Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 540 Chapter Two: The Road to the Execution Ground

Xu Ziling sneaked to a warehouse near the pier and hid behind a pile of debris. There were dozens of various warehouses beside the pier, ranging from open bamboo sheds to large wooden warehouses in front of him.And the reason why he chose this sealed warehouse was because Magee's people were constantly picking up goods from the warehouse to the ship. There are frequent activities at the wharf, and nearly 300 porters are busy loading and unloading goods.While Zong Xianghua, Ma Ji and others were focusing on the three large cargo ships coming into the harbor, Xu Ziling could do whatever he wanted.

He watched the moment when one of the porters carrying a wooden box on their shoulders stepped out of the warehouse, and he sent out a ray of fingering wind, which shot at the porter's joints. The porter pointed at the front servant, and the heavy wooden box was thrown forward.Xu Ziling didn't panic, and sent out another punch, hitting the wooden box hard at the corner of the wooden box. The wooden box was immediately torn apart, and the goods inside were immediately exposed, which was a piece of sheepskin. Ma Ji, who was supervising by the side, could not tell that Jiu Xu Ziling was playing tricks in the dark, and thought it was the porter who had slipped. It just so happened that the wooden box was not well nailed and fastened, so he only knew how to pick up the sheepskin that fell on the ground.

Xu Ziling almost turned around to chase Yin Xianhe, but he had to suppress this thought, because no one knew when Ma Ji's boat would leave, so he had to deal with this matter alone. The facts in front of him tell him that no matter whether Ma Ji bought the sheepskins belonging to the eldest lady Zhai Jiao from Bai Ziting, or Bai Ziting gave them to him or entrusted him to transport them to other places for huge profits, all in all, the sheepskins are indeed bought by Bai Ziting. Ziting sent people to rob and return, so they don't have to guess about it anymore. This batch of sheepskins is a huge fortune, which can ruin Zhai Jiao's family and make Ma Ji rich.

Amid the "rumbling" sound of unloading the mast sails, three large ships slowly docked. Xu Ziling looked intently, although there was no flag on the boat, but judging by the way the boatman was dressed, he was definitely a Korean. Xu Ziling's heart moved, and he guessed that Maji's sheepskins were going to be sold to Korea. In a place as bitter and cold as Korea, high-quality sheepskins are indeed worth as much as gold. Thinking of this, Xu Ziling didn't hesitate anymore, backed away, slipped into the cold seawater where there was no one in the harbor, and swam from the bottom of the sea to Maggie's big ship.

There was a group of heavily armed knights at the gate of Suzaku, more than 20 Mohe warriors, everyone was calm and composed, and they must be one of the best fighters. Under Gong Qi's command, they stood tall and waited for Kou Zhong. Ke Subie leaned closer to Kou Zhong and said with a smile: "Young commander-in-chief, don't be offended, we servants can only follow orders, what the king means is that you want the young commander-in-chief to leave the city immediately." Kou Zhong didn't seem to hear anyone talking to him, he just looked at Gong Qi who was staring at him coldly from his horse's back, and said relaxedly: "How many days did General Gong spend here in the past year?"

Gong Qi's pupils shrank, his divine light shone brightly, he pressed the saber on his waist, and said in a deep voice: "Young Commander's words mean something, can you make it clearer." Kou Zhong came to his horse's head half a foot away and stopped proudly. He laughed calmly and said, "General Gong, please don't misunderstand, because I heard General Gong's Chinese with a Chinese accent of Northeast China, which reminded me of a very interesting story in Shanhaiguan. People, there is no other meaning than this." I thought that if Bai Ziting wanted to kill him outside the city, the effect would be to boost the morale of the army, and in the future storytelling about this period of history, what would it be like "worshiping Ziting and beheading Kou Zhong outside the Longquan Gate".Killing him to announce to this tribe and other Mohe tribes that this move is a dead end. He will not hesitate to fight to the last soldier, but also to resist the courage and determination of the Turkic people, so as to arouse the soldiers' will to die. And then born.If his unsparing spirit can infect the entire Mohe tribe, coupled with the myth of Wucaishi, Gai Suwen's amazing soldiers, maybe it can really create a miracle, making the Mohe tribe replace the Turks and become a new generation of grassland overlords.

