered all over the floor, and a storage belt was exposed.Li Qiang reached out to pick it up, checked it a little, and found that there were still some things in the belt. He didn't have time to take a closer look, so he put the storage belt into the bracelet and moved on.Before he had gone far, a bright flash on the cave wall caught Li Qiang's attention. When he got closer, he realized that it was a flying sword stuck on the wall, with only a little bit of the tail exposed.Li Qiang pulled out the flying sword, looked back at the skeleton, and knew that the flying sword must belong to him. This flying sword is shaped like a willow leaf, with sharp blades on both ends, which is larger than ordinary flying swords.Li Qiang can be regarded as a master of refining weapons now. He knew that this flying sword was poorly refined. The only thing that interested him was the material of the flying sword. This is a kind of metal that he has never seen before. It seems very special. He put it in the bracelet casually, and didn't have time to study it for the time being. The corridor is getting smaller and smaller, Li Qiang has to walk with his head down.The blue light on the little siren suddenly flickered, and it let out a low cry, and flew to the front.Li Qiang was a little surprised, and said: "What did you find? Little guy, come back, you will get lost if you fly around here." The little siren seemed a little aggrieved, honked twice, and flew back to Li Qiang's shoulder, shaking With a small head, the long feathers on his head brushed Li Qiang's cheeks, causing Li Qiang to laugh and say: "Little villain, don't move around, itchy!" Soon at the end, a blue brick wall blocked the way, Li Qiang reached out to knock, the sound was very hollow, he knew that behind the wall was empty.The star-absorbing sword gushed out, and the sword mist invaded the wall silently, and then quickly retracted into the body. The blue brick wall was like a pile of sand, and suddenly collapsed, revealing a dark hole, a gust of cold wind Blowing into the corridor, there is a large space behind the wall. Li Qiang leaned out and found that the bottom was empty, he stepped out of the hole and hung in the air.Under the faint halo of Lan Yun's battle armor, he could see clearly that this is a square super hall, with countless square pillars of blue bricks standing upright. The low one is only one person tall, and there is a statue on every half-height pillar. The statues on them are all images of unknown monsters. The carving techniques are very realistic, and at first glance, they may be thought to be living creatures. On the side are the stone steps of the corridor, and there are many stone gates that are vaguely seen, all of which are closed, and it is not known where they lead.All the walls are made of green bricks, and the green bricks are all one foot square, and they are arranged in a staggered manner, which looks very neat.Li Qiang was amazed at how much manpower and material resources it took to build such a large-scale building. The ground was covered with thick dust, and it was unknown how long it had been closed.Li Qiang floated to the ground, stood below, looked up, his eyes were full of gray, the ceiling was at least tens of meters from the ground, the whole hall looked very majestic.He walked towards a strange-shaped stone table not far away, and as soon as he walked, his feet made a small "la" and "la" sound, which felt like stepping on the beach. Li Qiang squatted down and pushed away the thick dust on the ground. He was surprised to find that under the dust was a centimeter-thick golden sand. He grabbed a handful and blew away the dust. It was golden sand the size of a rice grain. Under the light of the halo of the battle armor, it shone golden.Although money did not attract him much, Li Qiang was also very surprised to see that the ground was covered with golden sand.He came from the earth and knew how people on earth feel about gold. He thought to himself: "If this is discovered on earth, darling! It will definitely be a sensation." He threw away the gold sand, patted the ashes on his hands, and said to himself: "Unfortunately, it's useless for me to take it." There was nothing on the stone table. Li Qiang noticed a slight bulge of dust on the table, and it was easy to ignore it if he didn't pay attention.He stretched out his hand to dust off the dust. On the table was a thin rectangular gold plate, about one foot long and half a foot wide. s color.Li Qiang pondered for a moment, he couldn't understand the meaning of it, so he put it into the bracelet casually. After removing the gold plate, a red star-shaped button the size of a fist was exposed on the stone table. Li Qiang pressed it curiously, and the thing retracted into the stone table. The surrounding area was still silent, as if nothing had happened.Li Qiang was very strange in his heart. He had carefully inspected it with his spiritual sense. There were neither traps nor ambushes that are common in the cultivation world. It seemed to be a very ordinary underground stone fortress. The little siren suddenly flew up again and hovered over Li Qiang's head.A black phantom quickly flashed in front of him, and in an instant, the little siren's hair stood on end, his body emitted a dazzling blue light, and the entire Bluestone Fort was lit up.Li Qiang suddenly heard a voice begging for mercy: "Forgive me! Please spare me! Don't come here! Woooooooooooooooooo!" It was the voice of a child. Li Qiang immediately stopped the little sea monster, and shouted: "Who is it? Come out!" Only the child's voice was heard: "Please put the soul addicted monster away, I can't stand the blue light on it, please forgive me." Li Qiang didn't know Is it the Nascent Soul or the soul? He thought of Mo Huaiyuan's appearance at that time, his heart softened, and he said, "Come out, it won't hurt you." The little