Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 553 Chapter Two

Just when the tragedy was about to happen, a "Wait a minute" yelled from the roof of an official office outside the siege behind Kou Zhong and others, intimidating the audience, and thousands of people in the audience looked up. Kada Zhi, a Turkic master of the same generation as Ba Fenghan, sat leisurely on the edge of the old tile, with his feet flying in the air, a pair of tiger eyes shining brightly, attracting everyone's attention, he laughed and said: "Bai Ziting You are kind! I have a simple proposal that your brother will accept, and it will solve your problem in one fell swoop."

Kou Zhongzhi responded, "Brother, do you have any good suggestions?" Bai Ziting snorted coldly and said, "Aside from force, what suggestions can you have?" Da Zhi said coldly: "Of course it is still a solution by force. Khan has his life, as long as you can defeat the Kuangsha knife in Xiao Ke's hand, we will withdraw our troops immediately and give you a year to survive, it depends on whether you are serious or not. kind?" Bai Ziting's dragon body shook, and his eyes revealed a sharp look. Da Zhi continued: "Don't miss this good opportunity, if it weren't for the fact that the young commander is dedicated to resolving the disaster of the city massacre, after I had a lot of trouble with Tuli Khan, Xieli Dazhi would never agree to do you so cheaply. If you are defeated and die in battle, the establishment of the Bohai state will of course fall short, and as long as the city walls of Longquan are torn down, we will not damage any plants or trees in Longquan. Whether the king accepts such a cost-effective arrangement is up to the question."

Ke Subie took the opportunity and shouted: "Please order the bow and arrow to be put away first!" Bai Ziting stared at Dazhi for a moment, and it took a long while before he gestured to put away his bow and arrow. Both confronting parties breathed a sigh of relief, the arrows returned to their sheaths, and the bows drooped. Dazhi looked up to the sky and let out a long laugh, nodded and said: "Okay! The Dragon King is the Dragon King after all, let me see if your dragon sword is sharper, or my Dazhi's mad sand knife." Turning forward, He hit three somersaults in a row in the air, keeping his feet firmly on the ground.

The soldiers surrounding Kou Zhong and the others automatically moved out of the way. Bai Ziting suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!" Both Kou Zhong and the other party were stunned, thinking that he had changed his mind temporarily. Ba Fenghan whispered to Xu Ziling and Song Shidao beside him: "If he repents, do it immediately!" The two nodded in agreement. Da Zhizhuo stood still, put his hand on the handle of the Kuangsha knife, and sneered arrogantly: "What tricks are there, you'd better not teach me to underestimate you." Bai Zizu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he turned and retracted, revealing a complicated and incomprehensible expression, which seemed to be the wound of a hero's end, and also seemed to be determined to fight at all costs, turned to look at Kou Zhong, and said in a deep voice: "I want to have a few private words with the young marshal first."

Everyone suddenly realized that it must have something to do with his son Da Zuorong, and that such matters should not be negotiated openly before the decisive battle with Ke Dazhi, to show others that they are weak. Kou Zhong walked out of his formation and moved towards Bai Ziting who was walking in the open space on the left. When the two met and became the target of all eyes, Bai Ziting whispered to Kou Zhong who was close to him: " What do you think the young commander thinks is my chance of winning this battle with Dazhi?" Kou Zhong didn't expect him to ask such a question, and sighed softly: "Your Majesty will definitely be defeated. Dazhi's Kusha Saber technique is not only sharp and unstoppable, but his fighting spirit is even more powerful. And the Majesty is defeated by the wolf army. The situation is under pressure, the son falls into the hands of others, and everyone has betrayed their relatives, and the situation is in chaos. The King should be the one who knows best what the outcome of this battle will be."

Bai Ziting said blankly: "I really don't have a chance?" Kou Zhong smiled wryly and shook his head, deeply feeling that this doomed hero has lost his usual confidence, otherwise how could he question his enemy? Bai Ziting showed a bitter smile, his eyes returned to clear and calm, as if he had made a decision, so Lingzhi was no longer shrouded in haze and mist, nodded slowly, and said: "Young commander and I should be the people who know each other best." Kou Zhong had no choice but to return with a wry smile, and said: "It should be like this! If your majesty has something on your mind, just say it, and I will do it for you."

