Home Categories martial arts novel son of a thousand doors
son of a thousand doors

son of a thousand doors


  • martial arts novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 43615

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Warning

son of a thousand doors 方白羽 7374Words 2018-03-13
Qi Xiaoshan felt like a wolf being hunted, although he was already exhausted, he still had to run desperately.Along the way, he set up seven or eight ecstasy formations like a fox, but those who followed him were all top hunters. They easily saw through Qi Xiaoshan's tricks and gradually approached him, less than half a mile away from him. An inescapable distance. Hurry up!Qi Xiaoshan kept encouraging himself in his heart, the destination was already in sight. In front is the three-story Wangyue Building. Qi Xiaoshan knows that every month on this afternoon, that person will come to the Peony Pavilion on the third floor of Wangyue Building to meet those customers who have been waiting for a long time. Bring that warning to Young Master Xiang, even if you are killed on the spot by these pursuers behind you, you can die without regret!

The Moon Tower is gradually approaching, and Qi Xiaoshan can even see the shadowy figure in the open window of the Peony Pavilion on the third floor.He secretly breathed a sigh of relief: God bless you, I can finally bring that warning to you! Suddenly, a crooked figure with a long sword in his arms flashed from the cross street in front of Wangyue Tower, sticking to the base of the wall like a shadow.From a distance, the strong breath of death he exudes gives people invisible pressure.Qi Xiaoshan suddenly felt cold all over his body. Although it was only the first time he saw this person, Qi Xiaoshan immediately guessed that only the top "Shadow Killer" of the Shadow Killer Hall, who can kill people without counting, can emit such a cold breath like a god of death!The man took his time and stared jokingly at Qi Xiaoshan who was rushing towards him. He happened to stop at the intersection leading to the Moon Tower.

Qi Xiaoshan's footsteps stopped abruptly. He looked around eagerly, hoping to find another way to the Moon Tower, but he failed. To get close to the Moon Tower, he had to rush past the killer's interception.Not only that, the pursuers who followed him were no more than tens of feet away, and now they didn't even have a chance to escape. There were also people slowly approaching from the other two sides of the intersection, and their demeanor and demeanor undisguisedly revealed their extremely high professional quality.If it weren't for the concern that this is a downtown area, they might have already started.Qi Xiaoshan looked unwillingly at the window not far away, less than twenty feet away from there, but this twenty feet has become an insurmountable moat!God Yu!Give me strength quickly!He prayed anxiously in his heart!

As if answering his prayer, a heavy door beside him suddenly opened, and an old man with a wretched appearance was thrown out of the door. Inside, a rogue-looking man patted the unwarranted dirt on his hands and cursed: "Damn it, you still have to gamble after losing everything, where do you think our 'Fu Gui Fang' is?" In addition to the hooligans swearing at the door, there were also vaguely noisy voices of shouting and shouting. It was obviously a semi-public underground gambling house.Qi Xiaoshan turned in without even thinking about it, the local ruffian just stretched out his hand to stop him, but the piece of silver that Qi Xiaoshan handed over made him immediately withdraw his hand.

"Guest officer, please!" The hooligan gestured to Li graciously. For the sake of money, he pretended not to see the blood stains on Qi Xiaoshan's body, and only thought in his heart: it seems that he has come to gamble after being injured so badly. Gambler! The casino was crowded with people, Qi Xiaoshan picked a table full of gamblers and forced his way in, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the gamblers on both sides, but seeing Qi Xiaoshan's blood all over his body and the dagger in his arms, several gamblers hurriedly threw He swallowed the swear words, and consciously squeezed to the sides, leaving Qi Xiaoshan a relatively relaxed position.