Bai Ziting is familiar with the battles in China, and of course he will not forget the famous "breaking the boat" that has been passed down through the ages. After killing Kou Zhong, there is no room for change with the Turks. Kou Zhong's guess is not because he is in a dangerous situation and he is suspicious, but because the person escorting him out of the city is the king in front of him, who is obviously Gong Qi and secretly Cui Wang's murderer.And the subordinates behind him, if they are willing to take off their military uniforms, must be Huihe wolf robbers covered in tattoos.

On the land of Baiziting, Ke Subie and a random group of Mohe soldiers are more than enough to drive him out of Longquan, why use Gong Qi and his wolf bandits. Gong Qi listened quietly, his eyes sharpened, and he said in a cold voice: "No other meaning? It's not the first time for the young commander to come to the rivers and lakes, so he should know that his words should not be vague, and if it concerns the reputation of others, he should explain clearly. " Twenty-two of his subordinates held the handle of the knife at the same time, assuming that they disagreed with each other and immediately acted. The atmosphere became tense and full of gunpowder.

The guards guarding Suzaku's gate all looked towards them, and everyone's eyes were fierce, adding to the murderous look. The guest next to Kou Zhong said calmly: "General Gong, please calm down, according to the officials, it is just a misunderstanding. Dare to bother the young commander to say a few words to explain General Gong's doubts." Hearing this, Kou Zhong was even more certain of his guess, because of the status of Gong Qi and his subordinates as "Guests", Ke Subie could only use this attitude to persuade Gong Qi that he should not rush to kill Kou Zhong outside the city gate. Because that is Bai Ziting's order.

Killing Kou Zhong at the palace gate was only a personal grievance between Kou Zhong and Bai Ziting, and it was difficult for Bai Ziting to explain it to Shang Xiufang; killing Kou Zhong at the city gate was related to all the soldiers and civilians in Longquan, and the symbolic meaning was quite different. While Kou Zhong was thinking about why Bai Ziting didn't seem to pay attention to those bows and arrows, two guards led an empty horse and walked towards him. When the horse saw Kou Zhong, it immediately raised its head, neighed, and jumped its hooves. Joyfully, Kou Zhong sighed secretly, went over and hugged the horse's head that was hanging down to him.

