Home Categories martial arts novel The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 443 Chapter 9 A Promise of Gold

At the beginning, only the Niwan could not stop beating, followed by the Tianling point on the top of the head and the left and right Yongquan points on the feet. The two felt itchy all over their bodies and numb in their limbs. The feeling was indescribably uncomfortable. Fortunately, they were hiding in the snow, and the cold snow relieved their pain, otherwise it would be strange if they didn't stop immediately and separate. At this time, of course, it is even more impossible to break through the snow, so I have to bear the pain and stick to it. The zhenqi in the body is continuous, going back and forth endlessly, Er Er's whole body's acupoints are beating together, the two of them are blessed to the soul, let the yin and yang vitality go up and down, the innate zhenqi penetrates the top and penetrates the feet, keeping the mind as calm as dead ashes, without any hindrance.

The most wonderful thing is that the two of them were buried in the snow earlier, and their true energy was almost exhausted. Now, after such actions, it will be like spring returning to the earth after the severe winter, the dried up stream reflowing into the river, and the withered grass Shu Xinxin came back to life. Combining the essence was a long process. Before they were in the snow forest, they just stumbled and stumbled to stabilize the released essence. Only now did they really incorporate the essence into the big and small acupoints for their own use. Have. What's even better is that the snow surrounding the body forms a sealed snow bag, which keeps the vitality in place and will not leak out, so that the two benefit more.

Kou Zhong's true energy is getting colder and colder, while Xu Ziling's true energy is getting hotter and hotter, one yin and one yang, chaotic and chaotic, the two listen to it naturally, let it flow, don't be anxious or confused, don't help and don't forget, in order to live forever The practice method learned from the tactic, there is nothing empty, there is nothing quiet, the air is one, trance, as if returning to the realm of Taixu before the beginning of Pangu.Shenhe Taoist "the fire is burning in the furnace, the white tiger is in the spirit, the water is melting in the tripod, and the green dragon is swimming in the abyss".The wind and fire are in the same furnace, and the water is warm and glowing.

The heavy snow kept falling until it covered the two people's heads, and the external breathing automatically turned back to the internal breathing. Not only did it not appear to be depleting the real energy, but the real energy in the body circulated more abundantly.Suddenly visions appeared and demonic appearances appeared. The two of them were so resolute, they ignored the same, guarded the spiritual altar, and continued to march towards the pinnacle of martial arts.After an unknown amount of time, the two of them "woke up" suddenly, all the orifices in the body were breathing together, but the meridians were swollen with pain, the two of them naturally broke through the snow, bounced to the ground, and fell heavily again.

"Peng!" The two people's true qi collided fiercely with each other, and they were thrown outwards in opposite directions, rolling up snow powder all over the sky, which was a spectacle.Only then did they realize that there might be an enemy watching them, they jumped up in shock, the swelling and pain in their meridians disappeared without a trace, and their whole body felt comfortable and indescribably comfortable. The heavy snow stopped, and the sky above the snow field was gray and hazy.The rain people gathered together again, looking at the far and near, the snow field is desolate, the mountains and forests are empty and silent, and the shadow of the enemy enemy eagle comes.Kou Zhong said in amazement, "Why is it still daytime?"

Xu Ziling understood what he meant, because the two had been practicing in Xuenei for quite a long time, even if it wasn't late at night, it should be dusk. Although the sun could not be seen at this time, it still felt that the sun was in the middle of the sky behind the dark clouds. is unreasonable. Frowning for a moment, he asked, "How does your stomach feel?" Kou Zhong rubbed his stomach subconsciously and said, "I was full of anger, but now that I mention it like this, I immediately become very hungry, and I just want to have a big meal." Then he was taken aback, and lost his voice: "You mean we spent a day and a night in the snow, and now it's noon the next day?"

Xu Ziling said: "We wait for three or four days without eating a grain of rice, and we won't be so hungry as now. On the third day of the third day, we all ate our stomachs full of fat. We fled Chang'an in the early morning of the fourth day, and came back at sunrise on the fifth day. So far, today might be the seventh or eighth day of the lunar new year, do you think this inference makes sense?" Kou Zhong was stunned and said: "If this is the case, then something wonderful must have happened to my two brothers. Do you have the feeling that you have improved your skills over the past few years?"

Xu Ziling unfolded the technique of internal vision, and said, "That's not the case in the world. But the things from the evil emperor's relics have indeed brought us to a higher level, and we have made great breakthroughs, and the circulation of true energy in the body is very different. In the past, but it is by no means a sudden increase in skill over the years." "Clang"! Kou Zhong pulled out Jing Zhongyue, and slashed three times with unparalleled speed, each knife has the same strength, but the speed is faster than the other, making it very handy and enjoyable.