"Deal the cards!" Qi Xiaoshan slapped all the silver on the table, there were more than twenty taels, which made the gamblers who had never seen the world in this small gambling house a commotion.Only the banker kept his face and was still building cards and dealing cards deftly.This table is Pai Gow, and in a moment, two black dominoes were pushed in front of Qi Xiaoshan. He held the cards in his palm, but glanced to the sides.I saw that the two killers had also followed in, mingling among the many gamblers and staring at him as if nothing had happened.Qi Xiaoshan was not afraid of their sudden plots. He knew very well that unless it was absolutely necessary, these killers would not attack in crowded places. They were always very careful not to be recognized by others and become fugitives wanted by Six Doors.

"Kill!" Qi Xiaoshan yelled and startled everyone, he slammed the dominoes on the table with a "snap", snatched the teacup from a gambler beside him, and drank it. After a big gulp, it was stuffed back to him.The gambler was surprised to find that his full cup of tea had turned into half a cup of blood. "I won!" Qi Xiaoshan waited for the dealer to open the cards, and reached out to get the silver on the table, but the dealer grabbed his wrist. "Wait! There is something wrong with this card!" The banker stared at the two cards in front of Qi Xiaoshan, and shook his head at the assistant beside him, "Liang Tangzi!"

This is casino terminology, which is to show all the cards to check whether they have been stolen.The assistant lifted all the dominoes skillfully, and everyone knew it at a glance.There are obviously two more cards in Qi Xiaoshan's cards. If you look carefully, you can even find that the quality of those two cards is obviously different from other cards. "Boss, catch a trickster who changes cards!" The dealer excitedly shouted into the casino.Immediately a rough voice came from the back room: "According to the old rules, when the left hand is used for thousands, the left hand is chopped off, when the right hand is used for thousands, the right hand is chopped off, and for both hands, both hands are chopped off!" Several thugs from the gambling shop immediately surrounded them, The two also took out an ax specially designed to chop off people's hands and feet and played with it.All the gamblers moved away quickly, leaving Qi Xiaoshan alone in the middle.

"Boy, I want to use a trick like changing cards." A big man playing with an ax looked at Qi Xiaoshan with cat and mouse eyes. "Don't blame my brother, I'm cruel. You have to chop off a hand, this is the iron rule of all gambling houses in the world, we can't break the rules, can we?" As he said that, he came to grab Qi Xiaoshan's hand. He didn't want Qi Xiaoshan to overturn the gambling table suddenly, and ran out the door as soon as he pushed him away.The thugs around were already on guard, but Qi Xiaoshan still rushed out of the crowd and ran outside the door, knocking down seven or eight gamblers along the way.Everyone shouted and chased them out, and the scene was chaotic for a while.The two killers who followed Qi Xiaoshan into the gambling house hesitated for a while, but in the end they didn't act rashly in this crowded place.

After Qi Xiaoshan rushed out of the gambling house, he immediately ran towards Wangyue Tower. More than a dozen thugs from the gambling house chased after him, yelling, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the street. The killer who was blocking the intersection leading to Wangyue Tower immediately held his sword hilt and was ready to strike.Obviously, as long as Qi Xiaoshan dared to charge towards the Moon Tower, he would strike without hesitation, even killing people in the downtown area.Unexpectedly, when Qi Xiaoshan ran a few feet away from him, he suddenly turned to the intersection on the left, but there was also someone waiting at that intersection. The pursuers came up to meet him, and he had to turn left again.In a short time, Qi Xiaoshan had run around the intersection, but he still couldn't find a way to escape the encirclement. He kept running back and forth at the intersection like a wolf caught in a trap.