Bai Ziting is so powerful, he controlled the whole situation with one hand without making a sound, Qian Limeng came back to him at this moment, just saying that Shu Wen and his brothers Shi Wei were all arrested and detained by him, of course Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan loves riding. Haha laughed and said: "Is there anything to explain, since General Ruogong is innocent, how could he care about my younger brother's association." After saying that, he jumped onto Qianlimeng's horse and stared at Gong Qi without blinking. Gong Qi's eyes flashed a strong murderous intent, and a trace of resentment and cruel smile appeared on his cold face, and he said: "So, please young commander to go on the road." Kou Zhong understood that his hatred came from a large number of brothers being killed by them in Shanhaiguan, he smiled dumbly, and rode out slowly out of Zhuque Gate. The scene that appeared in front of him shocked him as he was used to seeing big scenes. Pedestrians disappeared on the entire Suzaku Street, shops were closed, and soldiers lined up on both sides, forming two queues heading towards the southern city gate. Seeing Kou Zhong walk out of the Suzaku gate, they immediately shouted together: "Bohai will surely win, long live the king." The sound shakes the whole city and soars to the sky, and the timid will definitely fall off the horse in horror. Kou Zhong felt that he had become a prisoner who was sent to the execution ground to be beheaded. If he could not change this situation, he would only end up being executed outside the city gate. Gong Qi and a group of knights sandwiched him from left to right, and the sound of "hoof hooves" resounded on Suzaku Avenue. Ke Su, who was staying at the palace gate, raised his voice: "Young commander, take care, I'm sorry I won't send you off!" Kou Zhong secretly smiled wryly, how could he expect such a showdown with Bai Ziting?Not even a word with Luo Yi and others.If he can see them again, the first words must be that they will go so far away immediately. Gong Qi came to him and rode a slow car, with a serious expression and kept silent. Kou Zhong circulated his true energy and at the same time turned his mind, arousing his will to survive from death. Since Bai Ziting wanted to drive me to death, how could I, Kou Zhong, not reciprocate! Unknowingly, Xu Ziling popped his head out of the sea, slid up against the hull of the ship, made a somersault, and flipped through the cabin window. However, I would think it was my eyesight. Xu Ziling landed in the cabin that was most likely for Ma Ji's own use, glanced around, and immediately confirmed that what he expected was correct, and he was quite proud.Starting from the method of structural architecture, he found the cabin with the best view on the ship and the least affected by the wind and waves, and judged that it was Magee's room. This cabin should be the largest accommodation on the ship. The front hall and the back room are separated by bamboo curtains, and the carpet hangings are all extremely elegant and resplendent. It is the kind of vulgar luxury that Maggie likes, just like him The tent was moved here from the land, not to mention the large plate of Maggie's favorite fresh fruit on the carpet outside the hall. The beds were all smoked with spices, so thick that Xu Ziling almost wanted to hold his breath. Xu Ziling looked out through the curtain, and there was a row of three large iron boxes next to the small hall, all of which were locked. It is certain that there must be something very valuable inside, otherwise no one would want to put three such heavy iron boxes in a well-arranged room. The place. Xu Ziling walked out of the hall through the curtain, did not touch the three big iron boxes, and paid full attention to the movement near and far. This cabin is at the end of the stern on the top floor, so there are windows in both the room and the hall. He got in through the window facing the sea, and now he moved to the window on the other side to look out at the pier. Three Korean merchant ships were moored by the shore, facing Ma Ji's ship, Xu Ziling's heart moved, thinking that 80,000 sheepskins is not a small amount, and it is very difficult for Ma Ji's ship to carry 20,000 sheepskins, so it is very likely that they will be in Korea. After the merchant ships unloaded the goods, they immediately transported the 80,000 sheepskins back to Korea, or even the whole thing was a barter transaction. It must be time for unloading and loading, and the sea-going ships of Goryeo have to go through the journey and storms at sea. When it is time to replenish food, water and repairs, they will definitely not sail within today. Zong Xianghua, Ma Ji, and the Korean man who seemed to be the commander of the fleet talked in a low voice, and looked up at the sky from time to time. Due to the distance between them, even with Xu Ziling's ability, they couldn't overhear a word. Xu Ziling knew that they were all experts in observing the weather, and when he looked carefully, he found that the clouds in the sky were moving faster than before, and the white clouds were replaced by darker clouds, gradually covering the sun, which was the prelude to the coming storm. Xu Ziling was amused, everything has advantages and disadvantages, worshiping Ziting to choose the rainy season to establish a country is certainly beneficial to defending the city, but a sudden heavy rain at an inappropriate time will hinder his progress in preparing for the war. Sure enough, Maggie said to his subordinates: "It's raining! Stop moving the goods." Xu Ziling thought to himself that it was time to leave, and when he came back, there would be a violent and bloody scene, because if he wanted to get back the 80,000 sheepskins, this would be the only choice. "boom"! In the distant sky, lightning split the sky first, and then thunder shook the ears. Suddenly, the sky over there turned into a turbulent black cloud belt, covering it here. The situation on the wharf was chaotic immediately. The porters hurriedly moved the undelivered goods back to the warehouse under the orders of Maji's men. Zong Xianghua and Maji hurriedly boarded one of the Korean