Xu Ziling was dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief, "What's going on?" Kou Zhong stood with his saber horizontally, laughed and said, "Isn't this a great improvement in skill?" Xu Ziling shook his head and said: "I don't mean that your skills have increased dramatically, but that your attitude of lifting the sword with ease and understatement is completely different from your fierce and fierce swordsmanship before. " Kou Zhong said in astonishment: "You're right, in fact I don't feel any improvement in my skills, but the movement of true qi in my body is indeed free to retract and release, as I like. Come on! Let's take a look at two tricks and see what you're up to "The way of existence and non-existence", what kind of powerful kung fu is it?"

Before the words were finished, Xu Ziling, who was full of childlike innocence, flashed to his right side like a ghost, imitating Shi Zhixuan's phantom magic body technique, elbowed Kou Zhong and bumped him, but the real killer was the kick below. Kou Zhong flew horizontally, slashed with his knife, and laughed loudly: "Do you want me to fall for your tricks?" Xu Ziling stretched out his thumb, and hit Kou Zhong's saber's edge, their vigor collided, the two of them couldn't continue, they staggered in opposite directions. Xu Ziling was surprised: "How do you know I'm going to kick?"

Kou Zhong stopped in astonishment, scratched his head and said, "You're right, it was purely out of an inexplicable intuition, my mother, our breakthrough this time must be very important, I've always wanted to find a demon girl or Dazhi to try Knife." Xu Ziling shouted: "Look at the fist!" One punch out. Kou Zhong saw that he didn't have the slightest energy in this punch, he laughed and scolded: "Do you want to use the vase energy of Laoshizi to plot against Lao Tzu? Ha! Huh!" The fist strength is no longer a highly concentrated group, but is pressed straight down like a wall. Kou Zhong felt unstoppable, because he didn't know where to strike, so he had to dodge to avoid it. Xu Ziling closed his fists and said with a smile: "This is Baoqiang Qi, a variant of Aquarius Qi. It was secretly taught by Shi Laoxuan personally on the spot. Changqi laid the foundation for us, Heshibi transformed our meridians, and the evil emperor's relics greatly improved us. The effectiveness of the acupuncture points, so we can reach this kind of realm where we can play the true energy to a godlike level." Kou Zhong put the scabbard back in, stretched his muscles and bones and said: "In a word, it cleans the tendons, cleans the marrow and regenerates the bones, which will greatly help us escape back to Pengliang." Xu Ziling pondered: "If we really spend two or three days in the snow, the enemy will definitely lose our position and think that we have gone to Tongguan, so we will follow the original plan and go to the Yellow River to see if it is cheaper. Sit on the boat!" Kou Zhong laughed and said, "Cheap boats are by no means cheap, I don't know how hard it is to ride." "Clang"! He pulled out Jing Zhongyue again, and said, "My hand is itching like hell, how about doing it while beating?" Xu Ziling drifted back and laughed loudly: "Just let the horse come over, are you afraid of you?" Kou Zhongren followed the knife and turned into Huang Hong, chasing and killing Xu Ziling. The two chased after each other, fighting on the snow field without any scruples. They have similar skills, but each has developed a completely different style of martial arts according to their own personality preferences and circumstances, and they are both talented martial arts. Practicing freely in this way, without worrying about mistakes and flaws, is naturally splendid, and the two sides are of great benefit. The experience of these days is integrated, and the most important thing is to deeply understand the ability and state level that is currently attained. This is the biggest advantage that the two can make breakthroughs repeatedly. If Ning Daoqi, Shi Zhixuan, and Zhu Yuyan were the generation who were superior to others, they could find opponents there, so they could only think and explore alone, without the convenience of the two of them, who are blessed with each other's research. They lost themselves as if they were buried in the snow just now and practiced kung fu, and the more they fought, the more exhilarating they were. "Yi", "Zhan Ding", "Speed ​​War", and "Fang Yuan" are used repeatedly. Every time they perform a new one, they have new understanding and different changes. Ever since he realized the eight dharmas due to "Heavenly Sword" Song Que, until now, he has matured and formed. Xu Ziling successfully integrated the "Nine-Character Mantra Sealing Method" into his hands and feet without any trace. The difference in personality between the two can be judged only from this style. Kou Zhong's sword technique is full of worldly taste, just like two armies confronting each other, they pay attention to the tactics of formation and strategy, showing their sharpness. Xu Ziling is full of the Zen flavor of Buddhism and Taoism. If there is nothing, there is clumsiness in the ingenuity, and the truth in the plain. Excited, the two still remembered that they were going to the Yellow River, so they just stopped and stopped until the sun came to Dongshan again, and they stopped with all their strength. The two fell down and sat on the snow, feeling unprecedentedly happy. Kou Zhong laughed and said, "If one day my two brothers are going to have a life-and-death battle, how about young master Ling