After more than a dozen thugs chased after Qi Xiaoshan and ran for two laps, a few clever ones changed their tactics and went around to intercept him, but they were forced away by Qi Xiaoshan's desperately brandishing short knives.However, this also slowed down Qi Xiaoshan's speed of running away. The ax and dagger pursued from behind finally greeted Qi Xiaoshan's back, and blood gushed out. "Damn it, isn't this kid dumbfounded?" The chasing thugs stopped one after another, looking at Qi Xiaoshan who was still running back and forth strangely.I saw him turning from east to south, then from south to west, from west to north, and finally from north to east, back and forth along a fixed route, running desperately at the intersection of the crossroads. Running continuously spewed out from the wound on his body, sprinkled on his running route, leaving mottled and eye-catching bloodstains all the way. The thugs no longer blocked the pursuit, but only looked at the blood that flowed from him. Everyone knew that he could not hold on for long.Everyone folded their arms and looked at Qi Xiaoshan curiously, wondering how long it would take for this kid to stop running back and forth in vain like a wild beast caught in a trap. The power was flying with the blood, Qi Xiaoshan felt that his feet were floating as if he was stepping on cotton, and his mind gradually became confused.He took one last look at the window of the Peony Pavilion on the third floor of Wangyue Building in the distance, and someone was vaguely watching from the window.Qi Xiaoshan couldn't help shouting in his heart: You must bring this information to Young Master Xiang!Young Master, you must understand this message! I don't know how many laps, Qi Xiaoshan finally fell to the ground powerlessly, several thugs slowly gathered around to check, one thug carefully probed Qi Xiaoshan's breath, and immediately withdrew his hand in surprise: "Dead!" As soon as the words fell, a gloomy-looking guy squeezed into the crowd, and everyone felt a cold light flash in front of them, and a small knife cut appeared on Qi Xiaoshan's neck, which just broke through the big blood vessel near his neck , but unexpectedly, almost no blood spurted out from the knife edge, presumably the blood had already flowed out.Everyone raised their heads to look for the person who drew the sword, but they saw that the person had gone a long way in an instant. No one saw his appearance clearly from the beginning to the end, only saw his hunched and thin back, like a bird walking alone in the autumn wind. old dog. "Dead!" A thug felt Qi Xiaoshan's pulse unwillingly, and immediately withdrew his hand in fright, "This is troublesome, the government will definitely trouble us." That is, as long as no one reports to the government, the government will not bother to meddle in such trivial matters." While the thugs in "Fuguifang" were discussing how to dispose of Qi Xiaoshan's body, in the Peony Pavilion on the third floor of Wangyue Tower, an old man with a vicissitudes of life was looking at the scene on the cross street from a distance, and asked casually: "What is the following?" what happened?" The shopkeeper Xiong of Wangyuelou, who had been personally serving in the Peony Pavilion, hurriedly ordered a waiter to go down to inquire. This old man is the most honored guest of Wangyuelou, and shopkeeper Xiong regards any word as an imperial edict to execute it. After a while, the man who went to inquire came back panting, and reported to the old man with his hands down: "It's a foreigner who made thousands of dollars in the 'Fu Guifang'. He changed cards and made thousands of dollars while gambling. I wanted to chop off his hand and forget it, but who knew that he was so frightened that he ran back and forth desperately at the intersection, causing the wound on his body to burst open, bleeding to death, and Cheng Boss had already ordered him to be buried gone." "Oh, what a disgrace!" The old man muttered in a low voice, and took a last look at the dark red bloodstain left by the unknown old man at the intersection. Looking from this window, the bloodstain was square like a big The character "口" is just in the middle of the intersection, and it has a shocking feeling from a distance.The old man shook his head regretfully, and sighed secretly in his heart. The shopkeeper Xiong next to him apologized and said with a smile: "I've never seen such a stupid guy, in fact, he should be regarded as stupid." "Is the guest here?" The old man had no time to pay attention to such trivial matters, he turned his eyes and slowly sat back in the main seat. Shopkeeper Xiong hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "The guests have been waiting for a long time, just waiting for your old order." "Let them hand it over, it's a bit late today." Shopkeeper Xiong quickly retreated, hurried to a secret room on the second floor, and