sea monster was completely tamed, it whistled softly, and flew back to Li Qiang He closed his eyes, and the blue light on his body dimmed. After a while, a gust of cold wind swept up the dust on the ground, and a faint black shadow condensed in front of Li Qiang.Gradually, the black shadow showed its original shape, it turned out to be a young girl, and she was naked.She has long black hair, which is automatic without wind, covering her body dimly, but her body is still faintly revealed.Li Qiang was slightly stunned, he didn't expect to meet a beautiful female ghost.Raising his hand and throwing her a robe, Li Qiang said, "We'll talk about it after putting it on." He turned his head away. The female ghost said timidly: "My lord, my cultivation level is not enough, I can't wear clothes, and I can't transform clothes, please forgive me." Li Qiang couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Then you don't have to show your original shape. You What's your name?" The female ghost seemed to sense that Li Qiang was not malicious, she felt a kind of peace of mind from this cultivator, and she couldn't help but secretly pray that this cultivator would never set eyes on her little spirit body. She knew very well in her heart that it would be extremely miserable if a ghost body transformed from a nascent soul like herself was imprisoned by a cultivator.She was forced to abandon her body in the early days of Yuanying. If she hadn't found the extremely rare transformation mushroom in this castle, Yuanying would have disappeared long ago.Relying on the effect of the shape-changing mushroom, she began to cultivate the spirit body. With the unpredictable spirit body, she avoided several catastrophes, but this time she met the soul-thirsty demon, and she knew that no matter what, she could not escape Yes, because the soul-thirsty monster is born to be the natural enemy of the spirit body, especially this soul-thrower, the blue light that stabilizes the soul from its body makes it unable to move, it is really too powerful. She said tremblingly: "My lord, the little girl is called Gu Meier, and it is fine for my lord to call me Meier." Li Qiang nodded and smiled when he saw that she only showed a charming face and the rest of her body was covered by blurred shadows. Said: "Mei'er... the name is interesting, how long have you been here, how did you get here?" Gu Meier looked at the little sea monster in fear, and said softly: "My lord, I have been here for a long time. Meier doesn't know how long I have lived here. I escaped from the ruins of the Buddhist sect above. After dispelling the poisonous mist, I was forced to shatter the spirit of the sky in the tunnel above, barely escaped from the Nascent Soul body, and later found this ancient castle, and hid here to practice. Sigh, but my Nascent Soul is too weak, So I had to change my spirit body and ghost body." Li Qiang took out the storage belt that he picked up in the corridor, and said, "Is this yours?" Meier was stunned for a while, and then her voice sounded: "This is my storage belt... woo Woo, this is mine! It's been a long time..." Her voice was getting lower and lower.If the spirit ghost body could cry, she must have cried profusely, but she had no more tears to shed, she was just sobbing, feeling extremely sad. After a while, Gu Meier plucked up her courage and said, "Can I touch it?" Li Qiang smiled and said, "This is yours, give it back to you." He reached out and handed out the storage belt.Mei'er shook her head and said, "I can't take it, because I haven't cultivated to the point of condensing into one body." She reached out and stroked the storage belt lightly, with a heartbroken expression on her face.After a while, she slowly floated back and thanked in a low voice: "Thank you, sir." Li Qiang sighed deeply in his heart, thinking: "If a cultivator lost his body, it would be so miserable. From Mo Huaiyuan to this little girl in front of him, it's the same. No matter how powerful he was in life, it's useless." I couldn't help but think of Kabaki's father's words, thinking: "It would be great if I could help her." He said softly: "Mei'er, do you want to continue practicing here, or come with me? The gloomy here is not fun." .” Meier was shocked, and the spirit body kept gathering and dispersing, she tremblingly said: "My lord... my lord, please forgive me, I... I am just a small spirit body, Meier will not go out to harm Humans have never devoured other souls, I... I..." She didn't dare to run away, because she couldn't escape because there was a soul-thirsty demon by her side, she just begged hard. Li Qiang suddenly felt a very painful feeling in his heart. He took a step back and comforted him gently: "Don't be afraid, Meier, I didn't force you to follow me, and I won't hurt you." He couldn't help but use Tianlai City The extremely talented Han Yin was confused, and his voice was full of strong sympathy.Gu Meier slowly stopped trembling, she felt Li Qiang's sincerity, but she was still very scared.Taking a peek at Li Qiang, she whispered, "My lord, Meier will stay here to practice, and Meier dare not go out." Li Qiang knew that she was scared, so he thought for a while and said, "Mei'er, don't be afraid, since you want to stay here, I won't force you, how about this, I will build you a defensive formation, and you can hide in the formation if you are in danger , should be able to block most of the practitioners, but there is no way to meet a powerful practitioner, do you think?" Meier really couldn't believe it, she had never seen such a practitioner before, she asked suspiciously: "Why? Why do you help me like this, Meier doesn't understand." She really didn't understand, even if Li Qiang let her go, he didn't need to do anything for her, he could just walk away.She suddenly felt a strong surge of regret.
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