Bai Ziting's words are not just random words, he means that both of them have the ambition to become king, and the main enemy they face is stronger than themselves, so they feel sympathy for each other. Bai Ziting lowered his voice and said: "After I die, please send my body to Jieli, and only ask the young commander to preserve Da Zuorong's blood for me." After saying that, he smiled miserably, as if he had aged many years suddenly. Kou Zhong had already guessed that he had made this decision, and this was the wisest and most heroic move, because instead of being defeated and killed by Kodazhi in public, it is better to leave a little space for people to think about it, and take his own life with his own hands. In exchange for the safety of Longquan soldiers and civilians.

Kou Zhong said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I, Kou Zhong, will live up to your Majesty's entrustment." After saying this, he walked towards Dazhi. When Bai Ziting summoned Zong Xianghua and Ke Su to talk separately, he came to Da Dazhi and sighed: "Is it all nonsense?" Da Zhizhi smiled and said: "Can you have any better ideas? And the lie will never be exposed, because I will definitely not be the one who died." He continued: "Did he ask you to guarantee Da Zuorong's death?" Safe? I hope you didn’t agree with him, because the Great Khan will never let Bai Ziting’s son go, alas! He will not let the soldiers and civilians of Longquan go, and tearing down the city wall still won’t change anything.”

Kou Zhong said decisively: "I will make him change his mind, you have to help me realize this wish." Dazhi's eyes were sharp, and he said with a frosty face: "Why do I, Dazhi, help you offend Dazhi?" Kou Zhong said with a smile: "Don't pretend! Don't forget that we are comrades-in-arms here, and you should know that this is the wish of everyone in Xiufang. If you refuse to help, I will report you to everyone in Xiufang. Haha!" Because he was affected by Bai Ziting's decision to commit suicide, he smiled dryly and reluctantly. Da Zhi said dejectedly: "I can't say no to you! Alas! This seems to be inconsistent with my usual style."

Bai Ziting's voice sounded, and said: "Listen, brave warriors of the Sumo clan, from this moment on, all affairs in the clan will be handled by Prime Minister Ke Subie You and Chief Guard Zong Xianghua. If I order, those who disobey the order will be beheaded." Zong Xianghua called out "King" sadly, tears streaming down her face. Thousands of soldiers present were stunned, and they knew what was about to happen just by Zong Xianghua's expression. Bai Ziting turned to Da Zhisu and said: "General Ke, please tell Da Khan that Bai Ziting has surrendered!" Then he looked up to the sky and laughed, and walked towards the main hall calmly and alone.