personally led a guest to the Peony Pavilion on the third floor. The guest put an envelope in front of the old man without saying a word under the sign of Shopkeeper Xiong on the desk, and then retreated with cupped hands. Not long after he left, another guest was ushered into the Peony Pavilion by shopkeeper Xiong. The visitor also left a bulging envelope without saying a word, just like the previous one.After a while, the old man received four or five guests, and they all left without saying a word, leaving a pocket or an envelope.Seeing that there were no more guests, the old man put away those envelopes and pockets in a big bag, and was just about to leave, but the shopkeeper Xiong rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said with a smile: "There is another guest, but her dedication is a bit In particular, I don’t dare to make up my own mind, I still need you to make up your own mind.” "Special?" The old man was a little surprised, but more suspicious, "Let her come, I would like to see, what else can be called 'special'?" Shopkeeper Xiong didn't lead the way himself this time, but rushed downstairs to clap his hands.After a while, a plain white figure gradually rose from the stairs, walked slowly to the Peony Pavilion under the sign of the shopkeeper Xiong, and bowed down to the old man Yingying. Although he had already passed the age when his heart beat faster for women, the old man's eyes brightened, and he took a deep breath involuntarily.Kneeling in front of him was a woman who could only appear in dreams. Although she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, she gave off an amazing feeling.Especially that plain white filial dress made people suspect that she was a fox spirit or a fallen fairy. "Little girl Yin Gufang, meet the special envoy, Young Master Xiang." She was the first guest to speak to the old man. "You know my son?" The old man didn't blame her for breaking the rules, but asked with great interest.The woman raised her head, did not directly answer the old man's question, but lightly recited the poem widely circulated in Jianghu: "There is a son in a thousand families, with a wonderful and exquisite heart; turn your hands into clouds, and turn your hands to determine the universe; Leaning on Bidai when you are free, commanding thousands of troops when you stand up; roaring proudly above the wind and clouds, flying across the world." "Since you know my son, you should know his rules." "I know," the woman looked into the old man's eyes, "I have something more precious than money!" I don't know when the young master Xiang fell in love with mountain climbing.Others climb mountains to enjoy the gorgeous scenery and the fun of hardships and dangers along the way, but Gong Zixiang only indulges in the pleasure of a small world after reaching the summit.Climbing up to the nameless hill behind the house at dusk, appreciating the gorgeous red clouds in the west gradually turning into hazy ink mist has become a daily habit of Mr. Xiang.Overlooking the doll-like houses at the foot of the mountain and the flow of people like ants, one can't help but feel the grandeur of the world and the insignificance of people.Looking at those busy people in the small town at the foot of the mountain, Young Master Xiang couldn't help but feel sad. Is a person's life just busy with three meals and one sleep?On the go to the grave? When the last ray of sunset glow had completely faded away, Young Master Xiang turned over and lay on the top of the mountain with his hands and pillows on his back. In the vast night sky, the moon was bright and the stars were shining brightly.Young Master Xiang's mood is surprisingly peaceful. Only when he looks at the deep and unfathomable sky can he have this kind of childlike tranquility in his heart, and his thoughts will not be stained with any dust. The footsteps of "Patta Patta" came from a distance, like some kind of four-legged animal running in the forest, Young Master Xiang slowly sat up straight, turned to the direction of the sound and asked faintly: "Abu, is that you? " On the moonlit mountain road, a gigantic mastiff gradually appeared. The black fur was full of messy and mottled old scars, which made it look even more powerful.Seeing its owner, it didn't wag its tail around the owner like other dogs begging for mercy, but held its head proudly, stood quietly a foot away, and looked at Young Master Xiang silently with slightly glowing eyes.That demeanor suddenly made Young Master Xiang feel that it was a bit like himself, proud, lonely, and disdain to be with others, and even its shocking scars were a bit like himself, probably when he took in this dying wild dog, he felt it Are you somewhat similar to yourself?Young Master Xiang thought so. "Uncle Xiao is back?" Young Master Xiang asked lazily.It was impossible for Abu to answer the master's question, but he just