merchant ships with the Korean. Xu Ziling left quickly. Kou Zhong was adjusting his breathing, while thinking about who would be waiting for him outside the city gate?Will it be worshiping Ziting himself and the "Crazy Monk of Tianzhu" Fu Nanda. Bai Ziting is extremely scheming, he must have known from Hu Yanjin that Kou Zhong loves horses like his life, so especially in this situation, Qian Limeng was handed back to him, so that it would be difficult for him to abandon his beloved horse and escape into the house by himself, if so In the end, even if Bai Ziting can find him and kill him, it will take a lot of manpower and time, and lose the shocking effect of vigor and excitement. So if he wants to leave with Qianlimeng, he can only make plans after leaving the door. Kou Zhong felt that Qianlimeng's flesh and blood were closely connected with him, and he wanted him to abandon his horse, which was selflessly loyal to him, and put it in danger of being killed to vent his anger. Even if he could escape from death, he would not do so. Do. To die is to die together. The South City Gate appeared ahead. Gong Qimu rode slowly beside him with no expression, the Mohe soldiers on both sides stopped shouting and shouting, everyone's eyes showed determination and fanaticism, Kou Zhong had no doubt that they were willing to sacrifice their lives for Bai Ziting. Kou Zhong's heart gradually calmed down, he put aside life and death, and entered the realm of Jing Zhongyue.Suddenly felt Gong Qi's body twist uncomfortably, while looking at the sky. Kou Zhong hurriedly looked up, laughed and said: "Your Majesty is right, April is indeed the rainy season in Longquan." It was getting dark quickly. Gong Qi looked at him, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and then turned left and right to see his situation, obviously he was hesitating whether to kill him in the city instead. If Kou Zhong is allowed to go out of the city, and there is another storm like yesterday, Kou Zhong might be able to break out of the encirclement. Kou Zhong complained that something was wrong, if Gong Qi was allowed to issue the order to close the city gate in time, he would surely die.He hurriedly said: "Brother Gong, isn't he from Huihe? Why did he do things for Bai Ziting, and pretended to be Cui Wang to help him rob his house and take human life carelessly?" He didn't want to offend the other party, but just wanted to distract him, making him temporarily forget to issue the order to close the city gate before making a decision. The towers on both sides of the city gate were densely packed with archers defending the city, and the gate was heavily guarded. Under normal circumstances, even a master of Kou Zhong's level would have difficulty breaking through the gate, but if there was a torrential rain, Kou Zhong The chances of escape will be greatly increased. Gong Qi was really disturbed by him, and said angrily: "If the young commander can't come up with real evidence..." Kou Zhong cut him off and said: "Ha! Saying this means that your elder brother has a guilty conscience, otherwise he will directly accuse me of talking nonsense, or he can't understand what my brother is saying. Ha! It's just because you are guessing in your heart why should I look at you?" It is Cui Wang who wears you, so it is his grandma who blurts out whether it is true or not, ridiculous, ridiculous!" He kept talking, just to keep Gong Qi from distracting his thoughts. All of his subordinates looked fierce, but because Gong Qi didn't give any instructions, they still stood still. In terms of intelligence, Gong Qi and Kou Zhong are really far apart, Kou Zhong is like a roundworm in his belly, every word he speaks is aimed at his inner thoughts, making him feel as uncomfortable as if he is naked in front of others!For a moment, he forgot that the storm was coming, and said coldly: "When death is imminent, you still have to talk, you..." Arriving outside the south gate at this time, as long as you pass through the doorway of about three feet, you will be in the world outside the city. A group of city guards who were originally lined up at the city gate retreated to the sides to make way. Kou Zhongxin said "death is imminent", and the son finally leaked the secret.Seeing that the success was imminent, the other party had time to think, interrupted him again and said nonsense: "Is there any part for Hu Yanjin who is waiting for me outside? It is rare that your king is willing to give this convenience to my younger brother, so my younger brother simply cut off his stinky head." It is." Gong Qi was stunned again, until now he knew that Kou Zhong would kill him outside the city. Suddenly the male body trembled, looked up to the sky, and shouted: "Retreat!" When he uttered the order that could decide Kou Zhong's life and death, a flash of lightning pierced the dark clouded sky, and the deafening sound of thunder exploded, completely covering Gong Qi's shouts, and only Kou Zhong heard his words. "Clatter!" The strong wind blows, the heavy rain falls, the thunder and lightning alternate, the sky is dark and the sky is dark, the oncoming force is stronger than the thunderstorm yesterday. Kou Zhong thought to himself that success or failure depends on this moment.Taking advantage of the chaos, he stretched out his legs left and right, firmly supporting Gong Qi and his horse's belly, and at the same time injected his true energy into Qianlimeng's body, and performed the "human and horse as one" technique, rushing towards the gate of the city, shouting : "It's raining! Get out of the rain!" Gong Qi on the left, and wolf thief on the right, both men and horses fell to the outside, coupled with the thunderstorm and strong wind, the entire regiment escorting Kou Zhong immediately went into chaos, no one knew what was going on. Gong Qi jumped up before the horse fell to the ground, and shouted: "Stop him!" Unfortunately, another thunderclap drowned out his call. Kou Zhong rode his horse and charged into the city gate. The electric light flashed sharply, lighting up everyone's eyes as if they were blind, and they couldn't see anything anymore.
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