Cries and shouts shook the sky. Shang Xiufang's faint zither sounds come from the cold and quiet Dongyuan, like a performer full of intense emotions, but can interpret the joys and sorrows, rise and fall of the world with music with a cold and desolate attitude. Kou Zhong didn't know whether it was because of the ups and downs in Longquan in the past few days, or because he was influenced by Shang Xiufang's compassion for the world and humanity, and felt that he understood the meaning of Shang Xiufang's zither sound more and more. Shang Xiufang sat alone in the center of the spacious hall, playing the zither. When he stepped into the hall, the sound of the zither changed suddenly, aptly expressing the desolate situation when the world was in turmoil, and human life was so cheap. The desolate scenes of galloping horses, thousands of armies facing each other, times like cities being destroyed and people dying, and prosperity turned into scorched earth are all expressed in the sound of the zither. Her extraordinary zither skills evoke the vision in Kou Zhong's mind, and the war is entangled with him like fate. The sound of the zither stopped. Kou Zhong stood beside the door. Shang Xiufang looked at him indifferently, not surprised by his appearance, and said indifferently: "Young commander, why don't you rest all night?" Kou Zhong took a deep breath, came to sit next to her, stared at her peerless beauty, and sighed: "This is exactly what I wanted to ask Xiufang, but Xiufang asked first." Shang Xiufang shifted her eyes to the jade hand still caressing the zither string, and said calmly: "Who can sleep peacefully tonight? Xianghua has already informed me of what happened just now, what is the young commander's plan now?" Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said, "What are your plans? If Jieli and Tuli don't accept my request, I have no choice but to stick to Longquan until I die in the city, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life." Shang Xiufang shook her head and said, "The young commander will never die in the city, because Jieli and Tuli are very sorry for you, and Jieli can't take the risk of confronting the young commander for the sake of the Sumo tribe who can no longer resist. , Xiufang just wanted to ask what are your plans after what happened in Longquan?" Kou Zhong secretly called his mother, his heart was bleeding, and he asked with difficulty, "What is Xiufang's plan?" Shang Xiufang turned away her pretty face and stared at him for a moment, then suddenly stretched out her long and slender hand, caressed his face and smiled, "Xiufang is going to wander in the prairie for a while, to experience the charming scenery beyond the Great Wall." Kou Zhong lost his voice: "What?" Shang Xiufang withdrew her slender hand that almost melted, and said softly, "What's the fuss? Since you refuse to accompany him, do you want him to wait all day for the news that the young marshal will kill or be killed? torture?" Kou Zhong was startled and said, "I..." Shang Xiufang stretched out her jade finger and pressed his lips. With a "hush", she shook her head and said, "Don't lie to others by saying something wrong with your heart. Xiufang is your confidant, so of course she understands what's on your mind. Not to mention Saying that the danger beyond the Great Wall is not suitable for traveling, Xiufang knew how to protect herself from harm since she was a child. Go obediently! Xiufang wants to think about things alone, doesn’t the young commander have a lot of things to do?” Even though Kou Zhong had thousands of words, he couldn't utter a single word. Kou Zhong boarded the southern city wall, surrounded by Ke Dazhi, Xu Ziling, Song Shidao and Zong Xianghua. As far as the eye can see, there are campfires everywhere on the Jingbo Plain outside the city, covering the end of the horizon. The flames are so bright that the stars and the moon in the sky are eclipsed. Zong Xianghua pointed to the camp to the west, and said, "That's Bodhisattva's Uighur Army, with a strength of five thousand men. Just south is the camp of the Turkic Wolf Army, and its strength is constantly increasing. Abaojia's Khitan Harriers camped in the east of the city. Only the routes going north to Xiaolongquan and Wolong Bieyuan have not been blocked and cut off." Da Zhi said: "This shows our respect for the young commander. What we have arrived at the moment is only the vanguard. The Great Khan and Tuli Khan will arrive before dawn." Xu Ziling said: "Shuwen brothers and Pingyaoshang were escorted by Dazhi's men to Xiaolongquan, so as to reunite with the Gunatai brothers and report the latest development to them. In addition, Ba Fenghan went to the Bodhisattva's camp in person. If Han Chao'an Hand over Da Zuorong to Bodhisattva as agreed with Gai Suwen, and bring him back." Kou Zhong felt gloomy because of Shang Xiufang's matter, and he said in despair, "Apart from waiting, what else can we do?" Da Zhi said, "How about two glasses of water and wine?" Kou Zhong frowned and said, "Did you find Meiyan?" Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said: "We searched for the location provided by Han Chao'an. We went to Loukong earlier, and there was only a note left by her, saying that we would not forget our great kindness and virtue." Song Shidao patted Kou Zhong on the shoulder and said, "Let's go rest and relax for a while!" Longquan City strictly enforced the curfew, and there were no other people except patrolmen at night. Xu Ziling brought Qianlimeng from the woods outside the city to Longquan City, reunited it with his master Kou Zhong, and let them roam Weique Street as if they were on the prairie, but they were only outside the wine shop where they stopped and talked hovering. Of course Kou Zhong knew that Dazhi had something to say, and sure enough, after drinking two glasses of wine, Dazhi first glanced at Song Shidao who was meditating in a corner, and then smiled wryly, "To be honest, my younger brother borrowed Lie Xia and The reason you approached was because of the secret order to ensure that the young marshal returned home safely, so I don’t need to tell you the reason, you two should know why.” Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling stared at each other in astonishment, and asked with eyebrows raised for a while, "Is it because Li Shimin defeated the coalition forces of you and Song Jingang that I hope I can go back alive to help Wang Shichong defend Luoyang? But why are you willing to say so?" Da Zhi sighed: "Because I made the fake come true in the end and regarded you as comrades in arms. Frankly speaking, you did help me a lot in worshiping Ziting, so no matter what, I will help you preserve Longquan." Kou Zhong said: "This is called a mistake, oh, forget it! Don't care about the past. You know Xieli's intentions far better than us, do you have any advice?" Da Zhi said solemnly: "There is only one piece of advice, that is, try to be friendly to us Da Khan, then everything can be discussed. Compared with Li Shimin, Longquan is just a trivial matter." Kou Zhong was silent for a while, then asked Xu Ziling for advice, "What do you think, Young Master Ling?" Xu Ziling shrugged and said, "Being kind to him doesn't mean you have to betray yourself. If you can save the Sumo tribe from a catastrophe, it will be a great merit. Didn't you say that politics doesn't care about intentions, only about consequences?" Da Zuozhi said happily: "You two understand the righteousness, this is easy to handle. The remaining problem is Da Zuorong, Da Khan will take him as a hostage according to the rules, you must be mentally prepared." Kou Zhong was stunned and said, "How did this happen? How can I explain to Zong Xianghua and other generals?" Da Zhi had a headache and said, "From my point of view, Da Khan is not willing to give in on this matter." Kou Zhong frowned deeply and said: "I have to think about it carefully." By the way, he told him Shang Xiufang's wish to travel around the world. After hearing this, Da Zhi's expression changed, "Isn't that wimpy Lie Xia as your companion?" Kou Zhong didn't think about this question, said: "No way?" Da Zhi stood up eagerly, and said, "I'll go and ask her myself." After saying that, he hurried away. Kou Zhong dejectedly poured wine for Xu Ziling, and said, "You know that Wang Shichong was born under the teaching of Daming Zun, he is the atom of the previous generation." Xu Ziling moved, "Where did you hear that?" Kou Zhong replied: "That boy Han Chao'an told me, and he heard it from Fu Nanda, at that time he would have betrayed his father in order to survive, so it must be nonsense to deceive me. Think about it It seemed to be true, but Feng Mingming was ordered by Rong Fengxiang to kill him, but he did not pursue Rong Fengxiang after the incident, but seemed to be more happy to cooperate, from this we can see that the relationship between the two is warm." After a pause, he continued: "Han Chao'an said that Wang Shichong was a spy sent by Daming Zun sect to infiltrate the Sui Dynasty, but later he had a better chance to become emperor, so he was no longer so obedient. This is indeed very similar to the situation of Wang Shichong, an old fox. There is another The thing is that the beauty of Qiuci is Linglongjiao, it is very likely that she is also a member of Daming Zunjiao, and was sent to Central Earth to help Wang Shichong." The horse hissed happily. The two listened to the sound and knew that it was Qianlimeng and Wanliban who saw Ba Fenghan's Taklimakan, so they had such a friendly reaction and went out the door with great joy. Song Shidao was at a critical juncture in his exercise, and he still sat with his eyes closed. Ba Fenghan helped another person to jump off the horse, the two of them took a closer look, it was Yin Xianhe who had disappeared, they thought he was seriously injured, they were shocked. Ba Fenghan laughed and said, "It's just that he was completely drunk, nothing happened, ha! Where did he find so much wine to drink? It's hard to understand." The two took Yin Xianhe, who smelled of alcohol, from Ba Fenghan's hands, and helped him into the shop in bewilderment. The latter's face was muddy and his clothes were torn, as if he had become another person. That cold and proud swordsman with a lone sword.Half-closed his eyes and couldn't help panting. They had thought that he would be like this, and they felt that something was unusual. Putting him in the chair, Yin Xianhe patted the table and said, "Here comes the wine! I want wine!" Ba Fenghan spread his hands and said: "When I met him on the road, he looked like this. Da Zuorong brought him back! The Bodhisattva will go to the city to join us after dealing with some matters, and then go to see Xieli and Tuli together with you." Kou Zhong let go of half of his thoughts on Da Zuorong, thinking that Han Chao'an was acquainted with each other and didn't play tricks on this matter, he said in surprise, "Aren't you going?" Ba Fenghan sat down and picked up the jug, took a big sip, and said, "I don't want to conflict with Tuli, it's better not to go." The two had nothing to say, because Ba Fenghan really had a reason to be angry with Tuli. Yin Xianhe patted the table again to ask for wine, Xu Ziling stretched out his hand and rubbed his vest, poured out his true energy, and said softly, "Brother Yin, what's on your mind? Why don't you tell me, maybe we can think of a solution for you." Yin Xianhe sat up straight with his slender body, stared straight ahead at Shan Shan, his eyes were empty, and said dreamily: "She's not my little sister! She's not my little sister!" Song Shidao over there opened his eyes and accompanied them to stare at him in confusion.
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