wagged his tail stingily, which seemed to be a kind of rare generosity for the master to wag his tail.Young Master Xiang laughed when he saw this: "Abu, can't you show more? Anyway, I take care of your food and drink every day, but I have never treated you badly." Then Young Master Xiang stood up, looked at the mountainside and murmured: "Let's go back. , I hope Uncle Xiao can bring me something worth looking forward to this time." Halfway up the mountain there is a simple but exquisite small bamboo building. The appearance is just like the clothes of the young master Xiang.After Young Master Xiang returned to the bamboo building, he immediately lay down in the bamboo chair, as if standing for a while was a kind of suffering.In the bamboo building, the travel-worn old man was already waiting there. "My lord, I brought you some good things this time. Please have a look." The kind-faced Uncle Xiao took out the envelopes in the bag and put them on the table one by one. Stacks of banknotes were placed on the table. Judging by the patterns and styles of those banknotes, they were all large-value banknotes of more than 500 taels from the largest Tongbao Bank in the country. He didn't even blink his eyes, didn't even look directly at the bank notes, he just rubbed his temples dejectedly.Uncle Xiao has long been accustomed to Young Master Xiang's reaction, and he doesn't care, he took out a simple box from his bag and said with a smile: "The Su family in Jinling has put in a lot of effort this time, in addition to silver, they also brought back the long-lost Kowloon Cup, do you want to take a look?" Young Master Xiang took the box, and saw a small golden jue in the box. Uncle Xiao immediately filled the jug with clear water, and saw nine lifelike little golden dragons engraved on the inner wall of the golden jue. With the rippling of the clear water, the little golden dragon Then he swam in the cup as if he had come alive, Young Master Xiang smiled dumbly when he saw it: "It's just a wonderful thing, nothing unusual." Seeing that Young Master Xiang didn't notice it, Uncle Xiao hurriedly took out the postings in the envelopes and handed them to him one by one. Seeing that he was flipping through them with impatience gradually on his face, Uncle Xiao smiled and said: " There is one more thing, but the old servant couldn't bring it out." Young Master Xiang raised his eyebrows: "What is it?" Uncle Xiao had a strange look on his face, he hesitated and said: "It is... a girl's virgin body." Young Master Xiang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle Xiao, are you confused? What kind of woman have I never seen before?" Uncle Xiao hurriedly said, "That's what I said too, but that girl got someone's advice. For the whereabouts of the old servant, I begged the old servant for a long time, but the old servant was too entangled by her, and his heart softened for a moment, so he reluctantly agreed to bring her post to the young master. She also asked the old servant to bring a portrait for the young master to see. The young master blamed it, but the old servant didn't dare to take it out, if the young master didn't mean it, the old servant will return to her." Young Master Xiang didn't answer, just quietly leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest.Uncle Xiao thought he was asleep, so he couldn't help muttering: "The old slave should go back to her. Alas, it's a pity that a lonely and weak girl has encountered such a disaster, and she has a six-year-old brother with her. But how do you live?" "Uncle Xiao, what are you muttering about again? There are countless poor people in the world, can we help them?" Young Master Xiang closed his eyes and sighed, finally opened his eyes and said, "Bring me her post." A gleam of joy flashed across Uncle Xiao's face, he hurriedly took out a letter and a small scroll from his pocket and handed them over, explaining in a low voice: "This is a portrait she drew herself and her post, my lord, please have a look." Young Master Xiang took the envelope and the scroll, and put the scroll with the woman's portrait on the candle without looking at it.Watching the scroll burn silently in Young Master Xiang's hands, Uncle Xiao wondered: "Since Young Master is interested in her, why don't you take a look at her first? If you are not interested, why bother to read her posts?" A faint pain flashed in Young Master Xiang's eyes, and he was silent for a while before he murmured: "Do you think I will fall in love with other women in this life?" Uncle Xiao sighed softly and shook his head sadly: "Young Master still can't forget her?" Young Master Xiang gave a bitter smile, followed by shaking his head, swept away his despondent face, and said loudly: "Since this woman dares to introduce herself with a portrait, she is very confident in her appearance, so it's okay not to look at her. As long as her affairs