guessing the outcome?" Xu Ziling gasped and said, "Nonsense again, but it's interesting to guess, what do you think?" Kou Zhong smiled and said: "It must be a situation where both sides suffer. Could there be another result?" Xu Ziling shook his head and said, "I should have been defeated and died." Kou Zhong was surprised and said: "How could you have such an unexpected idea, I really don't have the slightest assurance and confidence to defeat you." Xu Ziling analyzed: "If we really want to fight a life-and-death battle, then of course we have turned against each other. Don't forget that you have a young commander, and you have a lot of masters. No matter how I mess around, I will be alone. I will go to you for a decisive battle. If you die, what will it be?" Kou Zhongsu said: "Let's not say that this situation will never happen, even if it does happen, you want to kill me, it's just a matter between us brothers, it has nothing to do with other people. Ha! The more you talk about it, the farther it is!" Suddenly there was a wolf howling in the distance. The two jumped up and followed the sound, and after a while they arrived at a small hill. The sight they saw made them unbearable to watch. A wild deer was besieged by five or six hungry wolves, and the throat was bitten by the strongest of them, while the other wolves devoured its limbs, but it still couldn't hold on, exerting all its strength. Kou Zhong found Jing Zhongyue on his back, and was about to go downhill to slaughter the wolf, he was pulled by Xu Ziling and said: "It's finished, saving it just makes it suffer more." Kou Zhong turned his face away, sighed bitterly and was speechless. The wild deer finally fell down, and the sound of the wolf's teeth grinding and biting was unbearable to hear. The two retreated to a distance and sat down slumped. The cold wind blows. Kou Zhong expressed his feelings: "The beasts in nature are like that. They all struggle for survival. The deer eat grass, and the wolf eats it. It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong, so I have to blame God's arrangement. But look at It was very uncomfortable in the eyes." Xu Ziling said: "This is called the law of the jungle. It's not like this in the world. It's just that the forms are more ever-changing, the reasons for the actions are more complex, and the scale is much larger. Like Bai Qi and Xiang Yu in ancient times, they frequently buried whole batches of surrendered troops alive. Isn't it more cruel?" Kou Zhong shook his head and said, "I will never do such a thing." Xu Ziling said: "I know you won't be so cruel, but I want to ask you a question." Kou Zhongqi asked: "Some question?" Xu Ziling said: "When we saw a deer being killed by wolves, we felt sad and unbearable, but why were we completely indifferent to the death of an ant? Both of them lost their lives and died tragically. There is no difference in essence. place." Kou Zhong scratched his head and said, "Well... Hey! Ants are different from deer, deer died too badly! They were eaten alive like this." Xu Ziling sighed: "The difference lies in this feeling of substitution. The deer is closer and similar to us than the tiny ants. We know and understand it much more than ants. Seeing it biting the throat, we will push Thinking of the tragedy of our own throat being eaten, this kind of empathy is the source of compassion. If it is our own kind who are eaten alive by wolves, the feeling will be even more profound, because we can fully replace it, even from the victim’s The expression judged the pain and fear before his death." Kou Zhong took a breath and said, "Stop talking! It's really scary." Xu Ziling said: "I just want to remind you that war is the most terrible thing in the world. Not only is there no compassion, but it is also unreasonable. Father, son and brother can kill each other." Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said, "I, Kou Zhong, did not invent this. Since the beginning of history, wars have never stopped. Try telling Jie Li what he said, and see how he reacts?" Xu Ziling said: "I'm not blaming you, but I just hope that you will keep in mind the insidious heart that was born just now, and act in a proper way in the future." Kou Zhong nodded and said decisively: "Thank you, brother, for your suggestion. I, Kou Zhong, will definitely keep it in mind and will not disappoint you." It was getting dark. Kou Zhong stood up and said: "We have wasted a lot of time, we have to hurry to meet Zhan Dao and others." The two packed up their feelings and rushed towards the Yellow River at full speed. Under the new moon, the big river was rushing and heading east. There were no boats or people on both sides of the river, which was tens of feet wide, and the snow was vast. The two of them lay in the shadows of a rocky beach, both deeply puzzled. Kou Zhong said: "We waited for more than half an hour, but we didn't see half a cheap boat. Does it mean that the boats don't travel at night anymore?" Xu Ziling said: "This happens only when the river is closed." Kou Zhong was stunned and said, "Is this making a big deal out of a molehill, actually cutting off the shipping of the big river for us two boys, how much is the loss in one day?" Xu Ziling couldn't answer his question, and said, "Do you have any other explanation?" Kou Zhong stared at the direction where the river was coming, shook his head and said, "No. But he was wondering if Li Yuanji has the power. The most convenient way to get out of the customs is of course the waterway, but it can also climb mountains and mountains, so even if Li Yuanji Yuan Ji dared to seal the river, but he is still not sure to drive us away, so he must not be so ignorant." Xu Ziling was shocked and said: "You are right, Li Yuanji will never and has no right to do this, there must be a reason that we cannot guess." Kou Zhong said in a low voice: "If today was the seventh day of the lunar new year, Yang Wengan's plot to restore the government would have come to fruition long ago. Would Li Yuan and Li Xiaozi really be slaughtered?" Xu Ziling said unhappily: "If Yang Wenqian won the victory, the river should be full of fleeing boats and people, so on the contrary, the fact that there are no boats on the river now shows that the Li Clan regime is stable." Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said: "Yang Wengan is definitely not Li's opponent. Shi Zhixuan has no time to take care of other matters. If he can't kill Zhou Laotan, he will hide a hundred miles away so as not to cause trouble for others. My mother! This What the hell is going on?" Xu Ziling said: "I hope that the Li Clan just forbids night sailing, so we can take a cheap boat tomorrow." Kou Zhong clasped his head and said: "I hope to give you the prediction, to climb mountains and ridges for a few days and nights to get out of the customs, is committing the big taboo of military strategists Lao Shuai and traveling far." Xu Ziling was startled and said, "There's a boat coming!" Kou Zhong looked west, gasped and said, "Mother! There are still so many boats." More than a dozen three-masted giant ships sailed downstream from Chang'an. Xu Ziling stared blankly, gasped and said, "Look more clearly, they are all warships of the Tang Dynasty." Kou Zhong's scalp was numb: "Didn't you send a large army to encircle us?" A total of 17 huge ships passed before their eyes, all black lights and black flames, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, no soldiers were seen on the deck, and no one inspected the two sides of the strait, piles of piles piled up on the deck Object, covered with tarpaulin. Until the giant ship went far away, Kou Zhong looked extremely solemn, and said in a deep voice: "What do you see, Young Master Ling?" Xu Ziling said: "The Li faction has taken care of Yang Wengan, maybe Li Shimin will become the crown prince." Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said: "This is what heroes see and agree with. These warships have a very deep draft, and they must be loaded with food and luggage. Alas! Li Xiaozi's move is really brilliant. He used us as a cover-up. The truth is that he is going to Attack Luoyang." Xu Ziling nodded in agreement. You must know that Li Shimin has always been determined to attack Luoyang as the foundation for his eastward advance. However, due to the power struggle within the Li Clan, Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji, etc. feared that his power would increase greatly after he left the customs, he would not be controlled, and he would even become emperor on his own, so they have been doing their best to prevent him from attacking Luoyang. He marched east. After the failure of Yang Wenqian's restoration, Jiancheng and Yuanji must be implicated, and Li Shimin's power is restored. As long as Li Yuan nods, no one can stop him from planning his long-term eastward plan. The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first.Li Shimin then used the pretext of chasing the two men and prohibiting night flights, but in fact he secretly transported grain, grass and siege equipment out of Guanzhong to deploy an attack on Luoyang. If Luoyang falls, even if Kou Zhong takes the entire Yang Gong's treasure house back to Peng Liang, it will be superfluous, let alone Li Shimin believes that Kou Zhong did not get Yang Gong's treasure house. Li Shimin ordered Li Shiji to return to the outside of the pass, insisting on intercepting Kou Zhong's Yunbao team, but he saw the situation clearly, and as soon as the internal troubles were wiped out, he immediately took advantage of the opportunity to attack Luoyang.Li Shimin is the only one in the world with such a bold mind.Jian Jiancheng and Yuanji must have lost their power. Li Shimin's world is in the pass, and if someone comes to deal with them, it will be Li Shimin's. Kou Zhong thought for a while, then sighed: "After leaving the customs, we will part ways!" Xu Ziling nodded and said: "I will join Zhan Dao and the others and send the treasure back to Pengliang for you. You also have to be careful, trading with Wang Shichong is like seeking skin from a tiger." Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said: "This is a mistake. Li Xiaozi is indeed Kou Zhong's most feared enemy. After sending the treasure back to Pengliang, can Young Master Ling come to Luoyang to see the younger brother? Maybe It's the last trip." The most powerful thing about Li Shimin is that Kou Zhong is not given any time and opportunity to establish and develop the Young Marshal Army. Xu Ziling nodded in agreement, and asked Zhui: "What do you want me to say to Xingzhi, Changlin and the others?" Kou Zhong stood up suddenly, and said decisively: "Tell them, if I, Kou Zhong, unfortunately die in Luoyang, they must disband the Young Commander immediately, and if they don't want to surrender to Li Xiaozi, they can avoid to Lingnan, Song Que will definitely see it for my sake Come up, and shelter them." The rolling river continued to flow eastward, representing the prestige of the Li family army, and it was sweeping eastward.
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