are challenging enough, I might as well help her." Uncle Xiao scratched his head in doubt, and asked: "There were some people who offered their young master with beauty before, but the young master never paid attention to him. The young master has never seen this girl before, so why did he accept her post?" "It's different," Young Master Xiang smiled slightly, "In the past, those vulgar people offered me other people's daughters, but now this woman is offering her own body, so it's different, obviously she needs help more." With the envelope in his hand, Zhan Xin hastily read it, his fair and gentle face was gradually covered with a layer of frost, and he sneered again and again: "Interesting and interesting, I never thought this would be so interesting." He looked at the inscription for the last time, and read softly: "Yin Gufang, this name has character, I like it." After speaking, Young Master Xiang raised his head and nodded to Uncle Xiao, "Tell her, I accept this post! " "Okay!" Uncle Xiao rubbed his hands happily, and then laughed again, "Speaking of fun, I really ran into an interesting thing this time." Seeing Young Master Xiang staring at him, Uncle Xiao hurriedly said: "When I met those customers in Wangyue Tower, a fool who made a fortune in a casino was chased back and forth at the intersection, probably because he was frightened stupid, and he didn't know Flee far away, and die at the intersection of life and death." Seeing the inquiring expression in Young Master Xiang's eyes, Uncle Xiao hurriedly described what he saw in detail, and finally shook his head and sighed: "It's really strange, that guy is running back and forth on the cross streets, and he is still following a fixed route. , The amount of blood spilled along the way is frightening, like a big word 'mouth'." "Mouth?" Young Master Xiang frowned, Xiao Bo hurriedly explained: "Yes, it is right in the middle of the intersection, impartial." Young Master Xiang's expression gradually became solemn, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly sighed softly: "Xiao Bo , You must check the origin of this person, we almost missed the warning brought by others with our lives." "Warning?" Uncle Xiao looked puzzled.Young Master Xiang nodded, dipped a little tea in the teacup, and then gestured on the table and said, "You said that the blood he sprinkled along the way looked like a big word '口', and it happened to be in the middle of Cross Street. ?" "That's right!" Uncle Xiao looked at the word "口", still puzzled.Young Master Xiang dipped in the tea and extended the four sides of the character "口" one by one, and the character "口" became a "well". He clicked on the character and sighed: "Isn't the '口' in the middle of the cross street just a 'well'?" '? And he ran back and forth in this 'well' like a trapped animal, what do you think he wants to tell us?" "Trap? Did he say he fell into a trap?" Uncle Xiao suddenly realized, and then shook his head again and again, "No, no, how can you be sure that he is sending information to us, not to others? All of this may not make any sense at all. , it might just be a coincidence." "The reason why I can live till now is that I never believe in coincidences." Young Master Xiang said solemnly, and seeing Uncle Xiao's deeply appreciative expression, he went on to explain, "First of all, only you regularly go to Peony on the third floor of Wangyue Tower." It's no secret in Jianghu that it's no secret that you see a customer. The bloodstains left by him can only be reminiscent of the word "mouth" from a bird's eye view from above; Let people expose that he was being hunted down, make things big to attract your attention, and at the same time show his identity; last and most important, he is not saying that he is a trapped beast in a trap, but warning us Be careful of the trap, otherwise it will be impossible to explain why he lost too much blood and died on the spot. He must have been blocked by others, unable to bring the warning to you in person, he used his own life to warn us!" As he said, Young Master Xiang wiped off the four protruding edges of the character "well" on the table, "Look, if you don't take the character '口' written in blood as a single character, does it look like a well?" "That's right!" Uncle Xiao suddenly realized, "No wonder his behavior is so weird. It's a pity that he didn't tell us who is setting the trap for us, and where he is setting the trap for us!" Young Master Xiang picked up the few posts on the table and thought to himself: "The trap must be in the middle of these posts." He read each post carefully, and then handed the post to Uncle Xiao, "I think this trap is not difficult to guess at all." Uncle Xiao took the posts and read them carefully, and finally realized: "That's right, almost all the posts point to the same place—Jinling!"
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